mbed-os / targets / TARGET_Cypress / TARGET_PSOC6 / mtb-pdl-cat1 / drivers / source / cy_flash.c
@Dustin Crossman Dustin Crossman on 4 Jun 2021 62 KB Fix file modes.
* \file cy_flash.c
* \version 3.50.1
* \brief
* Provides the public functions for the API for the PSoC 6 Flash Driver.
* \copyright
* Copyright 2016-2020 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

#include "cy_device.h"

#if defined (CY_IP_M4CPUSS)

#include "cy_flash.h"
#include "cy_sysclk.h"
#include "cy_sysint.h"
#include "cy_ipc_drv.h"
#include "cy_ipc_sema.h"
#include "cy_ipc_pipe.h"
#include "cy_syslib.h"
#if defined (CY_DEVICE_SECURE)
    #include "cy_pra.h"
#endif /* defined (CY_DEVICE_SECURE) */

'IPC_STRUCT_Type will typecast to either IPC_STRUCT_V1_Type or IPC_STRUCT_V2_Type but not both on PDL initialization based on the target device at compile time.');

* Data Structure definitions

/* Flash driver context */
typedef struct
    uint32_t opcode;      /**< Specifies the code of flash operation */
    uint32_t arg1;        /**< Specifies the configuration of flash operation */
    uint32_t arg2;        /**< Specifies the configuration of flash operation */
    uint32_t arg3;        /**< Specifies the configuration of flash operation */
} cy_stc_flash_context_t;

* Macro definitions

/** \cond INTERNAL */
/** Set SROM API in blocking mode */
#define CY_FLASH_BLOCKING_MODE             ((0x01UL) << 8UL)
/** Set SROM API in non blocking mode */
#define CY_FLASH_NON_BLOCKING_MODE         (0UL)

/** SROM API flash region ID shift for flash row information */
#define CY_FLASH_REGION_ID_SHIFT           (16U)
#define CY_FLASH_REGION_ID_MASK            (3U)
#define CY_FLASH_ROW_ID_MASK               (0xFFFFU)
/** SROM API flash region IDs */
#define CY_FLASH_REGION_ID_MAIN            (0UL)
#define CY_FLASH_REGION_ID_SFLASH          (2UL)

/** SROM API opcode mask */
#define CY_FLASH_OPCODE_Msk                ((0xFFUL) << 24UL)
/** SROM API opcode for flash write operation */
#define CY_FLASH_OPCODE_WRITE_ROW          ((0x05UL) << 24UL)
/** SROM API opcode for flash program operation */
#define CY_FLASH_OPCODE_PROGRAM_ROW        ((0x06UL) << 24UL)
/** SROM API opcode for row erase operation */
#define CY_FLASH_OPCODE_ERASE_ROW          ((0x1CUL) << 24UL)
/** SROM API opcode for sub sector erase operation */
/** SROM API opcode for sector erase operation */
#define CY_FLASH_OPCODE_ERASE_SECTOR       ((0x14UL) << 24UL)
/** SROM API opcode for flash checksum operation */
#define CY_FLASH_OPCODE_CHECKSUM           ((0x0BUL) << 24UL)
/** SROM API opcode for flash hash operation */
#define CY_FLASH_OPCODE_HASH               ((0x0DUL) << 24UL)
/** SROM API flash row shift for flash checksum operation */
/** SROM API flash row shift for flash checksum operation */
/** Data to be programmed to flash is located in SRAM memory region */
#define CY_FLASH_DATA_LOC_SRAM             (0x100UL)
/** SROM API flash verification option for flash write operation */
#define CY_FLASH_CONFIG_VERIFICATION_EN    ((0x01UL) << 16u)

/** Command completed with no errors */
#define CY_FLASH_ROMCODE_SUCCESS                   (0xA0000000UL)
/** Invalid device protection state */
/** Invalid flash page latch address */
#define CY_FLASH_ROMCODE_INVALID_FM_PL             (0xF0000003UL)
/** Invalid flash address */
/** Row is write protected */
#define CY_FLASH_ROMCODE_ROW_PROTECTED             (0xF0000005UL)
/** Comparison between Page Latches and FM row failed */
#define CY_FLASH_ROMCODE_PL_ROW_COMP_FA            (0xF0000022UL)
/** Command in progress; no error */
/** Flash operation is successfully initiated */
#define CY_FLASH_IS_OPERATION_STARTED              (0x00000010UL)
/** Flash is under operation */
#define CY_FLASH_IS_BUSY                           (0x00000040UL)
/** IPC structure is already locked by another process */
#define CY_FLASH_IS_IPC_BUSY                       (0x00000080UL)
/** Input parameters passed to Flash API are not valid */

