mbed-os / targets / TARGET_Cypress / TARGET_PSOC6 / mtb-hal-cat1 / include / cyhal_hw_types.h
@Dustin Crossman Dustin Crossman on 4 Jun 2021 30 KB Fix file modes.
* \file cyhal_hw_types.h
* \brief
* Provides a struct definitions for configuration resources in the PDL.
* \copyright
* Copyright 2018-2021 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

* \addtogroup group_hal_impl CAT1 (PSoC 6) Implementation Specific
* \{
* This section provides details about the CAT1 (PSoC 6) implementation of the Cypress HAL.
* All information within this section is platform specific and is provided for reference.
* Portable application code should depend only on the APIs and types which are documented
* in the @ref group_hal section.
* \section group_hal_impl_mapping HAL Resource Hardware Mapping
* The following table shows a mapping of each HAL driver to the lower level firmware driver
* and the corresponding hardware resource. This is intended to help understand how the HAL
* is implemented for CAT1 and what features the underlying hardware supports.
* | HAL Resource       | PDL Driver(s)       | CAT1 Hardware                    |
* | ------------------ | ------------------- | -------------------------------- |
* | ADC                | cy_adc              | SAR ADC                          |
* | Clock              | cy_sysclk           | All clocks (system & peripheral) |
* | Comparator         | cy_ctb or cy_lpcomp | CTBm or LPComp                   |
* | CRC                | cy_crypto_core_crc  | Crypto                           |
* | DAC                | cy_ctdac            | DAC                              |
* | DMA                | cy_dma, cy_dmac     | DMA Controller                   |
* | EZ-I2C             | cy_scb_ezi2c        | SCB                              |
* | Flash              | cy_flash            | Flash                            |
* | GPIO               | cy_gpio             | GPIO                             |
* | Hardware Manager   | NA                  | NA                               |
* | I2C                | cy_scb_i2c          | SCB                              |
* | I2S                | cy_i2s              | I2S                              |
* | LPTimer            | cy_mcwdt            | MCWDT                            |
* | Opamp              | cy_ctb              | CTBm                             |
* | PDM/PCM            | cy_pdm_pcm          | PDM-PCM                          |
* | PWM                | cy_pwm              | TCPWM                            |
* | QSPI               | cy_smif             | QSPI (SMIF)                      |
* | Quadrature Decoder | cy_tcpwm_quaddec    | TCPWM                            |
* | RTC                | cy_rtc              | RTC                              |
* | SDHC               | cy_sd_host          | SD Host                          |
* | SDIO               | cy_sd_host, or NA   | SD Host, or UDB                  |
* | SPI                | cy_scb_spi          | SCB                              |
* | SysPM              | cy_syspm            | System Power Resources           |
* | System             | cy_syslib           | System Resources                 |
* | Timer              | cy_tcpwm_counter    | TCPWM                            |
* | TRNG               | cy_crypto_core_trng | Crypto                           |
* | UART               | cy_scb_uart         | SCB                              |
* | USB Device         | cy_usbfs_dev_drv    | USB-FS                           |
* | WDT                | cy_wdt              | WDT                              |
* \section group_hal_impl_errors Device Specific Errors
* Error codes generated by the low level level PDL driver all use module IDs starting
* with \ref CY_RSLT_MODULE_DRIVERS_PDL_BASE. The exact errors are documented for each
* driver in the
* <a href="">
* mtb-pdl-cat1 documentation</a>.

* \addtogroup group_hal_impl_hw_types CAT1 Specific Hardware Types
* \{
* Aliases for types which are part of the public HAL interface but whose representations
* need to vary per HAL implementation

#pragma once

#include "cy_pdl.h"
#include "cyhal_general_types.h"
#include "cyhal_hw_resources.h"
#include "cyhal_pin_package.h"
#include "cyhal_triggers.h"
#include <stdbool.h>

#if defined(CYHAL_UDB_SDIO)
    #include "SDIO_HOST.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

/** Priority that is applied by default to all drivers when initalized. Priorities can be
 * overridden on each driver as part of enabling events.

