mbed-os / targets / TARGET_Cypress / TARGET_PSOC6 / abstraction-rtos / include / cyabs_rtos.h
@Dustin Crossman Dustin Crossman on 4 Jun 2021 29 KB Fix file modes.
 * \file cyabs_rtos.h
 * \brief
 * Defines the Cypress RTOS Interface. Provides prototypes for functions that
 * allow Cypress libraries to use RTOS resources such as threads, mutexes &
 * timing functions in an abstract way. The APIs are implemented in the Port
 * Layer RTOS interface which is specific to the RTOS in use.
 * \copyright
 * Copyright 2018-2021 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#pragma once

#include "cyabs_rtos_impl.h"
#include "cy_result.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>

 * \defgroup group_abstraction_rtos_common Common
 * General types and defines for working with the RTOS abstraction layer.
 * \defgroup group_abstraction_rtos_event Events
 * APIs for acquiring and working with Events.
 * \defgroup group_abstraction_rtos_mutex Mutex
 * APIs for acquiring and working with Mutexes.
 * \defgroup group_abstraction_rtos_queue Queue
 * APIs for creating and working with Queues.
 * \defgroup group_abstraction_rtos_semaphore Semaphore
 * APIs for acquiring and working with Semaphores.
 * \defgroup group_abstraction_rtos_threads Threads
 * APIs for creating and working with Threads.
 * \defgroup group_abstraction_rtos_time Time
 * APIs for getting the current time and waiting.
 * \defgroup group_abstraction_rtos_timer Timer
 * APIs for creating and working with Timers.

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"

/******************************************** CONSTANTS *******************************************/

 * \ingroup group_abstraction_rtos_common
 * \{

#if defined(DOXYGEN)
//#include "Template/cyabs_rtos_impl.h"

/** Return value indicating success */
#define CY_RSLT_SUCCESS ((cy_rslt_t)0x00000000U)

/** Used with RTOS calls that require a timeout.  This implies the call will never timeout. */
#define CY_RTOS_NEVER_TIMEOUT ( (uint32_t)0xffffffffUL )

// Note on error strategy.  If the error is a normal part of operation (timeouts, full queues, empty
// queues), the these errors are listed here and the abstraction layer implementation must map from
// the underlying errors to these.  If the errors are special cases, the the error \ref
// CY_RTOS_GENERAL_ERROR will be returned and \ref cy_rtos_last_error() can be used to retrieve the
// RTOS specific error message.
/** Requested operation did not complete in the specified time */
#define CY_RTOS_TIMEOUT                     \
/** The RTOS could not allocate memory for the specified operation */
#define CY_RTOS_NO_MEMORY                   \
/** An error occured in the RTOS */
#define CY_RTOS_GENERAL_ERROR               \
/** A bad argument was passed into the APIs */
#define CY_RTOS_BAD_PARAM                   \
/** A memory alignment issue was detected. Ensure memory provided is aligned per \ref
#define CY_RTOS_ALIGNMENT_ERROR             \

/** \} group_abstraction_rtos_common */

 * \ingroup group_abstraction_rtos_queue
 * \{

/** The Queue is already full and can't accept any more items at this time */
#define CY_RTOS_QUEUE_FULL                  \
/** The Queue is empty and has nothing to remove */
#define CY_RTOS_QUEUE_EMPTY                 \

/** \} group_abstraction_rtos_queue */

/********************************************* TYPES **********************************************/

 * The state a thread can be in
 * \ingroup group_abstraction_rtos_threads
typedef enum cy_thread_state
    CY_THREAD_STATE_INACTIVE,   /**< thread has not started or was terminated but not yet joined */
    CY_THREAD_STATE_READY,      /**< thread can run, but is not currently */
    CY_THREAD_STATE_RUNNING,    /**< thread is currently running */
    CY_THREAD_STATE_BLOCKED,    /**< thread is blocked waiting for something */
    CY_THREAD_STATE_TERMINATED, /**< thread has terminated but not freed */
    CY_THREAD_STATE_UNKNOWN     /**< thread is in an unknown state */
} cy_thread_state_t;

 * The type of timer
 * \ingroup group_abstraction_rtos_timer
typedef enum cy_timer_trigger_type
    CY_TIMER_TYPE_PERIODIC,                             /**< called periodically until stopped */
    CY_TIMER_TYPE_ONCE,                                 /**< called once only */
    cy_timer_type_periodic = CY_TIMER_TYPE_PERIODIC,    /**< \deprecated replaced by \ref
                                                           CY_TIMER_TYPE_PERIODIC */
    cy_timer_type_once     = CY_TIMER_TYPE_ONCE         /**< \deprecated replaced by \ref
                                                           CY_TIMER_TYPE_ONCE */
} cy_timer_trigger_type_t;

