mbed-os / targets / TARGET_STM / TARGET_STM32WB / STM32Cube_FW / STM32WBxx_HAL_Driver / stm32wbxx_hal_irda.h
@jeromecoutant jeromecoutant on 5 May 2021 44 KB STM32WB : TARGET_STM32WB_V1.11.1
  * @file    stm32wbxx_hal_irda.h
  * @author  MCD Application Team
  * @brief   Header file of IRDA HAL module.
  * @attention
  * <h2><center>&copy; Copyright (c) 2019 STMicroelectronics.
  * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
  * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
  * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
  * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:

/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
#ifndef STM32WBxx_HAL_IRDA_H
#define STM32WBxx_HAL_IRDA_H

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "stm32wbxx_hal_def.h"

/** @addtogroup STM32WBxx_HAL_Driver
  * @{

/** @addtogroup IRDA
  * @{

/* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup IRDA_Exported_Types IRDA Exported Types
  * @{

  * @brief IRDA Init Structure definition
typedef struct
  uint32_t BaudRate;                  /*!< This member configures the IRDA communication baud rate.
                                           The baud rate register is computed using the following formula:
                                              Baud Rate Register = ((usart_ker_ckpres) / ((hirda->Init.BaudRate)))
                                           where usart_ker_ckpres is the IRDA input clock divided by a prescaler */

  uint32_t WordLength;                /*!< Specifies the number of data bits transmitted or received in a frame.
                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref IRDA_Word_Length */

  uint32_t Parity;                    /*!< Specifies the parity mode.
                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref IRDA_Parity
                                           @note When parity is enabled, the computed parity is inserted
                                                 at the MSB position of the transmitted data (9th bit when
                                                 the word length is set to 9 data bits; 8th bit when the
                                                 word length is set to 8 data bits). */

  uint32_t Mode;                      /*!< Specifies whether the Receive or Transmit mode is enabled or disabled.
                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref IRDA_Transfer_Mode */

  uint8_t  Prescaler;                 /*!< Specifies the Prescaler value for dividing the UART/USART source clock
                                           to achieve low-power frequency.
                                           @note Prescaler value 0 is forbidden */

  uint16_t PowerMode;                 /*!< Specifies the IRDA power mode.
                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref IRDA_Low_Power */

  uint32_t ClockPrescaler;            /*!< Specifies the prescaler value used to divide the IRDA clock source.
                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref IRDA_ClockPrescaler. */

} IRDA_InitTypeDef;

  * @brief HAL IRDA State definition
  * @note  HAL IRDA State value is a combination of 2 different substates:
  *        gState and RxState (see @ref IRDA_State_Definition).
  *        - gState contains IRDA state information related to global Handle management
  *          and also information related to Tx operations.
  *          gState value coding follow below described bitmap :
  *          b7-b6  Error information
  *             00 : No Error
  *             01 : (Not Used)
  *             10 : Timeout
  *             11 : Error
  *          b5     Peripheral initialization status
  *             0  : Reset (Peripheral not initialized)
  *             1  : Init done (Peripheral initialized. HAL IRDA Init function already called)
  *          b4-b3  (not used)
  *             xx : Should be set to 00
  *          b2     Intrinsic process state
  *             0  : Ready
  *             1  : Busy (Peripheral busy with some configuration or internal operations)
  *          b1     (not used)
  *             x  : Should be set to 0
  *          b0     Tx state
  *             0  : Ready (no Tx operation ongoing)
  *             1  : Busy (Tx operation ongoing)
  *        - RxState contains information related to Rx operations.
  *          RxState value coding follow below described bitmap :
  *          b7-b6  (not used)
  *             xx : Should be set to 00
  *          b5     Peripheral initialization status
  *             0  : Reset (Peripheral not initialized)
  *             1  : Init done (Peripheral initialized)
  *          b4-b2  (not used)
  *            xxx : Should be set to 000
  *          b1     Rx state
  *             0  : Ready (no Rx operation ongoing)
  *             1  : Busy (Rx operation ongoing)
  *          b0     (not used)
  *             x  : Should be set to 0.
typedef uint32_t HAL_IRDA_StateTypeDef;

  * @brief IRDA clock sources definition
typedef enum
  IRDA_CLOCKSOURCE_PCLK2      = 0x01U,    /*!< PCLK2 clock source         */
  IRDA_CLOCKSOURCE_HSI        = 0x02U,    /*!< HSI clock source           */
  IRDA_CLOCKSOURCE_SYSCLK     = 0x04U,    /*!< SYSCLK clock source        */
  IRDA_CLOCKSOURCE_LSE        = 0x10U,    /*!< LSE clock source           */
  IRDA_CLOCKSOURCE_UNDEFINED  = 0x20U     /*!< Undefined clock source     */
} IRDA_ClockSourceTypeDef;

  * @brief  IRDA handle Structure definition
typedef struct __IRDA_HandleTypeDef
typedef struct
  USART_TypeDef            *Instance;        /*!< USART registers base address       */

  IRDA_InitTypeDef         Init;             /*!< IRDA communication parameters      */

  uint8_t                  *pTxBuffPtr;      /*!< Pointer to IRDA Tx transfer Buffer */

  uint16_t                 TxXferSize;       /*!< IRDA Tx Transfer size              */

