mbed-os / targets / TARGET_Cypress / TARGET_PSOC6 / mtb-pdl-cat1 / drivers / include / cy_crypto.h
@Dustin Crossman Dustin Crossman on 4 Jun 2021 84 KB Fix file modes.
* \file cy_crypto.h
* \version 2.40
* \brief
*  This file provides the public interface for the Crypto driver.
* Copyright 2016-2020 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

* \addtogroup group_crypto
* \{
* The Crypto driver provides a public API to perform cryptographic and hash
* operations, as well as generate both true and pseudo random numbers.
* It uses a hardware IP block to accelerate operations.
* The functions and other declarations used in this driver are in cy_crypto.h,
* cy_crypto_core.h, and cy_crypto_server.h. You can also include cy_pdl.h
* to get access to all functions and declarations in the PDL.
* The driver implements two usage models:
* * \ref group_crypto_cli_srv
* * \ref group_crypto_lld_api
* Mixing these usage models will result in undefined behaviour.
* The Crypto driver supports these standards: DES, TDES, AES (128, 192, 256 bits), CMAC-AES, SHA,
* \note ECP and ECDSA are only implemented for the \ref group_crypto_lld_api model.
* \section group_crypto_configuration_considerations Configuration Considerations
* Firmware sets up a cryptographic operation by passing in the required data as
* parameters in the function calls.
* All Crypto functions require a context. A context is a data
* structure that the driver uses for its operations. Firmware declares a
* context (allocates memory) but does not write or read the values in that
* context. In effect, the context is a scratch pad you provide to the driver.
* The driver uses the context to store and manipulate data during cryptographic
* operations.
* Several methods require an additional context unique to the particular
* cryptographic technique.
* The Crypto driver header files declare all the required structures for both
* configuration and context.
* Some encryption techniques require additional initialization specific to the
* technique. If there is an Init function, you must call it before using any
* other function for that technique, and re-initialize after you use a different
* encryption technique.
* For example, use \ref Cy_Crypto_Aes_Init to configure an AES encryption
* operation with the encryption key, and key length.
* Provide pointers to two context structures. You can then call the AES Run functions.
* If you use DES after that, you must re-initialize the AES encryption before using
* it again.
* \section group_crypto_definitions Definitions
* <table class="doxtable">
*   <tr>
*     <th>Term</th>
*     <th>Definition</th>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>Plaintext</td>
*     <td>An unencrypted message</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>Ciphertext</td>
*     <td>An encrypted message</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>Block Cipher</td>
*     <td>An encryption function for fixed-size blocks of data.
*     This function takes a fixed-size key and a block of plaintext data from
*     the message and encrypts it to generate ciphertext. Block ciphers are
*     reversible. The function performed on a block of encrypted data will
*     decrypt that data.</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>Block Cipher Mode</td>
*     <td>A mode of encrypting a message using block ciphers for messages of an
*     arbitrary length. The message is padded so that its length is an integer
*     multiple of the block size. ECB (Electronic Code Book), CBC (Cipher Block
*     Chaining), and CFB (Cipher Feedback) are all modes of using block ciphers
*     to create an encrypted message of an arbitrary length.
*     </td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>Data Encryption Standard (DES)</td>
*     <td>The [DES standard]
*     (
*     specifies a symmetric-key algorithm for encryption of electronic data.
*     It uses a 56-bit key. The block size is 64-bits.
*     </td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>Triple DES (3DES or TDES)</td>
*     <td>The [TDES standard]
*     (
*     specifies a symmetric-key block cipher that applies the Data Encryption
*     Standard (DES) cipher algorithm three times to each data block.
*     It uses three 56-bit keys. The block size is 64-bits.
*     </td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)</td>
*     <td>The [AES standard] (
*     specifies the Rijndael algorithm, a symmetric block
*     cipher that can process 128-bit data blocks, using cipher keys with
*     128-, 192-, and 256-bit lengths. Rijndael was designed to handle
*     additional block sizes and key lengths. However, they are not adopted in
*     this standard. AES is also used for message authentication.
*     </td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA)</td>
*     <td>A cryptographic hash function.
*     This function takes a message of an arbitrary length and reduces it to a
*     fixed-length residue or message digest after performing a series of
*     mathematically defined operations that practically guarantee that any
*     change in the message will change the hash value. It is used for message
*     authentication by transmitting a message with a hash value appended to it
*     and recalculating the message hash value using the same algorithm at the
*     recipient's end. If the hashes differ, then the message is corrupted.
*     For more information see [Secure Hash standard description]
*     (
*     </td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>Message Authentication Code (MAC)</td>
*     <td>MACs are used to verify that a received message has not been altered.
*     This is done by first computing a MAC value at the sender's end and
*     appending it to the transmitted message. When the message is received,
*     the MAC is computed again and checked against the MAC value transmitted
*     with the message. If they do not match, the message has been altered.
*     Either a Hash algorithm (such as SHA) or a block cipher (such as AES) can
*     be used to produce the MAC value. Keyed MAC schemes use a Secret Key
*     along with the message, thus the Key value must be known to be able to
*     compute the MAC value.</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>Cipher-based Message Authentication Code (CMAC)</td>
*     <td>A block cipher-based message authentication code algorithm.
*     It computes the MAC value using the AES block cipher algorithm.</td>
*     For more information see [Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation]
*     (
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC)</td>
*     <td>A specific type of message authentication code (MAC) that involves a
*     cryptographic hash function and a secret cryptographic key.
*     It computes the MAC value using a Hash algorithm.
*     For more information see [The Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code standard]
*     (
*     </td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG)</td>
*     <td>A Linear Feedback Shift Registers-based algorithm for generating a
*     sequence of numbers starting from a non-zero seed.</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>True Random Number Generator (TRNG)</td>
*     <td>A block that generates a number that is statistically random and based
*     on some physical random variation. The number cannot be duplicated by
*     running the process again.</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>Symmetric Key Cryptography</td>
*     <td>Uses a common, known key to encrypt and decrypt messages (a shared
*     secret between sender and receiver). An efficient method used for
*     encrypting and decrypting messages after the authenticity of the other
*     party has been established. DES (now obsolete), 3DES, and AES (currently
*     used) are well-known symmetric cryptography methods.</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>Asymmetric Key Cryptography</td>
*     <td>Also referred to as Public Key encryption. To receive a message,
*     you publish a very large public key (up to 4096 bits currently).
*     That key is one of the two prime factors of a very large number. The
*     other prime factor is the recipient's private (secret) key.
*     To send a message to the publisher of the public key, you
*     encrypt the message with the public key. This message can now be
*     decrypted only with the private key (the other prime factor held in secret by
*     the recipient). The message is now sent over any channel to the recipient
*     who can decrypt it with the private (secret) key. The same process is used
*     to send messages to the sender of the original message. The asymmetric
*     cryptography relies on the mathematical impracticality (usually related to
*     the processing power available at any given time) of factoring the keys.
*     Common, computationally intensive, asymmetric algorithms are RSA and ECC.
*     The public key is described by the pair (n, e) where n is a product of two
*     randomly chosen primes p and q. The exponent e is a random integer
*     1 < e < Q where Q = (p-1) (q-1). The private key d is uniquely defined
*     by the integer 1 < d < Q so that ed congruent with 1 (mod Q ).
*     </td>
*   </tr>
* </table>
* \section group_crypto_more_information More Information
* RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 described here, page 31:
* See the "Cryptographic Function Block" chapter of the Technical Reference Manual.
* \section group_crypto_changelog Changelog
* <table class="doxtable">
*   <tr><th>Version</th><th>Changes</th><th>Reason for Change</th></tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>2.40</td>
*     <td>
*         Resolve MISRA 2012 standard defects.
*     </td>
*     <td>
*         MISRA 2012 compliance.
*     </td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>2.30.4</td>
*     <td>
*         Updated code snippets for client-server usage model.
*     </td>
*     <td>
*         Documentation enhancement.
*     </td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>2.30.3</td>
*     <td>
*         Minor documentation updates.
*     </td>
*     <td>
*         Documentation enhancement.
*     </td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>2.30.2</td>
*     <td>
*         Code formatting cleanup, updated copyright date.
*     </td>
*     <td>
*         PDL project update.
*     </td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>2.30.1</td>
*     <td>
*         Added a C++ namespace guards.
*     </td>
*     <td>
*         Make a driver code to be compatible with C++.
*     </td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>2.30</td>
*     <td>
*         <ul>
*         <li>Added a multi-instance support for AES and SHA.</li>
*         <li>Added a small chunks mode for SHA with any chunk size (from one
*             byte).</li>
*         <li>Added the operation memory buffer management (set a new address,
*             get a size).</li>
*         <li>Added a support for ARM Compiler 6.</li>
*         </ul>
*     </td>
*     <td>Integration with mbedOS/mbedTLS, restructured the implementation of
*         AES and SHA for the Crypto ALT interface.
*     </td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>2.20</td>
*     <td>
*         <ul>
*         <li>Moved from a pre-compiled library to Open Source under
*             Apache 2.0 license.</li>
*         <li>Core (server) This API is now available.</li>
*         <li>Added ECP and ECDSA support for the NIST P curves:
*             SECP192R1, SECP224R1, SECP256R1, SECP384R1, SECP521R1.</li>
*         <li>ECP and ECDSA only supported with direct calls to Crypto APIs,
*             no client interface functions are present.</li>
*         <li>Added Chunk mode for CRC.</li>
*         <li>Added Chunk mode for SHA, the chunk size is limited to
*             the SHA block size.</li>
*         </ul>
*     </td>
*     <td>ECC support added.<br>
*         Integration with mbedOS/mbedTLS, restructured the implementation of
*         SHA and CRC for the Crypto ALT interface.
*     </td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>2.11b</td>
*     <td>The same as production 2.10; only the newly-added Elliptic Curve point
*     multiplication functionality (NIST P256) is pre-production.
*     Open source under Apache version 2.0 license.</td>
*     <td></td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>2.11</td>
*     <td>Based on pre-production 2.10, except the newly-added Elliptic Curve point
*     multiplication functionality (NIST P256).
*     Does not incorporate the production level documentation.
*     Open source under Apache version 2.0 license.</td>
*     <td>ECC support.</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>2.10b</td>
*     <td>The same as production 2.10. Open source under Apache version 2.0 license.</td>
*     <td></td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td rowspan="4">2.10</td>
*     <td>Flattened the organization of the driver source code into the single
*         source directory and the single include directory.
*     </td>
*     <td>Driver library directory-structure simplification.</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>Removed files with the default driver configuration. \n
*     Added API functions to start different server functionality:
*         - \ref Cy_Crypto_Server_Start_Base
*         - \ref Cy_Crypto_Server_Start_Extra
*         - \ref Cy_Crypto_Server_Start_Full
*     </td>
*     <td></td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>Added the register access layer. Use register access macros instead
*         of direct register access using dereferenced pointers.</td>
*     <td>Makes register access device-independent, so that the PDL does
*         not need to be recompiled for each supported part number.</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>Added precompiled libraries for the IAR toolchain.</td>
*     <td>IAR toolchain support in ModusToolbox.</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>2.0b</td>
*     <td>The same as production 2.0. Open source under Apache version 2.0 license.</td>
*     <td></td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td rowspan="2">2.0</td>
*     <td>Clarified what parameters must be 4-byte aligned for the functions:
*         \ref Cy_Crypto_Aes_Cmac_Run, \ref Cy_Crypto_Sha_Run,
*         \ref Cy_Crypto_Hmac_Run, \ref Cy_Crypto_Str_MemCmp,
*         \ref Cy_Crypto_Trng_Generate, \ref Cy_Crypto_Des_Run,
*         \ref Cy_Crypto_Tdes_Run, \ref Cy_Crypto_Rsa_Proc
*     </td>
*     <td>Documentation update and clarification.</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>
*         Changed crypto IP power control.<br>
*         Enhanced Vector Unit functionality for RSA crypto algorithm.<br>
*         Added support of the single-core devices.
*     </td>
*     <td>New device support.</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>1.0</td>
*     <td>Initial version</td>
*     <td></td>
*   </tr>
* </table>
* \defgroup group_crypto_cli_srv Client-Server Model
* \{
*   \defgroup group_crypto_cli_srv_macros Macros
*   \defgroup group_crypto_cli_srv_functions Functions
*   \{
*     \defgroup group_crypto_cli_functions Client Functions
*     \defgroup group_crypto_srv_functions Server Functions
*   \}
*   \defgroup group_crypto_cli_srv_data_structures Data Structures
*   \{
*     \defgroup group_crypto_config_structure Common Data Structures
*     \defgroup group_crypto_cli_data_structures Client Data Structures
*     \defgroup group_crypto_srv_data_structures Server Data Structures
*   \}
* \}
* \defgroup group_crypto_lld_api Direct Crypto Core Access
* \defgroup group_crypto_data_structures Common Data Structures
* \defgroup group_crypto_enums Common Enumerated Types

