mbed-os / components / TARGET_PSA / spm / COMPONENT_SPE / handles_manager.c
@Oren Cohen Oren Cohen on 27 Nov 2018 9 KB PSA SPM
 * Copyright (c) 2017, ARM Limited, All Rights Reserved
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
 * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

/* -------------------------------------- Includes ----------------------------------- */

#include "psa_defs.h"
#include "cmsis_os2.h"
#include "mbed_critical.h"
#include "spm_internal.h"
#include "spm_panic.h"
#include "handles_manager.h"

#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

/* ------------------------------------ Definitions ---------------------------------- */


/* -------------------------------- Handle Manager Module ---------------------------- */

/* The Handle Manager Module manages handles.
 * It basically generates and exposes a unique handle identifier [handle] per
 * handle memory [handle_mem] it receives from the user.
 * Then users can use the exposed handle identifier to relate to the "registered"
 * handle memory.
 * Users can:
 * - Ask for a unique handle identifier for a given handle memory [handle_create]
 * - Ask for a pointer to the handle memory corresponding to a
 *   handle identifier [handle_get_mem]
 * - Remove a handle from the handle manager module [handle_destroy]
 * Note:
 * Handles generation is done exclusively.
 * Once we got a handle, removing a handle or getting its memory can be
 * done non-exclusive.
 * The assumption is that only one context is dealing with a handle after it was
 * generated.

/* ------------------------------------- Functions ----------------------------------- */

 * Function   : psa_hndl_mgr_handle_create
 * Description: This function generates a unique handle identifier, and "couples" it with the received handle memory.
 *              If there is no vacant space for the new handle, the function fails.
 * Note:        This function is expected to pass since it is always coupled with memory pool allocation of the same size.
 *              In case memory pool allocation fails, this function should not be called.
 *              This function will panic on non vacant space use case.
 * Parameters : handle_mgr - [IN]  A pointer to the handle manager object
 *              handle_mem - [IN]  A pointer to a pre-allocated handle memory to get a handle identifier for
 *              friend_pid - [IN]  The partition id which is allowed to get_mem() and destroy() in addition to the handle owner.
 *                                 Use PSA_HANDLE_MGR_INVALID_FRIEND_OWNER to denote there is no friend partition.
 * Return     : The created handle identifier
psa_handle_t psa_hndl_mgr_handle_create(psa_handle_manager_t *handle_mgr, void *handle_mem, int32_t friend_pid)
    // Make sanity checks on arguments
    SPM_ASSERT(handle_mgr != NULL);
    SPM_ASSERT(handle_mem != NULL);

    // Get active partition id - Needed for requester identification
    spm_partition_t *curr_part_ptr = get_active_partition();
    int32_t          current_pid   = ((curr_part_ptr != NULL) ? curr_part_ptr->partition_id : PSA_NSPE_IDENTIFIER);
    uint32_t         expected      = UINT16_MAX;

    // Avoid passing UINT16_MAX. Start again from 0 if reached.
    // The reason for this is that we use the 16 upper bits to store the handle's index in the handles pool (for performance reasons)
    core_util_atomic_cas_u32( (uint32_t *)( &(handle_mgr->handle_generator) ),

    // Generate a new handle identifier
    uint32_t tmp_handle = core_util_atomic_incr_u32(&(handle_mgr->handle_generator), 1);
    uint32_t new_handle = PSA_HANDLE_MGR_INVALID_HANDLE;
    uint32_t pool_ix    = 0;

    // Look for a vacant space in handles pool for the generated handle
    for(pool_ix = 0; pool_ix < handle_mgr->pool_size; pool_ix++) {


        // Write the handles pool index in the upper 16 bits of the handle
        new_handle = ((pool_ix << PSA_HANDLE_MGR_HANDLE_INDEX_POS) | tmp_handle);

        // Store the generated handle in the handles pool
        if(core_util_atomic_cas_u32( (uint32_t *)( &(handle_mgr->handles_pool[pool_ix].handle) ),
                                   )) {

            // Handle is successfully stored in handles pool

            // Store the handle memory in the handles pool, "coupled" with the stored handle
            handle_mgr->handles_pool[pool_ix].handle_mem    = handle_mem;
            handle_mgr->handles_pool[pool_ix].handle_owner  = current_pid;
            handle_mgr->handles_pool[pool_ix].handle_friend = friend_pid;