/** Result mask */
#define CY_FLASH_RESULT_MASK                       (0x0FFFFFFFUL)
/** Error shift */
#define CY_FLASH_ERROR_SHIFT                       (28UL)
/** No error */
#define CY_FLASH_ERROR_NO_ERROR                    (0xAUL)

/** CM4 Flash Proxy address */
#define CY_FLASH_CM4_FLASH_PROXY_ADDR              (*(Cy_Flash_Proxy *)(0x00000D1CUL))
typedef cy_en_flashdrv_status_t (*Cy_Flash_Proxy)(cy_stc_flash_context_t *context);

/** IPC notify bit for IPC0 structure (dedicated to flash operation) */
#define CY_FLASH_IPC_NOTIFY_STRUCT0                (0x1UL << CY_IPC_INTR_SYSCALL1)

/** Disable delay */
#define CY_FLASH_NO_DELAY                          (0U)

    /** Number of ticks to wait 1 uS */
    #define CY_FLASH_TICKS_FOR_1US                     (8U)
    /** Define to set the IMO to perform a delay after the flash operation started */
    #define CY_FLASH_TST_DDFT_SLOW_CTL_MASK            (0x00001F1EUL)
    /** Fast control register */
    #define CY_FLASH_TST_DDFT_FAST_CTL_MASK            (62U)
    /** Slow output register - output disabled */
    #define CY_FLASH_CLK_OUTPUT_DISABLED               (0U)

    /* The default delay time value */
    #define CY_FLASH_DEFAULT_DELAY                     (150UL)
    /* Calculates the time in microseconds to wait for the number of the CM0P ticks */
    #define CY_FLASH_DELAY_CORRECTIVE(ticks)           (((ticks) * 1000UL) / (Cy_SysClk_ClkSlowGetFrequency() / 1000UL))

    /* Number of the CM0P ticks for StartProgram function delay corrective time */
    #define CY_FLASH_START_PROGRAM_DELAY_TICKS         (6000UL)
    /* Delay time for StartProgram function in us */
    /* Number of the CM0P ticks for StartErase functions delay corrective time */
    #define CY_FLASH_START_ERASE_DELAY_TICKS           (9500UL)
    /* Delay time for StartErase functions in us */
    /* Number of the CM0P ticks for StartWrite function delay corrective time */
    #define CY_FLASH_START_WRITE_DELAY_TICKS           (19000UL)
    /* Delay time for StartWrite function in us */

    /** Delay time for Start Write function in us with corrective time */
    /** Delay time for Start Program function in us with corrective time */
    /** Delay time for Start Erase function in uS with corrective time */

    #define CY_FLASH_ENTER_WAIT_LOOP                   (0xFFU)
    #define CY_FLASH_IPC_CLIENT_ID                     (2U)

    /** Semaphore number reserved for flash driver */
    #define CY_FLASH_WAIT_SEMA                         (0UL)
    /* Semaphore check timeout (in tries) */
    #define CY_FLASH_SEMA_WAIT_MAX_TRIES               (150000UL)

    static void Cy_Flash_RAMDelay(uint32_t microseconds);

    #if (CY_CPU_CORTEX_M0P)
        #define IS_CY_PIPE_FREE(...)       (!Cy_IPC_Drv_IsLockAcquired(Cy_IPC_Drv_GetIpcBaseAddress(CY_IPC_CHAN_CYPIPE_EP1)))
        #define NOTIFY_PEER_CORE(a)         Cy_IPC_Pipe_SendMessage(CY_IPC_EP_CYPIPE_CM4_ADDR, CY_IPC_EP_CYPIPE_CM0_ADDR, (a), NULL)
        #define IS_CY_PIPE_FREE(...)       (!Cy_IPC_Drv_IsLockAcquired(Cy_IPC_Drv_GetIpcBaseAddress(CY_IPC_CHAN_CYPIPE_EP0)))
        #define NOTIFY_PEER_CORE(a)         Cy_IPC_Pipe_SendMessage(CY_IPC_EP_CYPIPE_CM0_ADDR, CY_IPC_EP_CYPIPE_CM4_ADDR, (a), NULL)

    static void Cy_Flash_NotifyHandler(uint32_t * msgPtr);

    static cy_stc_flash_notify_t * ipcWaitMessage;