* \addtogroup group_crypto_cli_srv
* \{
*   Use the client-server API to isolate the Crypto hardware from non-secure
*   application access.
*   The functions and other declarations used in this part of the driver are in
*   cy_crypto.h and cy_crypto_server.h. You can also include cy_pdl.h
*   to get access to all functions and declarations in the
*   PDL.
*   The firmware initializes and starts the Crypto server. The server can run on any
*   core and works with the Crypto hardware. The Crypto server is implemented as
*   a secure block. It performs all cryptographic operations for the client.
*   Access to the server is through the Inter Process Communication (IPC) driver.
*   Direct access is not allowed.
*   The Crypto client can run on any core too. The firmware initializes and starts
*   the client. The firmware then provides configuration data required for
*   the desired cryptographic technique and a request that the server run the
*   cryptographic operation.
* This document contains the following topics:
*   - \ref group_crypto_architecture
*   - \ref group_crypto_configuration_structure
*   - \ref group_crypto_server_init
*   - \ref group_crypto_client_init
*   - \ref group_crypto_common_use_cases
*   - \ref group_crypto_rsa_considerations
*   - \ref group_crypto_irq_implements
*   - \ref group_crypto_definitions
*   - \ref group_crypto_more_information
* \section group_crypto_architecture Architectural model
* The client-server implementation uses:
*   - one IPC channel for data exchange between client and server applications;
*   - three interrupts: an IPC notify interrupt, an IPC release interrupt, and
*     an interrupt for error handling.
* Firmware initializes and starts the Crypto server. The server can run on
* any core and works with the Crypto hardware.
* The Crypto server is implemented as a secure block. It performs all
* cryptographic operations for the client. Access to the server is through the
* Inter Process Communication (IPC) driver. Direct access is not allowed.
* The Crypto client can also run on any core. Firmware initializes and starts
* the client. The firmware then provides the configuration data required for the
* desired cryptographic technique, and requests that the server run the
* cryptographic operation.
* \note
* Only one Crypto server and only one Crypto client can be run at the same time
* on any core. So, valid configurations are:
* - one server instance runs on CM0+ and one client instance on CM4 (and vice versa).
* - one server instance and one client instance run on CM0+
*   (__** This is not recommended, use Direct Crypto API's to perform Crypto
*   operations on a single core__).
* - one server instance and one client instance run on CM4
*   (__** This is not recommended, use Direct Crypto API's to perform Crypto
*   operations on a single core__).
* \image html crypto_architecture.png
* IPC communication between the client and server is completely transparent.
* Using IPC for communication provides a simple synchronization mechanism to
* handle concurrent requests from different cores.
* \section group_crypto_configuration_structure Configuration Structure
* IPC communication for the Crypto driver is handled transparently. User should
* select the IPC channel, and configure the required notify, release, and error
* interrupts.
* These initialization routines, \ref Cy_Crypto_Server_Start_Base,
* \ref Cy_Crypto_Server_Start_Extra or \ref Cy_Crypto_Server_Start_Full (server)
* and \ref Cy_Crypto_Init (client), use separate instances of the same
* cy_stc_crypto_config_t configuration structure. Some fields should be the same,
* and some are set specifically by either the server or client. The table lists
* each field in the config structure, and which initialization routine sets the
* value.
* <table>
* <tr><th>Field</th><th>Which</th><th>Description</th><th>Notes</th></tr>
* <tr>
* <td>\link cy_stc_crypto_config_t::ipcChannel ipcChannel\endlink</td>
* <td>Server and Client</td>
* <td>IPC channel for communication between client and server</td>
* <td>IPC Channel, same for both</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>\link cy_stc_crypto_config_t::acquireNotifierChannel acquireNotifierChannel\endlink</td>
* <td>Server and Client</td>
* <td>IPC interrupt structure used for the new request notifications</td>
* <td>Notify interrupt number, for Server side only</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>\link cy_stc_crypto_config_t::releaseNotifierChannel releaseNotifierChannel\endlink</td>
* <td>Server and Client</td>
* <td>IPC interrupt structure used for data ready notifications. Used to call
*     userCompleteCallback handler function.</td>
* <td>Release interrupt number, for Client side only</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>\link cy_stc_crypto_config_t::userCompleteCallback userCompleteCallback\endlink</td>
* <td>Client</td>
* <td>User-defined callback for the Release interrupt handler; can be NULL</td>
* <td>See Implementing Crypto Interrupts</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>\link cy_stc_crypto_config_t::releaseNotifierConfig releaseNotifierConfig \endlink</td>
* <td>Client</td>
* <td>IRQ handler settings for data ready notifications. This interrupt occurs
* when server completely processed all input data and released an IPC
* communication channel.</td>
* <td>configuration for the interrupt</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>\link cy_stc_crypto_config_t::userGetDataHandler userGetDataHandler\endlink</td>
* <td>Server</td>
* <td>User-defined function to override default interrupt handler; NULL = use default</td>
* <td>ISR for the Notify interrupt</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>\link cy_stc_crypto_config_t::acquireNotifierConfig acquireNotifierConfig\endlink</td>
* <td>Server</td>
* <td>IRQ handler settings for new request notifications. This interrupt occurs
* when client sent a new request for processing.</td>
* <td>configuration for the interrupt</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>\link cy_stc_crypto_config_t::userErrorHandler userErrorHandler\endlink</td>
* <td>Server</td>
* <td>User-defined function to override default interrupt handler; NULL = use default</td>
* <td>ISR for a server error</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>\link cy_stc_crypto_config_t::cryptoErrorIntrConfig cryptoErrorIntrConfig\endlink</td>
* <td>Server</td>
* <td>IRQ handler settings for hardware error events</td>
* <td>configuration for the interrupt</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* \section group_crypto_server_init Server Initialization
* Use a __Crypto Server Start function__ (one of \ref Cy_Crypto_Server_Start_Base,
* \ref Cy_Crypto_Server_Start_Extra or \ref Cy_Crypto_Server_Start_Full).
* Provide the configuration parameters (cy_stc_crypto_config_t) and a pointer
* to the server context (cy_stc_crypto_server_context_t) that will be used to
* store all temporary data.
* \snippet crypto/snippet/main.c snippet_myCryptoServerStartBase
* Because the two cores operate asynchronously, ensure that server
* initialization is complete before initializing the client.
* There are several ways to do this:
*   - Use \ref Cy_Crypto_Sync as a blocking call, before initializing the client.
*   - Enable the CM4 core (\ref Cy_SysEnableCM4) after
*     Crypto Server Start executes successfully.
*   - Check the return status from calls to \ref Cy_Crypto_Init or
*     \ref Cy_Crypto_Enable to ensure \ref CY_CRYPTO_SUCCESS.
* All crypto operations are asynchronous. To ensure that any crypto operation
* is complete and the result is valid, use \ref Cy_Crypto_Sync.
* Use the \ref CY_CRYPTO_SYNC_NON_BLOCKING parameter to check status.
* Use \ref CY_CRYPTO_SYNC_BLOCKING  to wait for the operation to complete.
* \section group_crypto_client_init Client initialization
* Use \ref Cy_Crypto_Init to initialize the Crypto client with the configuration
* parameters (cy_stc_crypto_config_t) and a pointer to the context
* (cy_stc_crypto_context_t). Do not fill in the values for the context structure.
* Then call \ref Cy_Crypto_Enable to enable the Crypto hardware IP block.
* After this, the Crypto driver is ready to execute crypto functions.
* These calls must be made on the client side.
* Firmware can implement the client on either core.
* \snippet crypto/snippet/main.c snippet_myCryptoInit
* \section group_crypto_common_use_cases Common Use Cases
* \subsection group_crypto_Use_CRC CRC Calculation
* To calculate CRC of a data image:
*   - Use \ref Cy_Crypto_Crc_Init to set parameters for selected CRC mode,