  __IO uint16_t            TxXferCount;      /*!< IRDA Tx Transfer Counter           */

  uint8_t                  *pRxBuffPtr;      /*!< Pointer to IRDA Rx transfer Buffer */

  uint16_t                 RxXferSize;       /*!< IRDA Rx Transfer size              */

  __IO uint16_t            RxXferCount;      /*!< IRDA Rx Transfer Counter           */

  uint16_t                 Mask;             /*!< USART RX RDR register mask         */

  DMA_HandleTypeDef        *hdmatx;          /*!< IRDA Tx DMA Handle parameters      */

  DMA_HandleTypeDef        *hdmarx;          /*!< IRDA Rx DMA Handle parameters      */

  HAL_LockTypeDef          Lock;             /*!< Locking object                     */

  __IO HAL_IRDA_StateTypeDef    gState;      /*!< IRDA state information related to global Handle management
                                                  and also related to Tx operations.
                                                  This parameter can be a value of @ref HAL_IRDA_StateTypeDef */

  __IO HAL_IRDA_StateTypeDef    RxState;     /*!< IRDA state information related to Rx operations.
                                                  This parameter can be a value of @ref HAL_IRDA_StateTypeDef */

  uint32_t                 ErrorCode;        /*!< IRDA Error code                    */

  void (* TxHalfCpltCallback)(struct __IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda);        /*!< IRDA Tx Half Complete Callback        */

  void (* TxCpltCallback)(struct __IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda);            /*!< IRDA Tx Complete Callback             */

  void (* RxHalfCpltCallback)(struct __IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda);        /*!< IRDA Rx Half Complete Callback        */

  void (* RxCpltCallback)(struct __IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda);            /*!< IRDA Rx Complete Callback             */

  void (* ErrorCallback)(struct __IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda);             /*!< IRDA Error Callback                   */

  void (* AbortCpltCallback)(struct __IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda);         /*!< IRDA Abort Complete Callback          */

  void (* AbortTransmitCpltCallback)(struct __IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda); /*!< IRDA Abort Transmit Complete Callback */

  void (* AbortReceiveCpltCallback)(struct __IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda);  /*!< IRDA Abort Receive Complete Callback  */

  void (* MspInitCallback)(struct __IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda);           /*!< IRDA Msp Init callback                */

  void (* MspDeInitCallback)(struct __IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda);         /*!< IRDA Msp DeInit callback              */

} IRDA_HandleTypeDef;

  * @brief  HAL IRDA Callback ID enumeration definition
typedef enum
  HAL_IRDA_TX_HALFCOMPLETE_CB_ID         = 0x00U,    /*!< IRDA Tx Half Complete Callback ID        */
  HAL_IRDA_TX_COMPLETE_CB_ID             = 0x01U,    /*!< IRDA Tx Complete Callback ID             */
  HAL_IRDA_RX_HALFCOMPLETE_CB_ID         = 0x02U,    /*!< IRDA Rx Half Complete Callback ID        */
  HAL_IRDA_RX_COMPLETE_CB_ID             = 0x03U,    /*!< IRDA Rx Complete Callback ID             */
  HAL_IRDA_ERROR_CB_ID                   = 0x04U,    /*!< IRDA Error Callback ID                   */
  HAL_IRDA_ABORT_COMPLETE_CB_ID          = 0x05U,    /*!< IRDA Abort Complete Callback ID          */
  HAL_IRDA_ABORT_TRANSMIT_COMPLETE_CB_ID = 0x06U,    /*!< IRDA Abort Transmit Complete Callback ID */
  HAL_IRDA_ABORT_RECEIVE_COMPLETE_CB_ID  = 0x07U,    /*!< IRDA Abort Receive Complete Callback ID  */

  HAL_IRDA_MSPINIT_CB_ID                 = 0x08U,    /*!< IRDA MspInit callback ID                 */
  HAL_IRDA_MSPDEINIT_CB_ID               = 0x09U     /*!< IRDA MspDeInit callback ID               */

} HAL_IRDA_CallbackIDTypeDef;

  * @brief  HAL IRDA Callback pointer definition
typedef  void (*pIRDA_CallbackTypeDef)(IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda);  /*!< pointer to an IRDA callback function */


  * @}

/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup IRDA_Exported_Constants IRDA Exported Constants
  * @{

/** @defgroup IRDA_State_Definition IRDA State Code Definition
  * @{
#define HAL_IRDA_STATE_RESET                0x00000000U   /*!< Peripheral is not initialized
                                                               Value is allowed for gState and RxState */
#define HAL_IRDA_STATE_READY                0x00000020U   /*!< Peripheral Initialized and ready for use
                                                               Value is allowed for gState and RxState */
#define HAL_IRDA_STATE_BUSY                 0x00000024U   /*!< An internal process is ongoing
                                                               Value is allowed for gState only */
#define HAL_IRDA_STATE_BUSY_TX              0x00000021U   /*!< Data Transmission process is ongoing
                                                               Value is allowed for gState only */
#define HAL_IRDA_STATE_BUSY_RX              0x00000022U   /*!< Data Reception process is ongoing
                                                               Value is allowed for RxState only */
#define HAL_IRDA_STATE_BUSY_TX_RX           0x00000023U   /*!< Data Transmission and Reception process is ongoing
                                                               Not to be used for neither gState nor RxState.
                                                               Value is result of combination (Or) between gState and RxState values */
#define HAL_IRDA_STATE_TIMEOUT              0x000000A0U   /*!< Timeout state
                                                               Value is allowed for gState only */
#define HAL_IRDA_STATE_ERROR                0x000000E0U   /*!< Error
                                                               Value is allowed for gState only */
  * @}

