mbed-os / targets / TARGET_Cypress / TARGET_PSOC6 / mtb-pdl-cat1 / drivers / include / cy_syslib.h
@Dustin Crossman Dustin Crossman on 4 Jun 2021 63 KB Fix file modes.
* \file cy_syslib.h
* \version 2.90
* Provides an API declaration of the SysLib driver.
* \copyright
* Copyright 2016-2021 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

* \addtogroup group_syslib
* \{
* The system libraries provide APIs that can be called in the user application
* to handle the timing, logical checking or register.
* The functions and other declarations used in this driver are in cy_syslib.h.
* You can include cy_pdl.h to get access to all functions
* and declarations in the PDL.
* The SysLib driver contains a set of different system functions. These functions
* can be called in the application routine. Major features of the system library:
* * Delay functions
* * The register Read/Write macro
* * Assert and Halt
* * Assert Classes and Levels
* * A software reset
* * Reading the reset cause
* * An API to invalidate the flash cache and buffer
* * Data manipulation macro
* * A variable type definition from MISRA-C which specifies signedness
* * Cross compiler compatible attributes
* * Getting a silicon-unique ID API
* * Setting wait states API
* * Resetting the backup domain API
* * APIs to serve Fault handler
* \section group_syslib_configuration Configuration Considerations
* <b> Assertion Usage </b> <br />
* Use the CY_ASSERT() macro to check expressions that must be true if the
* program is running correctly. It is a convenient way to insert sanity checks.
* The CY_ASSERT() macro is defined in the cy_utils.h file, which is part of the
* <a href="">Cypress Core Library (core-lib)</a>.
* The macro behavior is as follows: if the expression passed
*  to the macro is false, the CPU is halted. \n
* Starting from the driver version 2.50, the CY_ASSERT macro was moved
* to the Cypress Core Library (core-lib). Also, the CY_ASSERT implementation
* was changed not to call Cy_SysLib_AssertFailed() function, so user application
* that relied on that should take this change into account. \n
* The PDL source code uses this assert mechanism extensively. It is recommended
* that you enable asserts when debugging firmware. \n
* <b> Assertion Classes and Levels </b> <br />
* The <a href="">Cypress Core Library</a>
* defines three assert classes, which correspond to different
* kinds of parameters. There is a corresponding assert "level" for each class.
* <table class="doxtable">
*   <tr><th>Class Macro</th><th>Level Macro</th><th>Type of check</th></tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>CY_ASSERT_CLASS_1</td>
*     <td>CY_ASSERT_L1</td>
*     <td>A parameter that could change between different PSoC devices
*         (e.g. the number of clock paths)</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>CY_ASSERT_CLASS_2</td>
*     <td>CY_ASSERT_L2</td>
*     <td>A parameter that has fixed limits such as a counter period</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>CY_ASSERT_CLASS_3</td>
*     <td>CY_ASSERT_L3</td>
*     <td>A parameter that is an enum constant</td>
*   </tr>
* </table>
* Firmware defines which ASSERT class is enabled by defining CY_ASSERT_LEVEL.
* This is a compiler command line argument, similar to how the DEBUG / NDEBUG
* macro is passed. \n
* Enabling any class also enables any lower-numbered class.
* CY_ASSERT_CLASS_3 is the default level, and it enables asserts for all three
* classes. The following example shows the command-line option to enable all
* the assert levels:
* \note The use of special characters, such as spaces, parenthesis, etc. must
* be protected with quotes.
* After CY_ASSERT_LEVEL is defined, firmware can use
* one of the three level macros to make an assertion. For example, if the
* parameter can vary between devices, firmware uses the L1 macro.
* \code CY_ASSERT_L1(clkPath < SRSS_NUM_CLKPATH); \endcode
* If the parameter has bounds, firmware uses L2.
* \code CY_ASSERT_L2(trim <= CY_CTB_TRIM_VALUE_MAX); \endcode
* If the parameter is an enum, firmware uses L3.
* \code CY_ASSERT_L3(config->LossAction <= CY_SYSCLK_CSV_ERROR_FAULT_RESET); \endcode
* Each check uses the appropriate level macro for the kind of parameter being checked.
* If a particular assert class/level is not enabled, then the assert does nothing.
* \section group_syslib_more_information More Information
* Refer to the technical reference manual (TRM).
* \section group_syslib_changelog Changelog
* <table class="doxtable">
*   <tr><th>Version</th><th>Changes</th><th>Reason for Change</th></tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td rowspan="2">2.90</td>
*     <td>Added new functions \ref Cy_SysLib_Rtos_Delay, \ref Cy_SysLib_Rtos_DelayUs.</td>
*     <td>Provide user an option to overwrite delay function implementation based on target RTOS environment.</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>Added new functions \ref Cy_SysLib_GetResetStatus, \ref Cy_SysLib_GetWcoTrim and \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWcoTrim.</td>
*     <td>Add a possibility to manage the backup domain reset better and to store/restore the WCO trimming value.</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td rowspan="2">2.80</td>
*     <td>Support for CM33.</td>
*     <td>New devices support.</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>Update \ref Cy_SysLib_GetResetReason API to read RES_CAUSE2 register as well.</td>
*     <td>Code Enhancement/Bug Fix.</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td rowspan="4">2.70</td>
*         CY_SECTION_SHAREDMEM to enable overriding of the linker section placement.</td>
*     <td>Enhancement based on usability feedback.</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>Noted that implementation of CY_ASSERT() was changed back in version 2.50,
*         so that Cy_SysLib_AssertFailed() function is not called and user application
*         may need to be updated.</td>
*     <td>Documentation update.</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>Removed the issue related to the malloc() failure to report error for the case when
*         requested allocation size is bigger than the heap size.
*         Refer to the \ref group_system_config_heap_stack_config_gcc section for the more details.
*         Removed empty Known Issues section.
*     <td>Documentation update and clarification.</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>Fixed/Documented MISRA 2012 violations.</td>
*     <td>MISRA 2012 compliance.</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>2.60.1</td>
*     <td>Updated the Configuration Considerations section with the information that
*         CY_ASSERT() macro is defined in the cy_utils.h file, which is part of the
*         <a href="">Cypress Core Library (core-lib)</a>
*     <td>Documentation update and clarification.</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td rowspan="2">2.60</td>
*     <td>Updated the following functions for the PSoC 64 devices:
*         \ref Cy_SysLib_ClearFlashCacheAndBuffer, \ref Cy_SysLib_ClearResetReason,
*         \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates.
*     <td>Added PSoC 64 device support.</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>Minor documentation updates.</td>
*     <td>Documentation enhancement.</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>2.50.3</td>
*     <td>Add section Known Issues
*     <td>Documentation update and clarification.</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>2.50.1</td>
*     <td>Used the core library defines for the message codes forming.
*     <td>Improve PDL code base.</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>2.50</td>
*     <td>Moved following macros to the core library:
*         Use at least version 1.1 of the core library:
*     <td>Improve PDL code base.</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>2.40.1</td>
*     <td>Correct the CY_RAMFUNC_BEGIN macro for the IAR compiler.</td>
*     <td>Removed the IAR compiler warning.</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>2.40</td>
*     <td>Added new macros CY_SYSLIB_DIV_ROUND and CY_SYSLIB_DIV_ROUNDUP to easy perform integer division with rounding.</td>
*     <td>Improve PDL code base.</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td rowspan="3">2.30</td>
*     <td>Updated implementation of the Cy_SysLib_AsmInfiniteLoop() function to be compatible with ARMC6.</td>
*     <td>Provided support for the ARM Compiler 6.</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>Minor documentation edits.</td>
*     <td>Documentation update and clarification.</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>Added new macros CY_RAMFUNC_BEGIN and CY_RAMFUNC_END for convenient placement function in RAM for all supported compilers.</td>
*     <td>Improve user experience.</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td rowspan="2">2.20</td>
*     <td>Updated implementation of the \ref Cy_SysLib_AssertFailed() function to be available in Release and Debug modes.</td>
*     <td>Provided support for the PDL static library in Release mode.</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>Minor documentation edits.</td>
*     <td>Documentation update and clarification.</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td rowspan="4">2.10</td>
*     <td>Flattened the organization of the driver source code into the single source directory and the single include directory.</td>
*     <td>Driver library directory-structure simplification.</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>Added the following macros: CY_REG32_CLR_SET, _CLR_SET_FLD16U, CY_REG16_CLR_SET, _CLR_SET_FLD8U, CY_REG8_CLR_SET</td>
*     <td>Register access simplification.</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>Removed the Cy_SysLib_GetNumHfclkResetCause API function.</td>
*     <td>This feature is not supported by SRSS_ver1.</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>Added register access layer. Use register access macros instead
*         of direct register access using dereferenced pointers.</td>
*     <td>Makes register access device-independent, so that the PDL does
*         not need to be recompiled for each supported part number.</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>2.0.1</td>
*     <td>Minor documentation edits</td>
*     <td>Documentation update and clarification</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td rowspan="4"> 2.0</td>
*     <td>
* Added Cy_SysLib_ResetBackupDomain() API implementation. \n
* Added CY_NOINLINE attribute implementation. \n
* Added DIE_YEAR field to 64-bit unique ID return value of Cy_SysLib_GetUniqueId() API. \n
* Added storing of SCB->HFSR, SCB->SHCSR registers and SCB->MMFAR, SCB->BFAR addresses to Fault Handler debug structure. \n
* Optimized Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates() API implementation.
*     </td>
*     <td>Improvements made based on usability feedback.</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>Added Assertion Classes and Levels.</td>
*     <td>For error checking, parameter validation and status returns in the PDL API.</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>Applied CY_NOINIT attribute to cy_assertFileName, cy_assertLine, and cy_faultFrame global variables.</td>
*     <td>To store debug information into a non-zero init area for future analysis.</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>Removed CY_WEAK attribute implementation.</td>
*     <td>CMSIS __WEAK attribute should be used instead.</td>
*   </tr>
*   <tr>
*     <td>1.0</td>
*     <td>Initial version</td>
*     <td></td>
*   </tr>
* </table>
* \defgroup group_syslib_macros Macros
* \defgroup group_syslib_functions Functions
* \defgroup group_syslib_data_structures Data Structures
* \defgroup group_syslib_enumerated_types Enumerated Types