    /** Delay time for Start Write function in us with corrective time */
    #define CY_FLASH_START_WRITE_DELAY                 (CY_FLASH_NO_DELAY)
    /** Delay time for Start Program function in us with corrective time */
    /** Delay time for Start Erase function in uS with corrective time */
    #define CY_FLASH_START_ERASE_DELAY                 (CY_FLASH_NO_DELAY)

#endif /* !defined (CY_FLASH_RWW_DRV_SUPPORT_DISABLED) */
/** \endcond */

/* Static functions */
static bool Cy_Flash_BoundsCheck(uint32_t flashAddr);
static uint32_t Cy_Flash_GetRowNum(uint32_t flashAddr);
static cy_en_flashdrv_status_t Cy_Flash_ProcessOpcode(uint32_t opcode);
static cy_en_flashdrv_status_t Cy_Flash_OperationStatus(void);
static cy_en_flashdrv_status_t Cy_Flash_SendCmd(uint32_t mode, uint32_t microseconds);

static volatile cy_stc_flash_context_t flashContext;

    * Function Name: Cy_Flash_InitExt
    * Initiates all needed prerequisites to support flash erase/write.
    * Should be called from each core. Defines the address of the message structure.
    * Requires a call to Cy_IPC_Sema_Init(), Cy_IPC_Pipe_Config() and
    * Cy_IPC_Pipe_Init() functions before use.
    * This function is called in the Cy_Flash_Init() function - see the
    * \ref Cy_Flash_Init usage considerations.
    void Cy_Flash_InitExt(cy_stc_flash_notify_t *ipcWaitMessageAddr)
        ipcWaitMessage = ipcWaitMessageAddr;

        if(ipcWaitMessage != NULL)
            ipcWaitMessage->clientID = CY_FLASH_IPC_CLIENT_ID;
            ipcWaitMessage->pktType = CY_FLASH_ENTER_WAIT_LOOP;
            ipcWaitMessage->intrRelMask = 0U;

        if (cy_device->flashRwwRequired != 0U)
            #if (CY_CPU_CORTEX_M4)
                cy_stc_sysint_t flashIntConfig =
                    (IRQn_Type)cy_device->cpussFmIrq,   /* .intrSrc */
                    0U                                  /* .intrPriority */

                (void)Cy_SysInt_Init(&flashIntConfig, &Cy_Flash_ResumeIrqHandler);

                if (cy_device->flashPipeRequired != 0U)
                    (void)Cy_IPC_Pipe_RegisterCallback(CY_IPC_EP_CYPIPE_ADDR, &Cy_Flash_NotifyHandler,

    * Function Name: Cy_Flash_NotifyHandler
    * This is the interrupt service routine for the pipe notifications.
    #if !defined (__ICCARM__)
    static void Cy_Flash_NotifyHandler(uint32_t * msgPtr)
    #if !((CY_CPU_CORTEX_M0P) && (defined (CY_DEVICE_SECURE)))
        uint32_t intr;
    #endif /* !((CY_CPU_CORTEX_M0P) && (defined (CY_DEVICE_SECURE))) */
        static uint32_t semaIndex;
        static uint32_t semaMask;
        static volatile uint32_t *semaPtr;
        static cy_stc_ipc_sema_t *semaStruct;

        cy_stc_flash_notify_t *ipcMsgPtr = (cy_stc_flash_notify_t *) (void *) msgPtr;

        if (CY_FLASH_ENTER_WAIT_LOOP == ipcMsgPtr->pktType)
        #if !((CY_CPU_CORTEX_M0P) && (defined (CY_DEVICE_SECURE)))
            intr = Cy_SysLib_EnterCriticalSection();
        #endif /* !((CY_CPU_CORTEX_M0P) && (defined (CY_DEVICE_SECURE))) */

            /* Get pointer to structure */
            semaStruct = (cy_stc_ipc_sema_t *)Cy_IPC_Drv_ReadDataValue(Cy_IPC_Drv_GetIpcBaseAddress(CY_IPC_CHAN_SEMA));