*   - Call \ref Cy_Crypto_Crc_Run to calculate CRC for a data image.
* Code example:
* \snippet crypto/snippet/main.c snippet_myCryptoCrcUse
* \subsection group_crypto_Use_PRNG Pseudo Random Number Generation
* To generate a pseudo random number:
*   - Use \ref Cy_Crypto_Prng_Init to set required parameters,
*   - Call \ref Cy_Crypto_Prng_Generate.
* Code example:
* \snippet crypto/snippet/main.c snippet_myCryptoPrngUse
* \subsection group_crypto_Use_TRNG True Random Number Generation
* To generate a true random number:
*   - Call \ref Cy_Crypto_Trng_Generate with needed parameters.
* Code example:
* \snippet crypto/snippet/main.c snippet_myCryptoTrngUse
* \subsection group_crypto_Use_DES DES encryption
* To encrypt a message using the DES algorithm:
*   - Place DES key into an array,
*   - Call \ref Cy_Crypto_Des_Run with required parameters, including the key
*     array
* Code example:
* \snippet crypto/snippet/main.c snippet_myCryptoDesUse
* \subsection group_crypto_Use_TDES TDES encryption
* To encrypt a message using the TDES algorithm:
*   - Place 3 DES keys into a solid array,
*   - Call \ref Cy_Crypto_Tdes_Run with required parameters, including the array
*     of keys
* Code example:
* \snippet crypto/snippet/main.c snippet_myCryptoTdesUse
* \subsection group_crypto_Use_AES AES encryption
* The Crypto driver provides a four AES encryption algorithms (ECB, CBC, CFB
* and CTR) that are used similarly.
* To encrypt a message using AES ECB algorithm (as example):
*   - Place AES key into array of appropriate size
*   - Use \ref Cy_Crypto_Aes_Init to configure the operation
*   - Call \ref Cy_Crypto_Aes_Ecb_Run (\ref Cy_Crypto_Aes_Cbc_Run,
*     \ref Cy_Crypto_Aes_Cfb_Run or \ref Cy_Crypto_Aes_Ctr_Run) with appropriate
*     parameters to make an operation
* Code example:
* \snippet crypto/snippet/main.c snippet_myCryptoAesEcbUse
* \subsection group_crypto_Use_SHA SHA digest calculation
* To calculate a SHA digest of a message:
*   - Call \ref Cy_Crypto_Sha_Run with appropriate parameters to make an
*     operation
* Code example:
* \snippet crypto/snippet/main.c snippet_myCryptoSha256Use
* \subsection group_crypto_Use_CMAC CMAC calculation
* To calculate CMAC of a message:
*   - Place AES key into array of appropriate size
*   - Use \ref Cy_Crypto_Aes_Init to configure the operation
*   - Call \ref Cy_Crypto_Aes_Ecb_Run with appropriate parameters to make an
*     operation
* Code example:
* \snippet crypto/snippet/main.c snippet_myCryptoCmacUse
* \subsection group_crypto_Use_HMAC HMAC calculation
* To calculate HMAC of a message:
*   - Place HMAC key into array of appropriate size
*   - Call \ref Cy_Crypto_Hmac_Run with appropriate parameters to make an
*     operation
* Code example:
* \snippet crypto/snippet/main.c snippet_myCryptoHmacUse
* \subsection group_crypto_Use_RSA_VER RSA signature verification
* To verify the RSA signature of the data image:
*   - Fill RSA public key structure by RSA public key data
*   - Use \ref Cy_Crypto_Sha_Run to calculate SHA digest of the data image
*   - Use \ref Cy_Crypto_Rsa_Proc to decrypt present encrypted signature
*   - Use \ref Cy_Crypto_Rsa_Verify to verify the decrypted signature with
*     calculated SHA digest
* Code example:
* \snippet crypto/snippet/main.c snippet_myCryptoRsaVerUse
* \section group_crypto_rsa_considerations RSA Usage Considerations
* General RSA encryption and decryption is supported.
* \ref Cy_Crypto_Rsa_Proc encrypts or decrypts data based on the parameters
* passed to the function. If you pass in plain text and a public key, the output
* is encrypted (cipher text). If you pass in cipher text and a private key, the
* output is decrypted (plain text).
* One parameter for this function call is a structure that defines the key:
* cy_stc_crypto_rsa_pub_key_t. The four modulus and exponent fields are
* mandatory. They represent the data for either the public or private key as
* appropriate.
* \note The <b>modulus</b> and <b>exponent</b> values in the
* \ref cy_stc_crypto_rsa_pub_key_t must be in little-endian order.<br>
* Use the \ref Cy_Crypto_InvertEndianness function to convert to or from
* little-endian order.
* The remaining fields represent three pre-calculated coefficients that can
* reduce execution time by up to 5x. The fields are: coefficient for Barrett
* reduction, binary inverse of the modulus, and the result of
* (2^moduloLength mod modulo). These fields are optional, and can be set to NULL.
* Calculate these coefficients with \ref Cy_Crypto_Rsa_CalcCoefs.
* Pass them in the address of the key structure with the modulus and exponent
* values for the key. The function returns the coefficients for the key in the
* key structure, replacing any previous values.
* The RSA functionality also implements functions to decrypt a signature using
* a public key. This signature must follow the RSASSA-PKCS-v1_5 standard.
* The signature must contain a SHA digest (hash).
* MD2, MD4, and MD5 message digests are not supported.
* An encrypted signature is stored as big-endian data. It must be inverted for
* RSA processing. To use the provided signature decryption, firmware must
*   -# Calculate the SHA digest of the data to be verified with
*      \ref Cy_Crypto_Sha_Run.
*   -# Ensure that the RSA signature is in little-endian format.
*      Use \ref Cy_Crypto_InvertEndianness.
*   -# Decrypt the RSA signature with a public key, by calling
*      \ref Cy_Crypto_Rsa_Proc.
*   -# Invert the byte order of the output, to return to big-endian format.
*      Use \ref Cy_Crypto_InvertEndianness.
*   -# Call \ref Cy_Crypto_Rsa_Verify (which requires data in big-endian format).
* \section group_crypto_irq_implements Implementing Crypto Interrupts
* The Crypto driver uses three interrupts:
*   - A notify interrupt when data is ready for a cryptographic operation
*   - A release interrupt when a cryptographic operation is complete
*   - An error interrupt if the server encounters a hardware error
* You can modify default behavior for each interrupt.
* <b>Notify Interrupt:</b> the Crypto server has a default ISR to handle this
* interrupt, \ref Cy_Crypto_Server_GetDataHandler. The default ISR clears the
* interrupt, retrieves the data from the IPC channel, and dispatches control to
* the desired cryptographic operation.
* To use the default handler, set the \link
* cy_stc_crypto_config_t::userGetDataHandler userGetDataHandler \endlink field
* of the cy_stc_crypto_config_t structure to NULL.
* To override, populate this
* field with your ISR. Then call Crypto Server Start function.
* Your ISR can perform additional tasks required by your application logic,
* but must also call \ref Cy_Crypto_Server_GetDataHandler to dispatch the data
* to the correct cryptographic operation.
* \note \ref Cy_Crypto_Server_Process should be performed from this ISR or from
* any other task in the multi-task environment.
* \snippet crypto/snippet/main.c snippet_myCryptoServerMyGetDataISR
* \snippet crypto/snippet/main.c snippet_myCryptoServerStartMyGetDataISR
* <b>Release Interrupt:</b> The Crypto driver includes a handler for this
* interrupt. The interrupt handler clears the interrupt and calls a user-provided
* callback routine. You cannot override this interrupt handler.
* By default the interrupt is disabled.
* To use default behavior (interrupt disabled), set the \link
* cy_stc_crypto_config_t::userCompleteCallback userCompleteCallback \endlink
* field of the cy_stc_crypto_config_t structure to NULL.
* To enable the interrupt, populate this field with your callback function.
* Then call \ref Cy_Crypto_Init. If the callback function is not NULL, the Init
* function enables the interrupt, and default behavior calls your routine.
* When performing cryptographic operations, firmware must ensure the operation
* is complete before acting on the results. If the release interrupt is disabled,
* typically calls to \ref Cy_Crypto_Sync should be blocking. If the interrupt is
* enabled, your callback function is called when the operation is complete.
* This lets you avoid blocking calls to \ref Cy_Crypto_Sync.
* <b>Error Interrupt:</b> The Crypto server has a default ISR to handle this
* interrupt. It clears the interrupt and sets an internal flag that an error
* has occurred.
* To use the default handler, set the userErrorHandler field of the
* cy_stc_crypto_config_t structure to NULL. To override, populate this field
* with your ISR. Then call Crypto Server Start function.
* Your ISR must call \ref Cy_Crypto_Server_ErrorHandler, and can perform any
* additional tasks required by your application logic.
/** \} group_crypto_cli_srv */