* \cond INTERNAL

#define CYHAL_ADC_IMPL_HEADER           "cyhal_adc_impl.h"      //!< Implementation specific header for ADC
#define CYHAL_CRC_IMPL_HEADER           "cyhal_crc_impl.h"      //!< Implementation specific header for CRC
#define CYHAL_DMA_IMPL_HEADER           "cyhal_dma_impl.h"      //!< Implementation specific header for DMA
#define CYHAL_CLOCK_IMPL_HEADER         "cyhal_clock_impl.h"    //!< Implementation specific header for Clocks
#define CYHAL_GPIO_IMPL_HEADER          "cyhal_gpio_impl.h"     //!< Implementation specific header for GPIO
#define CYHAL_PDMPCM_IMPL_HEADER        "cyhal_pdmpcm_impl.h"   //!< Implementation specific header for PDMPCM
#define CYHAL_PWM_IMPL_HEADER           "cyhal_pwm_impl.h"      //!< Implementation specific header for PWM
#define CYHAL_QUADDEC_IMPL_HEADER       "cyhal_quaddec_impl.h"  //!< Implementation specific header for QUADDEC
#define CYHAL_SYSTEM_IMPL_HEADER        "cyhal_system_impl.h"   //!< Implementation specific header for System
#define CYHAL_SYSPM_IMPL_HEADER         "cyhal_syspm_impl.h"    //!< Implementation specific header for System Power Management
#define CYHAL_TIMER_IMPL_HEADER         "cyhal_timer_impl.h"    //!< Implementation specific header for Timer
#define CYHAL_TRNG_IMPL_HEADER          "cyhal_trng_impl.h"     //!< Implementation specific header for TRNG
#define CYHAL_INTERCONNECT_IMPL_HEADER  "cyhal_interconnect_impl.h"     //!< Implementation specific header for Interconnect

/** \endcond */

/** Callbacks for Sleep and Deepsleep APIs */
#define cyhal_system_callback_t cy_stc_syspm_callback_t

/** @brief Event callback data object */
typedef struct {
    cy_israddress                       callback;
    void*                               callback_arg;
} cyhal_event_callback_data_t;

 * @brief Shared data between timer/counter and PWM
 * Application code should not rely on the specific content of this struct.
 * They are considered an implementation detail which is subject to change
 * between platforms and/or HAL releases.
typedef struct {
    TCPWM_Type*                         base;
    cyhal_resource_inst_t               resource;
    cyhal_clock_t                       clock;
    bool                                dedicated_clock;
    uint32_t                            clock_hz;
    cyhal_event_callback_data_t         callback_data;
#if defined(CY_IP_MXPERI_TR)
    cyhal_source_t                      inputs[5];
    void *empty;
} cyhal_tcpwm_t;

/* This is presented out of order because many other structs depend on it */
  * @brief DMA object
  * Application code should not rely on the specific contents of this struct.
  * They are considered an implementation detail which is subject to change
  * between platforms and/or HAL releases.
typedef struct {
#if defined(CY_IP_M4CPUSS_DMAC) || defined(CY_IP_M4CPUSS_DMA)
    cyhal_resource_inst_t               resource;
        cy_stc_dma_channel_config_t     dw;
        cy_stc_dmac_channel_config_t    dmac;
    } channel_config;
        cy_stc_dma_descriptor_config_t  dw;
        cy_stc_dmac_descriptor_config_t dmac;
    } descriptor_config;
        cy_stc_dma_descriptor_t         dw;
        cy_stc_dmac_descriptor_t        dmac;
    } descriptor;
    uint32_t                            direction;
    uint32_t                            irq_cause;
    cyhal_event_callback_data_t         callback_data;
    cyhal_source_t                      source;
    void *empty;
} cyhal_dma_t;

struct _cyhal_adc_channel_s;

