mbed-os / storage / blockdevice / COMPONENT_QSPIF / source / QSPIFBlockDevice.cpp
/* mbed Microcontroller Library
 * Copyright (c) 2018 ARM Limited
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#include "blockdevice/internal/SFDP.h"
#include "platform/Callback.h"
#include "QSPIFBlockDevice.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "rtos/ThisThread.h"


#include "mbed_trace.h"

using namespace std::chrono;
using namespace mbed;

/* Default QSPIF Parameters */
#define QSPIF_DEFAULT_SE_SIZE    4096
// The SFDP spec only defines two status registers. But some devices,
// have three "status-like" registers (one status, two config)
#ifndef UINT64_MAX
#define UINT64_MAX -1
// Status Register Bits
#define QSPIF_STATUS_BIT_WIP        0x1 // Write In Progress
#define QSPIF_STATUS_BIT_WEL        0x2 // Write Enable Latch
#define QSPIF_NO_QUAD_ENABLE        (-1)

/* SFDP Header Parsing */

/* Basic Parameters Table Parsing */
//READ Instruction support according to BUS Configuration
// Quad Enable Params


#define SOFT_RESET_RESET_INST_BITMASK            0b001000

// 4-Byte Addressing Support Bitmasks
#define FOURBYTE_ADDR_B7_BITMASK           0b00000001
#define FOURBYTE_ADDR_B7_WREN_BITMASK      0b00000010
#define FOURBYTE_ADDR_BANK_REG_BITMASK     0b00001000
#define FOURBYTE_ADDR_CONF_REG_BITMASK     0b00010000
#define FOURBYTE_ADDR_INSTS_BITMASK        0b00100000
#define FOURBYTE_ADDR_ALWAYS_BITMASK       0b01000000


// General QSPI instructions
#define QSPIF_INST_WSR1  0x01 // Write status register 1
#define QSPIF_INST_PROG  0x02 // Page program
#define QSPIF_INST_WRDI  0x04 // Write disable
#define QSPIF_INST_RSR1  0x05 // Read status register 1
#define QSPIF_INST_WREN  0x06 // Write enable
#define QSPIF_INST_RSFDP 0x5A // Read SFDP
#define QSPIF_INST_RDID  0x9F // Read Manufacturer and JDEC Device ID

// Device-specific instructions
#define QSPIF_INST_ULBPR 0x98 // Clear all write-protection bits in the Block-Protection register
#define QSPIF_INST_RDCR  0x15 // Read the two control registers

// Default read/legacy erase instructions
#define QSPIF_INST_READ_DEFAULT          0x03

// Default status register 2 read/write instructions
#define QSPIF_INST_RSR2_DEFAULT    0x35

// Default 4-byte extended addressing register write instruction

// Length of data returned from RDID instruction

/* Init function to initialize Different Devices CS static list */
static PinName *generate_initialized_active_qspif_csel_arr();
// Static Members for different devices csel
// _devices_mutex is used to lock csel list - only one QSPIFBlockDevice instance per csel is allowed
SingletonPtr<PlatformMutex> QSPIFBlockDevice::_devices_mutex;
int QSPIFBlockDevice::_number_of_active_qspif_flash_csel = 0;
PinName *QSPIFBlockDevice::_active_qspif_flash_csel_arr = generate_initialized_active_qspif_csel_arr();

/********* Public API Functions *********/
QSPIFBlockDevice::QSPIFBlockDevice(PinName io0, PinName io1, PinName io2, PinName io3, PinName sclk, PinName csel,
                                   int clock_mode,
                                   int freq)
    _qspi(io0, io1, io2, io3, sclk, csel, clock_mode), _csel(csel), _freq(freq),
    _unique_device_status = add_new_csel_instance(csel);

    if (_unique_device_status == 0) {
        tr_debug("Adding a new QSPIFBlockDevice csel: %d", (int)csel);
    } else if (_unique_device_status == -1) {
        tr_error("QSPIFBlockDevice with the same csel(%d) already exists", (int)csel);
    } else {
        tr_error("Too many different QSPIFBlockDevice devices - max allowed: %d", QSPIF_MAX_ACTIVE_FLASH_DEVICES);

    // Initialize parameters
    _sfdp_info.bptbl.legacy_erase_instruction = QSPIF_INST_LEGACY_ERASE_DEFAULT;
    _sfdp_info.bptbl.device_size_bytes = 0;
    _sfdp_info.smptbl.regions_min_common_erase_size = 0;
    _sfdp_info.smptbl.region_cnt = 1;
    _sfdp_info.smptbl.region_erase_types_bitfld[0] = SFDP_ERASE_BITMASK_NONE;

    // Until proven otherwise, assume no quad enable
    _quad_enable_register_idx = QSPIF_NO_QUAD_ENABLE;
    _quad_enable_bit = QSPIF_NO_QUAD_ENABLE;
    _needs_fast_mode = false;

    // Default Bus Setup 1_1_1 with 0 dummy and mode cycles
    _inst_width = QSPI_CFG_BUS_SINGLE;
    _address_width = QSPI_CFG_BUS_SINGLE;
    _address_size = QSPI_CFG_ADDR_SIZE_24;
    _alt_size = 0;
    _dummy_cycles = 0;
    _data_width = QSPI_CFG_BUS_SINGLE;

    // Set default read/erase instructions
    _read_instruction = QSPIF_INST_READ_DEFAULT;

    _num_status_registers = QSPI_DEFAULT_STATUS_REGISTERS;
    // Set default status register 2 write/read instructions
    _write_status_reg_2_inst = QSPIF_INST_WSR2_DEFAULT;
    _read_status_reg_2_inst = QSPIF_INST_RSR2_DEFAULT;

    _clear_protection_method = QSPIF_BP_CLEAR_SR;

    // Set default 4-byte addressing extension register write instruction
    _attempt_4_byte_addressing = true;
    _4byte_msb_reg_write_inst = QSPIF_INST_4BYTE_REG_WRITE_DEFAULT;

int QSPIFBlockDevice::init()
    int status = QSPIF_BD_ERROR_OK;

    if (_unique_device_status == 0) {
        tr_debug("QSPIFBlockDevice csel: %d", (int)_csel);
    } else if (_unique_device_status == -1) {
        tr_error("QSPIFBlockDevice with the same csel(%d) already exists", (int)_csel);
    } else {
        tr_error("Too many different QSPIFBlockDevice devices - max allowed: %d", QSPIF_MAX_ACTIVE_FLASH_DEVICES);


    // All commands other than Read and RSFDP use default 1-1-1 bus mode (Program/Erase are constrained by flash memory performance more than bus performance)
    if (QSPI_STATUS_OK != _qspi.configure_format(QSPI_CFG_BUS_SINGLE, QSPI_CFG_BUS_SINGLE, _address_size, QSPI_CFG_BUS_SINGLE,
                                                 0, QSPI_CFG_BUS_SINGLE, 0)) {
        tr_error("_qspi_configure_format failed");
        goto exit_point;

    if (!_is_initialized) {
        _init_ref_count = 0;


    if (_init_ref_count != 1) {
        goto exit_point;

    _alt_size = 0;
    _dummy_cycles = 0;
    if (QSPI_STATUS_OK != _qspi_set_frequency(_freq)) {
        tr_error("QSPI Set Frequency Failed");
        goto exit_point;

    // Synchronize Device
    if (false == _is_mem_ready()) {
        tr_error("Init - _is_mem_ready Failed");
        goto exit_point;

    if (_handle_vendor_quirks() < 0) {
        tr_error("Init - Could not read vendor id");
        goto exit_point;