#if !defined (CY_CRYPTO_H)
#define CY_CRYPTO_H

#include "cy_device.h"

#if defined (CY_IP_MXCRYPTO)

#include "cy_crypto_common.h"

#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {

#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

/** \cond INTERNAL */

cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_GetLibraryInfo(cy_en_crypto_lib_info_t *cryptoInfo);

/** \endcond */

* \addtogroup group_crypto_cli_functions
* \{

* Function Name: Cy_Crypto_Init
* This function initializes the Crypto context buffer and
* configures the Crypto driver. Must be called at first.
* To start working with Crypto methods after Crypto_Init(),
* call Crypto_Enable() to turn-on the Crypto Hardware.
* \param config
* The pointer to the Crypto configuration structure.
* \param context
* The pointer to the \ref cy_stc_crypto_context_t instance of structure
* that stores the Crypto driver common context.
* \return
* \ref cy_en_crypto_status_t
* \funcusage
* \snippet crypto/snippet/main.c snippet_myCryptoInit
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Init(cy_stc_crypto_config_t const *config, cy_stc_crypto_context_t *context);

* Function Name: Cy_Crypto_DeInit
* This function de-initializes the Crypto driver.
* \return
* \ref cy_en_crypto_status_t
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_DeInit(void);

* Function Name: Cy_Crypto_Enable
* This function enables (turns on) the Crypto hardware.
* \return
* \ref cy_en_crypto_status_t
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Enable(void);

* Function Name: Cy_Crypto_Disable
* This function disables (turns off) the Crypto hardware.
* \return
* \ref cy_en_crypto_status_t
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Disable(void);

* Function Name: Cy_Crypto_Sync
* This function waits or just checks (depending on the parameter)
* for the Crypto operation to complete.
* \param isBlocking
* Set whether Crypto_Sync is blocking:
* True - is blocking.
* False - is not blocking.
* \return
* \ref cy_en_crypto_status_t
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Sync(bool isBlocking);

* Function Name: Cy_Crypto_GetErrorStatus
* This function returns a cause of a Crypto hardware error.
* It is independent of the Crypto previous state.
* \param hwErrorCause
* \ref cy_stc_crypto_hw_error_t.
* \return
* \ref cy_en_crypto_status_t
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_GetErrorStatus(cy_stc_crypto_hw_error_t *hwErrorCause);

#if (CPUSS_CRYPTO_PR == 1)
* Function Name: Cy_Crypto_Prng_Init
* This function initializes parameters of the PRNG.
* Call to initialize this encryption technique before using any associated
* functions. You must initialize this technique again after using any other
* encryption technique.
* Invoking this function resets the pseudo random sequence.
* \param lfsr32InitState
* A non-zero seed value for the first LFSR. User selected.

* \param lfsr31InitState
* A non-zero seed value for the second LFSR. User selected.

* \param lfsr29InitState
* A non-zero seed value for the third LFSR. User selected.
* \param cfContext
* The pointer to the \ref cy_stc_crypto_context_prng_t structure that stores
* the Crypto function context.
* \return
* \ref cy_en_crypto_status_t
* \funcusage
* \snippet crypto/snippet/main.c snippet_myCryptoPrngUse
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Prng_Init(uint32_t lfsr32InitState,
                                          uint32_t lfsr31InitState,
                                          uint32_t lfsr29InitState,
                                          cy_stc_crypto_context_prng_t *cfContext);

* Function Name: Cy_Crypto_Prng_Generate
* This function generates 32-bit the Pseudo Random Number.
* It depends on \ref Cy_Crypto_Prng_Init that should be called before.
* \param max
* The maximum value of a generated random number.
* \param randomNum
* The pointer to a variable to store the generated pseudo random number.
* __Must be 4-byte aligned.__
* \param cfContext
* The pointer to the \ref cy_stc_crypto_context_prng_t structure that stores
* the Crypto function context.
* \return
* \ref cy_en_crypto_status_t
* \funcusage
* \snippet crypto/snippet/main.c snippet_myCryptoPrngUse
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Prng_Generate(uint32_t max,
                                              uint32_t *randomNum,
                                              cy_stc_crypto_context_prng_t *cfContext);
#endif /* #if (CPUSS_CRYPTO_PR == 1) */

* Function Name: Cy_Crypto_Aes_Init
* This function initializes the AES operation by setting key and key length.
* Call to initialize this encryption technique before using any associated
* functions. You must initialize this technique again after using any other
* encryption technique.
* \param key
* The pointer to the encryption/decryption key. __Must be 4-byte aligned.__
* \param keyLength
* \ref cy_en_crypto_aes_key_length_t
* \param cfContext
* The pointer to the \ref cy_stc_crypto_context_aes_t structure that stores all
* internal variables the Crypto driver requires.
* \return
* \ref cy_en_crypto_status_t
* \funcusage
* \snippet crypto/snippet/main.c snippet_myCryptoAesEcbUse
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Aes_Init(uint32_t *key,
                                         cy_en_crypto_aes_key_length_t keyLength,
                                         cy_stc_crypto_context_aes_t *cfContext);

* Function Name: Cy_Crypto_Aes_Ecb_Run
* This function performs AES operation on one 16-byte block
* The AES key must be set before by invoking Cy_Crypto_Aes_Init().
* \param dirMode
* (\ref cy_en_crypto_dir_mode_t).
* \param srcBlock
* The pointer to a 16-byte source block. __Must be 4-byte aligned.__
* \param dstBlock
* The pointer to a 16-byte destination cipher block. __Must be 4-byte aligned.__
* \param cfContext
* The pointer to the \ref cy_stc_crypto_context_aes_t instance of structure
* that stores all AES internal variables.
* \return
* \ref cy_en_crypto_status_t
* \funcusage
* \snippet crypto/snippet/main.c snippet_myCryptoAesEcbUse
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Aes_Ecb_Run(cy_en_crypto_dir_mode_t dirMode,
                                            uint32_t *dstBlock,
                                            uint32_t *srcBlock,
                                            cy_stc_crypto_context_aes_t *cfContext);

* Function Name: Cy_Crypto_Aes_Cbc_Run
* This function performs AES operation on a plain text with Cipher Block Chaining (CBC).
* The key must be set before by invoking Cy_Crypto_Aes_Init().
* \param dirMode
* (\ref cy_en_crypto_dir_mode_t)
* \param srcSize
* The size of the source plain text.
* \param ivPtr
* The pointer to the initial vector. __Must be 4-byte aligned.__
* \param dst
* The pointer to a destination cipher text. __Must be 4-byte aligned.__
* \param src
* The pointer to a source plain text. __Must be 4-byte aligned.__
* \param cfContext
* The pointer to the \ref cy_stc_crypto_context_aes_t structure that stores all
* internal variables the Crypto driver requires.
* \return
* \ref cy_en_crypto_status_t
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Aes_Cbc_Run(cy_en_crypto_dir_mode_t dirMode,
                                            uint32_t srcSize,
                                            uint32_t *ivPtr,
                                            uint32_t *dst,
                                            uint32_t *src,
                                            cy_stc_crypto_context_aes_t *cfContext);

