mbed-os / targets / TARGET_Cypress / TARGET_PSOC6 / mtb-pdl-cat1 / drivers / include / cy_ipc_pipe.h
@Dustin Crossman Dustin Crossman on 4 Jun 2021 12 KB Fix file modes.
* \file cy_ipc_pipe.h
* \version 1.60
*  Description:
*   IPC Pipe Driver - This header file contains all the function prototypes,
*   structure definitions, pipe constants, and pipe endpoint address definitions.
* Copyright 2016-2020 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef CY_IPC_PIPE_H
#define CY_IPC_PIPE_H

/* Include files                                                              */

#include "cy_device.h"

#if defined (CY_IP_M4CPUSS)

#include "cy_ipc_drv.h"
#include "cy_syslib.h"
#include "cy_sysint.h"

* \addtogroup group_ipc_pipe IPC pipes layer (IPC_PIPE)
* \{
* The Pipe functions provide a method to transfer one or more words of data
* between CPUs or tasks.
* Include cy_ipc_pipe.h. Alternatively include cy_pdl.h
* to get access to all functions and declarations in the PDL.
* The data can be defined as a single 32-bit unsigned
* word, an array of data, or a user-defined structure.  The only limitation is
* that the first word in the array or structure must be a 32-bit unsigned word
* in which a client ID number is passed. The client ID dictates the callback
* function that will be called by the receiver of the message. After the
* callback function returns by the receiver, it will invoke a release callback
* function defined by the sender of the message.
* A User Pipe is provided for the user to transfer data between CPUs and
* tasks.
*     \defgroup group_ipc_pipe_macros Macros
*       Macro definitions are used in the driver
*     \defgroup group_ipc_pipe_functions Functions
*       Functions are used in the driver
*     \defgroup group_ipc_pipe_data_structures Data Structures
*       Data structures are used in the driver
*     \defgroup group_ipc_pipe_enums Enumerated Types
*       Enumerations are used in the driver
* \}

 * This section defines the system level constants required to define
 * callback arrays for the Cypress pipe and the user pipe.  These defines
 * are used for both the max callback count and maximum clients.

/** Typedef for pipe callback function pointer */
typedef void (* cy_ipc_pipe_callback_ptr_t)(uint32_t * msgPtr);

/** Typedef for a pipe release callback function pointer */
typedef void (* cy_ipc_pipe_relcallback_ptr_t)(void);

/** Typedef for array of callback function pointers */
typedef cy_ipc_pipe_callback_ptr_t *cy_ipc_pipe_callback_array_ptr_t;

* \addtogroup group_ipc_pipe_macros
* \{

 * The System pipe address is what is used to send a message to one of the
 * endpoints of a pipe.  Currently the Cypress pipe and the User pipe
 * are supported.  For parts with extra IPC channels users may create
 * their own custom pipes and create their own pipe addresses.
 * The format of the endpoint configuration
 *    Bits[31:16] Interrupt Mask
 *    Bits[15:8 ] IPC interrupt
 *    Bits[ 7:0 ] IPC channel
#define CY_IPC_PIPE_CFG_IMASK_Pos      (16UL)           /**< Interrupts shift value for endpoint address */
#define CY_IPC_PIPE_CFG_IMASK_Msk      (0xFFFF0000UL)   /**< Interrupts mask for endpoint address */
#define CY_IPC_PIPE_CFG_INTR_Pos       (8UL)            /**< IPC Interrupt shift value for endpoint address */
#define CY_IPC_PIPE_CFG_INTR_Msk       (0x0000FF00UL)   /**< IPC Interrupt mask for endpoint address */
#define CY_IPC_PIPE_CFG_CHAN_Pos       (0UL)            /**< IPC Channel shift value for endpoint address */
#define CY_IPC_PIPE_CFG_CHAN_Msk       (0x000000FFUL)   /**< IPC Channel mask for endpoint address */

#define CY_IPC_PIPE_MSG_CLIENT_Msk     (0x000000FFUL)   /**< Client mask for first word of Pipe message */
#define CY_IPC_PIPE_MSG_CLIENT_Pos     (0UL)            /**< Client shift for first word of Pipe message */
#define CY_IPC_PIPE_MSG_USR_Msk        (0x0000FF00UL)   /**< User data mask for first word of Pipe message */
#define CY_IPC_PIPE_MSG_USR_Pos        (8UL)            /**< User data shift for first word of Pipe message */
#define CY_IPC_PIPE_MSG_RELEASE_Msk    (0xFFFF0000UL)   /**< Mask for message release mask */
#define CY_IPC_PIPE_MSG_RELEASE_Pos    (16UL)           /**< Shift require to line up mask to LSb */