/** @defgroup IRDA_Error_Definition IRDA Error Code Definition
  * @{
#define HAL_IRDA_ERROR_NONE                 ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)          /*!< No error                */
#define HAL_IRDA_ERROR_PE                   ((uint32_t)0x00000001U)          /*!< Parity error            */
#define HAL_IRDA_ERROR_NE                   ((uint32_t)0x00000002U)          /*!< Noise error             */
#define HAL_IRDA_ERROR_FE                   ((uint32_t)0x00000004U)          /*!< frame error             */
#define HAL_IRDA_ERROR_ORE                  ((uint32_t)0x00000008U)          /*!< Overrun error           */
#define HAL_IRDA_ERROR_DMA                  ((uint32_t)0x00000010U)          /*!< DMA transfer error      */
#define HAL_IRDA_ERROR_BUSY                 ((uint32_t)0x00000020U)          /*!< Busy Error              */
#define HAL_IRDA_ERROR_INVALID_CALLBACK     ((uint32_t)0x00000040U)          /*!< Invalid Callback error  */
  * @}

/** @defgroup IRDA_Word_Length IRDA Word Length
  * @{
#define IRDA_WORDLENGTH_7B                  USART_CR1_M1   /*!< 7-bit long frame */
#define IRDA_WORDLENGTH_8B                  0x00000000U    /*!< 8-bit long frame */
#define IRDA_WORDLENGTH_9B                  USART_CR1_M0   /*!< 9-bit long frame */
  * @}

/** @defgroup IRDA_Parity IRDA Parity
  * @{
#define IRDA_PARITY_NONE                    0x00000000U                      /*!< No parity   */
#define IRDA_PARITY_EVEN                    USART_CR1_PCE                    /*!< Even parity */
#define IRDA_PARITY_ODD                     (USART_CR1_PCE | USART_CR1_PS)   /*!< Odd parity  */
  * @}

/** @defgroup IRDA_Transfer_Mode IRDA Transfer Mode
  * @{
#define IRDA_MODE_RX                        USART_CR1_RE                   /*!< RX mode        */
#define IRDA_MODE_TX                        USART_CR1_TE                   /*!< TX mode        */
#define IRDA_MODE_TX_RX                     (USART_CR1_TE |USART_CR1_RE)   /*!< RX and TX mode */
  * @}

/** @defgroup IRDA_Low_Power IRDA Low Power
  * @{
#define IRDA_POWERMODE_NORMAL               0x00000000U       /*!< IRDA normal power mode */
#define IRDA_POWERMODE_LOWPOWER             USART_CR3_IRLP    /*!< IRDA low power mode    */
  * @}

/** @defgroup IRDA_ClockPrescaler  Clock Prescaler
  * @{
#define IRDA_PRESCALER_DIV1    0x00000000U  /*!< fclk_pres = fclk     */
#define IRDA_PRESCALER_DIV2    0x00000001U  /*!< fclk_pres = fclk/2   */
#define IRDA_PRESCALER_DIV4    0x00000002U  /*!< fclk_pres = fclk/4   */
#define IRDA_PRESCALER_DIV6    0x00000003U  /*!< fclk_pres = fclk/6   */
#define IRDA_PRESCALER_DIV8    0x00000004U  /*!< fclk_pres = fclk/8   */
#define IRDA_PRESCALER_DIV10   0x00000005U  /*!< fclk_pres = fclk/10  */
#define IRDA_PRESCALER_DIV12   0x00000006U  /*!< fclk_pres = fclk/12  */
#define IRDA_PRESCALER_DIV16   0x00000007U  /*!< fclk_pres = fclk/16  */
#define IRDA_PRESCALER_DIV32   0x00000008U  /*!< fclk_pres = fclk/32  */
#define IRDA_PRESCALER_DIV64   0x00000009U  /*!< fclk_pres = fclk/64  */
#define IRDA_PRESCALER_DIV128  0x0000000AU  /*!< fclk_pres = fclk/128 */
#define IRDA_PRESCALER_DIV256  0x0000000BU  /*!< fclk_pres = fclk/256 */
  * @}

/** @defgroup IRDA_State IRDA State
  * @{
#define IRDA_STATE_DISABLE                  0x00000000U     /*!< IRDA disabled  */
#define IRDA_STATE_ENABLE                   USART_CR1_UE    /*!< IRDA enabled   */
  * @}

/** @defgroup IRDA_Mode  IRDA Mode
  * @{
#define IRDA_MODE_DISABLE                   0x00000000U      /*!< Associated UART disabled in IRDA mode */
#define IRDA_MODE_ENABLE                    USART_CR3_IREN   /*!< Associated UART enabled in IRDA mode  */
  * @}

/** @defgroup IRDA_One_Bit  IRDA One Bit Sampling
  * @{
#define IRDA_ONE_BIT_SAMPLE_DISABLE         0x00000000U       /*!< One-bit sampling disabled */
#define IRDA_ONE_BIT_SAMPLE_ENABLE          USART_CR3_ONEBIT  /*!< One-bit sampling enabled  */
  * @}