            /* Get the index into the semaphore array and calculate the mask */
            semaIndex = CY_FLASH_WAIT_SEMA / CY_IPC_SEMA_PER_WORD;
            semaMask = (uint32_t)(1UL << (CY_FLASH_WAIT_SEMA - (semaIndex * CY_IPC_SEMA_PER_WORD) ));
            semaPtr = &semaStruct->arrayPtr[semaIndex];

            /* Notification to the Flash driver to start the current operation */
            *semaPtr |= semaMask;

            /* Check a notification from other core to end of waiting */
            while (((*semaPtr) & semaMask) != 0UL)

        #if !((CY_CPU_CORTEX_M0P) && (defined (CY_DEVICE_SECURE)))
        #endif /* !((CY_CPU_CORTEX_M0P) && (defined (CY_DEVICE_SECURE))) */
#endif /* !defined(CY_FLASH_RWW_DRV_SUPPORT_DISABLED) */

* Function Name: Cy_Flash_Init
* Initiates all needed prerequisites to support flash erase/write.
* Should be called from each core.
* Requires a call to Cy_IPC_Sema_Init(), Cy_IPC_Pipe_Config() and
* Cy_IPC_Pipe_Init() functions before use.
* This function is called in the SystemInit() function, for proper flash write
* and erase operations. If the default startup file is not used, or the function
* SystemInit() is not called in your project, ensure to perform the following steps
* before any flash or EmEEPROM write/erase operations:
* \snippet flash/snippet/main.c Flash Initialization
void Cy_Flash_Init(void)
        CY_ALIGN(4) static cy_stc_flash_notify_t ipcWaitMessageStc;

    #endif /* !defined (CY_FLASH_RWW_DRV_SUPPORT_DISABLED) */

* Function Name: Cy_Flash_SendCmd
* Sends a command to the SROM via the IPC channel. The function is placed to the
* SRAM memory to guarantee successful operation. After an IPC message is sent,
* the function waits for a defined time before exiting the function.
* \param mode
* Sets the blocking or non-blocking Flash operation.
* \param microseconds
* The number of microseconds to wait before exiting the functions
* in range 0-65535 us.
* \return Returns the status of the Flash operation,
* see \ref cy_en_flashdrv_status_t.
#if !defined (__ICCARM__)
static cy_en_flashdrv_status_t Cy_Flash_SendCmd(uint32_t mode, uint32_t microseconds)
    cy_en_flashdrv_status_t result = CY_FLASH_DRV_IPC_BUSY;
    IPC_STRUCT_Type * locIpcBase = Cy_IPC_Drv_GetIpcBaseAddress(CY_IPC_CHAN_SYSCALL);
    volatile uint32_t *ipcLockStatus = &REG_IPC_STRUCT_LOCK_STATUS(locIpcBase);

    uint32_t intr;
    uint32_t semaTryCount = 0uL;

    if (cy_device->flashRwwRequired != 0U)
        /* Check for active core is CM0+, or CM4 on single core device */
    #if (CY_CPU_CORTEX_M0P)
        bool isPeerCoreEnabled = (CY_SYS_CM4_STATUS_ENABLED == Cy_SysGetCM4Status());
        bool isPeerCoreEnabled = false;

        if (SFLASH_SINGLE_CORE == 0U)
            isPeerCoreEnabled = true;

        if (!isPeerCoreEnabled)
            result = CY_FLASH_DRV_SUCCESS;
            if (IS_CY_PIPE_FREE())
                if (CY_IPC_SEMA_STATUS_LOCKED != Cy_IPC_Sema_Status(CY_FLASH_WAIT_SEMA))
                    if (CY_IPC_PIPE_SUCCESS == NOTIFY_PEER_CORE(ipcWaitMessage))
                        /* Wait for SEMA lock by peer core */
                        while ((CY_IPC_SEMA_STATUS_LOCKED != Cy_IPC_Sema_Status(CY_FLASH_WAIT_SEMA)) && ((semaTryCount < CY_FLASH_SEMA_WAIT_MAX_TRIES)))
                            /* check for timeout (as maximum tries count) */

                        if (semaTryCount < CY_FLASH_SEMA_WAIT_MAX_TRIES)
                            result = CY_FLASH_DRV_SUCCESS;

        if (CY_FLASH_DRV_SUCCESS == result)
            /* Notifier is ready, start of the operation */
            intr = Cy_SysLib_EnterCriticalSection();