  * @brief ADC object
  * Application code should not rely on the specific contents of this struct.
  * They are considered an implementation detail which is subject to change
  * between platforms and/or HAL releases.
typedef struct {
    SAR_Type*                           base;
    cyhal_resource_inst_t               resource;
    cyhal_clock_t                       clock;
    cyhal_source_t                      source;
    bool                                dedicated_clock;
    bool                                continuous_scanning;
    /* Has at least one conversion completed since the last configuration change */
    volatile bool                       conversion_complete;
    struct _cyhal_adc_channel_s*        channel_config[CY_SAR_MAX_NUM_CHANNELS];
    uint8_t                             user_enabled_events;
    cyhal_event_callback_data_t         callback_data;
    cyhal_async_mode_t                  async_mode;
    cyhal_dma_t                         dma;
    /* Always updated to contain the location where the next result should be stored */
    int32_t                             *async_buff_orig;
    int32_t                             *async_buff_next;
    bool                                async_transfer_in_uv; /* Default is counts */
    /* Only decremented after all elements from a scan have been copied into async_buff */
    size_t                              async_scans_remaining;
    void *empty;
} cyhal_adc_t;

  * @brief ADC channel object
  * Application code should not rely on the specific contents of this struct.
  * They are considered an implementation detail which is subject to change
  * between platforms and/or HAL releases.
typedef struct _cyhal_adc_channel_s { /* Struct given an explicit name to make the forward declaration above work */
    cyhal_adc_t*                        adc;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        vplus;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        vminus;
    uint8_t                             channel_idx;
    uint32_t                            minimum_acquisition_ns;
    void *empty;
} cyhal_adc_channel_t;

/** @brief Comparator object */
typedef struct {
    cyhal_resource_inst_t               resource;
        CTBM_Type                       *base_ctb;
        LPCOMP_Type                     *base_lpcomp;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_vin_p;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_vin_m;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_out;
    cyhal_event_callback_data_t         callback_data;
    uint32_t                            irq_cause;
    void *empty;
} cyhal_comp_t;

  * @brief CRC object
  * Application code should not rely on the specific contents of this struct.
  * They are considered an implementation detail which is subject to change
  * between platforms and/or HAL releases.
typedef struct {
    CRYPTO_Type*                        base;
    cyhal_resource_inst_t               resource;
    uint32_t                            crc_width;
} cyhal_crc_t;

  * @brief DAC object
  * Application code should not rely on the specific contents of this struct.
  * They are considered an implementation detail which is subject to change
  * between platforms and/or HAL releases.
typedef struct {
    CTDAC_Type*                         base_dac;
    CTBM_Type*                          base_opamp;
    cyhal_resource_inst_t               resource_dac;
    cyhal_resource_inst_t               resource_opamp;
    cyhal_resource_inst_t               resource_aref_opamp;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin;
    void *empty;
} cyhal_dac_t;

  * @brief OPAMP object
  * Application code should not rely on the specific contents of this struct.
  * They are considered an implementation detail which is subject to change
  * between platforms and/or HAL releases.
typedef struct {
    CTBM_Type*                          base;
    cyhal_resource_inst_t               resource;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_vin_p;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_vin_m;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_vout;
    bool                                is_init_success;
} cyhal_opamp_t;

  * @brief Flash object
  * Application code should not rely on the specific contents of this struct.
  * They are considered an implementation detail which is subject to change
  * between platforms and/or HAL releases.
typedef struct {
    void *empty;
} cyhal_flash_t;

  * @brief I2C object
  * Application code should not rely on the specific contents of this struct.
  * They are considered an implementation detail which is subject to change
  * between platforms and/or HAL releases.
typedef struct {
#ifdef CY_IP_MXSCB
    CySCB_Type*                         base;
    cyhal_resource_inst_t               resource;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_sda;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_scl;
    cyhal_clock_t                       clock;
    bool                                is_shared_clock;
    cy_stc_scb_i2c_context_t            context;
    cy_stc_scb_i2c_master_xfer_config_t rx_config;
    cy_stc_scb_i2c_master_xfer_config_t tx_config;
    bool                                is_slave;
    uint32_t                            address;
    uint32_t                            irq_cause;
    uint16_t                            pending;
    uint16_t                            events;
    cyhal_event_callback_data_t         callback_data;
    void *empty;
} cyhal_i2c_t;