 * The type of a function that is the entry point for a thread
 * @param[in] arg the argument passed from the thread create call to the entry function
 * \ingroup group_abstraction_rtos_threads
typedef void (* cy_thread_entry_fn_t)(cy_thread_arg_t arg);

 * The callback function to be called by a timer
 * \ingroup group_abstraction_rtos_timer
typedef void (* cy_timer_callback_t)(cy_timer_callback_arg_t arg);

 * Return the last error from the RTOS.
 * The functions in the RTOS abstraction layer adhere to the Cypress return
 * results calling convention.  The underlying RTOS implementations will not but rather
 * will have their own error code conventions.  This function is provided as a service
 * to the developer, mostly for debugging, and returns the underlying RTOS error code
 * from the last RTOS abstraction layer that returned \ref CY_RTOS_GENERAL_ERROR.
 * @return RTOS specific error code.
 * \ingroup group_abstraction_rtos_common
cy_rtos_error_t cy_rtos_last_error();

/********************************************* Threads ********************************************/

 * \ingroup group_abstraction_rtos_threads
 * \{

/** Create a thread with specific thread argument.
 * This function is called to startup a new thread. If the thread can exit, it must call
 * \ref cy_rtos_exit_thread() just before doing so. All created threads that can terminate, either
 * by themselves or forcefully by another thread MUST have \ref cy_rtos_join_thread() called on them
 * by another thread in order to cleanup any resources that might have been allocated for them.
 * @param[out] thread         Pointer to a variable which will receive the new thread handle
 * @param[in]  entry_function Function pointer which points to the main function for the new thread
 * @param[in]  name           String thread name used for a debugger
 * @param[in]  stack          The buffer to use for the thread stack. This must be aligned to
 *                            \ref CY_RTOS_ALIGNMENT_MASK with a size of at least \ref
 *                            CY_RTOS_MIN_STACK_SIZE.
 *                            If stack is null, cy_rtos_create_thread will allocate a stack from
 *                            the heap.
 * @param[in]  stack_size     The size of the thread stack in bytes
 * @param[in]  priority       The priority of the thread. Values are operating system specific,
 *                            but some common priority levels are defined:
 *                                CY_THREAD_PRIORITY_LOW
 *                                CY_THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL
 *                                CY_THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGH
 * @param[in]  arg            The argument to pass to the new thread
 * @return The status of thread create request. [\ref CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, \ref CY_RTOS_NO_MEMORY, \ref
cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_create_thread(cy_thread_t* thread, cy_thread_entry_fn_t entry_function,
                                const char* name, void* stack, uint32_t stack_size,
                                cy_thread_priority_t priority, cy_thread_arg_t arg);

/** Exit the current thread.
 * This function is called just before a thread exits.  In some cases it is sufficient
 * for a thread to just return to exit, but in other cases, the RTOS must be explicitly
 * signaled. In cases where a return is sufficient, this should be a null funcition.
 * where the RTOS must be signaled, this function should perform that In cases operation.
 * In code using RTOS services, this function should be placed at any at any location
 * where the main thread function will return, exiting the thread. Threads that can
 * exit must still be joined (\ref cy_rtos_join_thread) to ensure their resources are
 * fully cleaned up.
 * @return The status of thread exit request. [\ref CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, \ref CY_RTOS_GENERAL_ERROR]
cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_exit_thread();

/** Terminates another thread.
 * This function is called to terminate another thread and reap the resources claimed
 * by the thread. This should be called both when forcibly terminating another thread
 * as well as any time a thread can exit on its own. For some RTOS implementations
 * this is not required as the thread resources are claimed as soon as it exits. In
 * other cases, this must be called to reclaim resources. Threads that are terminated
 * must still be joined (\ref cy_rtos_join_thread) to ensure their resources are fully
 * cleaned up.
 * @param[in] thread Handle of the thread to terminate
 * @returns The status of the thread terminate. [\ref CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, \ref CY_RTOS_GENERAL_ERROR]
cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_terminate_thread(cy_thread_t* thread);