/** @defgroup IRDA_DMA_Tx IRDA DMA Tx
  * @{
#define IRDA_DMA_TX_DISABLE                 0x00000000U       /*!< IRDA DMA TX disabled */
#define IRDA_DMA_TX_ENABLE                  USART_CR3_DMAT    /*!< IRDA DMA TX enabled  */
  * @}

/** @defgroup IRDA_DMA_Rx  IRDA DMA Rx
  * @{
#define IRDA_DMA_RX_DISABLE                 0x00000000U       /*!< IRDA DMA RX disabled */
#define IRDA_DMA_RX_ENABLE                  USART_CR3_DMAR    /*!< IRDA DMA RX enabled  */
  * @}

/** @defgroup IRDA_Request_Parameters IRDA Request Parameters
  * @{
#define IRDA_AUTOBAUD_REQUEST            USART_RQR_ABRRQ        /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Request      */
#define IRDA_RXDATA_FLUSH_REQUEST        USART_RQR_RXFRQ        /*!< Receive Data flush Request  */
#define IRDA_TXDATA_FLUSH_REQUEST        USART_RQR_TXFRQ        /*!< Transmit data flush Request */
  * @}

/** @defgroup IRDA_Flags IRDA Flags
  *        Elements values convention: 0xXXXX
  *           - 0xXXXX  : Flag mask in the ISR register
  * @{
#define IRDA_FLAG_REACK                     USART_ISR_REACK         /*!< IRDA receive enable acknowledge flag      */
#define IRDA_FLAG_TEACK                     USART_ISR_TEACK         /*!< IRDA transmit enable acknowledge flag     */
#define IRDA_FLAG_BUSY                      USART_ISR_BUSY          /*!< IRDA busy flag                            */
#define IRDA_FLAG_ABRF                      USART_ISR_ABRF          /*!< IRDA auto Baud rate flag                  */
#define IRDA_FLAG_ABRE                      USART_ISR_ABRE          /*!< IRDA auto Baud rate error                 */
#define IRDA_FLAG_TXE                       USART_ISR_TXE_TXFNF     /*!< IRDA transmit data register empty         */
#define IRDA_FLAG_TC                        USART_ISR_TC            /*!< IRDA transmission complete                */
#define IRDA_FLAG_RXNE                      USART_ISR_RXNE_RXFNE    /*!< IRDA read data register not empty         */
#define IRDA_FLAG_ORE                       USART_ISR_ORE           /*!< IRDA overrun error                        */
#define IRDA_FLAG_NE                        USART_ISR_NE            /*!< IRDA noise error                          */
#define IRDA_FLAG_FE                        USART_ISR_FE            /*!< IRDA frame error                          */
#define IRDA_FLAG_PE                        USART_ISR_PE            /*!< IRDA parity error                         */
  * @}

/** @defgroup IRDA_Interrupt_definition IRDA Interrupts Definition
  *        Elements values convention: 0000ZZZZ0XXYYYYYb
  *           - YYYYY  : Interrupt source position in the XX register (5bits)
  *           - XX  : Interrupt source register (2bits)
  *                 - 01: CR1 register
  *                 - 10: CR2 register
  *                 - 11: CR3 register
  *           - ZZZZ  : Flag position in the ISR register(4bits)
  * @{
#define IRDA_IT_PE                          0x0028U     /*!< IRDA Parity error interruption                 */
#define IRDA_IT_TXE                         0x0727U     /*!< IRDA Transmit data register empty interruption */
#define IRDA_IT_TC                          0x0626U     /*!< IRDA Transmission complete interruption        */
#define IRDA_IT_RXNE                        0x0525U     /*!< IRDA Read data register not empty interruption */
#define IRDA_IT_IDLE                        0x0424U     /*!< IRDA Idle interruption                         */

/*       Elements values convention: 000000000XXYYYYYb
             - YYYYY  : Interrupt source position in the XX register (5bits)
             - XX  : Interrupt source register (2bits)
                   - 01: CR1 register
                   - 10: CR2 register
                   - 11: CR3 register */
#define IRDA_IT_ERR                         0x0060U       /*!< IRDA Error interruption        */

/*       Elements values convention: 0000ZZZZ00000000b
             - ZZZZ  : Flag position in the ISR register(4bits) */
#define IRDA_IT_ORE                         0x0300U      /*!< IRDA Overrun error interruption */
#define IRDA_IT_NE                          0x0200U      /*!< IRDA Noise error interruption   */
#define IRDA_IT_FE                          0x0100U      /*!< IRDA Frame error interruption   */
  * @}

/** @defgroup IRDA_IT_CLEAR_Flags   IRDA Interruption Clear Flags
  * @{
#define IRDA_CLEAR_PEF                       USART_ICR_PECF            /*!< Parity Error Clear Flag          */
#define IRDA_CLEAR_FEF                       USART_ICR_FECF            /*!< Framing Error Clear Flag         */
#define IRDA_CLEAR_NEF                       USART_ICR_NECF            /*!< Noise Error detected Clear Flag  */
#define IRDA_CLEAR_OREF                      USART_ICR_ORECF           /*!< OverRun Error Clear Flag         */
#define IRDA_CLEAR_IDLEF                     USART_ICR_IDLECF          /*!< IDLE line detected Clear Flag    */
#define IRDA_CLEAR_TCF                       USART_ICR_TCCF            /*!< Transmission Complete Clear Flag */
  * @}