    /**************************** Parse SFDP data ***********************************/
        _sfdp_info.bptbl.addr = 0x0;
        _sfdp_info.bptbl.size = 0;
        _sfdp_info.smptbl.addr = 0x0;
        _sfdp_info.smptbl.size = 0;

        if (sfdp_parse_headers(callback(this, &QSPIFBlockDevice::_qspi_send_read_sfdp_command), _sfdp_info) < 0) {
            tr_error("Init - Parse SFDP Headers Failed");
            status = QSPIF_BD_ERROR_PARSING_FAILED;
            goto exit_point;

        if (_sfdp_parse_basic_param_table(callback(this, &QSPIFBlockDevice::_qspi_send_read_sfdp_command),
                                          _sfdp_info) < 0) {
            tr_error("Init - Parse Basic Param Table Failed");
            status = QSPIF_BD_ERROR_PARSING_FAILED;
            goto exit_point;

        if (sfdp_parse_sector_map_table(callback(this, &QSPIFBlockDevice::_qspi_send_read_sfdp_command), _sfdp_info) < 0) {
            tr_error("Init - Parse Sector Map Table Failed");
            status = QSPIF_BD_ERROR_PARSING_FAILED;
            goto exit_point;

    if (0 != _clear_block_protection()) {
        tr_error("Init - clearing block protection failed");
        goto exit_point;

    _is_initialized = true;


    return status;

int QSPIFBlockDevice::deinit()
    int result = QSPIF_BD_ERROR_OK;


    if (!_is_initialized) {
        _init_ref_count = 0;
        return result;


    if (_init_ref_count) {
        return result;

    // Disable Device for Writing
    qspi_status_t status = _qspi_send_general_command(QSPIF_INST_WRDI, QSPI_NO_ADDRESS_COMMAND, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
    if (status != QSPI_STATUS_OK)  {
        tr_error("Write Disable failed");

    _is_initialized = false;


    if (_unique_device_status == 0) {

    return result;

int QSPIFBlockDevice::read(void *buffer, bd_addr_t addr, bd_size_t size)
    int status = QSPIF_BD_ERROR_OK;
    tr_debug("Read Inst: 0x%xh", _read_instruction);


    if (QSPI_STATUS_OK != _qspi_send_read_command(_read_instruction, buffer, addr, size)) {
        tr_error("Read Command failed");


    return status;


int QSPIFBlockDevice::program(const void *buffer, bd_addr_t addr, bd_size_t size)
    qspi_status_t result = QSPI_STATUS_OK;
    bool program_failed = false;
    int status = QSPIF_BD_ERROR_OK;
    uint32_t offset = 0;
    uint32_t chunk = 0;
    bd_size_t written_bytes = 0;

    tr_debug("Program - Buff: %p, addr: %llu, size: %llu", buffer, addr, size);

    while (size > 0) {
        // Write on _page_size_bytes boundaries (Default 256 bytes a page)
        offset = addr % _page_size_bytes;
        chunk = (offset + size < _page_size_bytes) ? size : (_page_size_bytes - offset);
        written_bytes = chunk;


        //Send WREN
        if (_set_write_enable() != 0) {
            tr_error("Write Enabe failed");
            program_failed = true;
            status = QSPIF_BD_ERROR_WREN_FAILED;
            goto exit_point;

        result = _qspi_send_program_command(QSPIF_INST_PROG, buffer, addr, &written_bytes);
        if ((result != QSPI_STATUS_OK) || (chunk != written_bytes)) {
            tr_error("Write failed");
            program_failed = true;
            status = QSPIF_BD_ERROR_DEVICE_ERROR;
            goto exit_point;

        buffer = static_cast<const uint8_t *>(buffer) + chunk;
        addr += chunk;
        size -= chunk;

        if (false == _is_mem_ready()) {
            tr_error("Device not ready after write, failed");
            program_failed = true;
            status = QSPIF_BD_ERROR_READY_FAILED;
            goto exit_point;

    if (program_failed) {

    return status;

int QSPIFBlockDevice::erase(bd_addr_t addr, bd_size_t size)
    int type = 0;
    qspi_inst_t cur_erase_inst = QSPI_NO_INST;
    bool erase_failed = false;
    int status = QSPIF_BD_ERROR_OK;
    // Find region of erased address
    int region = sfdp_find_addr_region(addr, _sfdp_info);
    // Erase Types of selected region
    uint8_t bitfield = _sfdp_info.smptbl.region_erase_types_bitfld[region];

    tr_debug("Erase - addr: %llu, size: %llu", addr, size);

    if ((addr + size) > _sfdp_info.bptbl.device_size_bytes) {
        tr_error("Erase exceeds flash device size");

    if (((addr % get_erase_size(addr)) != 0) || (((addr + size) % get_erase_size(addr + size - 1)) != 0)) {
        tr_error("Invalid erase - unaligned address and size");

    // For each iteration erase the largest section supported by current region
    while (size > 0) {
        unsigned int eu_size;
        if (_sfdp_info.bptbl.legacy_erase_instruction == QSPI_NO_INST) {
            // Iterate to find next largest erase type that is a) supported by region, and b) smaller than size.
            // Find the matching instruction and erase size chunk for that type.
            type = sfdp_iterate_next_largest_erase_type(bitfield, size, addr,
            cur_erase_inst = _sfdp_info.smptbl.erase_type_inst_arr[type];
            eu_size = _sfdp_info.smptbl.erase_type_size_arr[type];
        } else {
            // Must use legacy 4k erase instruction
            cur_erase_inst = _sfdp_info.bptbl.legacy_erase_instruction;
            eu_size = QSPIF_DEFAULT_SE_SIZE;

        if (addr % eu_size != 0 || addr + size < eu_size) {
            // Should not happen if the erase table parsing
            // and alignment checks were performed correctly
            tr_error("internal error: address %llu not aligned to erase size %u (type %d)",
                     addr, eu_size, type);

        tr_debug("Erase - addr: %llu, size:%llu, Inst: 0x%xh, erase size: %u",
                 addr, size, cur_erase_inst, eu_size);
        tr_debug("Erase - Region: %d, Type:%d ",
                 region, type);


        if (_set_write_enable() != 0) {
            tr_error("QSPI Erase Device not ready - failed");
            erase_failed = true;
            status = QSPIF_BD_ERROR_WREN_FAILED;
            goto exit_point;

        if (QSPI_STATUS_OK != _qspi_send_erase_command(cur_erase_inst, addr, size)) {
            tr_error("QSPI Erase command failed!");
            erase_failed = true;
            status = QSPIF_BD_ERROR_DEVICE_ERROR;
            goto exit_point;

        addr += eu_size;
        size -= eu_size;

        if ((size > 0) && (addr > _sfdp_info.smptbl.region_high_boundary[region])) {
            // erase crossed to next region
            bitfield = _sfdp_info.smptbl.region_erase_types_bitfld[region];

        if (false == _is_mem_ready()) {
            tr_error("QSPI After Erase Device not ready - failed");
            erase_failed = true;
            status = QSPIF_BD_ERROR_READY_FAILED;
            goto exit_point;


    if (erase_failed) {

    return status;

bd_size_t QSPIFBlockDevice::get_read_size() const
    // Return minimum read size in bytes for the device

bd_size_t QSPIFBlockDevice::get_program_size() const
    // Return minimum program/write size in bytes for the device

bd_size_t QSPIFBlockDevice::get_erase_size() const
    // return minimal erase size supported by all regions (0 if none exists)
    return _sfdp_info.smptbl.regions_min_common_erase_size;

const char *QSPIFBlockDevice::get_type() const
    return "QSPIF";