               /* Tries to acquire the IPC structure and pass the arguments to SROM API */
                if (Cy_IPC_Drv_SendMsgPtr(locIpcBase, CY_FLASH_IPC_NOTIFY_STRUCT0, (void*)&flashContext) == CY_IPC_DRV_SUCCESS)

                    if (mode == CY_FLASH_NON_BLOCKING_MODE)
                        /* The Flash operation is successfully initiated */
                        result = CY_FLASH_DRV_OPERATION_STARTED;
                        while (0U != _FLD2VAL(IPC_STRUCT_ACQUIRE_SUCCESS, *ipcLockStatus))
                            /* Polls whether the IPC is released and the Flash operation is performed */
                        result = Cy_Flash_OperationStatus();
                    /* The IPC structure is already locked by another process */
                    result = CY_FLASH_DRV_IPC_BUSY;
                /* SysClk measurement counter is busy */
                result = CY_FLASH_DRV_IPC_BUSY;

            if (isPeerCoreEnabled)
                while (CY_IPC_SEMA_SUCCESS != Cy_IPC_Sema_Clear(CY_FLASH_WAIT_SEMA, true))
                    /* Clear SEMA lock */

            /* End of the flash operation */
#endif /* !defined (CY_FLASH_RWW_DRV_SUPPORT_DISABLED) */
        intr = Cy_SysLib_EnterCriticalSection();
    #endif /* !defined (CY_FLASH_RWW_DRV_SUPPORT_DISABLED) */
        /* Tries to acquire the IPC structure and pass the arguments to SROM API */
        if (Cy_IPC_Drv_SendMsgPtr(locIpcBase, CY_FLASH_IPC_NOTIFY_STRUCT0, (void*)&flashContext) == CY_IPC_DRV_SUCCESS)
            if (mode == CY_FLASH_NON_BLOCKING_MODE)
                /* The Flash operation is successfully initiated */
                result = CY_FLASH_DRV_OPERATION_STARTED;
                while (0U != _FLD2VAL(IPC_STRUCT_ACQUIRE_SUCCESS, *ipcLockStatus))
                    /* Polls whether the IPC is released and the Flash operation is performed */

                result = Cy_Flash_OperationStatus();
            /* The IPC structure is already locked by another process */
            result = CY_FLASH_DRV_IPC_BUSY;
    #endif /* !defined (CY_FLASH_RWW_DRV_SUPPORT_DISABLED) */

    return (result);

    * Function Name: Cy_Flash_RAMDelay
    * Wait for a defined time in the SRAM memory region.
    * \param microseconds
    * Delay time in microseconds in range 0-65535 us.
    #if !defined (__ICCARM__)
    static void Cy_Flash_RAMDelay(uint32_t microseconds)
        uint32_t ticks = (microseconds & 0xFFFFUL) * CY_FLASH_TICKS_FOR_1US;
        if (ticks != CY_FLASH_NO_DELAY)
            /* Acquire the IPC to prevent changing of the shared resources at the same time */
                /* Wait until the IPC structure is released by another process */


            /* Load the down-counter without status bit value */

            /* Make sure that the counter is started */

            /* Release the IPC */
                /* Wait until the counter stops counting */

    #if (CY_CPU_CORTEX_M4)

        /* Based on bookmark codes of mxs40srompsoc BROS,002-03298 */
        #define CY_FLASH_PROGRAM_ROW_BOOKMARK        (0x00000001UL)
        #define CY_FLASH_ERASE_ROW_BOOKMARK          (0x00000002UL)
        #define CY_FLASH_WRITE_ROW_ERASE_BOOKMARK    (0x00000003UL)
        #define CY_FLASH_WRITE_ROW_PROGRAM_BOOKMARK  (0x00000004UL)

        /* Number of the CM0P ticks for function delay corrective time at final stage */
        #define CY_FLASH_FINAL_STAGE_DELAY_TICKS     (1000UL)