/** Use to set the busy flag when waiting for a release interrupt */
/** Denotes that a release interrupt is not pending */

/** \} group_ipc_pipe_macros */

* \addtogroup group_ipc_pipe_data_structures
* \{

* This is the definition of a pipe endpoint.  There is one endpoint structure
* for each CPU in a pipe.  It contains all the information to process a message
* send to other CPUs in the pipe.
typedef struct
    uint32_t        ipcChan;           /**< IPC channel number used for this endpoint to receive messages             */
    uint32_t        intrChan;          /**< IPC interrupt channel number used for this endpoint to receive interrupts */
    uint32_t        pipeIntMask;       /**< Release/Notify interrupt mask that includes all endpoints on pipe         */
    IRQn_Type       pipeIntrSrc;       /**< Interrupt vector number that includes all endpoints on pipe               */

    IPC_STRUCT_Type *ipcPtr;           /**< Pointer to receive IPC channel ( If ipcPtr == NULL, cannot receive )      */
    IPC_INTR_STRUCT_Type *ipcIntrPtr;  /**< Pointer to IPC interrupt, needed to clear the interrupt                   */
    uint32_t         busy;             /**< Endpoint busy flag.  If sent no messages can be sent from this endpoint   */
    uint32_t         clientCount;      /**< Client count and size of MsgCallback array                                */

    cy_ipc_pipe_callback_array_ptr_t callbackArray; /**< Pointer to array of callback functions, one for each Client  */
    cy_ipc_pipe_relcallback_ptr_t releaseCallbackPtr;  /**< Pointer to release callback function                      */
    cy_ipc_pipe_relcallback_ptr_t defaultReleaseCallbackPtr; /**< Pointer to default release callback function              */
} cy_stc_ipc_pipe_ep_t;

/** The Pipe endpoint configuration structure. */
typedef struct
    uint32_t    ipcNotifierNumber;      /**< Notifier */
    uint32_t    ipcNotifierPriority;    /**< Notifier Priority */
    uint32_t    ipcNotifierMuxNumber;   /**< CM0+ interrupt multiplexer number */

    uint32_t    epAddress;              /**< Index in the array of endpoint structure */
    uint32_t    epConfig;               /**< Configuration mask, contains IPC channel, IPC interrupt number,
                                             and the interrupt mask */
} cy_stc_ipc_pipe_ep_config_t;

/** The Pipe channel configuration structure. */
typedef struct
    /** Specifies the notify interrupt number for the first endpoint */
    cy_stc_ipc_pipe_ep_config_t ep0ConfigData;

    /** Specifies the notify interrupt number for the second endpoint */
    cy_stc_ipc_pipe_ep_config_t ep1ConfigData;

    /** Client count and size of MsgCallback array */
    uint32_t    endpointClientsCount;

    /** Pipes callback function array. */
    cy_ipc_pipe_callback_array_ptr_t endpointsCallbacksArray;

    /** User IRQ handler function that is called when IPC receive data to process (interrupt was raised). */
    cy_israddress userPipeIsrHandler;
} cy_stc_ipc_pipe_config_t;

/** \} goup_ipc_pipe_data_structures */

* \addtogroup group_ipc_pipe_macros
* \{
/* Status and error types */
#define CY_IPC_PIPE_RTN        (0x0200UL)                                       /**< Software PDL driver ID for IPC pipe functions */
#define CY_IPC_PIPE_ID_INFO    (uint32_t)( CY_IPC_ID_INFO    | CY_IPC_PIPE_RTN) /**< Return prefix for IPC pipe function status codes */
#define CY_IPC_PIPE_ID_WARNING (uint32_t)( CY_IPC_ID_WARNING | CY_IPC_PIPE_RTN) /**< Return prefix for IPC pipe function warning return values */
#define CY_IPC_PIPE_ID_ERROR   (uint32_t)( CY_IPC_ID_ERROR   | CY_IPC_PIPE_RTN) /**< Return prefix for IPC pipe function error return values */

