mbed-os / targets / TARGET_ARM_SSG / TARGET_MUSCA_S1 / tfm_ioctl_api.h
@Gabor Toth Gabor Toth on 10 Sep 2020 7 KB Add platform support to Musca S1
 * Copyright (c) 2019-2020, Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

#ifndef __TFM_IOCTL_API__
#define __TFM_IOCTL_API__

#include <limits.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "tfm_api.h"
#include "tfm_platform_api.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

enum tfm_platform_ioctl_request_types_t {

 * \enum tfm_gpio_service_type_t
 * \brief GPIO service types (supported types may vary based on the platform)
enum tfm_gpio_service_type_t {
    TFM_GPIO_SERVICE_TYPE_INIT = 0,          /*!< Init */
    TFM_GPIO_SERVICE_TYPE_PIN_CONFIG,        /*!< Pin config */
    TFM_GPIO_SERVICE_TYPE_PIN_WRITE,         /*!< Pin write */
    TFM_GPIO_SERVICE_TYPE_PIN_READ,          /*!< Pin read */
    TFM_GPIO_SERVICE_TYPE_PORT_CONFIG,       /*!< Port config */
    TFM_GPIO_SERVICE_TYPE_PORT_WRITE,        /*!< Port write */
    TFM_GPIO_SERVICE_TYPE_PORT_READ,         /*!< Port read */
    TFM_GPIO_SERVICE_TYPE_MAX = INT_MAX      /*!< Max to force enum max size */

 * \struct tfm_gpio_service_args_t
 * \brief Argument list for each platform GPIO service
struct tfm_gpio_service_args_t {
    enum tfm_gpio_service_type_t type;
    union {
        struct gpio_config_args { /*!< TFM_GPIO_SERVICE_TYPE_PIN_CONFIG ||
                                       TFM_GPIO_SERVICE_TYPE_PORT_CONFIG  */
            uint32_t pin_num_or_mask;
            uint32_t direction;
        } gpio_config;
        struct gpio_write_args { /*!< TFM_GPIO_SERVICE_TYPE_PIN_WRITE ||
                                      TFM_GPIO_SERVICE_TYPE_PORT_WRITE */
            uint32_t pin_num_or_mask;
            uint32_t value;
        } gpio_write;
        struct gpio_read_args { /*!< TFM_GPIO_SERVICE_TYPE_PIN_READ ||
                                     TFM_GPIO_SERVICE_TYPE_PORT_READ */
            uint32_t pin_num_or_mask;
        } gpio_read;
    } u;

 * \struct tfm_gpio_service_out_t
 * \brief Output list for each GPIO platform service
struct tfm_gpio_service_out_t {
    union {
        uint32_t result;               /*!< Generic result */
        struct gpio_read_result { /*!< TFM_GPIO_SERVICE_TYPE_PIN_READ ||
                                       TFM_GPIO_SERVICE_TYPE_PORT_READ */
            uint32_t result;
            uint32_t data;
        } gpio_read_result;
    } u;

 * \enum tfm_pin_service_type_t
 * \brief Pin service types
enum tfm_pin_service_type_t {
    TFM_PIN_SERVICE_TYPE_SET_ALTFUNC = 0,  /*!< Set alternate function type */
    TFM_PIN_SERVICE_TYPE_SET_DEFAULT_IN,   /*!< Set default in function type */
    TFM_PIN_SERVICE_TYPE_SET_PIN_MODE,     /*!< Set pin mode function type */
    TFM_PIN_SERVICE_TYPE_MAX = INT_MAX     /*!< Max to force enum max size */

 * \struct tfm_pin_service_args_t
 * \brief Argument list for each platform pin service
struct tfm_pin_service_args_t {
    enum tfm_pin_service_type_t type;
    union {
        struct set_altfunc { /*!< TFM_PIN_SERVICE_TYPE_SET_ALTFUNC */
            uint32_t alt_func;
            uint64_t pin_mask;
        } set_altfunc;
        struct set_default_in { /*!< TFM_PIN_SERVICE_TYPE_SET_DEFAULT_IN */
            uint32_t alt_func;
            uint32_t pin_value;
            bool default_in_value;
        } set_default_in;
        struct set_pin_mode { /*!< TFM_PIN_SERVICE_TYPE_SET_PIN_MODE */
            uint64_t pin_mask;
            uint32_t pin_mode;
        } set_pin_mode;
    } u;