        * Function Name: Cy_Flash_ResumeIrqHandler
        * This is the interrupt service routine to make additional processing of the
        * flash operations resume phase.
        #if !defined (__ICCARM__)
        void Cy_Flash_ResumeIrqHandler(void)
            IPC_STRUCT_Type * locIpcBase = Cy_IPC_Drv_GetIpcBaseAddress(CY_IPC_CHAN_CYPIPE_EP0);

            uint32_t bookmark;
            #if ((CY_CPU_CORTEX_M4) && (defined (CY_DEVICE_SECURE)))
                bookmark = CY_PRA_REG32_GET(CY_PRA_INDX_FLASHC_FM_CTL_BOOKMARK) & 0xffffUL; 
                bookmark = FLASHC_FM_CTL_BOOKMARK & 0xffffUL;
            #endif /* ((CY_CPU_CORTEX_M4) && (defined (CY_DEVICE_SECURE))) */

            uint32_t intr = Cy_SysLib_EnterCriticalSection();

            uint32_t cm0s = CPUSS_CM0_STATUS;
            bool sflashSingleCore = (0U == SFLASH_SINGLE_CORE);

            if ((bookmark == CY_FLASH_PROGRAM_ROW_BOOKMARK) || (bookmark == CY_FLASH_ERASE_ROW_BOOKMARK) ||
                (bookmark == CY_FLASH_WRITE_ROW_ERASE_BOOKMARK) || (bookmark == CY_FLASH_WRITE_ROW_PROGRAM_BOOKMARK))
                if ((cm0s == (CPUSS_CM0_STATUS_SLEEPING_Msk | CPUSS_CM0_STATUS_SLEEPDEEP_Msk)) && sflashSingleCore)
                        /* Wait until the core is active */

    #endif /* (CY_CPU_CORTEX_M4) */
#endif /* !defined (CY_FLASH_RWW_DRV_SUPPORT_DISABLED) */

* Function Name: Cy_Flash_EraseRow
* This function erases a single row of flash. Reports success or
* a reason for failure. Does not return until the Write operation is
* complete. Returns immediately and reports a \ref CY_FLASH_DRV_IPC_BUSY error in
* the case when another process is writing to flash or erasing the row.
* User firmware should not enter the Hibernate or Deep Sleep mode until flash Erase
* is complete. The Flash operation is allowed in Sleep mode.
* During the Flash operation, the device should not be reset, including the
* XRES pin, a software reset, and watchdog reset sources. Also, low-voltage
* detect circuits should be configured to generate an interrupt instead of a
* reset. Otherwise, portions of flash may undergo unexpected changes.
* \param rowAddr Address of the flash row number.
* The Read-while-Write violation occurs when the flash read operation is
* initiated in the same flash sector where the flash write operation is
* performing. Refer to the device datasheet for the details.
* Address must match row start address.
* \return Returns the status of the Flash operation,
* see \ref cy_en_flashdrv_status_t.
cy_en_flashdrv_status_t Cy_Flash_EraseRow(uint32_t rowAddr)
    cy_en_flashdrv_status_t result = CY_FLASH_DRV_INVALID_INPUT_PARAMETERS;

    /* Prepares arguments to be passed to SROM API */
    if (Cy_Flash_BoundsCheck(rowAddr) != false)

        flashContext.arg1 = rowAddr;
        flashContext.arg2 = 0UL;
        flashContext.arg3 = 0UL;

        if (cy_device->flashEraseDelay != 0U)
            result = Cy_Flash_SendCmd(CY_FLASH_BLOCKING_MODE, CY_FLASH_START_ERASE_DELAY);
            result = Cy_Flash_SendCmd(CY_FLASH_BLOCKING_MODE, CY_FLASH_NO_DELAY);

    return (result);

* Function Name: Cy_Flash_StartEraseRow
* Starts erasing a single row of flash. Returns immediately
* and reports a successful start or reason for failure.
* Reports a \ref CY_FLASH_DRV_IPC_BUSY error in the case when IPC structure is locked
* by another process. User firmware should not enter the Hibernate or Deep Sleep mode until
* flash Erase is complete. The Flash operation is allowed in Sleep mode.
* During the flash operation, the device should not be reset, including the
* XRES pin, a software reset, and watchdog reset sources. Also, the low-voltage
* detect circuits should be configured to generate an interrupt instead of a reset.
* Otherwise, portions of flash may undergo unexpected changes.
* \note To avoid situation of reading data from cache memory - before
* reading data from previously programmed/erased flash rows, the user must
* clear the flash cache with the Cy_SysLib_ClearFlashCacheAndBuffer()
* function.
* \param rowAddr Address of the flash row number.
* The Read-while-Write violation occurs when the flash read operation is
* initiated in the same flash sector where the flash erase operation is
* performing. Refer to the device datasheet for the details.
* Address must match row start address.
* \return Returns the status of the Flash operation,
* see \ref cy_en_flashdrv_status_t.
cy_en_flashdrv_status_t Cy_Flash_StartEraseRow(uint32_t rowAddr)
    cy_en_flashdrv_status_t result = CY_FLASH_DRV_INVALID_INPUT_PARAMETERS;

    if (Cy_Flash_BoundsCheck(rowAddr) != false)