  * @brief EZI2C object
  * Application code should not rely on the specific contents of this struct.
  * They are considered an implementation detail which is subject to change
  * between platforms and/or HAL releases.
typedef struct {
#ifdef CY_IP_MXSCB
    CySCB_Type*                         base;
    cyhal_resource_inst_t               resource;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_sda;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_scl;
    cyhal_clock_t                       clock;
    bool                                is_shared_clock;
    cy_stc_scb_ezi2c_context_t          context;
    uint32_t                            irq_cause;
    cyhal_event_callback_data_t         callback_data;
    void *empty;
} cyhal_ezi2c_t;

  * @brief I2S object
  * Application code should not rely on the specific contents of this struct.
  * They are considered an implementation detail which is subject to change
  * between platforms and/or HAL releases.
typedef struct {
    I2S_Type                            *base;
    cyhal_resource_inst_t               resource;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_tx_sck;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_tx_ws;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_tx_sdo;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_rx_sck;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_rx_ws;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_rx_sdi;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_mclk;
    bool                                is_tx_slave;
    bool                                is_rx_slave;
    uint32_t                            mclk_hz;
    uint8_t                             channel_length;
    uint8_t                             word_length;
    uint32_t                            sample_rate_hz;
    cyhal_clock_t                       clock;
    bool                                is_clock_owned;
    uint16_t                            user_enabled_events;
    cyhal_event_callback_data_t         callback_data;
    cyhal_async_mode_t                  async_mode;
    uint8_t                             async_dma_priority;
    cyhal_dma_t                         tx_dma;
    cyhal_dma_t                         rx_dma;
    // Note: When the async DMA mode is in use, these variables will always reflect the state
    // that the transfer will be in after the in-progress DMA transfer, if any, is complete
    volatile const void                 *async_tx_buff;
    volatile size_t                     async_tx_length;
    volatile void                       *async_rx_buff;
    volatile size_t                     async_rx_length;
    volatile bool                       pm_transition_ready;
    cyhal_syspm_callback_data_t         pm_callback;
    void *empty;
} cyhal_i2s_t;

  * @brief LPTIMER object
  * Application code should not rely on the specific contents of this struct.
  * They are considered an implementation detail which is subject to change
  * between platforms and/or HAL releases.
typedef struct {
    MCWDT_STRUCT_Type                   *base;
    cyhal_resource_inst_t               resource;
    cyhal_event_callback_data_t         callback_data;
    bool                                clear_int_mask;
} cyhal_lptimer_t;

  * @brief PDM-PCM object
  * Application code should not rely on the specific contents of this struct.
  * They are considered an implementation detail which is subject to change
  * between platforms and/or HAL releases.
typedef struct {
    PDM_Type                            *base;
    cyhal_resource_inst_t               resource;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_data;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_clk;
    /** User requested irq, see cyhal_pdm_pcm_event_t */
    uint32_t                            irq_cause;
    cyhal_event_callback_data_t         callback_data;
    uint8_t                             word_size;
    cyhal_dma_t                         dma;
    volatile bool                       stabilized;
    volatile bool                       pm_transition_ready;
    cyhal_syspm_callback_data_t         pm_callback;
    void                                *async_buffer;
    size_t                              async_read_remaining;
    void *empty;
} cyhal_pdm_pcm_t;

  * @brief PWM object
  * Application code should not rely on the specific contents of this struct.
  * They are considered an implementation detail which is subject to change
  * between platforms and/or HAL releases.
typedef struct {
    cyhal_tcpwm_t                       tcpwm;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_compl;
    void *empty;
} cyhal_pwm_t;

  * @brief QSPI object
  * Application code should not rely on the specific contents of this struct.
  * They are considered an implementation detail which is subject to change
  * between platforms and/or HAL releases.
typedef struct {
    SMIF_Type*                          base;
    cyhal_resource_inst_t               resource;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_ios[8];
    en_hsiom_sel_t                      saved_io_hsiom[8];
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_sclk;
    en_hsiom_sel_t                      saved_sclk_hsiom;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_ssel[SMIF_CHIP_TOP_SPI_SEL_NR];
    en_hsiom_sel_t                      saved_ssel_hsiom[SMIF_CHIP_TOP_SPI_SEL_NR];
    /* Active slave select */
    cy_en_smif_slave_select_t           slave_select;
    cyhal_clock_t                       clock;
    bool                                is_clock_owned;
    uint8_t                             mode;
    cy_stc_smif_context_t               context;
    cy_en_smif_data_select_t            data_select;
    uint32_t                            irq_cause;
    cyhal_event_callback_data_t         callback_data;
    cyhal_syspm_callback_data_t         pm_callback;
    bool                                pm_transition_pending;
    void *empty;
#endif /* ifdef CY_IP_MXSMIF */
} cyhal_qspi_t;