/** Waits for a thread to complete.
 * This must be called on any thread that can complete to ensure that any resources that
 * were allocated for it are cleaned up.
 * @param[in] thread Handle of the thread to wait for
 * @returns The status of thread join request. [\ref CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, \ref CY_RTOS_GENERAL_ERROR]
cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_join_thread(cy_thread_t* thread);

/** Checks if the thread is running
 * This function is called to determine if a thread is actively running or not. For information on
 * the thread state, use the \ref cy_rtos_get_thread_state() function.
 * @param[in] thread     Handle of the terminated thread to delete
 * @param[out] running   Returns true if the thread is running, otherwise false
 * @returns The status of the thread running check. [\ref CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, \ref
cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_is_thread_running(cy_thread_t* thread, bool* running);

/** Gets the state the thread is currently in
 * This function is called to determine if a thread is running/blocked/inactive/ready etc.
 * @param[in] thread     Handle of the terminated thread to delete
 * @param[out] state     Returns the state the thread is currently in
 * @returns The status of the thread state check. [\ref CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, \ref CY_RTOS_GENERAL_ERROR]
cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_get_thread_state(cy_thread_t* thread, cy_thread_state_t* state);

/** Get current thread handle
 * Returns the unique thread handle of the current running thread.
 * @param[out] thread Handle of the current running thread
 * @returns The status of thread join request. [\ref CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, \ref CY_RTOS_GENERAL_ERROR]
cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_get_thread_handle(cy_thread_t* thread);

/** Suspend current thread until notification is received
 * This function suspends the execution of current thread until it is notified
 * by \ref cy_rtos_set_thread_notification from another thread or ISR, or timed out with
 * specify timeout value
 * @param[in] timeout_ms  Maximum number of milliseconds to wait
 *                        Use the \ref CY_RTOS_NEVER_TIMEOUT constant to wait forever.
 * @returns The status of thread wait. [\ref CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, \ref CY_RTOS_TIMEOUT, \ref
 *                                     CY_RTOS_GENERAL_ERROR]
cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_wait_thread_notification(cy_time_t timeout_ms);

/** Set the thread notification for a thread
 * This function sets the thread notification for the target thread.
 * The target thread waiting for the notification to be set will resume from suspended state.
 * @param[in] thread     Handle of the target thread
 * @param[in] in_isr     If true this is being called from within an ISR
 * @returns The status of thread wait. [\ref CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, \ref CY_RTOS_GENERAL_ERROR,
 *                                      \ref CY_RTOS_BAD_PARAM]
cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_set_thread_notification(cy_thread_t* thread, bool in_isr);

/** \} group_abstraction_rtos_threads */

/********************************************* Mutexes ********************************************/

 * \ingroup group_abstraction_rtos_mutex
 * \{

/** Create a recursive mutex.
 * Creates a binary mutex which can be used to synchronize between threads
 * and between threads and ISRs. Created mutexes are recursive and support priority inheritance.
 * This function has been replaced by \ref cy_rtos_init_mutex2 which allow for specifying
 * whether or not the mutex supports recursion or not.
 * @param[out] mutex Pointer to the mutex handle to be initialized
 * @return The status of mutex creation request. [\ref CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, \ref CY_RTOS_NO_MEMORY, \ref
#define cy_rtos_init_mutex(mutex) cy_rtos_init_mutex2(mutex, true)

/** Create a mutex which can support recursion or not.
 * Creates a binary mutex which can be used to synchronize between threads and between threads and
 * ISRs. Created mutexes can support priority inheritance if recursive.
 * \note Not all RTOS implementations support non-recursive mutexes. In this case a recursive
 * mutex will be created.
 * @param[out] mutex     Pointer to the mutex handle to be initialized
 * @param[in]  recursive Should the created mutex support recursion or not
 * @return The status of mutex creation request. [\ref CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, \ref CY_RTOS_NO_MEMORY, \ref
cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_init_mutex2(cy_mutex_t* mutex, bool recursive);

/** Get a mutex.
 * If the mutex is available, it is acquired and this function returned.
 * If the mutex is not available, the thread waits until the mutex is available
 * or until the timeout occurs.
 * @note This function must not be called from an interrupt context as it may block.
 * @param[in] mutex       Pointer to the mutex handle
 * @param[in] timeout_ms  Maximum number of milliseconds to wait while attempting to get
 *                        the mutex. Use the \ref CY_RTOS_NEVER_TIMEOUT constant to wait forever.
 *                        Must be zero if in_isr is true.
 * @return The status of the get mutex. Returns timeout if mutex was not acquired
 *                    before timeout_ms period. [\ref CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, \ref CY_RTOS_TIMEOUT, \ref
 *                    CY_RTOS_GENERAL_ERROR]
cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_get_mutex(cy_mutex_t* mutex, cy_time_t timeout_ms);