        /* Prepares arguments to be passed to SROM API */
        flashContext.opcode = CY_FLASH_OPCODE_ERASE_ROW;
        if (SFLASH_SINGLE_CORE != 0U)
            flashContext.opcode |= CY_FLASH_BLOCKING_MODE;

        flashContext.arg1 = rowAddr;
        flashContext.arg2 = 0UL;
        flashContext.arg3 = 0UL;

        if (cy_device->flashEraseDelay != 0U)
            result = Cy_Flash_SendCmd(CY_FLASH_NON_BLOCKING_MODE, CY_FLASH_NO_DELAY);

    return (result);

* Function Name: Cy_Flash_EraseSector
* This function erases a sector of flash. Reports success or
* a reason for failure. Does not return until the Erase operation is
* complete. Returns immediately and reports a \ref CY_FLASH_DRV_IPC_BUSY error in
* the case when another process is writing to flash or erasing the row.
* User firmware should not enter the Hibernate or Deep Sleep mode until flash Erase
* is complete. The Flash operation is allowed in Sleep mode.
* During the Flash operation, the device should not be reset, including the
* XRES pin, a software reset, and watchdog reset sources. Also, low-voltage
* detect circuits should be configured to generate an interrupt instead of a
* reset. Otherwise, portions of flash may undergo unexpected changes.
* \param sectorAddr Address of the flash row number.
* The Read-while-Write violation occurs when the flash read operation is
* initiated in the same flash sector where the flash write operation is
* performing. Refer to the device datasheet for the details.
* Address must match row start address.
* \return Returns the status of the Flash operation,
* see \ref cy_en_flashdrv_status_t.
cy_en_flashdrv_status_t Cy_Flash_EraseSector(uint32_t sectorAddr)
    cy_en_flashdrv_status_t result = CY_FLASH_DRV_INVALID_INPUT_PARAMETERS;

    /* Prepares arguments to be passed to SROM API */
    if (Cy_Flash_BoundsCheck(sectorAddr) != false)

        flashContext.arg1 = sectorAddr;
        flashContext.arg2 = 0UL;
        flashContext.arg3 = 0UL;

        if (cy_device->flashEraseDelay != 0U)
            result = Cy_Flash_SendCmd(CY_FLASH_BLOCKING_MODE, CY_FLASH_START_ERASE_DELAY);
            result = Cy_Flash_SendCmd(CY_FLASH_BLOCKING_MODE, CY_FLASH_NO_DELAY);

    return (result);

* Function Name: Cy_Flash_StartEraseSector
* Starts erasing a sector of flash. Returns immediately
* and reports a successful start or reason for failure.
* Reports a \ref CY_FLASH_DRV_IPC_BUSY error in the case when IPC structure is locked
* by another process. User firmware should not enter the Hibernate or Deep Sleep mode until
* flash Erase is complete. The Flash operation is allowed in Sleep mode.
* During the flash operation, the device should not be reset, including the
* XRES pin, a software reset, and watchdog reset sources. Also, the low-voltage
* detect circuits should be configured to generate an interrupt instead of a reset.
* Otherwise, portions of flash may undergo unexpected changes.
* \note Before reading data from previously programmed/erased flash rows, the
* user must clear the flash cache with the Cy_SysLib_ClearFlashCacheAndBuffer()
* function.
* \param sectorAddr Address of the flash row number.
* The Read-while-Write violation occurs when the flash read operation is
* initiated in the same flash sector where the flash erase operation is
* performing. Refer to the device datasheet for the details.
* Address must match row start address.
* \return Returns the status of the Flash operation,
* see \ref cy_en_flashdrv_status_t.
cy_en_flashdrv_status_t Cy_Flash_StartEraseSector(uint32_t sectorAddr)
    cy_en_flashdrv_status_t result = CY_FLASH_DRV_INVALID_INPUT_PARAMETERS;

    if (Cy_Flash_BoundsCheck(sectorAddr) != false)