 * \brief Sets pin alternate function for the given pins
 * \param[in]  alt_func     Alternate function to set (allowed values vary
 *                          based on the platform)
 * \param[in]  pin_mask     Pin mask of the selected pins
 * \param[out] result       Return error value
 * \return Returns values as specified by the \ref tfm_platform_err_t
enum tfm_platform_err_t
tfm_platform_set_pin_alt_func(uint32_t alt_func, uint64_t pin_mask,
                              uint32_t *result);

 * \brief Sets default in value to use when the alternate function is not
 *        selected for the pin
 * \param[in]  alt_func          Alternate function to use (allowed values vary
 *                               based on the platform)
 * \param[in]  pin_value         Pin value to use
 * \param[in]  default_in_value  Default in value to set
 * \param[out] result            Return error value
 * \return Returns values as specified by the \ref tfm_platform_err_t
enum tfm_platform_err_t
tfm_platform_set_pin_default_in(uint32_t alt_func, uint32_t pin_value,
                                bool default_in_value, uint32_t *result);

 * \brief Sets pin mode for the selected pins
 * \param[in]  pin_mask     Pin mask of the selected pins
 * \param[in]  pin_mode     Pin mode to set for the selected pins
 * \param[out] result       Return error value
 * \return Returns values as specified by the \ref tfm_platform_err_t
enum tfm_platform_err_t
tfm_platform_set_pin_mode(uint64_t pin_mask, uint32_t pin_mode,
                          uint32_t *result);

 * \brief Initializes GPIO module
 * \param[out] result       Return error value
 * \return Returns values as specified by the \ref tfm_platform_err_t
enum tfm_platform_err_t tfm_platform_gpio_init(uint32_t *result);

 * \brief Configures a GPIO pin as input or output
 * \param[in]  pin_num       Pin number of the selected pin
 * \param[in]  direction     Direction of the pin: 0 for input, 1 for output
 * \param[out] result        Return error value
 * \return Returns values as specified by the \ref tfm_platform_err_t
enum tfm_platform_err_t
tfm_platform_gpio_pin_config(uint32_t pin_num, uint32_t direction,
                             uint32_t *result);

 * \brief Sets state of a selected GPIO pin
 * \param[in]  pin_num  Pin number of the selected pin
 * \param[in]  value    Value to set for the pin
 * \param[out] result   Return error value
 * \return Returns values as specified by the \ref tfm_platform_err_t
enum tfm_platform_err_t
tfm_platform_gpio_pin_write(uint32_t pin_num, uint32_t value, uint32_t *result);

 * \brief Reads state of a selected GPIO pin
 * \param[in]     pin_num  Pin number of the selected pin
 * \param[in,out] data     Bit value read from the IO pin
 * \param[out]    result   Return error value
 * \return Returns values as specified by the \ref tfm_platform_err_t
enum tfm_platform_err_t
tfm_platform_gpio_pin_read(uint32_t pin_num, uint32_t *data, uint32_t *result);

 * \brief Configures GPIO pins as input or output
 * \param[in]  pin_mask      Pin mask of the selected pins
 * \param[in]  direction     Direction of the pin: 0 for input, 1 for output
 * \param[out] result        Return error value
 * \return Returns values as specified by the \ref tfm_platform_err_t
enum tfm_platform_err_t
tfm_platform_gpio_port_config(uint32_t pin_mask, uint32_t direction,
                              uint32_t *result);

 * \brief Sets state of a selected GPIO pins
 * \param[in]  pin_mask  Pin mask of the selected pins
 * \param[in]  value     Value mask to set for the pins
 * \param[out] result    Return error value
 * \return Returns values as specified by the \ref tfm_platform_err_t
enum tfm_platform_err_t
tfm_platform_gpio_port_write(uint32_t pin_mask, uint32_t value,
                             uint32_t *result);

 * \brief Reads state of a selected GPIO pins
 * \param[in]     pin_mask Pin mask of the selected pins
 * \param[in,out] data     Bit value mask read from the IO pins
 * \param[out]    result   Return error value
 * \return Returns values as specified by the \ref tfm_platform_err_t
enum tfm_platform_err_t
tfm_platform_gpio_port_read(uint32_t pin_mask, uint32_t *data,
                            uint32_t *result);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* __TFM_IOCTL_API__ */