/** Set a mutex.
 * The mutex is released allowing any other threads waiting on the mutex to
 * obtain the semaphore.
 * @param[in] mutex   Pointer to the mutex handle
 * @return The status of the set mutex request. [\ref CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, \ref CY_RTOS_GENERAL_ERROR]
cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_set_mutex(cy_mutex_t* mutex);

/** Deletes a mutex.
 * This function frees the resources associated with a sempahore.
 * @param[in] mutex Pointer to the mutex handle
 * @return The status to the delete request. [\ref CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, \ref CY_RTOS_GENERAL_ERROR]
cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_deinit_mutex(cy_mutex_t* mutex);

/** \} group_abstraction_rtos_mutex */

/******************************************** Semaphores ******************************************/

 * \ingroup group_abstraction_rtos_semaphore
 * \{

 * Create a semaphore
 * This is basically a counting semaphore.
 * @param[in,out] semaphore  Pointer to the semaphore handle to be initialized
 * @param[in] maxcount       The maximum count for this semaphore
 * @param[in] initcount      The initial count for this semaphore
 * @return The status of the semaphore creation. [\ref CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, \ref CY_RTOS_NO_MEMORY, \ref
cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_init_semaphore(cy_semaphore_t* semaphore, uint32_t maxcount, uint32_t initcount);

 * Get/Acquire a semaphore
 * If the semaphore count is zero, waits until the semaphore count is greater than zero.
 * Once the semaphore count is greater than zero, this function decrements
 * the count and return.  It may also return if the timeout is exceeded.
 * @param[in] semaphore   Pointer to the semaphore handle
 * @param[in] timeout_ms  Maximum number of milliseconds to wait while attempting to get
 *                        the semaphore. Use the \ref CY_RTOS_NEVER_TIMEOUT constant to wait
 *                        forever. Must be zero is in_isr is true
 * @param[in] in_isr      true if we are trying to get the semaphore from with an ISR
 * @return The status of get semaphore operation [\ref CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, \ref CY_RTOS_TIMEOUT, \ref
cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_get_semaphore(cy_semaphore_t* semaphore, cy_time_t timeout_ms, bool in_isr);

 * Set/Release a semaphore
 * Increments the semaphore count, up to the maximum count for this semaphore.
 * @param[in] semaphore   Pointer to the semaphore handle
 * @param[in] in_isr      Value of true indicates calling from interrupt context
 *                        Value of false indicates calling from normal thread context
 * @return The status of set semaphore operation [\ref CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, \ref CY_RTOS_NO_MEMORY, \ref
cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_set_semaphore(cy_semaphore_t* semaphore, bool in_isr);

 * Get the count of a semaphore.
 * Gets the number of available tokens on the semaphore.
 * @param[in]  semaphore   Pointer to the semaphore handle
 * @param[out] count       Pointer to the return count
 * @return The status of get semaphore count operation [\ref CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, \ref
cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_get_count_semaphore(cy_semaphore_t* semaphore, size_t* count);

 * Deletes a semaphore
 * This function frees the resources associated with a semaphore.
 * @param[in] semaphore   Pointer to the semaphore handle
 * @return The status of semaphore deletion [\ref CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, \ref CY_RTOS_NO_MEMORY, \ref
cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_deinit_semaphore(cy_semaphore_t* semaphore);

/** \} group_abstraction_rtos_semaphore */

/********************************************* Events ********************************************/

 * \ingroup group_abstraction_rtos_event
 * \{

/** Create an event.
 * This is an event which can be used to signal a set of threads
 * with a 32 bit data element.
 * @param[in,out] event Pointer to the event handle to be initialized
 * @return The status of the event initialization request.
cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_init_event(cy_event_t* event);

/** Set the event flag bits.
 * This is an event which can be used to signal a set of threads
 * with a 32 bit data element. Any threads waiting on this event are released
 * @param[in] event  Pointer to the event handle
 * @param[in] bits   The value of the 32 bit flags
 * @param[in] in_isr If true, this is called from an ISR, otherwise from a thread
 * @return The status of the set request. [\ref CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, \ref CY_RTOS_NO_MEMORY, \ref
cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_setbits_event(cy_event_t* event, uint32_t bits, bool in_isr);