#if !defined (CY_SYSLIB_H)
#define CY_SYSLIB_H

#include "cy_device.h"

#if defined (CY_IP_M33SYSCPUSS) || defined (CY_IP_M4CPUSS)

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "cy_utils.h"
#include "cy_result.h"

#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
#endif /* defined(__cplusplus) */

#if defined( __ICCARM__ )
    /* Suppress the warning for multiple volatile variables in an expression. */
    /* This is common for driver's code and the usage is not order-dependent. */
    #pragma diag_suppress=Pa082
#endif  /* defined( __ICCARM__ ) */

'Coverity does not check the .S assembly files, the definition is a part of syslib assembly source file.');

* \addtogroup group_syslib_macros
* \{

* Macros

#ifdef CY_IP_M4CPUSS

* \note
* This macro is available for devices having M4CPUSS IP.
#define CY_CPU_CORTEX_M0P   (__CORTEX_M == 0)    /**< CM0+ core CPU Code */
* \note
* This macro is available for devices having M4CPUSS IP.
#define CY_CPU_CORTEX_M4    (__CORTEX_M == 4)    /**< CM4  core CPU Code */
* \note
* This macro is available for devices having M4CPUSS IP.
/** The macro to disable the Fault Handler */
* \note
* This macro is available for devices having M4CPUSS IP.
/** The macro to enable the Fault Handler */

#if !defined (CY_ARM_FAULT_DEBUG)
    * \note
    * This macro is available for devices having M4CPUSS IP.
    /** The macro defines if the Fault Handler is enabled. Enabled by default. */
#endif /* CY_ARM_FAULT_DEBUG */

#endif /* CY_IP_M4CPUSS */

* \defgroup group_syslib_macros_status_codes Status codes
* \{
* Function status type codes
/** \cond INTERNAL */

#ifdef CY_IP_M4CPUSS
* \note
* This macro is available for devices having M4CPUSS IP.
#define CY_PDL_STATUS_CODE_Pos  (CY_RSLT_CODE_POSITION)     /**< The module status code position in the status code */
* \note
* This macro is available for devices having M4CPUSS IP.
#define CY_PDL_STATUS_TYPE_Pos  (CY_RSLT_TYPE_POSITION)     /**< The status type position in the status code */
* \note
* This macro is available for devices having M4CPUSS IP.
#define CY_PDL_MODULE_ID_Pos    (CY_RSLT_MODULE_POSITION)   /**< The software module ID position in the status code */
* \note
* This macro is available for devices having M4CPUSS IP.
#define CY_PDL_STATUS_INFO      ((uint32_t)CY_RSLT_TYPE_INFO << CY_PDL_STATUS_TYPE_Pos)     /**< The information status type */
* \note
* This macro is available for devices having M4CPUSS IP.
#define CY_PDL_STATUS_WARNING   ((uint32_t)CY_RSLT_TYPE_WARNING << CY_PDL_STATUS_TYPE_Pos)  /**< The warning status type */
* \note
* This macro is available for devices having M4CPUSS IP.
#define CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR     ((uint32_t)CY_RSLT_TYPE_ERROR << CY_PDL_STATUS_TYPE_Pos)    /**< The error status type */
* \note
* This macro is available for devices having M4CPUSS IP.
#define CY_PDL_MODULE_ID_Msk    (CY_RSLT_MODULE_MASK)       /**< The software module ID mask */
#endif /* CY_IP_M4CPUSS */

/** \endcond */

#if defined (CY_IP_M33SYSCPUSS)