  * @brief Quadrature Decoder object
  * Application code should not rely on the specific contents of this struct.
  * They are considered an implementation detail which is subject to change
  * between platforms and/or HAL releases.
typedef struct {
    cyhal_tcpwm_t                       tcpwm;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        phi_a;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        phi_b;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        index;
    uint32_t                            last_counter_value;
    void *empty;
} cyhal_quaddec_t;

  * @brief RNG object
  * Application code should not rely on the specific contents of this struct.
  * They are considered an implementation detail which is subject to change
  * between platforms and/or HAL releases.
typedef struct {
    CRYPTO_Type*                        base;
    cyhal_resource_inst_t               resource;
    void *empty;
} cyhal_trng_t;

  * @brief RTC object
  * Application code should not rely on the specific contents of this struct.
  * They are considered an implementation detail which is subject to change
  * between platforms and/or HAL releases.
typedef struct {
    cy_stc_rtc_dst_t                    dst;
    void *empty;
} cyhal_rtc_t;

  * @brief SDHC object
  * Application code should not rely on the specific contents of this struct.
  * They are considered an implementation detail which is subject to change
  * between platforms and/or HAL releases.
typedef struct {
    SDHC_Type*                          base;
    cyhal_resource_inst_t               resource;
    cyhal_clock_t                       clock;
    bool                                emmc;
    cy_en_sd_host_dma_type_t            dma_type;
    uint8_t                             bus_width;
    bool                                enable_led_control;
    /* TOUT setting of SDHC block */
    uint8_t                             data_timeout_tout;
    bool                                data_timeout_auto_reconfig;
    /* Desired by user data timeout in card clocks */
    uint32_t                            data_timeout_card_clocks_user;
    cy_stc_sd_host_context_t            context;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_clk;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_cmd;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_data[8];
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_card_detect;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_io_vol_sel;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_card_pwr_en;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_card_mech_write_prot;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_led_ctrl;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_emmc_reset;
    uint32_t                            irq_cause;
    cyhal_event_callback_data_t         callback_data;
    bool                                pm_transition_pending;
    cyhal_syspm_callback_data_t         pm_callback_data;
    bool                                low_voltage_io_desired;
    bool                                low_voltage_io_set;
    uint32_t                            bus_frequency_hz;
    /* Frequency of HF clock, that provided to SDHC block */
    uint32_t                            block_source_freq_hz;
    /* card detect GPIO callback enabled */
    bool                                cd_gpio_cb_enabled;
    uint32_t                            adma_descriptor_tbl[2];
    void *empty;
} cyhal_sdhc_t;

  * @brief SDIO object
  * Application code should not rely on the specific contents of this struct.
  * They are considered an implementation detail which is subject to change
  * between platforms and/or HAL releases.
typedef struct {
#if defined(CY_IP_MXSDHC)
    SDHC_Type*                          base;
    bool                                emmc;
    cy_en_sd_host_dma_type_t            dma_type;
    cy_stc_sd_host_context_t            context;
    uint32_t                            adma_descriptor_tbl[2];
#elif defined(CYHAL_UDB_SDIO)
    cyhal_dma_t                         dma0Ch0;
    cyhal_dma_t                         dma0Ch1;
    cyhal_dma_t                         dma1Ch1;
    cyhal_dma_t                         dma1Ch3;
    stc_sdio_irq_cb_t*                  pfuCb;
#endif /* defined(CY_IP_MXSDHC) */