 * Clear the event flag bits
 * This function clears bits in the event.
 * @param[in] event   Pointer to the event handle
 * @param[in] bits    Any bits set in this value, will be cleared in the event.
 * @param[in] in_isr  if true, this is called from an ISR, otherwise from a thread
 * @return The status of the clear flags request. [\ref CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, \ref CY_RTOS_NO_MEMORY,
 *         \ref CY_RTOS_GENERAL_ERROR]
cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_clearbits_event(cy_event_t* event, uint32_t bits, bool in_isr);

/** Get the event bits.
 * Returns the current bits for the event.
 * @param[in]  event Pointer to the event handle
 * @param[out] bits  pointer to receive the value of the event flags
 * @return The status of the get request. [\ref CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, \ref CY_RTOS_NO_MEMORY, \ref
cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_getbits_event(cy_event_t* event, uint32_t* bits);

/** Wait for the event and return bits.
 * Waits for the event to be set and then returns the bits associated
 * with the event, or waits for the given timeout period.
 * @note This function returns if any bit in the set is set.
 * @param[in] event     Pointer to the event handle
 * @param[in,out] bits  pointer to receive the value of the event flags
 * @param[in] clear     if true, clear any bits set that cause the wait to return
 *                      if false, do not clear bits
 * @param[in] all       if true, all bits in the initial bits value must be set to return
 *                      if false, any one bit in the initial bits value must be set to return
 * @param[in] timeout   The amount of time to wait in milliseconds
 * @return The status of the wait for event request. [\ref CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, \ref CY_RTOS_NO_MEMORY,
 *         \ref CY_RTOS_GENERAL_ERROR]
cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_waitbits_event(cy_event_t* event, uint32_t* bits, bool clear, bool all,
                                 cy_time_t timeout);

/** Deinitialize a event.
 * This function frees the resources associated with an event.
 * @param[in] event Pointer to the event handle
 * @return The status of the deletion request. [\ref CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, \ref CY_RTOS_GENERAL_ERROR]
cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_deinit_event(cy_event_t* event);

/** \} group_abstraction_rtos_event */

/********************************************* Queues *********************************************/

 * \ingroup group_abstraction_rtos_queue
 * \{

/** Create a queue.
 * This is a queue of data where entries are placed on the back of the queue
 * and removed from the front of the queue.
 * @param[out] queue    Pointer to the queue handle
 * @param[in]  length   The maximum length of the queue in items
 * @param[in]  itemsize The size of each item in the queue.
 * @return The status of the init request. [\ref CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, \ref CY_RTOS_NO_MEMORY, \ref
cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_init_queue(cy_queue_t* queue, size_t length, size_t itemsize);

/** Put an item in a queue.
 * This function puts an item in the queue. The item is copied
 * into the queue using a memory copy and the data pointed to by item_ptr
 * is no longer referenced once the call returns.
 * @note If in_isr is true, timeout_ms must be zero.
 * @param[in] queue      Pointer to the queue handle
 * @param[in] item_ptr   Pointer to the item to place in the queue
 * @param[in] timeout_ms The time to wait to place the item in the queue
 * @param[in] in_isr     If true this is being called from within and ISR
 * @return The status of the put request. [\ref CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, \ref CY_RTOS_NO_MEMORY, \ref
cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_put_queue(cy_queue_t* queue, const void* item_ptr, cy_time_t timeout_ms,
                            bool in_isr);

/** Gets an item in a queue.
 * This function gets an item from the queue. The item is copied
 * out of the queue into the memory provide by item_ptr. This space must be
 * large enough to hold a queue entry as defined when the queue was initialized.
 * @note If in_isr is true, timeout_ms must be zero.
 * @param[in] queue      Pointer to the queue handle
 * @param[in] item_ptr   Pointer to the memory for the item from the queue
 * @param[in] timeout_ms The time to wait to get an item from the queue
 * @param[in] in_isr     If true this is being called from within an ISR
 * @return The status of the get request. [\ref CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, \ref CY_RTOS_NO_MEMORY, \ref
cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_get_queue(cy_queue_t* queue, void* item_ptr, cy_time_t timeout_ms, bool in_isr);

/** Return the number of items in the queue.
 * This function returns the number of items currently in the queue.
 * @param[in]  queue       Pointer to the queue handle
 * @param[out] num_waiting Pointer to the return count
 * @return The status of the count request. [\ref CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, \ref CY_RTOS_GENERAL_ERROR]
cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_count_queue(cy_queue_t* queue, size_t* num_waiting);