// Find minimal erase size supported by the region to which the address belongs to
bd_size_t QSPIFBlockDevice::get_erase_size(bd_addr_t addr) const
    // If the legacy erase instruction is in use, the erase size is uniformly 4k
    if (_sfdp_info.bptbl.legacy_erase_instruction != QSPI_NO_INST) {
        return QSPIF_DEFAULT_SE_SIZE;

    // Find region of current address
    int region = sfdp_find_addr_region(addr, _sfdp_info);

    int min_region_erase_size = _sfdp_info.smptbl.regions_min_common_erase_size;
    int8_t type_mask = SFDP_ERASE_BITMASK_TYPE1;
    int i_ind = 0;

    if (region != -1) {
        type_mask = 0x01;

        for (i_ind = 0; i_ind < 4; i_ind++) {
            // loop through erase types bitfield supported by region
            if (_sfdp_info.smptbl.region_erase_types_bitfld[region] & type_mask) {

                min_region_erase_size = _sfdp_info.smptbl.erase_type_size_arr[i_ind];
            type_mask = type_mask << 1;

        if (i_ind == 4) {
            tr_error("No erase type was found for region addr");

    return (bd_size_t)min_region_erase_size;

bd_size_t QSPIFBlockDevice::size() const
    return _sfdp_info.bptbl.device_size_bytes;

int QSPIFBlockDevice::get_erase_value() const
    return 0xFF;

/*   Different Device Csel Mgmt */
static PinName *generate_initialized_active_qspif_csel_arr()
    PinName *init_arr = new PinName[QSPIF_MAX_ACTIVE_FLASH_DEVICES];
    for (int i_ind = 0; i_ind < QSPIF_MAX_ACTIVE_FLASH_DEVICES; i_ind++) {
        init_arr[i_ind] = NC;
    return init_arr;

int QSPIFBlockDevice::add_new_csel_instance(PinName csel)
    int status = 0;
    if (_number_of_active_qspif_flash_csel >= QSPIF_MAX_ACTIVE_FLASH_DEVICES) {
        status = -2;
        goto exit_point;

    // verify the device is unique(no identical csel already exists)
    for (int i_ind = 0; i_ind < QSPIF_MAX_ACTIVE_FLASH_DEVICES; i_ind++) {
        if (_active_qspif_flash_csel_arr[i_ind] == csel) {
            status = -1;
            goto exit_point;

    // Insert new csel into existing device list
    for (int i_ind = 0; i_ind < QSPIF_MAX_ACTIVE_FLASH_DEVICES; i_ind++) {
        if (_active_qspif_flash_csel_arr[i_ind] == NC) {
            _active_qspif_flash_csel_arr[i_ind] = csel;

    return status;

int QSPIFBlockDevice::remove_csel_instance(PinName csel)
    int status = -1;
    // remove the csel from existing device list
    for (int i_ind = 0; i_ind < QSPIF_MAX_ACTIVE_FLASH_DEVICES; i_ind++) {
        if (_active_qspif_flash_csel_arr[i_ind] == csel) {
            _active_qspif_flash_csel_arr[i_ind] = NC;
            if (_number_of_active_qspif_flash_csel > 0) {
            status = 0;
    return status;

/********** SFDP Parsing and Detection Functions *********/
int QSPIFBlockDevice::_sfdp_parse_basic_param_table(Callback<int(bd_addr_t, mbed::sfdp_cmd_addr_size_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, void *, bd_size_t)> sfdp_reader,
                                                    sfdp_hdr_info &sfdp_info)
    uint8_t param_table[SFDP_BASIC_PARAMS_TBL_SIZE]; /* Up To 20 DWORDS = 80 Bytes */

    int status = sfdp_reader(
    if (status != QSPI_STATUS_OK) {
        tr_error("Init - Read SFDP First Table Failed");
        return -1;

    // Check that density is not greater than 4 gigabits (i.e. that addressing beyond 4 bytes is not required)
    if (sfdp_detect_addressability(param_table, _sfdp_info.bptbl) < 0) {
        tr_error("Verify 4byte addressing failed");
        return -1;

    if (sfdp_detect_device_density(param_table, _sfdp_info.bptbl) < 0) {
        tr_error("Detecting device density failed");
        return -1;

    // Set Page Size (QSPI write must be done on Page limits)
    _page_size_bytes = sfdp_detect_page_size(param_table, sfdp_info.bptbl.size);

    if (_sfdp_detect_reset_protocol_and_reset(param_table) != QSPIF_BD_ERROR_OK) {
        tr_error("Init - Detecting reset protocol/resetting failed");
        return -1;

    // Detect and Set Erase Types
    bool shouldSetQuadEnable = false;
    bool is_qpi_mode = false;

    if (sfdp_detect_erase_types_inst_and_size(param_table, _sfdp_info) < 0) {
        tr_error("Init - Detecting erase types instructions/sizes failed");
        return -1;

    // Detect and Set fastest Bus mode (default 1-1-1)
    _sfdp_detect_best_bus_read_mode(param_table, sfdp_info.bptbl.size, shouldSetQuadEnable, is_qpi_mode);
    if (true == shouldSetQuadEnable) {
        if (_needs_fast_mode) {
        // Set Quad Enable and QPI Bus modes if Supported
        tr_debug("Init - Setting Quad Enable");
        if (0 != _sfdp_set_quad_enabled(param_table)) {
            tr_error("Device supports Quad bus, but Quad Enable Failed");
            return -1;
        if (true == is_qpi_mode) {
            tr_debug("Init - Setting QPI mode");

    // 4 byte addressing is not currently supported with the Nordic QSPI controller
    if (_attempt_4_byte_addressing) {
        if (_sfdp_detect_and_enable_4byte_addressing(param_table, sfdp_info.bptbl.size) != QSPIF_BD_ERROR_OK) {
            tr_error("Init - Detecting/enabling 4-byte addressing failed");
            return -1;

    if (false == _is_mem_ready()) {
        tr_error("Init - _is_mem_ready Failed");
        return -1;

    return 0;

int QSPIFBlockDevice::_sfdp_set_quad_enabled(uint8_t *basic_param_table_ptr)
    uint8_t status_reg_setup[QSPI_MAX_STATUS_REGISTERS] = {0};
    uint8_t status_regs[QSPI_MAX_STATUS_REGISTERS] = {0};

    // QUAD Enable procedure is specified by 3 bits
    uint8_t qer_value = (basic_param_table_ptr[QSPIF_BASIC_PARAM_TABLE_QER_BYTE] & 0x70) >> 4;

    switch (qer_value) {
        case 0:
            tr_debug("Device Does not Have a QE Bit, continue based on Read Inst");
            return 0;
        case 1:
        case 4:
            // Bit 1 of Status Reg 2
            _quad_enable_register_idx = 1;
            _quad_enable_bit = 1;
            tr_debug("Setting QE Bit, Bit 1 of Status Reg 2");
        case 2:
            // Bit 6 of Status Reg 1
            _quad_enable_register_idx = 0;
            _quad_enable_bit = 6;
            tr_debug("Setting QE Bit, Bit 6 of Status Reg 1");
        case 3:
            // Bit 7 of Status Reg 1
            _quad_enable_register_idx = 0;
            _quad_enable_bit = 7;
            _write_status_reg_2_inst = 0x3E;
            _read_status_reg_2_inst = 0x3F;
            tr_debug("Setting QE Bit, Bit 7 of Status Reg 1");
        case 5:
            // Bit 1 of status Reg 2
            _quad_enable_register_idx = 1;
            _quad_enable_bit = 1;
            tr_debug("Setting QE Bit, Bit 1 of Status Reg 2");
            tr_warning("Unsupported QER configuration");
            return 0;

    if (_quad_enable_register_idx != QSPIF_NO_QUAD_ENABLE && _quad_enable_bit != QSPIF_NO_QUAD_ENABLE) {
        status_reg_setup[_quad_enable_register_idx] = 1 << _quad_enable_bit;

