mbed-os / storage / kvstore / filesystemstore / include / filesystemstore / FileSystemStore.h
/* mbed Microcontroller Library
 * Copyright (c) 2018 ARM Limited
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#include "kvstore/KVStore.h"
#include "filesystem/FileSystem.h"

namespace mbed {

 * \addtogroup kvstore
 * @{

/** FileSystemStore is a lightweight implementation of the KVStore interface over file systems.
 * FileSystemStore implements the get/set interface using files, where a single file represents each key.
 * A key is represented by the file name, and its value is stored as file data. Therefore, FileSystemStore
 * imitates the get/set actions using simple file operations. Set is achieved using open-write-close, get
 * using open-read-close and so on.
 * All files are concentrated under a single directory, whose name is hard coded. So actions such as "reset"
 * are mapped to the deletion of all files under this directory, and iteration actions use file system APIs to
 * traverse the directory.
class FileSystemStore : public KVStore {

    /** Create FileSystemStore - A Key Value API on top of FS
     *  @param fs File system (FAT/LITTLE) on top of which FileSystemStore is adding KV API
    FileSystemStore(FileSystem *fs);

    /** Destroy FileSystemStore instance
    virtual ~FileSystemStore() {}

      * @brief Initialize FileSystemStore, checking validity of
      *        KVStore writing folder and if it doesn't exist, creating it.
      * @returns MBED_SUCCESS                        Success.
      *          MBED_ERROR_FAILED_OPERATION         Underlying file system failed operation.
    virtual int init();

      * @brief Deinitialize FileSystemStore, release and free resources.
      * @returns MBED_SUCCESS                        Success.
    virtual int deinit();

     * @brief Reset FileSystemStore contents (clear all keys)
     * @returns MBED_SUCCESS                        Success.
     *          MBED_ERROR_NOT_READY                Not initialized.
     *          MBED_ERROR_FAILED_OPERATION         Underlying file system failed operation.
    virtual int reset();

     * @brief Set one FileSystemStore item, given key and value.
     * @param[in]  key                  Key - must not include '*' '/' '?' ':' ';' '\' '"' '|' ' ' '<' '>' '\'.
     * @param[in]  buffer               Value data buffer.
     * @param[in]  size                 Value data size.
     * @param[in]  create_flags         Flag mask.
     * @returns MBED_SUCCESS                        Success.
     *          MBED_ERROR_NOT_READY                Not initialized.
     *          MBED_ERROR_FAILED_OPERATION         Underlying file system failed operation.
     *          MBED_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT         Invalid argument given in function arguments.
     *          MBED_ERROR_INVALID_SIZE             Invalid size given in function arguments.
     *          MBED_ERROR_WRITE_PROTECTED          Already stored with "write once" flag.
    virtual int set(const char *key, const void *buffer, size_t size, uint32_t create_flags);

      * @brief Get one FileSystemStore item by given key.
      * @param[in]  key                  Key - must not include '*' '/' '?' ':' ';' '\' '"' '|' ' ' '<' '>' '\'.
      * @param[in]  buffer               Value data buffer.
      * @param[in]  buffer_size          Value data buffer size.
      * @param[out] actual_size          Actual read size.
      * @param[in]  offset               Offset to read from in data.
      * @returns MBED_SUCCESS                        Success.
      *          MBED_ERROR_NOT_READY                Not initialized.
      *          MBED_ERROR_FAILED_OPERATION         Underlying file system failed operation.
      *          MBED_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT         Invalid argument given in function arguments.
      *          MBED_ERROR_INVALID_SIZE             Invalid size given in function arguments.
      *          MBED_ERROR_INVALID_DATA_DETECTED    Data is corrupted.
      *          MBED_ERROR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND           No such key.
    virtual int get(const char *key, void *buffer, size_t buffer_size, size_t *actual_size = NULL, size_t offset = 0);

     * @brief Get information of a given key. The returned info contains size and flags
     * @param[in]  key                  Key - must not include '*' '/' '?' ':' ';' '\' '"' '|' ' ' '<' '>' '\'.
     * @param[out] info                 Returned information structure.
      * @returns MBED_SUCCESS                        Success.
      *          MBED_ERROR_NOT_READY                Not initialized.
      *          MBED_ERROR_FAILED_OPERATION         Underlying file system failed operation.
      *          MBED_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT         Invalid argument given in function arguments.
      *          MBED_ERROR_INVALID_SIZE             Invalid size given in function arguments.
      *          MBED_ERROR_INVALID_DATA_DETECTED    Data is corrupted.
      *          MBED_ERROR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND           No such key.
    virtual int get_info(const char *key, info_t *info);

     * @brief Remove a FileSystemStore item by given key.
     * @param[in]  key                  Key - must not include '*' '/' '?' ':' ';' '\' '"' '|' ' ' '<' '>' '\'.
     * @returns MBED_SUCCESS                        Success.
     *          MBED_ERROR_NOT_READY                Not initialized.
     *          MBED_ERROR_FAILED_OPERATION         Underlying file system failed operation.
     *          MBED_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT         Invalid argument given in function arguments.
     *          MBED_ERROR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND           No such key.
     *          MBED_ERROR_WRITE_PROTECTED          Already stored with "write once" flag.
    virtual int remove(const char *key);