#define CY_PDL_STATUS_CODE_Pos  (0U)        /**< The module status code position in the status code */
#define CY_PDL_STATUS_TYPE_Pos  (16U)       /**< The status type position in the status code */
#define CY_PDL_MODULE_ID_Pos    (18U)       /**< The software module ID position in the status code */
#define CY_PDL_STATUS_INFO      (0UL << CY_PDL_STATUS_TYPE_Pos)    /**< The information status type */
#define CY_PDL_STATUS_WARNING   (1UL << CY_PDL_STATUS_TYPE_Pos)    /**< The warning status type */
#define CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR     (2UL << CY_PDL_STATUS_TYPE_Pos)    /**< The error status type */
#define CY_PDL_MODULE_ID_Msk    (0x3FFFU)   /**< The software module ID mask */


/** Get the software PDL module ID */
#define CY_PDL_DRV_ID(id)       ((uint32_t)((uint32_t)((id) & CY_PDL_MODULE_ID_Msk) << CY_PDL_MODULE_ID_Pos))
#define CY_SYSLIB_ID            CY_PDL_DRV_ID(0x11U)     /**< SYSLIB PDL ID */
/** \} group_syslib_macros_status_codes */

/** \} group_syslib_macros */

* \addtogroup group_syslib_enumerated_types
* \{

/** The SysLib status code structure. */
typedef enum
    CY_SYSLIB_SUCCESS       = 0x00UL,    /**< The success status code */
    CY_SYSLIB_BAD_PARAM     = CY_SYSLIB_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0x01UL,    /**< The bad parameter status code */
    CY_SYSLIB_TIMEOUT       = CY_SYSLIB_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0x02UL,    /**< The time out status code */
    CY_SYSLIB_INVALID_STATE = CY_SYSLIB_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0x03UL,    /**< The invalid state status code */
    CY_SYSLIB_UNKNOWN       = CY_SYSLIB_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xFFUL     /**< Unknown status code */
} cy_en_syslib_status_t;

/** \} group_syslib_enumerated_types */
* \addtogroup group_syslib_data_structures
* \{

    #if (CY_CPU_CORTEX_M4)
        /** Configurable Fault Status Register - CFSR */
        typedef struct
            /** MemManage Fault Status Sub-register - MMFSR */
            uint32_t iaccViol    : 1;  /**< MemManage Fault - The instruction access violation flag */
            uint32_t daccViol    : 1;  /**< MemManage Fault - The data access violation flag */
            uint32_t reserved1   : 1;  /**< Reserved */
            uint32_t mUnstkErr   : 1;  /**< MemManage Fault - Unstacking for a return from exception */
            uint32_t mStkErr     : 1;  /**< MemManage Fault - MemManage fault on stacking for exception entry */
            uint32_t mlspErr     : 1;  /**< MemManage Fault - MemManage fault occurred during floating-point lazy state preservation */
            uint32_t reserved2   : 1;  /**< Reserved */
            uint32_t mmarValid   : 1;  /**< MemManage Fault - The MemManage Address register valid flag */
            /** Bus Fault Status Sub-register - UFSR */
            uint32_t iBusErr     : 1;  /**< Bus Fault - The instruction bus error */
            uint32_t precisErr   : 1;  /**< Bus Fault - The precise Data bus error */
            uint32_t imprecisErr : 1;  /**< Bus Fault - The imprecise data bus error */
            uint32_t unstkErr    : 1;  /**< Bus Fault - Unstacking for an exception return has caused one or more bus faults */
            uint32_t stkErr      : 1;  /**< Bus Fault - Stacking for an exception entry has caused one or more bus faults */
            uint32_t lspErr      : 1;  /**< Bus Fault - A bus fault occurred during the floating-point lazy state */
            uint32_t reserved3   : 1;  /**< Reserved */
            uint32_t bfarValid   : 1;  /**< Bus Fault - The bus fault address register valid flag */
            /** Usage Fault Status Sub-register - UFSR */
            uint32_t undefInstr  : 1;  /**< Usage Fault - An undefined instruction */
            uint32_t invState    : 1;  /**< Usage Fault - The invalid state */
            uint32_t invPC       : 1;  /**< Usage Fault - An invalid PC */
            uint32_t noCP        : 1;  /**< Usage Fault - No coprocessor */
            uint32_t reserved4   : 4;  /**< Reserved */
            uint32_t unaligned   : 1;  /**< Usage Fault - Unaligned access */
            uint32_t divByZero   : 1;  /**< Usage Fault - Divide by zero */
            uint32_t reserved5   : 6;  /**< Reserved */
        } cy_stc_fault_cfsr_t;

        /** Hard Fault Status Register - HFSR */
        typedef struct
            uint32_t reserved1   :  1;   /**< Reserved. */
            uint32_t vectTbl     :  1;   /**< HFSR - Indicates a bus fault on a vector table read during exception processing */
            uint32_t reserved2   : 28;   /**< Reserved. */
            uint32_t forced      :  1;   /**< HFSR - Indicates a forced hard fault */
            uint32_t debugEvt    :  1;   /**< HFSR - Reserved for the debug use.  */
        } cy_stc_fault_hfsr_t;

        /** System Handler Control and State Register - SHCSR */
        typedef struct
            uint32_t memFaultAct    :  1;   /**< SHCSR - The MemManage exception active bit, reads as 1 if the exception is active */
            uint32_t busFaultAct    :  1;   /**< SHCSR - The BusFault exception active bit, reads as 1 if the exception is active */
            uint32_t reserved1      :  1;   /**< Reserved. */
            uint32_t usgFaultAct    :  1;   /**< SHCSR - The UsageFault exception active bit, reads as 1 if the exception is active */
            uint32_t reserved2      :  3;   /**< Reserved. */
            uint32_t svCallAct      :  1;   /**< SHCSR - The SVCall active bit, reads as 1 if the SVC call is active */
            uint32_t monitorAct     :  1;   /**< SHCSR - The debug monitor active bit, reads as 1 if the debug monitor is active */
            uint32_t reserved3      :  1;   /**< Reserved. */
            uint32_t pendSVAct      :  1;   /**< SHCSR - The PendSV exception active bit, reads as 1 if the exception is active */
            uint32_t sysTickAct     :  1;   /**< SHCSR - The SysTick exception active bit, reads as 1 if the exception is active  */
            uint32_t usgFaultPended :  1;   /**< SHCSR - The UsageFault exception pending bit, reads as 1 if the exception is pending */
            uint32_t memFaultPended :  1;   /**< SHCSR - The MemManage exception pending bit, reads as 1 if the exception is pending */
            uint32_t busFaultPended :  1;   /**< SHCSR - The BusFault exception pending bit, reads as 1 if the exception is pending */
            uint32_t svCallPended   :  1;   /**< SHCSR - The SVCall pending bit, reads as 1 if the exception is pending */
            uint32_t memFaultEna    :  1;   /**< SHCSR - The MemManage enable bit, set to 1 to enable */
            uint32_t busFaultEna    :  1;   /**< SHCSR - The BusFault enable bit, set to 1 to enable */
            uint32_t usgFaultEna    :  1;   /**< SHCSR - The UsageFault enable bit, set to 1 to enable */
            uint32_t reserved4      : 13;   /**< Reserved */
        } cy_stc_fault_shcsr_t;
    #endif /* CY_CPU_CORTEX_M4 */