    // Read existing status register values

    // Set Bits for Quad Enable
    for (int i = 0; i < QSPI_MAX_STATUS_REGISTERS; i++) {
        status_regs[i] |= status_reg_setup[i];

    // Write new Status Register Setup

    if (false == _is_mem_ready()) {
        tr_error("Device not ready after write, failed");
        return -1;

    // For Debug
    memset(status_regs, 0, QSPI_MAX_STATUS_REGISTERS);
    if (((status_regs[0] & status_reg_setup[0]) | (status_regs[1] & status_reg_setup[1])) == 0) {
        tr_error("Status register not set correctly");
        return -1;

    return 0;

int QSPIFBlockDevice::_sfdp_set_qpi_enabled(uint8_t *basic_param_table_ptr)
    uint8_t config_reg[1];

    // QPI 4-4-4 Enable Procedure is specified in 5 Bits
    uint8_t en_seq_444_value = (((basic_param_table_ptr[QSPIF_BASIC_PARAM_TABLE_444_MODE_EN_SEQ_BYTE] & 0xF0) >> 4) | ((
                                                                                                                           basic_param_table_ptr[QSPIF_BASIC_PARAM_TABLE_444_MODE_EN_SEQ_BYTE + 1] & 0x01) << 4));

    switch (en_seq_444_value) {
        case 1:
        case 2:
            tr_debug("_sfdp_set_qpi_enabled - send command 38h");
            if (QSPI_STATUS_OK != _qspi_send_general_command(0x38, QSPI_NO_ADDRESS_COMMAND, NULL, 0, NULL, 0)) {
                tr_error("_sfdp_set_qpi_enabled - send command 38h Failed");

        case 4:
            tr_debug("_sfdp_set_qpi_enabled - send command 35h");
            if (QSPI_STATUS_OK != _qspi_send_general_command(0x35, QSPI_NO_ADDRESS_COMMAND, NULL, 0, NULL, 0)) {
                tr_error("_sfdp_set_qpi_enabled - send command 35h Failed");

        case 8:
            tr_debug("_sfdp_set_qpi_enabled - set config bit 6 and send command 71h");
            if (QSPI_STATUS_OK != _qspi_send_general_command(0x65, 0x800003, NULL, 0, (char *)config_reg, 1)) {
                tr_error("_sfdp_set_qpi_enabled - set config bit 6 command 65h Failed");
            config_reg[0] |= 0x40; //Set Bit 6
            if (QSPI_STATUS_OK != _qspi_send_general_command(0x71, 0x800003, NULL, 0, (char *)config_reg, 1)) {
                tr_error("_sfdp_set_qpi_enabled - send command 71h Failed");

        case 16:
            tr_debug("_sfdp_set_qpi_enabled - reset config bits 0-7 and send command 61h");
            if (QSPI_STATUS_OK != _qspi_send_general_command(0x65, QSPI_NO_ADDRESS_COMMAND, NULL, 0, (char *)config_reg, 1)) {
                tr_error("_sfdp_set_qpi_enabled - send command 65h Failed");
            config_reg[0] &= 0x7F; //Reset Bit 7 of CR
            if (QSPI_STATUS_OK != _qspi_send_general_command(0x61, QSPI_NO_ADDRESS_COMMAND, NULL, 0, (char *)config_reg, 1)) {
                tr_error("_sfdp_set_qpi_enabled - send command 61 Failed");

            tr_warning("_sfdp_set_qpi_enabled - Unsupported En Seq 444 configuration");
    return 0;

int QSPIFBlockDevice::_sfdp_detect_best_bus_read_mode(uint8_t *basic_param_table_ptr, int basic_param_table_size,
                                                      bool &set_quad_enable, bool &is_qpi_mode)
    set_quad_enable = false;
    is_qpi_mode = false;
    uint8_t examined_byte;

    do { // compound statement is the loop body
        examined_byte = basic_param_table_ptr[QSPIF_BASIC_PARAM_TABLE_FAST_READ_SUPPORT_BYTE];
        if (examined_byte & 0x20) {
            //  Fast Read 1-4-4 Supported
            _read_instruction = basic_param_table_ptr[QSPIF_BASIC_PARAM_TABLE_144_READ_INST_BYTE];
            set_quad_enable = true;
            _dummy_cycles = basic_param_table_ptr[QSPIF_BASIC_PARAM_TABLE_144_READ_INST_BYTE - 1] & 0x1F;
            uint8_t mode_cycles = basic_param_table_ptr[QSPIF_BASIC_PARAM_TABLE_144_READ_INST_BYTE - 1] >> 5;
            _alt_size = mode_cycles * 4;
            _address_width = QSPI_CFG_BUS_QUAD;
            _data_width = QSPI_CFG_BUS_QUAD;
            tr_debug("Read Bus Mode set to 1-4-4, Instruction: 0x%xh", _read_instruction);
        // QPI is checked as second option.
        if (basic_param_table_size > QSPIF_BASIC_PARAM_TABLE_QPI_READ_SUPPORT_BYTE) {
            examined_byte = basic_param_table_ptr[QSPIF_BASIC_PARAM_TABLE_QPI_READ_SUPPORT_BYTE];
            if (examined_byte & 0x10) {
                // QPI 4-4-4 Supported
                _read_instruction = basic_param_table_ptr[QSPIF_BASIC_PARAM_TABLE_444_READ_INST_BYTE];
                set_quad_enable = true;
                is_qpi_mode = true;
                _dummy_cycles = basic_param_table_ptr[QSPIF_BASIC_PARAM_TABLE_444_READ_INST_BYTE - 1] & 0x1F;
                uint8_t mode_cycles = basic_param_table_ptr[QSPIF_BASIC_PARAM_TABLE_444_READ_INST_BYTE - 1] >> 5;
                _alt_size = mode_cycles * 4;
                tr_debug("Read Bus Mode set to 4-4-4, Instruction: 0x%xh", _read_instruction);
                _address_width = QSPI_CFG_BUS_QUAD;
                _data_width = QSPI_CFG_BUS_QUAD;