/** @defgroup IRDA_Interruption_Mask    IRDA interruptions flags mask
  * @{
#define IRDA_IT_MASK  0x001FU  /*!< IRDA Interruptions flags mask  */
#define IRDA_CR_MASK  0x00E0U  /*!< IRDA control register mask     */
#define IRDA_CR_POS   5U       /*!< IRDA control register position */
#define IRDA_ISR_MASK 0x1F00U  /*!< IRDA ISR register mask         */
#define IRDA_ISR_POS  8U       /*!< IRDA ISR register position     */
  * @}

 * @}

/* Exported macros -----------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup IRDA_Exported_Macros IRDA Exported Macros
  * @{

/** @brief  Reset IRDA handle state.
  * @param  __HANDLE__ IRDA handle.
  * @retval None
#define __HAL_IRDA_RESET_HANDLE_STATE(__HANDLE__)  do{                                                   \
                                                       (__HANDLE__)->gState = HAL_IRDA_STATE_RESET;      \
                                                       (__HANDLE__)->RxState = HAL_IRDA_STATE_RESET;     \
                                                       (__HANDLE__)->MspInitCallback = NULL;             \
                                                       (__HANDLE__)->MspDeInitCallback = NULL;           \
                                                     } while(0)
#define __HAL_IRDA_RESET_HANDLE_STATE(__HANDLE__)  do{                                                   \
                                                       (__HANDLE__)->gState = HAL_IRDA_STATE_RESET;      \
                                                       (__HANDLE__)->RxState = HAL_IRDA_STATE_RESET;     \
                                                     } while(0)

/** @brief  Flush the IRDA DR register.
  * @param  __HANDLE__ specifies the IRDA Handle.
  * @retval None
#define __HAL_IRDA_FLUSH_DRREGISTER(__HANDLE__)                            \
    do{                                                                    \
      } while(0)

/** @brief  Clear the specified IRDA pending flag.
  * @param  __HANDLE__ specifies the IRDA Handle.
  * @param  __FLAG__ specifies the flag to check.
  *          This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_CLEAR_PEF
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_CLEAR_FEF
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_CLEAR_NEF
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_CLEAR_OREF
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_CLEAR_TCF
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_CLEAR_IDLEF
  * @retval None
#define __HAL_IRDA_CLEAR_FLAG(__HANDLE__, __FLAG__) ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->ICR = (__FLAG__))

/** @brief  Clear the IRDA PE pending flag.
  * @param  __HANDLE__ specifies the IRDA Handle.
  * @retval None

/** @brief  Clear the IRDA FE pending flag.
  * @param  __HANDLE__ specifies the IRDA Handle.
  * @retval None

/** @brief  Clear the IRDA NE pending flag.
  * @param  __HANDLE__ specifies the IRDA Handle.
  * @retval None

/** @brief  Clear the IRDA ORE pending flag.
  * @param  __HANDLE__ specifies the IRDA Handle.
  * @retval None

/** @brief  Clear the IRDA IDLE pending flag.
  * @param  __HANDLE__ specifies the IRDA Handle.
  * @retval None

/** @brief  Check whether the specified IRDA flag is set or not.
  * @param  __HANDLE__ specifies the IRDA Handle.
  * @param  __FLAG__ specifies the flag to check.
  *        This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_FLAG_REACK Receive enable acknowledge flag
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_FLAG_TEACK Transmit enable acknowledge flag
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_FLAG_BUSY  Busy flag
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_FLAG_ABRF  Auto Baud rate detection flag
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_FLAG_ABRE  Auto Baud rate detection error flag
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_FLAG_TXE   Transmit data register empty flag
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_FLAG_TC    Transmission Complete flag
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_FLAG_RXNE  Receive data register not empty flag
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_FLAG_ORE   OverRun Error flag
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_FLAG_NE    Noise Error flag
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_FLAG_FE    Framing Error flag
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_FLAG_PE    Parity Error flag
  * @retval The new state of __FLAG__ (TRUE or FALSE).
#define __HAL_IRDA_GET_FLAG(__HANDLE__, __FLAG__) (((__HANDLE__)->Instance->ISR & (__FLAG__)) == (__FLAG__))

/** @brief  Enable the specified IRDA interrupt.
  * @param  __HANDLE__ specifies the IRDA Handle.
  * @param  __INTERRUPT__ specifies the IRDA interrupt source to enable.
  *          This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_IT_TXE  Transmit Data Register empty interrupt
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_IT_TC   Transmission complete interrupt
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_IT_RXNE Receive Data register not empty interrupt
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_IT_IDLE Idle line detection interrupt
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_IT_PE   Parity Error interrupt
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_IT_ERR  Error interrupt(Frame error, noise error, overrun error)
  * @retval None
#define __HAL_IRDA_ENABLE_IT(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__)   (((((__INTERRUPT__) & IRDA_CR_MASK) >> IRDA_CR_POS) == 1)? ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR1 |= ((uint32_t)1U << ((__INTERRUPT__) & IRDA_IT_MASK))): \
                                                           ((((__INTERRUPT__) & IRDA_CR_MASK) >> IRDA_CR_POS) == 2)? ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR2 |= ((uint32_t)1U << ((__INTERRUPT__) & IRDA_IT_MASK))): \
                                                           ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR3 |= ((uint32_t)1U << ((__INTERRUPT__) & IRDA_IT_MASK))))