    /** The fault configuration structure. */
    typedef struct
        uint32_t r0;       /**< R0 register content */
        uint32_t r1;       /**< R1 register content */
        uint32_t r2;       /**< R2 register content */
        uint32_t r3;       /**< R3 register content */
        uint32_t r12;      /**< R12 register content */
        uint32_t lr;       /**< LR register content */
        uint32_t pc;       /**< PC register content */
        uint32_t psr;      /**< PSR register content */
        #if (CY_CPU_CORTEX_M4)
                uint32_t cfsrReg;              /**< CFSR register content as a word */
                cy_stc_fault_cfsr_t cfsrBits;  /**< CFSR register content as a structure */
            } cfsr;
                uint32_t hfsrReg;              /**< HFSR register content as a word */
                cy_stc_fault_hfsr_t hfsrBits;  /**< HFSR register content as a structure */
            } hfsr;
                uint32_t shcsrReg;              /**< SHCSR register content as a word */
                cy_stc_fault_shcsr_t shcsrBits; /**< SHCSR register content as a structure */
            } shcsr;
            uint32_t mmfar;                /**< MMFAR register content */
            uint32_t bfar;                 /**< BFAR register content */
            #if ((defined (__FPU_PRESENT) && (__FPU_PRESENT == 1U)) && \
                 (defined (__FPU_USED   ) && (__FPU_USED    == 1U)))
                uint32_t s0;       /**< FPU S0 register content */
                uint32_t s1;       /**< FPU S1 register content */
                uint32_t s2;       /**< FPU S2 register content */
                uint32_t s3;       /**< FPU S3 register content */
                uint32_t s4;       /**< FPU S4 register content */
                uint32_t s5;       /**< FPU S5 register content */
                uint32_t s6;       /**< FPU S6 register content */
                uint32_t s7;       /**< FPU S7 register content */
                uint32_t s8;       /**< FPU S8 register content */
                uint32_t s9;       /**< FPU S9 register content */
                uint32_t s10;      /**< FPU S10 register content */
                uint32_t s11;      /**< FPU S11 register content */
                uint32_t s12;      /**< FPU S12 register content */
                uint32_t s13;      /**< FPU S13 register content */
                uint32_t s14;      /**< FPU S14 register content */
                uint32_t s15;      /**< FPU S15 register content */
                uint32_t fpscr;    /**< FPU FPSCR register content */
            #endif /* __FPU_PRESENT */
        #endif /* CY_CPU_CORTEX_M4 */
    } cy_stc_fault_frame_t;

/** \} group_syslib_data_structures */

* \addtogroup group_syslib_macros
* \{

/** The driver major version */

/** The driver minor version */

/** Define start of the function placed to the SRAM area by the linker */
#if defined (__ICCARM__)
#define CY_SECTION_RAMFUNC_BEGIN CY_PRAGMA(diag_suppress = Ta023) __ramfunc

/** Define end of the function placed to the SRAM area by the linker */
#if defined (__ICCARM__)
#define CY_SECTION_RAMFUNC_END CY_PRAGMA(diag_default = Ta023)

/** Define variable to be placed to the shared SRAM area by the linker */
#define CY_SECTION_SHAREDMEM CY_SECTION(".cy_sharedmem")

typedef void (* cy_israddress)(void);   /**< Type of ISR callbacks */
#if defined (__ICCARM__)
    typedef union { cy_israddress __fun; void * __ptr; } cy_intvec_elem;
#endif  /* defined (__ICCARM__) */

/* MISRA rule 6.3 recommends using specific-length typedef for the basic
 * numerical types of signed and unsigned variants of char, float, and double.
typedef char     char_t;    /**< Specific-length typedef for the basic numerical types of char */
typedef float    float32_t; /**< Specific-length typedef for the basic numerical types of float */
typedef double   float64_t; /**< Specific-length typedef for the basic numerical types of double */

#if !defined(NDEBUG)
    /** The max size of the file name which stores the ASSERT location */
    #define CY_MAX_FILE_NAME_SIZE  (24U)
    extern CY_NOINIT char_t cy_assertFileName[CY_MAX_FILE_NAME_SIZE];  /**< The assert buffer */
    extern CY_NOINIT uint32_t cy_assertLine;                           /**< The assert line value */
#endif /* NDEBUG */

    #define CY_R0_Pos             (0U)     /**< The position of the R0  content in a fault structure */
    #define CY_R1_Pos             (1U)     /**< The position of the R1  content in a fault structure */
    #define CY_R2_Pos             (2U)     /**< The position of the R2  content in a fault structure */
    #define CY_R3_Pos             (3U)     /**< The position of the R3  content in a fault structure */
    #define CY_R12_Pos            (4U)     /**< The position of the R12 content in a fault structure */
    #define CY_LR_Pos             (5U)     /**< The position of the LR  content in a fault structure */
    #define CY_PC_Pos             (6U)     /**< The position of the PC  content in a fault structure */
    #define CY_PSR_Pos            (7U)     /**< The position of the PSR content in a fault structure */
    #if (CY_CPU_CORTEX_M4) && ((defined (__FPU_PRESENT) && (__FPU_PRESENT == 1U)) && \
                               (defined (__FPU_USED   ) && (__FPU_USED    == 1U)))
        #define CY_FPSCR_IXC_Msk  (0x00000010U)    /**< The cumulative exception bit for floating-point exceptions */
        #define CY_FPSCR_IDC_Msk  (0x00000080U)    /**< The cumulative exception bit for floating-point exceptions */
        #define CY_S0_Pos         (8U)     /**< The position of the FPU S0 content in a fault structure */
        #define CY_S1_Pos         (9U)     /**< The position of the FPU S1 content in a fault structure */
        #define CY_S2_Pos         (10U)    /**< The position of the FPU S2 content in a fault structure */
        #define CY_S3_Pos         (11U)    /**< The position of the FPU S3 content in a fault structure */
        #define CY_S4_Pos         (12U)    /**< The position of the FPU S4 content in a fault structure */
        #define CY_S5_Pos         (13U)    /**< The position of the FPU S5 content in a fault structure */
        #define CY_S6_Pos         (14U)    /**< The position of the FPU S6 content in a fault structure */
        #define CY_S7_Pos         (15U)    /**< The position of the FPU S7 content in a fault structure */
        #define CY_S8_Pos         (16U)    /**< The position of the FPU S8 content in a fault structure */
        #define CY_S9_Pos         (17U)    /**< The position of the FPU S9 content in a fault structure */
        #define CY_S10_Pos        (18U)    /**< The position of the FPU S10 content in a fault structure */
        #define CY_S11_Pos        (19U)    /**< The position of the FPU S11 content in a fault structure */
        #define CY_S12_Pos        (20U)    /**< The position of the FPU S12 content in a fault structure */
        #define CY_S13_Pos        (21U)    /**< The position of the FPU S13 content in a fault structure */
        #define CY_S14_Pos        (22U)    /**< The position of the FPU S14 content in a fault structure */
        #define CY_S15_Pos        (23U)    /**< The position of the FPU S15 content in a fault structure */
        #define CY_FPSCR_Pos      (24U)    /**< The position of the FPU FPSCR content in a fault structure */
    #endif /* CY_CPU_CORTEX_M4 && __FPU_PRESENT */

    extern CY_NOINIT cy_stc_fault_frame_t cy_faultFrame;    /**< Fault frame structure */