* Function Name: Cy_Crypto_Aes_Cfb_Run
* This function performs AES operation on a plain text with Cipher Feedback mode
* (CFB). The key must be set before by invoking Cy_Crypto_Aes_Init().
* \param dirMode
* (\ref cy_en_crypto_dir_mode_t)
* \param srcSize
* The size of the source plain text.
* \param ivPtr
* The pointer to the initial vector. __Must be 4-byte aligned.__
* \param dst
* The pointer to the destination cipher text. __Must be 4-byte aligned.__
* \param src
* The pointer to the source plain text. __Must be 4-byte aligned.__
* \param cfContext
* The pointer to the \ref cy_stc_crypto_context_aes_t structure that stores all
* internal variables the Crypto driver requires.
* \return
* \ref cy_en_crypto_status_t
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Aes_Cfb_Run(cy_en_crypto_dir_mode_t dirMode,
                                            uint32_t srcSize,
                                            uint32_t *ivPtr,
                                            uint32_t *dst,
                                            uint32_t *src,
                                            cy_stc_crypto_context_aes_t *cfContext);

* Function Name: Cy_Crypto_Aes_Ctr_Run
* This function performs AES operation on a plain text with Cipher Block Counter
* mode (CTR).
* NOTE: preparation of the unique nonceCounter for each block is
* the user's responsibility. This function is dependent on
* the key being set before invoking \ref Cy_Crypto_Aes_Init().
* \param dirMode
* (\ref cy_en_crypto_dir_mode_t)
* \param srcSize
* The size of a source plain text.
* \param srcOffset
* The size of an offset within the current block stream for resuming within the
* current cipher stream.
* \param nonceCounter
* The 128-bit nonce and counter. __Must be 4-byte aligned.__
* \param streamBlock
* The saved stream-block for resuming. Is over-written by the function.
* __Must be 4-byte aligned.__
* \param dst
* The pointer to the destination cipher text. __Must be 4-byte aligned.__
* \param src
* The pointer to the source plain text. __Must be 4-byte aligned.__
* \param cfContext
* The pointer to the \ref cy_stc_crypto_context_aes_t structure that stores all
* internal variables the Crypto driver requires.
* \return
* \ref cy_en_crypto_status_t
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Aes_Ctr_Run(cy_en_crypto_dir_mode_t dirMode,
                                            uint32_t srcSize,
                                            uint32_t *srcOffset,
                                            uint32_t nonceCounter[CY_CRYPTO_AES_BLOCK_SIZE / 8u],
                                            uint32_t streamBlock[CY_CRYPTO_AES_BLOCK_SIZE / 8u],
                                            uint32_t *dst,
                                            uint32_t *src,
                                            cy_stc_crypto_context_aes_t *cfContext);

* Function Name: Cy_Crypto_Aes_Cmac_Run
* This function performs the cipher-block chaining-message authentication-code.
* There is no Init function. Provide the required parameters and the pointer to
* the context structure when making this function call.
* \param src
* The pointer to the source plain text. __Must be 4-byte aligned.__
* \param srcSize
* The size of a source plain text.
* \param key
* The pointer to the encryption key. __Must be 4-byte aligned.__
* \param keyLength
* \ref cy_en_crypto_aes_key_length_t
* \param cmacPtr
* The pointer to the calculated CMAC. __Must be 4-byte aligned.__
* \param cfContext
* The pointer to the \ref cy_stc_crypto_context_aes_t structure that stores all
* internal variables the Crypto driver requires.
* \return
* \ref cy_en_crypto_status_t
* \funcusage
* \snippet crypto/snippet/main.c snippet_myCryptoCmacUse
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Aes_Cmac_Run(uint32_t *src,
                                             uint32_t srcSize,
                                             uint32_t *key,
                                             cy_en_crypto_aes_key_length_t keyLength,
                                             uint32_t *cmacPtr,
                                             cy_stc_crypto_context_aes_t *cfContext);
#endif /* #if (CPUSS_CRYPTO_AES == 1) */

* Function Name: Cy_Crypto_Sha_Run
* This function performs the SHA Hash function.
* There is no Init function. Provide the required parameters and the pointer
* to the context structure when making this function call.
* It is independent of the previous Crypto state because it already contains
* preparation, calculation, and finalization steps.
* \param mode
* \ref cy_en_crypto_sha_mode_t
* \param message
* The pointer to a message whose hash value is being computed.
* __Must be 4-byte aligned.__
* \param messageSize
* The size of a message.
* \param digest
* The pointer to the hash digest. The hash size depends on the selected SHA mode
* (from 20 to 64 bytes, see \ref CY_CRYPTO_SHA_MAX_DIGEST_SIZE).
* __Must be 4-byte aligned.__
* \param cfContext
* the pointer to the \ref cy_stc_crypto_context_sha_t structure that stores all
* internal variables for Crypto driver.
* \return
* \ref cy_en_crypto_status_t
* \funcusage
* \snippet crypto/snippet/main.c snippet_myCryptoSha256Use
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Sha_Run(uint32_t *message,
                                        uint32_t  messageSize,
                                        uint32_t *digest,
                                        cy_en_crypto_sha_mode_t mode,
                                        cy_stc_crypto_context_sha_t *cfContext);
#endif /* #if (CPUSS_CRYPTO_SHA == 1) */

* Function Name: Cy_Crypto_Hmac_Run
* This function performs HMAC calculation.
* There is no Init function. Provide the required parameters and the pointer
* to the context structure when making this function call.
* It is independent of the previous Crypto state because it already contains
* preparation, calculation, and finalization steps.
* \param hmac
* The pointer to the calculated HMAC. __Must be 4-byte aligned.__
* \param message
* The pointer to a message whose hash value is being computed.
* __Must be 4-byte aligned.__
* \param messageSize
* The size of a message.
* \param key
* The pointer to the key. __Must be 4-byte aligned.__
* \param keyLength
* The length of the key.
* \param mode
* \ref cy_en_crypto_sha_mode_t
* \param cfContext
* the pointer to the \ref cy_stc_crypto_context_sha_t structure that stores all
* internal variables for the Crypto driver.
* \return
* \ref cy_en_crypto_status_t
* \funcusage
* \snippet crypto/snippet/main.c snippet_myCryptoHmacUse
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Hmac_Run(uint32_t *hmac,
                                         uint32_t *message,
                                         uint32_t  messageSize,
                                         uint32_t *key,
                                         uint32_t keyLength,
                                         cy_en_crypto_sha_mode_t mode,
                                         cy_stc_crypto_context_sha_t *cfContext);
#endif /* #if (CPUSS_CRYPTO_SHA == 1) */

* Function Name: Cy_Crypto_Str_MemCpy
* This function copies a memory block. It operates on data in the user SRAM and
* doesn't use Crypto internal SRAM.
* \note Memory blocks should not overlap.
* There is no alignment restriction.
* This function is independent of the previous Crypto state.
* \param dst
* The pointer to the destination of MemCpy.
* \param src
* The pointer to the source of MemCpy.
* \param size
* The size in bytes of the copy operation. Maximum size is 65535 Bytes.
* \param cfContext
* The pointer to the \ref cy_stc_crypto_context_str_t structure that stores all
* internal variables for the Crypto driver.
* \return
* \ref cy_en_crypto_status_t
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Str_MemCpy(void *dst,
                                           void const *src,
                                           uint16_t size,
                                           cy_stc_crypto_context_str_t *cfContext);

* Function Name: Cy_Crypto_Str_MemSet
* This function sets the memory block. It operates on data in the user SRAM and
* doesn't use Crypto internal SRAM.
* There is no alignment restriction.
* This function is independent from the previous Crypto state.
* \param dst
* The pointer to the destination of MemSet.
* \param data
* The value to be set.
* \param size
* The size in bytes of the set operation. Maximum size is 65535 Bytes.
* \param cfContext
* the pointer to the \ref cy_stc_crypto_context_str_t structure that stores all
* internal variables for the Crypto driver.
* \return
* \ref cy_en_crypto_status_t
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Str_MemSet(void *dst,
                                           uint8_t data,
                                           uint16_t size,
                                           cy_stc_crypto_context_str_t *cfContext);

* Function Name: Cy_Crypto_Str_MemCmp
* This function compares memory blocks. It operates on data in the user SRAM and
* doesn't use Crypto internal SRAM.
* There is no alignment restriction.
* This function is independent from the previous Crypto state.
* \param src0
* The pointer to the first source of MemCmp.
* \param src1
* The pointer to the second source of MemCmp.
* \param size
* The size in bytes of the compare operation. Maximum size is 65535 Bytes.
* \param resultPtr
* The pointer to the result of compare (__must be 4-byte aligned__):
*     - 0 - if Source 1 equal Source 2
*     - 1 - if Source 1 not equal Source 2
* \param cfContext
* the pointer to the \ref cy_stc_crypto_context_str_t structure that stores all
* internal variables for the Crypto driver.
* \return
* \ref cy_en_crypto_status_t
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Str_MemCmp(void const *src0,
                                           void const *src1,
                                           uint16_t size,
                                           uint32_t *resultPtr,
                                           cy_stc_crypto_context_str_t *cfContext);

* Function Name: Crypto_Str_MemXor
* This function calculates the XOR of two memory blocks. It operates on data in
* the user SRAM and doesn't use Crypto internal SRAM.
* \note Memory structures should not overlap.
* There is no alignment restriction.
* This function is independent from the previous Crypto state.
* \param src0
* The pointer to the first source of MemXor.