/** @brief  Disable the specified IRDA interrupt.
  * @param  __HANDLE__ specifies the IRDA Handle.
  * @param  __INTERRUPT__ specifies the IRDA interrupt source to disable.
  *          This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_IT_TXE  Transmit Data Register empty interrupt
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_IT_TC   Transmission complete interrupt
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_IT_RXNE Receive Data register not empty interrupt
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_IT_IDLE Idle line detection interrupt
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_IT_PE   Parity Error interrupt
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_IT_ERR  Error interrupt(Frame error, noise error, overrun error)
  * @retval None
#define __HAL_IRDA_DISABLE_IT(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__)  (((((__INTERRUPT__) & IRDA_CR_MASK) >> IRDA_CR_POS) == 1)? ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR1 &= ~ ((uint32_t)1U << ((__INTERRUPT__) & IRDA_IT_MASK))): \
                                                           ((((__INTERRUPT__) & IRDA_CR_MASK) >> IRDA_CR_POS) == 2)? ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR2 &= ~ ((uint32_t)1U << ((__INTERRUPT__) & IRDA_IT_MASK))): \
                                                           ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR3 &= ~ ((uint32_t)1U << ((__INTERRUPT__) & IRDA_IT_MASK))))

/** @brief  Check whether the specified IRDA interrupt has occurred or not.
  * @param  __HANDLE__ specifies the IRDA Handle.
  * @param  __INTERRUPT__ specifies the IRDA interrupt source to check.
  *          This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_IT_TXE Transmit Data Register empty interrupt
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_IT_TC  Transmission complete interrupt
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_IT_RXNE Receive Data register not empty interrupt
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_IT_IDLE Idle line detection interrupt
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_IT_ORE OverRun Error interrupt
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_IT_NE Noise Error interrupt
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_IT_FE Framing Error interrupt
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_IT_PE Parity Error interrupt
  * @retval The new state of __IT__ (SET or RESET).
#define __HAL_IRDA_GET_IT(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__) ((((__HANDLE__)->Instance->ISR & (0x01U << (((__INTERRUPT__) & IRDA_ISR_MASK)>> IRDA_ISR_POS))) != 0U) ? SET : RESET)

/** @brief  Check whether the specified IRDA interrupt source is enabled or not.
  * @param  __HANDLE__ specifies the IRDA Handle.
  * @param  __INTERRUPT__ specifies the IRDA interrupt source to check.
  *          This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_IT_TXE Transmit Data Register empty interrupt
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_IT_TC  Transmission complete interrupt
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_IT_RXNE Receive Data register not empty interrupt
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_IT_IDLE Idle line detection interrupt
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_IT_ERR Framing, overrun or noise error interrupt
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_IT_PE Parity Error interrupt
  * @retval The new state of __IT__ (SET or RESET).
#define __HAL_IRDA_GET_IT_SOURCE(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__) ((((((((__INTERRUPT__) & IRDA_CR_MASK) >> IRDA_CR_POS) == 0x01U)? (__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR1 : \
                                                               (((((__INTERRUPT__) & IRDA_CR_MASK) >> IRDA_CR_POS) == 0x02U)? (__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR2 : \
                                                               (__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR3)) & ((uint32_t)0x01U << (((uint16_t)(__INTERRUPT__)) & IRDA_IT_MASK))) != 0U) ? SET : RESET)

/** @brief  Clear the specified IRDA ISR flag, in setting the proper ICR register flag.
  * @param  __HANDLE__ specifies the IRDA Handle.
  * @param  __IT_CLEAR__ specifies the interrupt clear register flag that needs to be set
  *                       to clear the corresponding interrupt
  *          This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_CLEAR_PEF Parity Error Clear Flag
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_CLEAR_FEF Framing Error Clear Flag
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_CLEAR_NEF Noise detected Clear Flag
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_CLEAR_OREF OverRun Error Clear Flag
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_CLEAR_TCF Transmission Complete Clear Flag
  * @retval None
#define __HAL_IRDA_CLEAR_IT(__HANDLE__, __IT_CLEAR__) ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->ICR = (uint32_t)(__IT_CLEAR__))

/** @brief  Set a specific IRDA request flag.
  * @param  __HANDLE__ specifies the IRDA Handle.
  * @param  __REQ__ specifies the request flag to set
  *          This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_AUTOBAUD_REQUEST Auto-Baud Rate Request
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_RXDATA_FLUSH_REQUEST Receive Data flush Request
  *            @arg @ref IRDA_TXDATA_FLUSH_REQUEST Transmit data flush Request
  * @retval None
#define __HAL_IRDA_SEND_REQ(__HANDLE__, __REQ__) ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->RQR |= (uint16_t)(__REQ__))

/** @brief  Enable the IRDA one bit sample method.
  * @param  __HANDLE__ specifies the IRDA Handle.
  * @retval None

/** @brief  Disable the IRDA one bit sample method.
  * @param  __HANDLE__ specifies the IRDA Handle.
  * @retval None
#define __HAL_IRDA_ONE_BIT_SAMPLE_DISABLE(__HANDLE__) ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR3 &= (uint32_t)~((uint32_t)USART_CR3_ONEBIT))

/** @brief  Enable UART/USART associated to IRDA Handle.
  * @param  __HANDLE__ specifies the IRDA Handle.
  * @retval None
#define __HAL_IRDA_ENABLE(__HANDLE__)                   ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR1 |=  USART_CR1_UE)