        // Occupied index in handles pool - continue looping
    // Handle creation should only occur after a successful memory allocation
    // and is not expected to fail.
    SPM_ASSERT(pool_ix != handle_mgr->pool_size);
    return new_handle;

 * Function   : psa_hndl_mgr_handle_destroy
 * Description: This function removes a handle from the handle manager.
 * Parameters : handle_mgr - [IN]  A pointer to the handle manager object
 *              handle     - [IN]  The handle to be removed
 * Return     : Void
void psa_hndl_mgr_handle_destroy(psa_handle_manager_t *handle_mgr, psa_handle_t handle)
    // Make sanity checks on arguments
    SPM_ASSERT(handle_mgr != NULL);

    // Get the handle's index in the handles pool
    if(pool_ix >= handle_mgr->pool_size) {
        SPM_PANIC("[ERROR] Handle's index [%d] is bigger than handles pool size [%d]! \n", (int)pool_ix, (int)(handle_mgr->pool_size));

    if(handle_mgr->handles_pool[pool_ix].handle != handle) {
        SPM_PANIC("[ERROR] Handle %d is not found in expected index! \n", (int)handle);

    // Get active partition id - Needed for requester identification
    spm_partition_t *curr_part_ptr = get_active_partition();
    int32_t          current_pid   = ((curr_part_ptr != NULL) ? curr_part_ptr->partition_id : PSA_NSPE_IDENTIFIER);

    if( (handle_mgr->handles_pool[pool_ix].handle_owner != current_pid) &&
        (handle_mgr->handles_pool[pool_ix].handle_friend != current_pid)
      ) {
        SPM_PANIC("[ERROR] Request for destroy by non-owner or friend!\n");

    handle_mgr->handles_pool[pool_ix].handle        = PSA_NULL_HANDLE;
    handle_mgr->handles_pool[pool_ix].handle_owner  = PSA_HANDLE_MGR_INVALID_FRIEND_OWNER;
    handle_mgr->handles_pool[pool_ix].handle_friend = PSA_HANDLE_MGR_INVALID_FRIEND_OWNER;

 * Function   : psa_hndl_mgr_handle_get_mem
 * Description: This function looks for the handle memory corresponding to <handle>.
 *              If it is not found in the expected index in the handles pool, the function fails.
 * Parameters : handle_mgr - [IN]  A pointer to the handle manager object.
 *              handle     - [IN]  The handle for which we request the corresponding memory handle.
 * Return     : A pointer to the memory corresponding to the handle.
void *psa_hndl_mgr_handle_get_mem(psa_handle_manager_t *handle_mgr, psa_handle_t handle)
    SPM_ASSERT(handle_mgr != NULL);

    if(handle == PSA_NULL_HANDLE) {
        SPM_PANIC("[ERROR] Trying to get memory for an invalid handle! \n");

    // Get the handle's index in the handles pool
    if(pool_ix >= handle_mgr->pool_size) {
        SPM_PANIC("[ERROR] Handle's index [%d] is bigger than handles pool size [%d]! \n", (int)pool_ix, (int)(handle_mgr->pool_size));

    if(handle_mgr->handles_pool[pool_ix].handle != handle) {
        SPM_PANIC("[ERROR] Handle %d is not found in expected index! \n", (int)handle);

    // Get active partition id - Needed for requester identification
    spm_partition_t *curr_part_ptr = get_active_partition();
    int32_t          current_pid   = ((curr_part_ptr != NULL) ? curr_part_ptr->partition_id : PSA_NSPE_IDENTIFIER);

    if( (current_pid != handle_mgr->handles_pool[pool_ix].handle_owner) &&
        (current_pid != handle_mgr->handles_pool[pool_ix].handle_friend)
      ) {
        SPM_PANIC("[ERROR] Request for handle memory is not allowed for this partition! \n");

    // If a valid handle is "coupled" with a NULL handle memory then
    // it is an internal module error or memory was overwritten --> Assert
    SPM_ASSERT(handle_mgr->handles_pool[pool_ix].handle_mem != NULL);

    return handle_mgr->handles_pool[pool_ix].handle_mem;