        examined_byte = basic_param_table_ptr[QSPIF_BASIC_PARAM_TABLE_FAST_READ_SUPPORT_BYTE];
        if (examined_byte & 0x40) {
            //  Fast Read 1-1-4 Supported
            _read_instruction = basic_param_table_ptr[QSPIF_BASIC_PARAM_TABLE_114_READ_INST_BYTE];
            set_quad_enable = true;
            _dummy_cycles = basic_param_table_ptr[QSPIF_BASIC_PARAM_TABLE_114_READ_INST_BYTE - 1] & 0x1F;
            uint8_t mode_cycles = basic_param_table_ptr[QSPIF_BASIC_PARAM_TABLE_114_READ_INST_BYTE - 1] >> 5;
            _alt_size = mode_cycles;
            _data_width = QSPI_CFG_BUS_QUAD;
            tr_debug("Read Bus Mode set to 1-1-4, Instruction: 0x%xh", _read_instruction);
        examined_byte = basic_param_table_ptr[QSPIF_BASIC_PARAM_TABLE_QPI_READ_SUPPORT_BYTE];
        if (examined_byte & 0x01) {
            //  Fast Read 2-2-2 Supported
            _read_instruction = basic_param_table_ptr[QSPIF_BASIC_PARAM_TABLE_222_READ_INST_BYTE];
            _dummy_cycles = basic_param_table_ptr[QSPIF_BASIC_PARAM_TABLE_222_READ_INST_BYTE - 1] & 0x1F;
            uint8_t mode_cycles = basic_param_table_ptr[QSPIF_BASIC_PARAM_TABLE_222_READ_INST_BYTE - 1] >> 5;
            _alt_size = mode_cycles * 2;
            _address_width = QSPI_CFG_BUS_DUAL;
            _data_width = QSPI_CFG_BUS_DUAL;
            tr_debug("Read Bus Mode set to 2-2-2, Instruction: 0x%xh", _read_instruction);

        examined_byte = basic_param_table_ptr[QSPIF_BASIC_PARAM_TABLE_FAST_READ_SUPPORT_BYTE];
        if (examined_byte & 0x10) {
            //  Fast Read 1-2-2 Supported
            _read_instruction = basic_param_table_ptr[QSPIF_BASIC_PARAM_TABLE_122_READ_INST_BYTE];
            _dummy_cycles = basic_param_table_ptr[QSPIF_BASIC_PARAM_TABLE_122_READ_INST_BYTE - 1] & 0x1F;
            uint8_t mode_cycles = basic_param_table_ptr[QSPIF_BASIC_PARAM_TABLE_122_READ_INST_BYTE - 1] >> 5;
            _alt_size = mode_cycles * 2;
            _address_width = QSPI_CFG_BUS_DUAL;
            _data_width = QSPI_CFG_BUS_DUAL;
            tr_debug("Read Bus Mode set to 1-2-2, Instruction: 0x%xh", _read_instruction);
        if (examined_byte & 0x01) {
            // Fast Read 1-1-2 Supported
            _read_instruction = basic_param_table_ptr[QSPIF_BASIC_PARAM_TABLE_112_READ_INST_BYTE];
            _dummy_cycles = basic_param_table_ptr[QSPIF_BASIC_PARAM_TABLE_112_READ_INST_BYTE - 1] & 0x1F;
            uint8_t mode_cycles = basic_param_table_ptr[QSPIF_BASIC_PARAM_TABLE_112_READ_INST_BYTE - 1] >> 5;
            _alt_size = mode_cycles;
            _data_width = QSPI_CFG_BUS_DUAL;
            tr_debug("Read Bus Mode set to 1-1-2, Instruction: 0x%xh", _read_instruction);
        _read_instruction = QSPIF_INST_READ_DEFAULT;
        tr_debug("Read Bus Mode set to 1-1-1, Instruction: 0x%xh", _read_instruction);
    } while (false);

    return 0;

int QSPIFBlockDevice::_sfdp_detect_and_enable_4byte_addressing(uint8_t *basic_param_table_ptr, int basic_param_table_size)
    int status = QSPIF_BD_ERROR_OK;
    qspi_status_t qspi_status = QSPI_STATUS_OK;

    // Always enable 4-byte addressing if possible
    if (basic_param_table_size > QSPIF_BASIC_PARAM_TABLE_4BYTE_ADDR_BYTE) {
        uint8_t examined_byte = basic_param_table_ptr[QSPIF_BASIC_PARAM_TABLE_4BYTE_ADDR_BYTE];

        if (examined_byte & FOURBYTE_ADDR_ALWAYS_BITMASK) {
            // No need to do anything if 4-byte addressing is always enabled
            _address_size = QSPI_CFG_ADDR_SIZE_32;
        } else if (examined_byte & FOURBYTE_ADDR_B7_BITMASK) {
            // Issue instruction B7h to enable 4-byte addressing
            qspi_status = _qspi_send_general_command(0xB7, QSPI_NO_ADDRESS_COMMAND, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
            status = (qspi_status == QSPI_STATUS_OK) ? QSPIF_BD_ERROR_OK : QSPIF_BD_ERROR_PARSING_FAILED;
            if (status == QSPIF_BD_ERROR_OK) {
                _address_size = QSPI_CFG_ADDR_SIZE_32;
        } else if (examined_byte & FOURBYTE_ADDR_B7_WREN_BITMASK) {
            // Issue WREN and then instruction B7h to enable 4-byte addressing
            if (_set_write_enable() == 0) {
                qspi_status = _qspi_send_general_command(0xB7, QSPI_NO_ADDRESS_COMMAND, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
                status = (qspi_status == QSPI_STATUS_OK) ? QSPIF_BD_ERROR_OK : QSPIF_BD_ERROR_PARSING_FAILED;

                if (status == QSPIF_BD_ERROR_OK) {
                    _address_size = QSPI_CFG_ADDR_SIZE_32;
            } else {
                tr_error("Write enable failed");
                status = QSPIF_BD_ERROR_WREN_FAILED;
        } else if (examined_byte & FOURBYTE_ADDR_CONF_REG_BITMASK) {
            // Write 1 to bit 0 of a configuration register to enable 4-byte addressing
            // Write to register with instruction B1h, read from register with instruction B5h
            uint8_t conf_register = 0;
            qspi_status = _qspi_send_general_command(0xB5, QSPI_NO_ADDRESS_COMMAND, NULL, 0, (char *) &conf_register, 1);
            status = (qspi_status == QSPI_STATUS_OK) ? QSPIF_BD_ERROR_OK : QSPIF_BD_ERROR_PARSING_FAILED;

            if (status == QSPIF_BD_ERROR_OK) {
                conf_register |= 0b00000001;
                if (_set_write_enable() == 0) {
                    qspi_status_t qspi_status = _qspi_send_general_command(0xB1, QSPI_NO_ADDRESS_COMMAND, (char *) &conf_register, 1, NULL, 0);
                    status = (qspi_status == QSPI_STATUS_OK) ? QSPIF_BD_ERROR_OK : QSPIF_BD_ERROR_PARSING_FAILED;

                    if (status == QSPIF_BD_ERROR_OK) {
                        _address_size = QSPI_CFG_ADDR_SIZE_32;
                } else {
                    tr_error("Write enable failed");
                    status = QSPIF_BD_ERROR_WREN_FAILED;
        } else if (examined_byte & FOURBYTE_ADDR_BANK_REG_BITMASK) {
            // Write 1 to bit 7 of a bank register to enable 4-byte addressing
            // Write to register with instruction 17h, read from register with instruction 16h
            uint8_t to_write = 0b10000000;
            qspi_status = _qspi_send_general_command(0x17, QSPI_NO_ADDRESS_COMMAND, (char *) &to_write, 1, NULL, 0);
            status = (qspi_status == QSPI_STATUS_OK) ? QSPIF_BD_ERROR_OK : QSPIF_BD_ERROR_PARSING_FAILED;
            if (status == QSPIF_BD_ERROR_OK) {
                _address_size = QSPI_CFG_ADDR_SIZE_32;
        } else if (examined_byte & FOURBYTE_ADDR_EXT_ADDR_REG_BITMASK) {
            // Extended address register stores most significant byte of a 4-byte address
            // Instructions are sent with the lower 3 bytes of the address
            // Write to register with instruction C5h, read from register with instruction C8h
            _4byte_msb_reg_write_inst = 0xC5;
            _address_size = QSPI_CFG_ADDR_SIZE_24;
        } else {
            // Either part specific instructions are required to use 4-byte addressing or it isn't supported, so use 3-byte addressing instead
            tr_debug("_sfdp_detect_and_enable_4byte_addressing - 4-byte addressing not supported, falling back to 3-byte addressing");
            _address_size = QSPI_CFG_ADDR_SIZE_24;

        if (_address_size == QSPI_CFG_ADDR_SIZE_32) {
            // Update 1-1-1 format to match new address size
            if (QSPI_STATUS_OK != _qspi.configure_format(QSPI_CFG_BUS_SINGLE, QSPI_CFG_BUS_SINGLE, _address_size, QSPI_CFG_BUS_SINGLE,
                                                         0, QSPI_CFG_BUS_SINGLE, 0)) {
                tr_error("_qspi_configure_format failed");
                status = QSPIF_BD_ERROR_DEVICE_ERROR;

    return status;