* \defgroup group_syslib_macros_assert Assert Classes and Levels
* \{
* Defines for the Assert Classes and Levels

* Class 1 - The highest class, safety-critical functions which rely on parameters that could be
* changed between different PSoC devices
#define CY_ASSERT_CLASS_1           (1U)

/** Class 2 - Functions that have fixed limits such as counter periods (16-bits/32-bits etc.) */
#define CY_ASSERT_CLASS_2           (2U)

/** Class 3 - Functions that accept enums as constant parameters */
#define CY_ASSERT_CLASS_3           (3U)

    /** The user-definable assert level from compiler command-line argument (similarly to DEBUG / NDEBUG) */
    #define CY_ASSERT_LEVEL         CY_ASSERT_CLASS_3
#endif /* CY_ASSERT_LEVEL */

    #define CY_ASSERT_L1(x)         CY_ASSERT(x)        /**< Assert Level 1 */
    #define CY_ASSERT_L2(x)         do{}while(false)    /**< Assert Level 2 */
    #define CY_ASSERT_L3(x)         do{}while(false)    /**< Assert Level 3 */
    #define CY_ASSERT_L1(x)         CY_ASSERT(x)        /**< Assert Level 1 */
    #define CY_ASSERT_L2(x)         CY_ASSERT(x)        /**< Assert Level 2 */
    #define CY_ASSERT_L3(x)         do{}while(false)    /**< Assert Level 3 */
#else /* Default is Level 3 */
    #define CY_ASSERT_L1(x)         CY_ASSERT(x)        /**< Assert Level 1 */
    #define CY_ASSERT_L2(x)         CY_ASSERT(x)        /**< Assert Level 2 */
    #define CY_ASSERT_L3(x)         CY_ASSERT(x)        /**< Assert Level 3 */

/** \} group_syslib_macros_assert */

*  Suppresses the unused parameter warning
* \note
* This macro is available for devices having M33SYSCPUSS IP.
#define CY_UNUSED_PARAM(a) (void)(a)

* Macro Name: CY_ARRAY_SIZE(x)
* Returns the size of Array
* \param x  Array Name
* \note
* This macro is available for devices having M33SYSCPUSS IP.
#define CY_ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0]))
#endif /* CY_IP_M33SYSCPUSS */

* Constants
/** Defines a 32-kHz clock delay */
#define CY_DELAY_MS_OVERFLOW            (0x8000U)

* \defgroup group_syslib_macros_reset_cause Reset cause
* \{
* Define RESET_CAUSE mask values
/** A basic WatchDog Timer (WDT) reset has occurred since the last power cycle. */
#define CY_SYSLIB_RESET_HWWDT           (0x0001U)
/** The fault logging system requested a reset from its Active logic. */
#define CY_SYSLIB_RESET_ACT_FAULT       (0x0002U)
/** The fault logging system requested a reset from its Deep-Sleep logic. */
#define CY_SYSLIB_RESET_DPSLP_FAULT     (0x0004U)

/** The fault logging system requested a reset from its Test Controller or debugger asserted test. */
* \note
* This macro is available for devices having M33SYSCPUSS IP.
#define CY_SYSLIB_RESET_TC_DBGRESET     (0x0008U)

/** The CPU requested a system reset through it's SYSRESETREQ. This can be done via a debugger probe or in firmware. */
#define CY_SYSLIB_RESET_SOFT            (0x0010U)
/** The Multi-Counter Watchdog timer #0 reset has occurred since the last power cycle. */
#define CY_SYSLIB_RESET_SWWDT0          (0x0020U)
/** The Multi-Counter Watchdog timer #1 reset has occurred since the last power cycle. */
#define CY_SYSLIB_RESET_SWWDT1          (0x0040U)
/** The Multi-Counter Watchdog timer #2 reset has occurred since the last power cycle. */
#define CY_SYSLIB_RESET_SWWDT2          (0x0080U)
/** The Multi-Counter Watchdog timer #3 reset has occurred since the last power cycle. */
#define CY_SYSLIB_RESET_SWWDT3          (0x0100U)
/** The reset has occured on a loss of high-frequency clock. */
#define CY_SYSLIB_RESET_CSV_LOSS_WAKEUP      (0x10000UL)
/** The reset has occured due to frequency error of high-frequency clock. */
/** The reset has occurred on a wakeup from Hibernate power mode. */
#define CY_SYSLIB_RESET_HIB_WAKEUP      (0x40000UL)

/** \} group_syslib_macros_reset_cause */

#ifdef CY_IP_M4CPUSS
/** Bit[31:24] Opcode = 0x1B (SoftReset)
 *  Bit[7:1]   Type   = 1    (Only CM4 reset)
* \note
* This macro is available for devices having M4CPUSS IP.
#define CY_IPC_DATA_FOR_CM4_SOFT_RESET  (0x1B000002UL)

* \defgroup group_syslib_macros_unique_id Unique ID
* \{
* Unique ID fields positions
* \note
* This macro is available for devices having M4CPUSS IP.
#define CY_UNIQUE_ID_DIE_YEAR_Pos       (57U)    /**< The position of the DIE_YEAR  field in the silicon Unique ID */
* \note
* This macro is available for devices having M4CPUSS IP.
#define CY_UNIQUE_ID_DIE_MINOR_Pos      (56U)    /**< The position of the DIE_MINOR field in the silicon Unique ID */
* \note
* This macro is available for devices having M4CPUSS IP.
#define CY_UNIQUE_ID_DIE_SORT_Pos       (48U)    /**< The position of the DIE_SORT  field in the silicon Unique ID */
* \note
* This macro is available for devices having M4CPUSS IP.
#define CY_UNIQUE_ID_DIE_Y_Pos          (40U)    /**< The position of the DIE_Y     field in the silicon Unique ID */
* \note
* This macro is available for devices having M4CPUSS IP.
#define CY_UNIQUE_ID_DIE_X_Pos          (32U)    /**< The position of the DIE_X     field in the silicon Unique ID */
* \note
* This macro is available for devices having M4CPUSS IP.
#define CY_UNIQUE_ID_DIE_WAFER_Pos      (24U)    /**< The position of the DIE_WAFER field in the silicon Unique ID */
* \note
* This macro is available for devices having M4CPUSS IP.
#define CY_UNIQUE_ID_DIE_LOT_2_Pos      (16U)    /**< The position of the DIE_LOT_2 field in the silicon Unique ID */
* \note
* This macro is available for devices having M4CPUSS IP.
#define CY_UNIQUE_ID_DIE_LOT_1_Pos      (8U)     /**< The position of the DIE_LOT_1 field in the silicon Unique ID */
* \note
* This macro is available for devices having M4CPUSS IP.
#define CY_UNIQUE_ID_DIE_LOT_0_Pos      (0U)     /**< The position of the DIE_LOT_0 field in the silicon Unique ID */