/** Return the amount of empty space in the queue.
 * This function returns the amount of empty space in the
 * queue. For instance, if the queue was created with 10 entries max and there
 * are currently 2 entries in the queue, this will return 8.
 * @param[in]  queue      Pointer to the queue handle
 * @param[out] num_spaces Pointer to the return count.
 * @return The status of the space request. [\ref CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, \ref CY_RTOS_GENERAL_ERROR]
cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_space_queue(cy_queue_t* queue, size_t* num_spaces);

/** Reset the queue.
 * This function sets the queue to empty.
 * @param[in] queue pointer to the queue handle
 * @return The status of the reset request. [\ref CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, \ref CY_RTOS_GENERAL_ERROR]
cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_reset_queue(cy_queue_t* queue);

/** Deinitialize the queue handle.
 * This function de-initializes the queue and returns all
 * resources used by the queue.
 * @param[in] queue Pointer to the queue handle
 * @return The status of the deinit request. [\ref CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, \ref CY_RTOS_GENERAL_ERROR]
cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_deinit_queue(cy_queue_t* queue);

/** \} group_abstraction_rtos_queue */

/********************************************* Timers *********************************************/

 * \ingroup group_abstraction_rtos_timer
 * \{

/** Create a new timer.
 * This function initializes a timer object.
 * @note The timer is not active until start is called.
 * @note The callback may be (likely will be) called from a different thread.
 * @param[out] timer Pointer to the timer handle to initialize
 * @param[in]  type  Type of timer (periodic or once)
 * @param[in]  fun   The function
 * @param[in]  arg   Argument to pass along to the callback function
 * @return The status of the init request. [\ref CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, \ref CY_RTOS_GENERAL_ERROR]
cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_init_timer(cy_timer_t* timer, cy_timer_trigger_type_t type,
                             cy_timer_callback_t fun, cy_timer_callback_arg_t arg);

/** Sends a request to start the timer. Depending on the priorities of threads in the system,
 * it may be necessary for high priority items to wait before the timer actually starts running.
 * @param[in] timer  Pointer to the timer handle
 * @param[in] num_ms The number of milliseconds to wait before the timer fires
 * @return The status of the start request. [\ref CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, \ref CY_RTOS_GENERAL_ERROR]
cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_start_timer(cy_timer_t* timer, cy_time_t num_ms);

/** Sends a request to stop the timer. Depending on the priorities of threads in the system,
 * it may be necessary for high priority items to wait before the timer is actually stopped.
 * @param[in] timer Pointer to the timer handle
 * @return The status of the stop request. [\ref CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, \ref CY_RTOS_GENERAL_ERROR]
cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_stop_timer(cy_timer_t* timer);

/** Returns state of a timer.
 * @param[in]  timer Pointer to the timer handle
 * @param[out] state Return value for state, true if running, false otherwise
 * @return The status of the is_running request. [\ref CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, \ref CY_RTOS_GENERAL_ERROR]
cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_is_running_timer(cy_timer_t* timer, bool* state);

/** Deinit the timer.
 * This function deinitializes the timer and frees all consumed resources.
 * @param[in] timer Pointer to the timer handle
 * @return The status of the deinit request. [\ref CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, \ref CY_RTOS_GENERAL_ERROR]
cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_deinit_timer(cy_timer_t* timer);

/** \} group_abstraction_rtos_timer */

/********************************************** Time **********************************************/

 * \ingroup group_abstraction_rtos_time
 * \{

/** Gets time in milliseconds since RTOS start.
 * @note Since this is only 32 bits, it will roll over every 49 days, 17 hours, 2 mins, 47.296
 * seconds
 * @param[out] tval Pointer to the struct to populate with the RTOS time
 * @returns Time in milliseconds since the RTOS started.
cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_get_time(cy_time_t* tval);

/** Delay for a number of milliseconds.
 * Processing of this function depends on the minimum sleep
 * time resolution of the RTOS. The current thread should sleep for
 * the longest period possible which is less than the delay required,
 * then makes up the difference with a tight loop.
 * @param[in] num_ms The number of milliseconds to delay for
 * @return The status of the delay request. [\ref CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, \ref CY_RTOS_GENERAL_ERROR]
cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_delay_milliseconds(cy_time_t num_ms);

/** \} group_abstraction_rtos_time */

#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"