#if defined(CYHAL_UDB_SDIO) || defined(CY_IP_MXSDHC)
    cyhal_clock_t                       clock;
    cyhal_resource_inst_t               resource;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_clk;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_cmd;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_data0;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_data1;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_data2;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_data3;

    uint32_t                            frequencyhal_hz;
    uint16_t                            block_size;
    uint32_t                            irq_cause;

    uint32_t                            events;
    cyhal_event_callback_data_t         callback_data;

    bool                                pm_transition_pending;
    cyhal_syspm_callback_data_t         pm_callback_data;
    void *empty;
#endif /* defined(CY_IP_MXSDHC) || defined(CY_IP_MXSDHC) */
} cyhal_sdio_t;

  * @brief SPI object
  * Application code should not rely on the specific contents of this struct.
  * They are considered an implementation detail which is subject to change
  * between platforms and/or HAL releases.
typedef struct {
#ifdef CY_IP_MXSCB
    CySCB_Type*                         base;
    cyhal_resource_inst_t               resource;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_miso;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_mosi;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_sclk;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_ssel[4];
    cy_en_scb_spi_polarity_t            ssel_pol[4];
    uint8_t                             active_ssel;
    cyhal_clock_t                       clock;
    cy_en_scb_spi_sclk_mode_t           clk_mode;
    uint8_t                             mode;
    uint8_t                             data_bits;
    bool                                is_slave;
    bool                                alloc_clock;
    uint8_t                             oversample_value;
    bool                                msb_first;
    cy_stc_scb_spi_context_t            context;
    uint32_t                            irq_cause;
    uint16_t volatile                   pending;
    uint8_t                             write_fill;
    void                                *rx_buffer;
    uint32_t                            rx_buffer_size;
    const void                          *tx_buffer;
    uint32_t                            tx_buffer_size;
    bool                                is_async;
    cyhal_event_callback_data_t         callback_data;
    void *empty;
} cyhal_spi_t;

  * @brief Timer object
  * Application code should not rely on the specific contents of this struct.
  * They are considered an implementation detail which is subject to change
  * between platforms and/or HAL releases.
typedef struct {
    cyhal_tcpwm_t                       tcpwm;
    uint32_t                            default_value;
    void *empty;
} cyhal_timer_t;

  * @brief UART object
  * Application code should not rely on the specific contents of this struct.
  * They are considered an implementation detail which is subject to change
  * between platforms and/or HAL releases.
typedef struct {
#ifdef CY_IP_MXSCB
    CySCB_Type*                         base;
    cyhal_resource_inst_t               resource;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_rx;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_tx;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_cts;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_rts;
    bool                                is_user_clock;
    cyhal_clock_t                       clock;
    cy_stc_scb_uart_context_t           context;
    cy_stc_scb_uart_config_t            config;
    uint32_t                            irq_cause;
    en_hsiom_sel_t                      saved_tx_hsiom;
    en_hsiom_sel_t                      saved_rts_hsiom;
    cyhal_event_callback_data_t         callback_data;
    void *empty;
} cyhal_uart_t;

  * @brief USB Device object
  * Application code should not rely on the specific contents of this struct.
  * They are considered an implementation detail which is subject to change
  * between platforms and/or HAL releases.
typedef struct {
    USBFS_Type*                         base;
    cy_stc_usbfs_dev_drv_context_t      context;
    cyhal_resource_inst_t               resource;
    cyhal_resource_inst_t               pll_resource;
    cyhal_clock_t                       clock;
    bool                                shared_clock;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_dp;
    cyhal_gpio_t                        pin_dm;
    cyhal_syspm_callback_data_t         pm_callback;
    uint8_t *rd_data[CY_USBFS_DEV_DRV_NUM_EPS_MAX];
    uint32_t rd_size[CY_USBFS_DEV_DRV_NUM_EPS_MAX];
    void *empty;
} cyhal_usb_dev_t;

  * @brief WDT object
  * Application code should not rely on the specific contents of this struct.
  * They are considered an implementation detail which is subject to change
  * between platforms and/or HAL releases.
typedef struct {
    uint8_t placeholder;
} cyhal_wdt_t;

/* For backwards compatability. */
#include "cyhal_deprecated.h"

#if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif /* __cplusplus */

/** \} group_hal_impl_hw_types */
/** \} group_hal_impl */