/** \} group_syslib_macros_unique_id */

/** \} group_syslib_macros */

* Function prototypes

* \addtogroup group_syslib_functions
* \{

* Function Name: Cy_SysLib_Delay
* The function delays by the specified number of milliseconds.
* By default, the number of cycles to delay is calculated based on the
* \ref SystemCoreClock.
* \param milliseconds  The number of milliseconds to delay.
* \note The function calls \ref Cy_SysLib_DelayCycles() API to generate a delay.
*       If the function parameter (milliseconds) is bigger than
*       CY_DELAY_MS_OVERFLOW constant, then an additional loop runs to prevent
*       an overflow in parameter passed to \ref Cy_SysLib_DelayCycles() API.
void Cy_SysLib_Delay(uint32_t milliseconds);

* Function Name: Cy_SysLib_DelayUs
* The function delays by the specified number of microseconds.
* By default, the number of cycles to delay is calculated based on the
* \ref SystemCoreClock.
* \param microseconds  The number of microseconds to delay.
* \note If the CPU frequency is a small non-integer number, the actual delay
*       can be up to twice as long as the nominal value. The actual delay
*       cannot be shorter than the nominal one.
void Cy_SysLib_DelayUs(uint16_t microseconds);

* Function Name: Cy_SysLib_Rtos_Delay
* The function is same as \ref Cy_SysLib_Delay. However, this API is declared WEAK
* providing option for user to overwrite the implementation based on target RTOS.
* \param milliseconds  The number of milliseconds to delay.
void Cy_SysLib_Rtos_Delay(uint32_t milliseconds);

* Function Name: Cy_SysLib_Rtos_DelayUs
* The function is same as \ref Cy_SysLib_DelayUs. However, this API is declared WEAK
* providing option for user to overwrite the imlementation based on target RTOS.
* \param microseconds  The number of microseconds to delay.
void Cy_SysLib_Rtos_DelayUs(uint16_t microseconds);

/** Delays for the specified number of cycles.
 *  The function is implemented in the assembler for each supported compiler.
 *  \param cycles  The number of cycles to delay.
void Cy_SysLib_DelayCycles(uint32_t cycles);

* Function Name: Cy_SysLib_Halt
* This function halts the CPU but only the CPU which calls the function.
* It doesn't affect other CPUs.
* \param reason  The value to be used during debugging.
* \note The function executes the BKPT instruction for halting CPU and is
*       intended to be used for the debug purpose. A regular use case requires
*       Debugger attachment before the function call.
*       The BKPT instruction causes the CPU to enter the Debug state. Debug
*       tools can use this to investigate the system state, when the
*       instruction at a particular address is reached.
* \note Execution of a BKPT instruction without a debugger attached produces
*       a fault. The fault results in the HardFault exception being taken
*       or causes a Lockup state if it occurs in the NMI or HardFault handler.
*       The default HardFault handler make a software reset if the build option
*       is the release mode (NDEBUG). If the build option is the debug mode,
*       the system will stay in the infinite loop of the
*       \ref Cy_SysLib_ProcessingFault() function.
#ifdef CY_IP_M4CPUSS
/** \cond INTERNAL */
__NO_RETURN void Cy_SysLib_Halt(uint32_t reason);
/** \endcond */
#if defined (CY_IP_M33SYSCPUSS) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)
    void Cy_SysLib_Halt(uint32_t reason);

* Macro Name: Cy_SysLib_AssertFailed
* This function stores the ASSERT location of the file name (including path
* to file) and line number in a non-zero init area for debugging. Also it calls
* the \ref Cy_SysLib_Halt() function to halt the processor.
* \param file  The file name of the ASSERT location.
* \param line  The line number of the ASSERT location.
* \note A stored file name and line number could be accessed by
*       cy_assertFileName and cy_assertLine global variables.
* \note This function has the WEAK option, so the user can redefine
*       the function for a custom processing.
void Cy_SysLib_AssertFailed(const char_t * file, uint32_t line);

#ifdef CY_IP_M4CPUSS

* Function Name: Cy_SysLib_ClearFlashCacheAndBuffer
* This function invalidates the flash cache and buffer. It ensures the valid
* data is read from flash instead of using outdated data from the cache.
* The caches' LRU structure is also reset to their default state.
* \note The operation takes a maximum of three clock cycles on the slowest of
*       the clk_slow and clk_fast clocks.
* \note
* This API is available for devices having M4CPUSS IP.
void Cy_SysLib_ClearFlashCacheAndBuffer(void);

* Function Name: Cy_SysLib_GetUniqueId
* This function returns the silicon unique ID.
* The ID includes Die lot[3]#, Die Wafer#, Die X, Die Y, Die Sort#, Die Minor
* and Die Year.
* \return  A combined 64-bit unique ID.
*          [63:57] - DIE_YEAR
*          [56:56] - DIE_MINOR
*          [55:48] - DIE_SORT
*          [47:40] - DIE_Y
*          [39:32] - DIE_X
*          [31:24] - DIE_WAFER
*          [23:16] - DIE_LOT[2]
*          [15: 8] - DIE_LOT[1]
*          [ 7: 0] - DIE_LOT[0]
* \note
* This API is available for devices having M4CPUSS IP.
uint64_t Cy_SysLib_GetUniqueId(void);

#if (CY_CPU_CORTEX_M0P) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)
* Function Name: Cy_SysLib_SoftResetCM4
* This function performs a CM4 Core software reset using the CM4_PWR_CTL
* register. The register is accessed by CM0 Core by using a command transferred
* to SROM API through the IPC channel. When the command is sent, the API waits
* for the IPC channel release.
* \note This function should be called only when the CM4 core is in Deep
*       Sleep mode.
* \note This function will not reset CM0+ Core.
* \note This function waits for an IPC channel release state.
* \note
* This API is available for devices having M4CPUSS IP.
void Cy_SysLib_SoftResetCM4(void);
#endif /* CY_CPU_CORTEX_M0P */

* Function Name: Cy_SysLib_ResetBackupDomain
* This function resets the backup domain power to avoid the ILO glitch. The
* glitch can occur when the device is reset due to POR/BOD/XRES while
* the backup voltage is supplied into the system.
* \note Writing 1 to BACKUP->RESET resets the backup logic. Hardware clears it
*       when the reset is complete. After setting the register, this function
*       reads the register immediately for returning the result of the backup
*       domain reset state. The reading register is important because the Read
*       itself takes multiple AHB clock cycles, and the reset is actually
*       finishing during that time. Use \ref Cy_SysLib_GetResetStatus to check
*       the BACKUP->RESET before any other BACKUP register write.
* \note This function also resets the WCO trimming value - use the
*       \ref Cy_SysLib_GetWcoTrim and \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWcoTrim to store/restore
*       the WCO trimming value.
* \return CY_SYSLIB_SUCCESS, if BACKUP->RESET read-back is 0.
*         Otherwise returns CY_SYSLIB_INVALID_STATE.
* \funcusage
* \snippet syslib/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysLib_WcoTrim
cy_en_syslib_status_t Cy_SysLib_ResetBackupDomain(void);