/** \} group_ipc_pipe_macros */

* \addtogroup group_ipc_pipe_enums
* \{

/** Return constants for IPC pipe functions. */
typedef enum
    CY_IPC_PIPE_SUCCESS            =(uint32_t)(0x00u),                      /**<  Pipe API return for no error */
    CY_IPC_PIPE_ERROR_NO_IPC       =(uint32_t)(CY_IPC_PIPE_ID_ERROR | 1UL), /**<  Pipe API return for no valid IPC channel */
    CY_IPC_PIPE_ERROR_NO_INTR      =(uint32_t)(CY_IPC_PIPE_ID_ERROR | 2UL), /**<  Pipe API return for no valid interrupt */
    CY_IPC_PIPE_ERROR_BAD_PRIORITY =(uint32_t)(CY_IPC_PIPE_ID_ERROR | 3UL), /**<  Pipe API return for bad priority parameter */
    CY_IPC_PIPE_ERROR_BAD_HANDLE   =(uint32_t)(CY_IPC_PIPE_ID_ERROR | 4UL), /**<  Pipe API return for bad pipe handle */
    CY_IPC_PIPE_ERROR_BAD_ID       =(uint32_t)(CY_IPC_PIPE_ID_ERROR | 5UL), /**<  Pipe API return for bad pipe ID */
    CY_IPC_PIPE_ERROR_DIR_ERROR    =(uint32_t)(CY_IPC_PIPE_ID_ERROR | 6UL), /**<  Pipe API return for invalid direction (Not used at this time) */
    CY_IPC_PIPE_ERROR_SEND_BUSY    =(uint32_t)(CY_IPC_PIPE_ID_ERROR | 7UL), /**<  Pipe API return for pipe is currently busy */
    CY_IPC_PIPE_ERROR_NO_MESSAGE   =(uint32_t)(CY_IPC_PIPE_ID_ERROR | 8UL), /**<  Pipe API return for no message indicated   */
    CY_IPC_PIPE_ERROR_BAD_CPU      =(uint32_t)(CY_IPC_PIPE_ID_ERROR | 9UL), /**<  Pipe API return for invalid CPU value      */
    CY_IPC_PIPE_ERROR_BAD_CLIENT   =(uint32_t)(CY_IPC_PIPE_ID_ERROR | 10UL) /**< Pipe API return for client out of range    */
} cy_en_ipc_pipe_status_t;

/** \} group_ipc_pipe_enums */

#endif  /* (CY_CPU_CORTEX_M0P) */

* \addtogroup group_ipc_pipe_data_structures
* \{

/** \cond
*   NOTE: This doxygen comment must be placed before some code entity, or else
*         it will belong to a random entity that follows it, e.g. group_ipc_functions
* Client identifier for a message.
* For a given pipe, traffic across the pipe can be multiplexed with multiple
* senders on one end and multiple receivers on the other end.
* The first 32-bit word of the message is used to identify the client that owns
* the message.
* The upper 16 bits are the client ID.
* The lower 16 bits are for use by the client in any way desired.
* The lower 16 bits are preserved (not modified) and not interpreted in any way.
* \endcond

/** \} group_ipc_pipe_data_structures */

/* Global function prototypes (definition in C source)                        */

* \addtogroup group_ipc_pipe_functions
* \{

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

void Cy_IPC_Pipe_EndpointInit(uint32_t epAddr, cy_ipc_pipe_callback_array_ptr_t cbArray,
                              uint32_t cbCnt, uint32_t epConfig, cy_stc_sysint_t const *epInterrupt);
cy_en_ipc_pipe_status_t  Cy_IPC_Pipe_SendMessage(uint32_t toAddr, uint32_t fromAddr, void *msgPtr,
                              cy_ipc_pipe_relcallback_ptr_t callBackPtr);
cy_en_ipc_pipe_status_t  Cy_IPC_Pipe_RegisterCallback(uint32_t epAddr,
                              cy_ipc_pipe_callback_ptr_t callBackPtr,  uint32_t clientId);
void                     Cy_IPC_Pipe_ExecuteCallback(uint32_t epAddr);
void                     Cy_IPC_Pipe_RegisterCallbackRel(uint32_t epAddr, cy_ipc_pipe_relcallback_ptr_t callBackPtr);
void                     Cy_IPC_Pipe_Config(cy_stc_ipc_pipe_ep_t * theEpArray);
void                     Cy_IPC_Pipe_Init(cy_stc_ipc_pipe_config_t const *config);

cy_en_ipc_pipe_status_t  Cy_IPC_Pipe_EndpointPause(uint32_t epAddr);
cy_en_ipc_pipe_status_t  Cy_IPC_Pipe_EndpointResume(uint32_t epAddr);

/* This function is obsolete and will be removed in the next releases */
void                     Cy_IPC_Pipe_ExecCallback(cy_stc_ipc_pipe_ep_t * endpoint);

#ifdef __cplusplus

/** \} group_ipc_pipe_functions */

#endif /* CY_IP_M4CPUSS */

#endif /* CY_IPC_PIPE_H  */

/* [] END OF FILE */