* \param src1
* The pointer to the second source of MemXor.

* \param dst
* The pointer to the destination of MemXor.
* \param size
* The size in bytes of the compare operation. Maximum size is 65535 Bytes.
* \param cfContext
* the pointer to the \ref cy_stc_crypto_context_str_t structure that stores all
* internal variables for the Crypto driver.
* \return
* \ref cy_en_crypto_status_t
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Str_MemXor(void const *src0,
                                           void const *src1,
                                           void *dst,
                                           uint16_t size,
                                           cy_stc_crypto_context_str_t *cfContext);
#endif /* #if (CPUSS_CRYPTO_STR == 1) */

* Function Name: Cy_Crypto_Crc_Init
* This function performs CRC initialization.
* Call to initialize this encryption technique before using any associated
* functions. You must initialize this technique again after using any other
* encryption technique.
* Below is the table with known polynomials with different parameters and their
* calculated CRCs from the string <b>"123456789"</b>:
* | Name               | Width | Poly       | Init       | Data Rev | Data XOR | Rem Rev | Rem XOR    | Expected CRC |
* |:-------------------|:-----:|:----------:|:----------:|:--------:|:--------:|:-------:|:----------:|:------------:|
* | CRC-3 / ROHC       |     3 |        0x3 |        0x7 |        1 |        0 |       1 |        0x0 |          0x6 |
* | CRC-4 / ITU        |     4 |        0x3 |        0x0 |        1 |        0 |       1 |        0x0 |          0x7 |
* | CRC-5 / EPC        |     5 |        0x9 |        0x9 |        0 |        0 |       0 |        0x0 |          0x0 |
* | CRC-5 / ITU        |     5 |       0x15 |        0x0 |        1 |        0 |       1 |        0x0 |          0x7 |
* | CRC-5 / USB        |     5 |        0x5 |       0x1F |        1 |        0 |       1 |       0x1F |         0x19 |
* | CRC-6 / CDMA2000-A |     6 |       0x27 |       0x3F |        0 |        0 |       0 |        0x0 |          0xD |
* | CRC-6 / CDMA2000-B |     6 |        0x7 |       0x3F |        0 |        0 |       0 |        0x0 |         0x3B |
* | CRC-6 / DARC       |     6 |       0x19 |        0x0 |        1 |        0 |       1 |        0x0 |         0x26 |
* | CRC-6 / ITU        |     6 |        0x3 |        0x0 |        1 |        0 |       1 |        0x0 |          0x6 |
* | CRC-7              |     7 |        0x9 |        0x0 |        0 |        0 |       0 |        0x0 |         0x75 |
* | CRC-7 / ROHC       |     7 |       0x4F |       0x7F |        1 |        0 |       1 |        0x0 |         0x53 |
* | CRC-8              |     8 |        0x7 |        0x0 |        0 |        0 |       0 |        0x0 |         0xF4 |
* | CRC-8 / CDMA2000   |     8 |       0x9B |       0xFF |        0 |        0 |       0 |        0x0 |         0xDA |
* | CRC-8 / DARC       |     8 |       0x39 |        0x0 |        1 |        0 |       1 |        0x0 |         0x15 |
* | CRC-8 / DVB-S2     |     8 |       0xD5 |        0x0 |        0 |        0 |       0 |        0x0 |         0xBC |
* | CRC-8 / EBU        |     8 |       0x1D |       0xFF |        1 |        0 |       1 |        0x0 |         0x97 |
* | CRC-8 / I-CODE     |     8 |       0x1D |       0xFD |        0 |        0 |       0 |        0x0 |         0x7E |
* | CRC-8 / ITU        |     8 |        0x7 |        0x0 |        0 |        0 |       0 |       0x55 |         0xA1 |
* | CRC-8 / MAXIM      |     8 |       0x31 |        0x0 |        1 |        0 |       1 |        0x0 |         0xA1 |
* | CRC-8 / ROHC       |     8 |        0x7 |       0xFF |        1 |        0 |       1 |        0x0 |         0xD0 |
* | CRC-8 / WCDMA      |     8 |       0x9B |        0x0 |        1 |        0 |       1 |        0x0 |         0x25 |
* | CRC-10             |    10 |      0x233 |        0x0 |        0 |        0 |       0 |        0x0 |        0x199 |
* | CRC-10 / CDMA2000  |    10 |      0x3D9 |      0x3FF |        0 |        0 |       0 |        0x0 |        0x233 |
* | CRC-11             |    11 |      0x385 |       0x1A |        0 |        0 |       0 |        0x0 |        0x5A3 |
* | CRC-12 / 3GPP      |    12 |      0x80F |        0x0 |        0 |        0 |       1 |        0x0 |        0xDAF |
* | CRC-12 / CDMA2000  |    12 |      0xF13 |      0xFFF |        0 |        0 |       0 |        0x0 |        0xD4D |
* | CRC-12 / DECT      |    12 |      0x80F |        0x0 |        0 |        0 |       0 |        0x0 |        0xF5B |
* | CRC-13 / BBC       |    13 |     0x1CF5 |        0x0 |        0 |        0 |       0 |        0x0 |        0x4FA |
* | CRC-14 / DARC      |    14 |      0x805 |        0x0 |        1 |        0 |       1 |        0x0 |        0x82D |
* | CRC-15             |    15 |     0x4599 |        0x0 |        0 |        0 |       0 |        0x0 |        0x59E |
* | CRC-15 / MPT1327   |    15 |     0x6815 |        0x0 |        0 |        0 |       0 |        0x1 |       0x2566 |
* | CRC-24             |    24 |  0x0864CFB | 0x00B704CE |        0 |        0 |       0 |        0x0 |     0x21CF02 |
* | CRC-24 / FLEXRAY-A |    24 |  0x05D6DCB | 0x00FEDCBA |        0 |        0 |       0 |        0x0 |     0x7979BD |
* | CRC-24 / FLEXRAY-B |    24 |  0x05D6DCB | 0x00ABCDEF |        0 |        0 |       0 |        0x0 |     0x1F23B8 |
* | CRC-31 / PHILIPS   |    31 |  0x4C11DB7 | 0x7FFFFFFF |        0 |        0 |       0 | 0x7FFFFFFF |    0xCE9E46C |
* | CRC-16 / ARC       |    16 |     0x8005 |     0x0000 |        1 |        0 |       1 |     0x0000 |       0xBB3D |
* | CRC-16 / AUG-CCITT |    16 |     0x1021 |     0x1D0F |        0 |        0 |       0 |     0x0000 |       0xE5CC |
* | CRC-16 / BUYPASS   |    16 |     0x8005 |     0x0000 |        0 |        0 |       0 |     0x0000 |       0xFEE8 |
* | CRC-16 / CCITT-0   |    16 |     0x1021 |     0xFFFF |        0 |        0 |       0 |     0x0000 |       0x29B1 |
* | CRC-16 / CDMA2000  |    16 |     0xC867 |     0xFFFF |        0 |        0 |       0 |     0x0000 |       0x4C06 |
* | CRC-16 / DDS-110   |    16 |     0x8005 |     0x800D |        0 |        0 |       0 |     0x0000 |       0x9ECF |
* | CRC-16 / DECT-R    |    16 |     0x0589 |     0x0000 |        0 |        0 |       0 |     0x0001 |       0x007E |
* | CRC-16 / DECT-X    |    16 |     0x0589 |     0x0000 |        0 |        0 |       0 |     0x0000 |       0x007F |
* | CRC-16 / DNP       |    16 |     0x3D65 |     0x0000 |        1 |        0 |       1 |     0xFFFF |       0xEA82 |
* | CRC-16 / EN-13757  |    16 |     0x3D65 |     0x0000 |        0 |        0 |       0 |     0xFFFF |       0xC2B7 |
* | CRC-16 / GENIBUS   |    16 |     0x1021 |     0xFFFF |        0 |        0 |       0 |     0xFFFF |       0xD64E |
* | CRC-16 / MAXIM     |    16 |     0x8005 |     0x0000 |        1 |        0 |       1 |     0xFFFF |       0x44C2 |
* | CRC-16 / MCRF4XX   |    16 |     0x1021 |     0xFFFF |        1 |        0 |       1 |     0x0000 |       0x6F91 |
* | CRC-16 / RIELLO    |    16 |     0x1021 |     0xB2AA |        1 |        0 |       1 |     0x0000 |       0x63D0 |
* | CRC-16 / T10-DIF   |    16 |     0x8BB7 |     0x0000 |        0 |        0 |       0 |     0x0000 |       0xD0DB |
* | CRC-16 / TELEDISK  |    16 |     0xA097 |     0x0000 |        0 |        0 |       0 |     0x0000 |       0x0FB3 |
* | CRC-16 / TMS37157  |    16 |     0x1021 |     0x89EC |        1 |        0 |       1 |     0x0000 |       0x26B1 |
* | CRC-16 / USB       |    16 |     0x8005 |     0xFFFF |        1 |        0 |       1 |     0xFFFF |       0xB4C8 |
* | CRC-A              |    16 |     0x1021 |     0xC6C6 |        1 |        0 |       1 |     0x0000 |       0xBF05 |
* | CRC-16 / KERMIT    |    16 |     0x1021 |     0x0000 |        1 |        0 |       1 |     0x0000 |       0x2189 |
* | CRC-16 / MODBUS    |    16 |     0x8005 |     0xFFFF |        1 |        0 |       1 |     0x0000 |       0x4B37 |
* | CRC-16 / X-25      |    16 |     0x1021 |     0xFFFF |        1 |        0 |       1 |     0xFFFF |       0x906E |
* | CRC-16 / XMODEM    |    16 |     0x1021 |     0x0000 |        0 |        0 |       0 |     0x0000 |       0x31C3 |
* | CRC-32             |    32 | 0x04C11DB7 | 0xFFFFFFFF |        1 |        0 |       1 | 0xFFFFFFFF |   0xCBF43926 |
* | CRC-32 / BZIP2     |    32 | 0x04C11DB7 | 0xFFFFFFFF |        0 |        0 |       0 | 0xFFFFFFFF |   0xFC891918 |
* | CRC-32C            |    32 | 0x1EDC6F41 | 0xFFFFFFFF |        1 |        0 |       1 | 0xFFFFFFFF |   0xE3069283 |
* | CRC-32D            |    32 | 0xA833982B | 0xFFFFFFFF |        1 |        0 |       1 | 0xFFFFFFFF |   0x87315576 |
* | CRC-32 / MPEG-2    |    32 | 0x04C11DB7 | 0xFFFFFFFF |        0 |        0 |       0 | 0x00000000 |   0x0376E6E7 |
* | CRC-32 / POSIX     |    32 | 0x04C11DB7 | 0x00000000 |        0 |        0 |       0 | 0xFFFFFFFF |   0x765E7680 |
* | CRC-32Q            |    32 | 0x814141AB | 0x00000000 |        0 |        0 |       0 | 0x00000000 |   0x3010BF7F |
* | CRC-32 / JAMCRC    |    32 | 0x04C11DB7 | 0xFFFFFFFF |        1 |        0 |       1 | 0x00000000 |   0x340BC6D9 |
* | CRC-32 / XFER      |    32 | 0x000000AF | 0x00000000 |        0 |        0 |       0 | 0x00000000 |   0xBD0BE338 |
* \param polynomial
* The polynomial (specified using 32 bits) used in the computing CRC.
* \param dataReverse
* The order in which data bytes are processed. 0 - MSB first; 1- LSB first.
* \param dataXor
* The byte mask for XORing data
* \param remReverse
* A remainder reverse: 0 means the remainder is not reversed. 1 means reversed.
* \param remXor
* Specifies a mask with which the LFSR32 register is XORed to produce a remainder.
* \param cfContext
* The pointer to the \ref cy_stc_crypto_context_crc_t structure that stores
* the Crypto driver context.
* \return
* \ref cy_en_crypto_status_t
* \note
* The polynomial, initial seed and remainder XOR values are <b>always</b>
* provided as MSB aligned (so actual higher bit should be located in 31s bit of
* the parameter value).<br>
* Calculated CRC value is MSB aligned <b>only when dataReverse is zero</b>.
* \funcusage
* \snippet crypto/snippet/main.c snippet_myCryptoCrcUse
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Crc_Init(uint32_t polynomial,
                                         uint8_t  dataReverse,
                                         uint8_t  dataXor,
                                         uint8_t  remReverse,
                                         uint32_t remXor,
                                         cy_stc_crypto_context_crc_t *cfContext);