* Function Name: Cy_SysLib_GetResetReason
* The function returns the cause for the latest reset(s) that occurred in
* the system. The reset causes include system faults and
* device reset on a wakeup from Hibernate mode. For M33SYSCPUSS IP, 
* the reset causes also include an HFCLK error.
* The return results are consolidated reset causes from reading RES_CAUSE,
* RES_CAUSE2 and PWR_HIBERNATE token registers.
* \return The cause of a system reset. 
* Return values to be checked as per the CPUSS IP of the device.
* | Name in M4CPUSS IP            | Name in M33SYSCPUSS IP       | Value
* |-------------------------------|------------------------------|-------------------
* | CY_SYSLIB_RESET_HWWDT         | CY_SYSLIB_RESET_HWWDT        | 0x00001 (bit0)
* | CY_SYSLIB_RESET_SOFT          | CY_SYSLIB_RESET_SOFT         | 0x00010 (bit4)
* | CY_SYSLIB_RESET_SWWDT0        | CY_SYSLIB_RESET_SWWDT0       | 0x00020 (bit5)
* | CY_SYSLIB_RESET_SWWDT1        | CY_SYSLIB_RESET_SWWDT1       | 0x00040 (bit6)
* | CY_SYSLIB_RESET_SWWDT2        | CY_SYSLIB_RESET_SWWDT2       | 0x00080 (bit7)
* | CY_SYSLIB_RESET_SWWDT3        | CY_SYSLIB_RESET_SWWDT3       | 0x00100 (bit8)
* |                               | CY_SYSLIB_RESET_HFCLK_LOSS   | 0x10000 (bit16)
* |                               | CY_SYSLIB_RESET_HFCLK_ERR    | 0x20000 (bit17)
* \note This not is available for devices having M33SYSCPUSS IP
*       CY_SYSLIB_RESET_HFCLK_ERR causes of a system reset available only if
*       WCO CSV present in the device.
uint32_t Cy_SysLib_GetResetReason(void);

* Function Name: Cy_SysLib_ClearResetReason
* This function clears the values of RES_CAUSE and RES_CAUSE2. Also it clears
* PWR_HIBERNATE token, which indicates reset event on waking up from HIBERNATE.
void Cy_SysLib_ClearResetReason(void);

* Function Name: Cy_SysLib_GetResetStatus
* This function returns the BACKUP->RESET bit value.
* It is reused by the \ref Cy_SysLib_ResetBackupDomain itself and also intended to
* check for CY_SYSLIB_SUCCESS in loop after the \ref Cy_SysLib_ResetBackupDomain call.
* \note Writing 1 to BACKUP->RESET resets the backup logic. Hardware clears it
*       when the reset is complete. After setting the register, this function
*       reads the register immediately for returning the result of the backup
*       domain reset state. The reading register is important because the Read
*       itself takes multiple AHB clock cycles, and the reset is actually
*       finishing during that time.
* \return CY_SYSLIB_SUCCESS, if BACKUP->RESET read-back is 0.
*         Otherwise returns CY_SYSLIB_INVALID_STATE.
* \funcusage
* \snippet syslib/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysLib_ResetBackup
__STATIC_INLINE cy_en_syslib_status_t Cy_SysLib_GetResetStatus (void)

#if defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS)
* Function Name: Cy_SysLib_GetWcoTrim
* This function returns the BACKUP->TRIM bitfield value.
* It is intended to store the WCO trimming value before
* the \ref Cy_SysLib_ResetBackupDomain usage.
* \return The WCO trimming value.
* \funcusage
* \snippet syslib/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysLib_WcoTrim
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SysLib_GetWcoTrim (void)

* Function Name: Cy_SysLib_SetWcoTrim
* This function writes the value into the BACKUP->TRIM bitfield.
* It is intended to restore the WCO trimming value after
* the \ref Cy_SysLib_ResetBackupDomain usage.
* \param wcoTrim The WCO trimming value.
* \funcusage
* \snippet syslib/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysLib_WcoTrim
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SysLib_SetWcoTrim (uint32_t wcoTrim)
#endif /* CY_IP_MXS40SRSS */


* Function Name: Cy_SysLib_FaultHandler
* This function stores the ARM Cortex registers into a non-zero init area for
* debugging. This function calls Cy_SysLib_ProcessingFault() after storing all
* information.
* \param faultStackAddr The address of the stack pointer, indicates the lowest
*                       address in the fault stack frame to be stored.
* \note This function stores the fault stack frame only for the first occurred
*       fault.
* \note The PDL doesn't provide an API to analyze the stored register
*       values. The user has to add additional functions for the analysis,
*       if necessary.
* \note The CY_ARM_FAULT_DEBUG macro defines if the Fault Handler is enabled.
*       By default it is set to CY_ARM_FAULT_DEBUG_ENABLED and enables the
*       Fault Handler.
*       If there is a necessity to save memory or have some specific custom
*       handler, etc. then CY_ARM_FAULT_DEBUG should be redefined as
*       CY_ARM_FAULT_DEBUG_DISABLED. To do this, the following definition should
*       be added to the compiler Command Line (through the project Build
*       Settings): "-D CY_ARM_FAULT_DEBUG=0".
    void Cy_SysLib_FaultHandler(uint32_t const *faultStackAddr);

* Function Name: Cy_SysLib_ProcessingFault
* This function determines how to process the current fault state. By default
* in case of exception the system will stay in the infinite loop of this
* function.
* \note This function has the WEAK option, so the user can redefine the function
*       behavior for a custom processing.
*       For example, the function redefinition could be constructed from fault
*       stack processing and NVIC_SystemReset() function call.
    void Cy_SysLib_ProcessingFault(void);

* Function Name: Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates
* Sets the number of clock cycles the cache will wait for, before it samples
* data coming back from ROM, SRAM, and Flash.
* Call this function before increasing the HFClk0 High Frequency clock.
* Call this function optionally after lowering the HFClk0 High Frequency clock
* in order to improve the CPU performance.
* Also, call this function before switching the core supply regulator voltage
* (LDO or SIMO Buck) from 1.1V to 0.9V.
* Call this function optionally after switching the core supply regulator
* voltage from 0.9V to 1.1V in order to improve the CPU performance.
* \param ulpMode  The device power mode.
*        true  if the device should be switched to the ULP mode (nominal
*              voltage of the core supply regulator should be switched to 0.9V);
*        false if the device should be switched to the LP mode (nominal
*              voltage of the core supply regulator should be switched to 1.1V).
* \note Refer to the device TRM for the low power modes description.
* \param clkHfMHz  The HFClk0 clock frequency in MHz. Specifying a frequency
*                  above the supported maximum will set the wait states as for
*                  the maximum frequency.
void Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates(bool ulpMode, uint32_t clkHfMHz);