/** @brief  Disable UART/USART associated to IRDA Handle.
  * @param  __HANDLE__ specifies the IRDA Handle.
  * @retval None
#define __HAL_IRDA_DISABLE(__HANDLE__)                  ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR1 &=  ~USART_CR1_UE)

  * @}

/* Private macros --------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @addtogroup IRDA_Private_Macros
  * @{

/** @brief  Compute the mask to apply to retrieve the received data
  *         according to the word length and to the parity bits activation.
  * @param  __HANDLE__ specifies the IRDA Handle.
  * @retval None, the mask to apply to the associated UART RDR register is stored in (__HANDLE__)->Mask field.
#define IRDA_MASK_COMPUTATION(__HANDLE__)                             \
  do {                                                                \
  if ((__HANDLE__)->Init.WordLength == IRDA_WORDLENGTH_9B)            \
  {                                                                   \
     if ((__HANDLE__)->Init.Parity == IRDA_PARITY_NONE)               \
     {                                                                \
        (__HANDLE__)->Mask = 0x01FF ;                                 \
     }                                                                \
     else                                                             \
     {                                                                \
        (__HANDLE__)->Mask = 0x00FF ;                                 \
     }                                                                \
  }                                                                   \
  else if ((__HANDLE__)->Init.WordLength == IRDA_WORDLENGTH_8B)       \
  {                                                                   \
     if ((__HANDLE__)->Init.Parity == IRDA_PARITY_NONE)               \
     {                                                                \
        (__HANDLE__)->Mask = 0x00FF ;                                 \
     }                                                                \
     else                                                             \
     {                                                                \
        (__HANDLE__)->Mask = 0x007F ;                                 \
     }                                                                \
  }                                                                   \
  else if ((__HANDLE__)->Init.WordLength == IRDA_WORDLENGTH_7B)       \
  {                                                                   \
     if ((__HANDLE__)->Init.Parity == IRDA_PARITY_NONE)               \
     {                                                                \
        (__HANDLE__)->Mask = 0x007F ;                                 \
     }                                                                \
     else                                                             \
     {                                                                \
        (__HANDLE__)->Mask = 0x003F ;                                 \
     }                                                                \
  }                                                                   \
  else                                                                \
  {                                                                   \
    (__HANDLE__)->Mask = 0x0000U;                                     \
  }                                                                   \
} while(0)

/** @brief  Ensure that IRDA Baud rate is less or equal to maximum value.
  * @param  __BAUDRATE__ specifies the IRDA Baudrate set by the user.
  * @retval True or False
#define IS_IRDA_BAUDRATE(__BAUDRATE__) ((__BAUDRATE__) < 115201U)

/** @brief  Ensure that IRDA prescaler value is strictly larger than 0.
  * @param  __PRESCALER__ specifies the IRDA prescaler value set by the user.
  * @retval True or False

  * @brief Ensure that IRDA frame length is valid.
  * @param __LENGTH__ IRDA frame length.
  * @retval SET (__LENGTH__ is valid) or RESET (__LENGTH__ is invalid)
                                         ((__LENGTH__) == IRDA_WORDLENGTH_8B) || \
                                         ((__LENGTH__) == IRDA_WORDLENGTH_9B))

  * @brief Ensure that IRDA frame parity is valid.
  * @param __PARITY__ IRDA frame parity.
  * @retval SET (__PARITY__ is valid) or RESET (__PARITY__ is invalid)
                                    ((__PARITY__) == IRDA_PARITY_EVEN) || \
                                    ((__PARITY__) == IRDA_PARITY_ODD))

  * @brief Ensure that IRDA communication mode is valid.
  * @param __MODE__ IRDA communication mode.
  * @retval SET (__MODE__ is valid) or RESET (__MODE__ is invalid)
#define IS_IRDA_TX_RX_MODE(__MODE__) ((((__MODE__) & (~((uint32_t)(IRDA_MODE_TX_RX)))) == 0x00U) && ((__MODE__) != 0x00U))

  * @brief Ensure that IRDA power mode is valid.
  * @param __MODE__ IRDA power mode.
  * @retval SET (__MODE__ is valid) or RESET (__MODE__ is invalid)
                                     ((__MODE__) == IRDA_POWERMODE_NORMAL))

  * @brief Ensure that IRDA clock Prescaler is valid.
  * @param __CLOCKPRESCALER__ IRDA clock Prescaler value.
  * @retval SET (__CLOCKPRESCALER__ is valid) or RESET (__CLOCKPRESCALER__ is invalid)
              ((__CLOCKPRESCALER__) == IRDA_PRESCALER_DIV2)   || \
              ((__CLOCKPRESCALER__) == IRDA_PRESCALER_DIV4)   || \
              ((__CLOCKPRESCALER__) == IRDA_PRESCALER_DIV6)   || \
              ((__CLOCKPRESCALER__) == IRDA_PRESCALER_DIV8)   || \
              ((__CLOCKPRESCALER__) == IRDA_PRESCALER_DIV10)  || \
              ((__CLOCKPRESCALER__) == IRDA_PRESCALER_DIV12)  || \
              ((__CLOCKPRESCALER__) == IRDA_PRESCALER_DIV16)  || \
              ((__CLOCKPRESCALER__) == IRDA_PRESCALER_DIV32)  || \
              ((__CLOCKPRESCALER__) == IRDA_PRESCALER_DIV64)  || \
              ((__CLOCKPRESCALER__) == IRDA_PRESCALER_DIV128) || \
              ((__CLOCKPRESCALER__) == IRDA_PRESCALER_DIV256))