     * @brief Start an incremental FileSystemStore set sequence. This operation is blocking other operations.
     *        Any get/set/remove/iterator operation will be blocked until set_finalize is called.
     * @param[out] handle               Returned incremental set handle.
     * @param[in]  key                  Key - must not include '*' '/' '?' ':' ';' '\' '"' '|' ' ' '<' '>' '\'.
     * @param[in]  final_data_size      Final value data size.
     * @param[in]  create_flags         Flag mask.
     * @returns MBED_SUCCESS                        Success.
     *          MBED_ERROR_NOT_READY                Not initialized.
     *          MBED_ERROR_FAILED_OPERATION         Underlying file system failed operation.
     *          MBED_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT         Invalid argument given in function arguments.
     *          MBED_ERROR_INVALID_SIZE             Invalid size given in function arguments.
     *          MBED_ERROR_WRITE_PROTECTED          Already stored with "write once" flag.
    virtual int set_start(set_handle_t *handle, const char *key, size_t final_data_size, uint32_t create_flags);

     * @brief Add data to incremental FileSystemStore set sequence. This operation is blocking other operations.
     *        Any get/set/remove operation will be blocked until set_finalize is called.
     * @param[in]  handle               Incremental set handle.
     * @param[in]  value_data           Value data to add.
     * @param[in]  data_size            Value data size.
     * @returns MBED_SUCCESS                        Success.
     *          MBED_ERROR_NOT_READY                Not initialized.
     *          MBED_ERROR_FAILED_OPERATION         Underlying file system failed operation.
     *          MBED_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT         Invalid argument given in function arguments.
     *          MBED_ERROR_INVALID_SIZE             Invalid size given in function arguments.
     *          MBED_ERROR_WRITE_PROTECTED          Already stored with "write once" flag.
    virtual int set_add_data(set_handle_t handle, const void *value_data, size_t data_size);

     * @brief Finalize an incremental FileSystemStore set sequence.
     * @param[in]  handle               Incremental set handle.
     * @returns MBED_SUCCESS                        Success.
     *          MBED_ERROR_NOT_READY                Not initialized.
     *          MBED_ERROR_FAILED_OPERATION         Underlying file system failed operation.
     *          MBED_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT         Invalid argument given in function arguments.
    virtual int set_finalize(set_handle_t handle);

     * @brief Start an iteration over FileSystemStore keys.
     *        There are no issues with any other operations while iterator is open.
     * @param[out] it                   Returned iterator handle.
     * @param[in]  prefix               Key prefix (null for all keys).
     * @returns MBED_SUCCESS                        Success.
     *          MBED_ERROR_NOT_READY                Not initialized.
     *          MBED_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT         Invalid argument given in function arguments.
    virtual int iterator_open(iterator_t *it, const char *prefix = NULL);

     * @brief Get next key in iteration.
     *        There are no issues with any other operations while iterator is open.
     * @param[in]  it                   Iterator handle.
     * @param[in]  key                  Buffer for returned key.
     * @param[in]  key_size             Key buffer size.
     * @returns MBED_SUCCESS                        Success.
     *          MBED_ERROR_NOT_READY                Not initialized.
     *          MBED_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT         Invalid argument given in function arguments.
     *          MBED_ERROR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND           No more keys found.
    virtual int iterator_next(iterator_t it, char *key, size_t key_size);

     * @brief Close iteration.
     * @param[in]  it                   Iterator handle.
     * @returns MBED_SUCCESS                        Success.
     *          MBED_ERROR_NOT_READY                Not initialized.
     *          MBED_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT         Invalid argument given in function arguments.
    virtual int iterator_close(iterator_t it);

#if !defined(DOXYGEN_ONLY)

    // Key metadata
    typedef struct {
        uint32_t magic;
        uint16_t metadata_size;
        uint16_t revision;
        uint32_t user_flags;
    } key_metadata_t;

     * @brief Build Full name class member from Key, as a combination of FSST folder and key name
     * @param[in]  key_src              key file name
     * @returns 0 on success or a negative error code on failure
    int _build_full_path_key(const char *key_src);

     * @brief Verify Key file metadata validity and open it if valid
     * @param[in]  key                  In validated key file name.
     * @param[in]  key_metadata         Returned key file metadata.
     * @param[in]  kv_file              Opened KV file handle (unless file doesn't exist)
     * @returns 0 on success or a negative error code on failure
    int _verify_key_file(const char *key, key_metadata_t *key_metadata, File *kv_file);

    FileSystem *_fs;
    rtos::Mutex _mutex;
    rtos::Mutex _inc_data_add_mutex;

    bool _is_initialized;
    char *_cfg_fs_path; /* FileSystemStore path name on FileSystem */
    size_t _cfg_fs_path_size; /* Size of configured FileSystemStore path name on FileSystem */
    char *_full_path_key; /* Full name of Key file currently working on */
    size_t _cur_inc_data_size; /* Amount of data added to Key file so far, during incremental add data */
    set_handle_t _cur_inc_set_handle; /* handle of currently key file under incremental set process */

/// @}

} //namespace mbed