* Function Name: Cy_Crypto_Crc_Run
* This function performs CRC calculation on a message.
* It depends on \ref Cy_Crypto_Crc_Init(), which should be called before.
* \param data
* The pointer to the message whose CRC is being computed.
* \param dataSize
* The size of a message in bytes.
* \param crc
* The pointer to a computed CRC value. __Must be 4-byte aligned.__
* \param lfsrInitState
* The initial state of the LFSR.
* \param cfContext
* The pointer to the \ref cy_stc_crypto_context_crc_t structure that stores
* the Crypto driver context.
* \return
* \ref cy_en_crypto_status_t
* \note
* The polynomial, initial seed and remainder XOR values are <b>always</b>
* provided as MSB aligned (so actual higher bit should be located in 31s bit of
* the parameter value).<br>
* Calculated CRC value is MSB aligned <b>only when dataReverse is zero</b>.
* \funcusage
* \snippet crypto/snippet/main.c snippet_myCryptoCrcUse
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Crc_Run(void     *data,
                                        uint16_t dataSize,
                                        uint32_t *crc,
                                        uint32_t  lfsrInitState,
                                        cy_stc_crypto_context_crc_t *cfContext);
#endif /* #if (CPUSS_CRYPTO_CRC == 1) */

#if (CPUSS_CRYPTO_TR == 1)
* Function Name: Cy_Crypto_Trng_Generate
* This function generates a 32-bit True Random Number.
* \param GAROPol
* The polynomial for the programmable Galois ring oscillator.
* \param FIROPol
* The polynomial for the programmable Fibonacci ring oscillator.
* \param max
* The maximum length of a random number, in the range [0, 32] bits.
* \param randomNum
* The pointer to a generated true random number. __Must be 4-byte aligned.__
* \param cfContext
* The pointer to the \ref cy_stc_crypto_context_trng_t structure that stores
* the Crypto driver context.
* \return
* \ref cy_en_crypto_status_t
* \funcusage
* \snippet crypto/snippet/main.c snippet_myCryptoTrngUse
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Trng_Generate(uint32_t  GAROPol,
                                              uint32_t  FIROPol,
                                              uint32_t  max,
                                              uint32_t *randomNum,
                                              cy_stc_crypto_context_trng_t *cfContext);
#endif /* #if (CPUSS_CRYPTO_TR == 1) */

* Function Name: Cy_Crypto_Des_Run
* This function performs DES operation on a Single Block. All addresses must be
* 4-Byte aligned.
* Ciphertext (dstBlock) may overlap with plaintext (srcBlock)
* There is no Init function. Provide the required parameters and the pointer
* to the context structure when making this function call.
* \param dirMode
* (\ref cy_en_crypto_dir_mode_t)
* \param key
* The pointer to the encryption/decryption key. __Must be 4-byte aligned.__
* \param srcBlock
* The pointer to a source block. __Must be 4-byte aligned.__
* \param dstBlock
* The pointer to a destination cipher block. __Must be 4-byte aligned.__
* \param cfContext
* The pointer to the cy_stc_crypto_context_des_t structure that stores
* the Crypto driver context.
* \return
* \ref cy_en_crypto_status_t
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Des_Run(cy_en_crypto_dir_mode_t dirMode,
                                        uint32_t *key,
                                        uint32_t *dstBlock,
                                        uint32_t *srcBlock,
                                        cy_stc_crypto_context_des_t *cfContext);

* Function Name: Cy_Crypto_Tdes_Run
* This function performs the TDES operation on a single block. All addresses
* __Must be 4-byte aligned.__
* Ciphertext (dstBlock) may overlap with plaintext (srcBlock).
* There is no Init function. Provide the required parameters and the pointer
* to the context structure when making this function call.
* \param dirMode
* (\ref cy_en_crypto_dir_mode_t)
* \param key
* The pointer to the encryption/decryption key. __Must be 4-byte aligned.__
* \param srcBlock
* The pointer to a source block. __Must be 4-byte aligned.__
* \param dstBlock
* The pointer to a destination cipher block. __Must be 4-byte aligned.__
* \param cfContext
* The pointer to the cy_stc_crypto_context_des_t structure that stores
* the Crypto driver context.
* \return
* \ref cy_en_crypto_status_t
* \funcusage
* \snippet crypto/snippet/main.c snippet_myCryptoTdesUse
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Tdes_Run(cy_en_crypto_dir_mode_t dirMode,
                                         uint32_t *key,
                                         uint32_t *dstBlock,
                                         uint32_t *srcBlock,
                                         cy_stc_crypto_context_des_t *cfContext);
#endif /* #if (CPUSS_CRYPTO_DES == 1) */