#error "qspif.enable-and-reset and cannot be both true!"


int QSPIFBlockDevice::_sfdp_detect_reset_protocol_and_reset(uint8_t *basic_param_table_ptr)
    int status = QSPIF_BD_ERROR_OK;

    uint8_t examined_byte = basic_param_table_ptr[QSPIF_BASIC_PARAM_TABLE_SOFT_RESET_BYTE];

    // Ignore bit indicating need to exit 0-4-4 mode - should not enter 0-4-4 mode from QSPIFBlockDevice
    if (examined_byte & SOFT_RESET_RESET_INST_BITMASK) {

#if !MBED_CONF_QSPIF_ENABLE_AND_RESET     // i.e. direct reset, or determined from SFDP
        // Issue instruction 0xF0 to reset the device
        qspi_status_t qspi_status = _qspi_send_general_command(0xF0, QSPI_NO_ADDRESS_COMMAND, // Send reset instruction
                                                               NULL, 0, NULL, 0);

    } else if (examined_byte & SOFT_RESET_ENABLE_AND_RESET_INST_BITMASK) {

#if !MBED_CONF_QSPIF_DIRECT_RESET    // i.e. enable and reset, or determined from SFDP
        // Issue instruction 66h to enable resets on the device
        // Then issue instruction 99h to reset the device
        qspi_status_t qspi_status = _qspi_send_general_command(0x66, QSPI_NO_ADDRESS_COMMAND, // Send reset enable instruction
                                                               NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
        if (qspi_status == QSPI_STATUS_OK) {
            qspi_status = _qspi_send_general_command(0x99, QSPI_NO_ADDRESS_COMMAND, // Send reset instruction
                                                     NULL, 0, NULL, 0);

    } else {
        // Soft reset either is not supported or requires direct control over data lines
        tr_error("Failed to determine soft reset sequence. If your device has a legacy SFDP table, please manually set enable-and-reset or direct-reset.");

    if (status == QSPIF_BD_ERROR_OK) {
        if (false == _is_mem_ready()) {
            tr_error("Device not ready, reset failed");
            status = QSPIF_BD_ERROR_READY_FAILED;

    return status;

int QSPIFBlockDevice::_handle_vendor_quirks()
    uint8_t vendor_device_ids[QSPI_RDID_DATA_LENGTH] = {0};
    /* Read Manufacturer ID (1byte), and Device ID (2bytes) */
    qspi_status_t status = _qspi_send_general_command(QSPIF_INST_RDID, QSPI_NO_ADDRESS_COMMAND,
                                                      NULL, 0,
                                                      (char *) vendor_device_ids, QSPI_RDID_DATA_LENGTH);
    if (QSPI_STATUS_OK != status) {
        tr_error("Read Vendor ID Failed");
        return -1;

    tr_debug("Vendor device ID = 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x", vendor_device_ids[0], vendor_device_ids[1], vendor_device_ids[2]);

    switch (vendor_device_ids[0]) {
        case 0xbf:
            // SST devices come preset with block protection
            // enabled for some regions, issue global protection unlock to clear
            tr_debug("Applying quirks for SST");
            _clear_protection_method = QSPIF_BP_ULBPR;
        case 0xc2:
            // Macronix devices have several quirks:
            // 1. Have one status register and 2 config registers, with a nonstandard instruction for reading the config registers
            // 2. Require setting a "fast mode" bit in config register 2 to operate at higher clock rates
            // 3. Should never attempt to enable 4-byte addressing (it causes reads and writes to fail)
            tr_debug("Applying quirks for macronix");
            _needs_fast_mode = true;
            _num_status_registers = 3;
            _read_status_reg_2_inst = QSPIF_INST_RDCR;
            _attempt_4_byte_addressing = false;
        case 0x9d:
            // ISSI devices have only one status register
            tr_debug("Applying quirks for ISSI");
            _num_status_registers = 1;

    return 0;

int QSPIFBlockDevice::_clear_block_protection()
    uint8_t status_regs[QSPI_MAX_STATUS_REGISTERS] = {0};

    if (false == _is_mem_ready()) {
        tr_error("Device not ready, clearing block protection failed");
        return -1;
    qspi_status_t status;
    switch (_clear_protection_method) {
        case QSPIF_BP_ULBPR:
            tr_debug("Clearing block protection via ULBPR");
            // SST devices come preset with block protection
            // enabled for some regions, issue global protection unlock to clear
            if (0 != _set_write_enable()) {
                tr_error("Write enable failed");
                return -1;
            status = _qspi_send_general_command(QSPIF_INST_ULBPR, QSPI_NO_ADDRESS_COMMAND, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
            if (QSPI_STATUS_OK != status) {
                tr_error("Global block protection unlock failed");
                return -1;
        case QSPIF_BP_CLEAR_SR:
            // For all other devices, to clear the block protection bits clear all bits
            // in status register 1 that aren't the WIP or WEL bits, or the QE bit (if it is in SR 1)
            tr_debug("Clearing block protection via status register protection bits");
            status = _qspi_read_status_registers(status_regs);
            if (QSPI_STATUS_OK != status) {
                tr_error("_clear_block_protection - Status register read failed");
                return -1;
            uint8_t status_mask = (QSPIF_STATUS_BIT_WIP | QSPIF_STATUS_BIT_WEL);
            if (_quad_enable_register_idx == 0) {
                status_mask |= 1 << _quad_enable_bit;
            status_regs[0] &= status_mask;
            status = _qspi_write_status_registers(status_regs);
            if (QSPI_STATUS_OK != status) {
                tr_error("__clear_block_protection - Status register write failed");
                return -1;

    if (false == _is_mem_ready()) {
        tr_error("Device not ready, clearing block protection failed");
        return -1;

    return 0;

int QSPIFBlockDevice::_set_write_enable()
    // Check Status Register Busy Bit to Verify the Device isn't Busy
    uint8_t status_value = 0;
    int status = -1;

    do {
        if (QSPI_STATUS_OK !=  _qspi_send_general_command(QSPIF_INST_WREN, QSPI_NO_ADDRESS_COMMAND, NULL, 0, NULL, 0)) {
            tr_error("Sending WREN command FAILED");

        if (false == _is_mem_ready()) {
            tr_error("Device not ready, write failed");

        if (QSPI_STATUS_OK != _qspi_send_general_command(QSPIF_INST_RSR1, QSPI_NO_ADDRESS_COMMAND,
                                                         NULL, 0,
                                                         (char *) &status_value, 1)) {
            tr_error("Reading Status Register 1 failed");

        if ((status_value & QSPIF_STATUS_BIT_WEL) == 0) {
            tr_error("_set_write_enable failed - status register 1 value: %u", status_value);

        status = 0;
    } while (false);

    return status;

int QSPIFBlockDevice::_enable_fast_mode()
    tr_debug("enabling fast mode");
    MBED_ASSERT(_num_status_registers == 3); // Make sure the register for fast mode enable exists
    uint8_t status_reg[QSPI_MAX_STATUS_REGISTERS] = {0};