  * @brief Ensure that IRDA state is valid.
  * @param __STATE__ IRDA state mode.
  * @retval SET (__STATE__ is valid) or RESET (__STATE__ is invalid)
#define IS_IRDA_STATE(__STATE__) (((__STATE__) == IRDA_STATE_DISABLE) || \
                                  ((__STATE__) == IRDA_STATE_ENABLE))

  * @brief Ensure that IRDA associated UART/USART mode is valid.
  * @param __MODE__ IRDA associated UART/USART mode.
  * @retval SET (__MODE__ is valid) or RESET (__MODE__ is invalid)
#define IS_IRDA_MODE(__MODE__)  (((__MODE__) == IRDA_MODE_DISABLE) || \
                                 ((__MODE__) == IRDA_MODE_ENABLE))

  * @brief Ensure that IRDA sampling rate is valid.
  * @param __ONEBIT__ IRDA sampling rate.
  * @retval SET (__ONEBIT__ is valid) or RESET (__ONEBIT__ is invalid)
                                                 ((__ONEBIT__) == IRDA_ONE_BIT_SAMPLE_ENABLE))

  * @brief Ensure that IRDA DMA TX mode is valid.
  * @param __DMATX__ IRDA DMA TX mode.
  * @retval SET (__DMATX__ is valid) or RESET (__DMATX__ is invalid)
#define IS_IRDA_DMA_TX(__DMATX__)     (((__DMATX__) == IRDA_DMA_TX_DISABLE) || \
                                       ((__DMATX__) == IRDA_DMA_TX_ENABLE))

  * @brief Ensure that IRDA DMA RX mode is valid.
  * @param __DMARX__ IRDA DMA RX mode.
  * @retval SET (__DMARX__ is valid) or RESET (__DMARX__ is invalid)
#define IS_IRDA_DMA_RX(__DMARX__) (((__DMARX__) == IRDA_DMA_RX_DISABLE) || \
                                   ((__DMARX__) == IRDA_DMA_RX_ENABLE))

  * @brief Ensure that IRDA request is valid.
  * @param __PARAM__ IRDA request.
  * @retval SET (__PARAM__ is valid) or RESET (__PARAM__ is invalid)
                                              ((__PARAM__) == IRDA_RXDATA_FLUSH_REQUEST) || \
                                              ((__PARAM__) == IRDA_TXDATA_FLUSH_REQUEST))
 * @}

/* Include IRDA HAL Extended module */
#include "stm32wbxx_hal_irda_ex.h"

/* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @addtogroup IRDA_Exported_Functions IRDA Exported Functions
  * @{

/** @addtogroup IRDA_Exported_Functions_Group1 Initialization and de-initialization functions
  * @{

/* Initialization and de-initialization functions  ****************************/
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_IRDA_Init(IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_IRDA_DeInit(IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda);
void HAL_IRDA_MspInit(IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda);
void HAL_IRDA_MspDeInit(IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda);

/* Callbacks Register/UnRegister functions  ***********************************/
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_IRDA_RegisterCallback(IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda, HAL_IRDA_CallbackIDTypeDef CallbackID, pIRDA_CallbackTypeDef pCallback);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_IRDA_UnRegisterCallback(IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda, HAL_IRDA_CallbackIDTypeDef CallbackID);

  * @}

/** @addtogroup IRDA_Exported_Functions_Group2 IO operation functions
  * @{

/* IO operation functions *****************************************************/
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_IRDA_Transmit(IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size, uint32_t Timeout);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_IRDA_Receive(IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size, uint32_t Timeout);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_IRDA_Transmit_IT(IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_IRDA_Receive_IT(IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_IRDA_Transmit_DMA(IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_IRDA_Receive_DMA(IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_IRDA_DMAPause(IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_IRDA_DMAResume(IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_IRDA_DMAStop(IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda);
/* Transfer Abort functions */
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_IRDA_Abort(IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_IRDA_AbortTransmit(IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_IRDA_AbortReceive(IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_IRDA_Abort_IT(IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_IRDA_AbortTransmit_IT(IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_IRDA_AbortReceive_IT(IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda);

void HAL_IRDA_IRQHandler(IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda);
void HAL_IRDA_TxCpltCallback(IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda);
void HAL_IRDA_RxCpltCallback(IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda);
void HAL_IRDA_TxHalfCpltCallback(IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda);
void HAL_IRDA_RxHalfCpltCallback(IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda);
void HAL_IRDA_ErrorCallback(IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda);
void HAL_IRDA_AbortCpltCallback(IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda);
void HAL_IRDA_AbortTransmitCpltCallback(IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda);
void HAL_IRDA_AbortReceiveCpltCallback(IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda);

  * @}

/* Peripheral Control functions  ************************************************/

/** @addtogroup IRDA_Exported_Functions_Group4 Peripheral State and Error functions
  * @{

/* Peripheral State and Error functions ***************************************/
HAL_IRDA_StateTypeDef HAL_IRDA_GetState(IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda);
uint32_t              HAL_IRDA_GetError(IRDA_HandleTypeDef *hirda);

  * @}

  * @}

  * @}

  * @}

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* STM32WBxx_HAL_IRDA_H */

/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/