#if (CPUSS_CRYPTO_VU == 1)
* Function Name: Cy_Crypto_Rsa_Proc
* This function calculates (m^e mod modulo) where m is Message (Signature), e -
* public exponent using a public key in the next representation, it contains:
* modulo,
* public exponent,
* coefficient for Barrett reduction,
* binary inverse of the modulo, and
* result of (2^moduloLength mod modulo).
* Not all fields in a key must be given. Modulo and public exponents are mandatory;
* Barrett coefficient, inverse modulo, and r-bar are optional.
* If they don't exist, their according pointers should be NULL. These coefficients
* could be calculated by \ref Cy_Crypto_Rsa_CalcCoefs.
* Their presence accelerates performance by five times.
* Approximate performance for 1024-bit modulo is 41.6 ms; for 2048-bit modulo is
* 142 ms when using a 25 MHz clock for Crypto HW. These numbers just for reference.
* They depend on many factors (compiler, optimization level, etc.).
* Returns the processed value and a success value.
* \note <b>Incoming message</b> and <b>result processed message</b> must be in
* little-endian order.<br>
* The <b>modulus</b> and <b>exponent</b> values in the \ref cy_stc_crypto_rsa_pub_key_t
* must also be in little-endian order.<br>
* Use \ref Cy_Crypto_InvertEndianness function to convert to or from
* little-endian order.
* \param pubKey
* The pointer to the \ref cy_stc_crypto_rsa_pub_key_t structure that stores
* public key.
* \param message
* The pointer to the message to be processed. __Must be 4-byte aligned.__
* \param messageSize
* The length of the message to be processed.
* \param processedMessage
* The pointer to processed message. __Must be 4-byte aligned.__
* \param cfContext
* The pointer to the \ref cy_stc_crypto_context_rsa_t structure that stores
* the RSA context.
* \return
* \ref cy_en_crypto_status_t
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Rsa_Proc(cy_stc_crypto_rsa_pub_key_t const *pubKey,
                                         uint32_t const *message,
                                         uint32_t messageSize,
                                         uint32_t *processedMessage,
                                         cy_stc_crypto_context_rsa_t *cfContext);

* Function Name: Cy_Crypto_Rsa_CalcCoefs
* This function calculates constant coefficients (which is dependent only on modulo
* and independent on message). With this pre-calculated coefficients calculations
* speed-up by five times.
* These coefficients are:
*                         coefficient for Barrett reduction,
*                         binary inverse of the modulo,
*                         result of (2^moduloLength mod modulo)
* Calculated coefficients will be placed by addresses provided in the
* pubKey structure for according coefficients.
* Function overwrites previous values.
* Approximate performance for 1024-bit modulo is 33.2 ms; for 2048-bit modulo is
* 113 ms when using a 25 MHz clock for Crypto HW. These numbers are just for
* reference.
* They depend on many factors (compiler, optimization level, etc.).
* \param pubKey
* The pointer to the \ref cy_stc_crypto_rsa_pub_key_t structure that stores a
* public key.
* \param cfContext
* The pointer to the \ref cy_stc_crypto_context_rsa_t structure that stores
* the RSA context.
* \return
* \ref cy_en_crypto_status_t
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Rsa_CalcCoefs(cy_stc_crypto_rsa_pub_key_t const *pubKey,
                                         cy_stc_crypto_context_rsa_t *cfContext);

* Function Name: Cy_Crypto_Rsa_Verify
* This function does an RSA verification with checks for content, paddings, and
* signature format.
* The SHA digest of the message and decrypted message should be calculated first.
* Supports only PKCS1-v1_5 format. Inside of this format supported padding
* using only SHA. Cases with MD2 and MD5 are not supported.
* PKCS1-v1_5 described here, page 31:
* Returns the verification result \ref cy_en_crypto_rsa_ver_result_t.
* \param verResult
* The pointer to the verification result \ref cy_en_crypto_rsa_ver_result_t.
* \param digestType
* SHA mode used for hash calculation \ref cy_en_crypto_sha_mode_t.
* \param digest
* The pointer to the hash of the message whose signature is to be verified.
* __Must be 4-byte aligned.__
* \param decryptedSignature
* The pointer to the decrypted signature to be verified.
* __Must be 4-byte aligned.__
* \param decryptedSignatureLength
* The length of the decrypted signature to be verified (in bytes)
* \param cfContext
* The pointer to the \ref cy_stc_crypto_context_rsa_ver_t structure that stores
* the RSA context.
* \return
* \ref cy_en_crypto_status_t
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Rsa_Verify(cy_en_crypto_rsa_ver_result_t *verResult,
                                           cy_en_crypto_sha_mode_t digestType,
                                           uint32_t const *digest,
                                           uint32_t const *decryptedSignature,
                                           uint32_t decryptedSignatureLength,
                                           cy_stc_crypto_context_rsa_ver_t *cfContext);
#endif /* #if (CPUSS_CRYPTO_SHA == 1) */

* Function Name: Cy_Crypto_ECDSA_SignHash
* Sign a message digest.
* \param hash
* The message digest to sign. Provided as is in data buffer.
* \param hashlen
* The length of the digest in bytes.
* \param sig
* [out] The destination for the signature, 'R' followed by 'S'.
* \param key
* Key used for signature generation. See \ref cy_stc_crypto_ecc_key.
* \param messageKey
* Message key.
* \param cfContext
* The pointer to the \ref cy_stc_crypto_context_ecc_t structure that stores
* the ECC operation context.
* \return status code. See \ref cy_en_crypto_status_t.
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_ECDSA_SignHash(const uint8_t *hash,
                                        uint32_t hashlen,
                                        uint8_t *sig,
                                        const cy_stc_crypto_ecc_key *key,
                                        const uint8_t *messageKey,
                                        cy_stc_crypto_context_ecc_t *cfContext);

* Function Name: Cy_Crypto_ECDSA_VerifyHash
* Verify an ECC signature.
* \param sig
* The signature to verify, 'R' followed by 'S'.
* \param hash
* The message digest that was signed. Provided as is in data buffer.
* \param hashlen
* The length of the digest in bytes.
* \param stat
* Result of signature, 1==valid, 0==invalid.
* \param key
* The corresponding public ECC key. See \ref cy_stc_crypto_ecc_key.
* \param cfContext
* The pointer to the \ref cy_stc_crypto_context_ecc_t structure that stores
* the ECC operation context.
* \return status code. See \ref cy_en_crypto_status_t.
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_ECDSA_VerifyHash(const uint8_t *sig,
                                        const uint8_t *hash,
                                        uint32_t hashlen,
                                        uint8_t *stat,
                                        const cy_stc_crypto_ecc_key *key,
                                        cy_stc_crypto_context_ecc_t *cfContext);

#endif /* #if (CPUSS_CRYPTO_VU == 1) */

* Function Name: Cy_Crypto_SetMemBufAddress
* This function sets a new operation memory buffer.
* \param newMembufAddress
* The pointer to the new operation memory buffer.
* __Must be 4-byte aligned.__
* \param newMembufSize
* The size of the new memory buffer (in bytes)
* \param cfContext
* The pointer to the \ref cy_stc_crypto_context_str_t structure that stores
* the data context.
* \return
* \ref cy_en_crypto_status_t
* \note This function sets the default device specific values
*       when vuMemoryAddr parameter is NULL and vuMemorySize parameter is zero.
* \note New memory buffer should be allocated in a memory region that is not
*       protected by a protection scheme for use by Crypto hardware.
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_SetMemBufAddress(uint32_t const *newMembufAddress,
                                           uint32_t newMembufSize,
                                           cy_stc_crypto_context_str_t *cfContext);

* Function Name: Cy_Crypto_GetMemBufAddress
* This function gets an operation memory buffer location.
* \param membufAddress
* The pointer of the operation memory buffer.
* \param cfContext
* The pointer to the \ref cy_stc_crypto_context_str_t structure that stores
* the data context.
* \return
* \ref cy_en_crypto_status_t
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_GetMemBufAddress(uint32_t **membufAddress,
                                           cy_stc_crypto_context_str_t *cfContext);

* Function Name: Cy_Crypto_GetMemBufSize
* This function gets an operation memory buffer size.
* \param membufSize
* The size of the memory buffer (in bytes)
* \param cfContext
* The pointer to the \ref cy_stc_crypto_context_str_t structure that stores
* the data context.
* \return
* \ref cy_en_crypto_status_t
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_GetMemBufSize(uint32_t *membufSize,
                                           cy_stc_crypto_context_str_t *cfContext);

* Function Name: Cy_Crypto_InvertEndianness
* This function reverts byte-array memory block, like:<br>
* inArr[0] <---> inArr[n]<br>
* inArr[1] <---> inArr[n-1]<br>
* inArr[2] <---> inArr[n-2]<br>
* ........................<br>
* inArr[n/2] <---> inArr[n/2-1]<br>
* Odd or even byteSize are acceptable.
* \param inArrPtr
* The pointer to the memory whose endianness is to be inverted.
* \param byteSize
* The length of the memory array whose endianness is to be inverted (in bytes)
void Cy_Crypto_InvertEndianness(void *inArrPtr, uint32_t byteSize);

/** \cond INTERNAL */
/* For backward compatibility */
#define Cy_Crypto_Rsa_InvertEndianness(p, s) Cy_Crypto_InvertEndianness((p), (s))
/** \endcond */

/** \} group_crypto_cli_functions */

#if defined(__cplusplus)

#endif /* CY_IP_MXCRYPTO */

#endif /* (CY_CRYPTO_H) */

/** \} group_crypto */

/* [] END OF FILE */