    // Bit 1 of config reg 2 (aka "status register 3" in our generic register representation)
    const int QER_REG_IDX = 2;
    const int QER_REG_VALUE = 0x2;

    // Configure  BUS Mode to 1_1_1 for all commands other than Read
                                                 0, QSPI_CFG_BUS_SINGLE, 0)) {
        tr_error("_qspi_configure_format failed");
        return -1;


    if (QSPI_STATUS_OK == _qspi_read_status_registers(status_reg)) {
        tr_debug("Reading Config Register Success: value = 0x%x", status_reg[2]);
    } else {
        tr_error("Reading Config Register failed");
        return -1;

    // Set Bits for Quad Enable
    status_reg[QER_REG_IDX] |= QER_REG_VALUE;

    // Write new Status Register Setup
    if (_set_write_enable() != 0) {
        tr_error("Write Enable failed");
        return -1;

    if (QSPI_STATUS_OK == _qspi_write_status_registers(status_reg)) {
        tr_debug("fast mode enable - Writing Config Register Success: value = 0x%x",
    } else {
        tr_error("fast mode enable - Writing Config Register failed");
        return -1;

    if (false == _is_mem_ready()) {
        tr_error("Device not ready after write, failed");
        return -1;

    // For Debug
    memset(status_reg, 0, QSPI_MAX_STATUS_REGISTERS);
    if (QSPI_STATUS_OK == _qspi_read_status_registers(status_reg)) {
        tr_debug("Verifying Register Success: status = 0x%x config 1 = 0x%x config 2 = 0x%x", (int)status_reg[0], (int)status_reg[1], (int)status_reg[2]);
    } else {
        tr_error("Verifying Config Register failed");
        return -1;

    return 0;

bool QSPIFBlockDevice::_is_mem_ready()
    // Check Status Register Busy Bit to Verify the Device isn't Busy
    uint8_t status_value = 0;
    int retries = 0;
    bool mem_ready = true;

    do {
        //Read Status Register 1 from device
        if (QSPI_STATUS_OK != _qspi_send_general_command(QSPIF_INST_RSR1, QSPI_NO_ADDRESS_COMMAND,
                                                         NULL, 0,
                                                         (char *) &status_value, 1)) { // store received value in status_value
            tr_error("Reading Status Register failed");
    } while ((status_value & QSPIF_STATUS_BIT_WIP) != 0 && retries < IS_MEM_READY_MAX_RETRIES);

    if ((status_value & QSPIF_STATUS_BIT_WIP) != 0) {
        tr_error("_is_mem_ready FALSE: status value = 0x%x ", status_value);
        mem_ready = false;
    return mem_ready;

/*********** QSPI Driver API Functions *************/
qspi_status_t QSPIFBlockDevice::_qspi_set_frequency(int freq)
    return _qspi.set_frequency(freq);

qspi_status_t QSPIFBlockDevice::_qspi_update_4byte_ext_addr_reg(bd_addr_t addr)
    qspi_status_t status = QSPI_STATUS_OK;
    // Only update register if in the extended address register mode
    if (_4byte_msb_reg_write_inst != QSPI_NO_INST) {
        // Set register to the most significant byte of the address
        uint8_t most_significant_byte = addr >> 24;
        if (_set_write_enable() == 0) {
            status = _qspi.command_transfer(_4byte_msb_reg_write_inst, (int) QSPI_NO_ADDRESS_COMMAND,
                                            (char *) &most_significant_byte, 1,
                                            NULL, 0);
        } else {
            tr_error("Write enable failed");
            status = QSPI_STATUS_ERROR;
    } else if ((_address_size != QSPI_CFG_ADDR_SIZE_32) && (addr != QSPI_NO_ADDRESS_COMMAND) && (addr >= (1 << 24))) {
        tr_error("Attempted to use 4-byte address but 4-byte addressing is not supported");
        status = QSPI_STATUS_ERROR;
    return status;

qspi_status_t QSPIFBlockDevice::_qspi_send_read_command(qspi_inst_t read_inst, void *buffer,
                                                        bd_addr_t addr, bd_size_t size)
    tr_debug("Inst: 0x%xh, addr: %llu, size: %llu", read_inst, addr, size);

    size_t buf_len = size;

    qspi_status_t status = _qspi_update_4byte_ext_addr_reg(addr);
    if (QSPI_STATUS_OK != status) {
        tr_error("QSPI Read - Updating 4-byte addressing extended address register failed");
        return status;

    // Send read command to device driver
    // Read commands use the best bus mode supported by the part
    status = _qspi.configure_format(_inst_width, _address_width, _address_size, _address_width, // Alt width should be the same as address width
                                    _alt_size, _data_width, _dummy_cycles);
    if (QSPI_STATUS_OK != status) {
        tr_error("_qspi_configure_format failed");
        return status;

    // Don't check the read status until after we've configured the format back to 1-1-1, to avoid leaving the interface in an
    // incorrect state if the read fails.
    status =, (_alt_size == 0) ? -1 : QSPI_ALT_DEFAULT_VALUE, (unsigned int)addr, (char *)buffer, &buf_len);

    // All commands other than Read and RSFDP use default 1-1-1 bus mode (Program/Erase are constrained by flash memory performance more than bus performance)
    qspi_status_t format_status = _qspi.configure_format(QSPI_CFG_BUS_SINGLE, QSPI_CFG_BUS_SINGLE, _address_size, QSPI_CFG_BUS_SINGLE, 0, QSPI_CFG_BUS_SINGLE, 0);
    if (QSPI_STATUS_OK != format_status) {
        tr_error("_qspi_configure_format failed");
        return format_status;

    if (QSPI_STATUS_OK != status) {
        tr_error("QSPI Read failed");
        return status;

    return QSPI_STATUS_OK;

qspi_status_t QSPIFBlockDevice::_qspi_send_program_command(qspi_inst_t prog_inst, const void *buffer,
                                                           bd_addr_t addr, bd_size_t *size)
    tr_debug("Inst: 0x%xh, addr: %llu, size: %llu", prog_inst, addr, *size);

    qspi_status_t status = _qspi_update_4byte_ext_addr_reg(addr);
    if (QSPI_STATUS_OK != status) {
        tr_error("QSPI Write - Updating 4-byte addressing extended address register failed");
        return status;

    // Send program (write) command to device driver
    status = _qspi.write(prog_inst, -1, addr, (char *)buffer, (size_t *)size);
    if (QSPI_STATUS_OK != status) {
        tr_error("QSPI Write failed");
        return status;

    return QSPI_STATUS_OK;

qspi_status_t QSPIFBlockDevice::_qspi_send_erase_command(qspi_inst_t erase_inst, bd_addr_t addr, bd_size_t size)
    tr_debug("Inst: 0x%xh, addr: %llu, size: %llu", erase_inst, addr, size);

    qspi_status_t status = _qspi_update_4byte_ext_addr_reg(addr);
    if (QSPI_STATUS_OK != status) {
        tr_error("QSPI Erase - Updating 4-byte addressing extended address register failed");
        return status;