* Function Name: Cy_SysLib_EnterCriticalSection
*  Cy_SysLib_EnterCriticalSection disables interrupts and returns a value
*  indicating whether the interrupts were previously enabled.
*  \return Returns the current interrupt status. Returns 0 if the interrupts
*          were previously enabled or 1 if the interrupts were previously
*          disabled.
*  \note Implementation of Cy_SysLib_EnterCriticalSection manipulates the IRQ
*        enable bit with interrupts still enabled.
uint32_t Cy_SysLib_EnterCriticalSection(void);

* Function Name: Cy_SysLib_ExitCriticalSection
*  Re-enables the interrupts if they were enabled before
*  Cy_SysLib_EnterCriticalSection() was called. The argument should be the value
*  returned from \ref Cy_SysLib_EnterCriticalSection().
*  \param savedIntrStatus  Puts the saved interrupts status returned by
*                          the \ref Cy_SysLib_EnterCriticalSection().
void Cy_SysLib_ExitCriticalSection(uint32_t savedIntrStatus);

/** \cond INTERNAL */
#define CY_SYSLIB_DEVICE_REV_0A       (0x21U)  /**< The device TO *A Revision ID */
#define CY_SYSLIB_DEVICE_PSOC6ABLE2   (0x100U) /**< The PSoC6 BLE2 device Family ID */

* Function Name: Cy_SysLib_GetDeviceRevision
* This function returns a device Revision ID.
* \return  A device Revision ID.
uint8_t Cy_SysLib_GetDeviceRevision(void);

* Function Name: Cy_SysLib_GetDevice
* This function returns a device Family ID.
* \return  A device Family ID.
uint16_t Cy_SysLib_GetDevice(void);

typedef uint32_t cy_status;
/** The ARM 32-bit status value for backward compatibility with the UDB components. Do not use it in your code. */
typedef uint32_t cystatus;
typedef uint8_t  uint8;    /**< Alias to uint8_t  for backward compatibility */
typedef uint16_t uint16;   /**< Alias to uint16_t for backward compatibility */
typedef uint32_t uint32;   /**< Alias to uint32_t for backward compatibility */
typedef int8_t   int8;     /**< Alias to int8_t   for backward compatibility */
typedef int16_t  int16;    /**< Alias to int16_t  for backward compatibility */
typedef int32_t  int32;    /**< Alias to int32_t  for backward compatibility */
typedef float    float32;  /**< Alias to float    for backward compatibility */
typedef double   float64;  /**< Alias to double   for backward compatibility */
typedef int64_t  int64;    /**< Alias to int64_t  for backward compatibility */
typedef uint64_t uint64;   /**< Alias to uint64_t for backward compatibility */
/* Signed or unsigned depending on the compiler selection */
typedef char     char8;    /**< Alias to char for backward compatibility */
typedef volatile uint8_t  reg8;   /**< Alias to uint8_t  for backward compatibility */
typedef volatile uint16_t reg16;  /**< Alias to uint16_t for backward compatibility */
typedef volatile uint32_t reg32;  /**< Alias to uint32_t for backward compatibility */

/** The ARM 32-bit Return error / status code for backward compatibility.
*  Do not use them in your code.
#define CY_RET_SUCCESS           (0x00U)    /* Successful */
#define CY_RET_BAD_PARAM         (0x01U)    /* One or more invalid parameters */
#define CY_RET_INVALID_OBJECT    (0x02U)    /* An invalid object specified */
#define CY_RET_MEMORY            (0x03U)    /* A memory-related failure */
#define CY_RET_LOCKED            (0x04U)    /* A resource lock failure */
#define CY_RET_EMPTY             (0x05U)    /* No more objects available */
#define CY_RET_BAD_DATA          (0x06U)    /* Bad data received (CRC or other error check) */
#define CY_RET_STARTED           (0x07U)    /* Operation started, but not necessarily completed yet */
#define CY_RET_FINISHED          (0x08U)    /* Operation is completed */
#define CY_RET_CANCELED          (0x09U)    /* Operation is canceled */
#define CY_RET_TIMEOUT           (0x10U)    /* Operation timed out */
#define CY_RET_INVALID_STATE     (0x11U)    /* Operation is not setup or is in an improper state */
#define CY_RET_UNKNOWN           ((cy_status) 0xFFFFFFFFU)    /* Unknown failure */

/** ARM 32-bit Return error / status codes for backward compatibility with the UDB components.
*  Do not use them in your code.
#define CYRET_SUCCESS            (0x00U)    /* Successful */
#define CYRET_BAD_PARAM          (0x01U)    /* One or more invalid parameters */
#define CYRET_INVALID_OBJECT     (0x02U)    /* An invalid object specified */
#define CYRET_MEMORY             (0x03U)    /* A memory-related failure */
#define CYRET_LOCKED             (0x04U)    /* A resource lock failure */
#define CYRET_EMPTY              (0x05U)    /* No more objects available */
#define CYRET_BAD_DATA           (0x06U)    /* Bad data received (CRC or other error check) */
#define CYRET_STARTED            (0x07U)    /* Operation started, but not necessarily completed yet */
#define CYRET_FINISHED           (0x08U)    /* Operation is completed */
#define CYRET_CANCELED           (0x09U)    /* Operation is canceled */
#define CYRET_TIMEOUT            (0x10U)    /* Operation timed out */
#define CYRET_INVALID_STATE      (0x11U)    /* Operation is not setup or is in an improper state */
#define CYRET_UNKNOWN            ((cystatus) 0xFFFFFFFFU)    /* Unknown failure */

/** A type of ISR callbacks for backward compatibility with the UDB components. Do not use it in your code. */
typedef void (* cyisraddress)(void);
#if defined (__ICCARM__)
    /** A type of ISR callbacks for backward compatibility with the UDB components. Do not use it in your code. */
    typedef union { cyisraddress __fun; void * __ptr; } intvec_elem;
#endif  /* defined (__ICCARM__) */

/** The backward compatibility define for the CyDelay() API for the UDB components.
*   Do not use it in your code.
#define CyDelay                   Cy_SysLib_Delay
/** The backward compatibility define for the CyDelayUs() API for the UDB components.
*   Do not use it in your code.
#define CyDelayUs                 Cy_SysLib_DelayUs
/** The backward compatibility define for the CyDelayCycles() API for the UDB components.
*   Do not use it in your code.
#define CyDelayCycles             Cy_SysLib_DelayCycles
/** The backward compatibility define for the CyEnterCriticalSection() API for the UDB components.
*   Do not use it in your code.
#define CyEnterCriticalSection()  ((uint8_t) Cy_SysLib_EnterCriticalSection())
/** The backward compatibility define for the CyExitCriticalSection() API for the UDB components.
*   Do not use it in your code.
#define CyExitCriticalSection(x)  (Cy_SysLib_ExitCriticalSection((uint32_t) (x)))
/** \endcond */

/** \} group_syslib_functions */
CY_MISRA_BLOCK_END('MISRA C-2012 Rule 8.6');
/** \cond INTERNAL */

/** \endcond */

#if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif /* defined(__cplusplus) */


#endif /* CY_SYSLIB_H */

/** \} group_syslib */

/* [] END OF FILE */