    // Send erase command to driver
    status = _qspi.command_transfer(erase_inst, (int) addr, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);

    if (QSPI_STATUS_OK != status) {
        tr_error("QSPI Erase failed");
        return status;

    return QSPI_STATUS_OK;

qspi_status_t QSPIFBlockDevice::_qspi_send_general_command(qspi_inst_t instruction, bd_addr_t addr,
                                                           const char *tx_buffer, bd_size_t tx_length,
                                                           const char *rx_buffer, bd_size_t rx_length)
    tr_debug("Inst: 0x%xh, addr: %llu, tx length: %llu, rx length: %llu", instruction, addr, tx_length, rx_length);

    qspi_status_t status = _qspi_update_4byte_ext_addr_reg(addr);
    if (QSPI_STATUS_OK != status) {
        tr_error("QSPI Generic command - Updating 4-byte addressing extended address register failed");
        return status;

    // Send a general command instruction to driver
    status = _qspi.command_transfer(instruction, (int)addr, tx_buffer, tx_length, rx_buffer, rx_length);
    if (QSPI_STATUS_OK != status) {
        tr_error("Sending Generic command: %x", instruction);
        return status;

    return QSPI_STATUS_OK;

int QSPIFBlockDevice::_qspi_send_read_sfdp_command(mbed::bd_addr_t addr, mbed::sfdp_cmd_addr_size_t addr_size,
                                                   uint8_t inst, uint8_t dummy_cycles,
                                                   void *rx_buffer, mbed::bd_size_t rx_length)
    // Set default here to avoid uninitialized variable warning
    qspi_address_size_t address_size = _address_size;
    int address = addr;
    switch (addr_size) {
        case SFDP_CMD_ADDR_3_BYTE:
            address_size = QSPI_CFG_ADDR_SIZE_24;
        case SFDP_CMD_ADDR_4_BYTE:
            address_size = QSPI_CFG_ADDR_SIZE_32;
        case SFDP_CMD_ADDR_SIZE_VARIABLE: // use current setting
        case SFDP_CMD_ADDR_NONE: // no address in command
            address = static_cast<int>(QSPI_NO_ADDRESS_COMMAND);
            tr_error("Invalid SFDP command address size: 0x%02X", addr_size);
            return -1;

    if (dummy_cycles == SFDP_CMD_DUMMY_CYCLES_VARIABLE) {
        // use current setting
        dummy_cycles = _dummy_cycles;

    qspi_status_t status = _qspi.configure_format(QSPI_CFG_BUS_SINGLE, QSPI_CFG_BUS_SINGLE,
                                                  address_size, QSPI_CFG_BUS_SINGLE,
                                                  0, QSPI_CFG_BUS_SINGLE, dummy_cycles);
    if (QSPI_STATUS_OK != status) {
        tr_error("_qspi_configure_format failed");
        return status;

    // Don't check the read status until after we've configured the format back to 1-1-1,
    // to avoid leaving the interface in an incorrect state if the read fails.
    size_t rx_len = rx_length;
    status =, -1, address, static_cast<char *>(rx_buffer), &rx_len);

    qspi_status_t format_status = _qspi.configure_format(QSPI_CFG_BUS_SINGLE, QSPI_CFG_BUS_SINGLE,
                                                         address_size, QSPI_CFG_BUS_SINGLE,
                                                         0, QSPI_CFG_BUS_SINGLE, 0);
    // All commands other than Read and RSFDP use default 1-1-1 bus mode
    // (Program/Erase are constrained by flash memory performance more than bus performance)
    if (QSPI_STATUS_OK != format_status) {
        tr_error("_qspi_configure_format failed");
        return format_status;

    if (QSPI_STATUS_OK != status) {
        tr_error("Sending SFDP read instruction");
        return status;

    return QSPI_STATUS_OK;

qspi_status_t QSPIFBlockDevice::_qspi_read_status_registers(uint8_t *reg_buffer)
    // Read Status Register 1
    qspi_status_t status = _qspi_send_general_command(QSPIF_INST_RSR1, QSPI_NO_ADDRESS_COMMAND,
                                                      NULL, 0,
                                                      (char *) &reg_buffer[0], 1);
    if (QSPI_STATUS_OK == status) {
        tr_debug("Reading Status Register 1 Success: value = 0x%x", (int) reg_buffer[0]);
    } else {
        tr_error("Reading Status Register 1 failed");
        return status;

    // Read Status Register 2 (and beyond, if applicable)
    unsigned int read_length = _num_status_registers - 1; // We already read status reg 1 above
    if (read_length > 0) {
        status = _qspi_send_general_command(_read_status_reg_2_inst, QSPI_NO_ADDRESS_COMMAND,
                                            NULL, 0,
                                            (char *) &reg_buffer[1], read_length);
        if (QSPI_STATUS_OK == status) {
            tr_debug("Reading Status Register 2 Success: value = 0x%x", (int) reg_buffer[1]);
            if (_num_status_registers > 2) {
                tr_debug("Reading Register 3 Success: value = 0x%x", (int) reg_buffer[2]);
        } else {
            tr_error("Reading Status Register 2 failed");
            return status;

    return QSPI_STATUS_OK;

qspi_status_t QSPIFBlockDevice::_qspi_write_status_registers(uint8_t *reg_buffer)
    qspi_status_t status;

    if (_write_status_reg_2_inst == QSPI_NO_INST) {
        // Status registers are written on different data bytes of the same command
        if (_set_write_enable() != 0) {
            tr_error("Write Enable failed");
            return QSPI_STATUS_ERROR;
        status = _qspi_send_general_command(QSPIF_INST_WSR1, QSPI_NO_ADDRESS_COMMAND,
                                            (char *) reg_buffer, _num_status_registers,
                                            NULL, 0);
        if (QSPI_STATUS_OK == status) {
            tr_debug("Writing Status Registers Success: reg 1 value = 0x%x, reg 2 value = 0x%x",
                     (int) reg_buffer[0], (int) reg_buffer[1]);
            if (_num_status_registers > 2) {
                tr_debug("Writing Register 3 Success: value = 0x%x", (int) reg_buffer[2]);
        } else {
            tr_error("Writing Status Registers failed");
            return status;
    } else {
        // Status registers are written using different commands
        MBED_ASSERT(_num_status_registers == 2); // This flow doesn't support a nonstandard third status/config register

        // Write status register 1
        if (_set_write_enable() != 0) {
            tr_error("Write Enable failed");
            return QSPI_STATUS_ERROR;
        status = _qspi_send_general_command(QSPIF_INST_WSR1, QSPI_NO_ADDRESS_COMMAND,
                                            (char *) &reg_buffer[0], 1,
                                            NULL, 0);
        if (QSPI_STATUS_OK == status) {
            tr_debug("Writing Status Register 1 Success: value = 0x%x",
                     (int) reg_buffer[0]);
        } else {
            tr_error("Writing Status Register 1 failed");
            return status;

        // Write status register 2
        if (_set_write_enable() != 0) {
            tr_error("Write Enable failed");
            return QSPI_STATUS_ERROR;
        status = _qspi_send_general_command(_write_status_reg_2_inst, QSPI_NO_ADDRESS_COMMAND,
                                            (char *) &reg_buffer[0], 1,
                                            NULL, 0);
        if (QSPI_STATUS_OK == status) {
            tr_debug("Writing Status Register 2 Success: value = 0x%x",
                     (int) reg_buffer[1]);
        } else {
            tr_error("Writing Status Register 2 failed");
            return status;

    return QSPI_STATUS_OK;