        /* Prepares arguments to be passed to SROM API */
        flashContext.opcode = CY_FLASH_OPCODE_ERASE_SECTOR;
        if (SFLASH_SINGLE_CORE != 0U)
            flashContext.opcode |= CY_FLASH_BLOCKING_MODE;

        flashContext.arg1 = sectorAddr;
        flashContext.arg2 = 0UL;
        flashContext.arg3 = 0UL;

        if (cy_device->flashEraseDelay != 0U)
            result = Cy_Flash_SendCmd(CY_FLASH_NON_BLOCKING_MODE, CY_FLASH_NO_DELAY);

    return (result);

* Function Name: Cy_Flash_EraseSubsector
* This function erases an 8-row subsector of flash. Reports success or
* a reason for failure. Does not return until the Write operation is
* complete. Returns immediately and reports a \ref CY_FLASH_DRV_IPC_BUSY error in
* the case when another process is writing to flash or erasing the row.
* User firmware should not enter the Hibernate or Deep-Sleep mode until flash Erase
* is complete. The Flash operation is allowed in Sleep mode.
* During the Flash operation, the device should not be reset, including the
* XRES pin, a software reset, and watchdog reset sources. Also, low-voltage
* detect circuits should be configured to generate an interrupt instead of a
* reset. Otherwise, portions of flash may undergo unexpected changes.
* \param subSectorAddr Address of the flash row number.
* The Read-while-Write violation occurs when the flash read operation is
* initiated in the same flash sector where the flash write operation is
* performing. Refer to the device datasheet for the details.
* Address must match row start address.
* \return Returns the status of the Flash operation,
* see \ref cy_en_flashdrv_status_t.
cy_en_flashdrv_status_t Cy_Flash_EraseSubsector(uint32_t subSectorAddr)
    cy_en_flashdrv_status_t result = CY_FLASH_DRV_INVALID_INPUT_PARAMETERS;

    /* Prepares arguments to be passed to SROM API */
    if (Cy_Flash_BoundsCheck(subSectorAddr) != false)

        flashContext.arg1 = subSectorAddr;
        flashContext.arg2 = 0UL;
        flashContext.arg3 = 0UL;

        if (cy_device->flashEraseDelay != 0U)
            result = Cy_Flash_SendCmd(CY_FLASH_BLOCKING_MODE, CY_FLASH_START_ERASE_DELAY);
            result = Cy_Flash_SendCmd(CY_FLASH_BLOCKING_MODE, CY_FLASH_NO_DELAY);

    return (result);

* Function Name: Cy_Flash_StartEraseSubsector
* Starts erasing an 8-row subsector of flash. Returns immediately
* and reports a successful start or reason for failure.
* Reports a \ref CY_FLASH_DRV_IPC_BUSY error in the case when IPC structure is locked
* by another process. User firmware should not enter the Hibernate or Deep-Sleep mode until
* flash Erase is complete. The Flash operation is allowed in Sleep mode.
* During the flash operation, the device should not be reset, including the
* XRES pin, a software reset, and watchdog reset sources. Also, the low-voltage
* detect circuits should be configured to generate an interrupt instead of a reset.
* Otherwise, portions of flash may undergo unexpected changes.
* \note Before reading data from previously programmed/erased flash rows, the
* user must clear the flash cache with the Cy_SysLib_ClearFlashCacheAndBuffer()
* function.
* \param subSectorAddr Address of the flash row number.
* The Read-while-Write violation occurs when the flash read operation is
* initiated in the same flash sector where the flash erase operation is
* performing. Refer to the device datasheet for the details.
* Address must match row start address.
* \return Returns the status of the Flash operation,
* see \ref cy_en_flashdrv_status_t.
cy_en_flashdrv_status_t Cy_Flash_StartEraseSubsector(uint32_t subSectorAddr)
    cy_en_flashdrv_status_t result = CY_FLASH_DRV_INVALID_INPUT_PARAMETERS;

    if (Cy_Flash_BoundsCheck(subSectorAddr) != false)

        /* Prepares arguments to be passed to SROM API */
        flashContext.opcode = CY_FLASH_OPCODE_ERASE_SUB_SECTOR;
        if (SFLASH_SINGLE_CORE != 0U)
            flashContext.opcode |= CY_FLASH_BLOCKING_MODE;

        flashContext.arg1 = subSectorAddr;
        flashContext.arg2 = 0UL;
        flashContext.arg3 = 0UL;

        if (cy_device->flashEraseDelay != 0U)
            result = Cy_Flash_SendCmd(CY_FLASH_NON_BLOCKING_MODE, CY_FLASH_NO_DELAY);

    return (result);

* Function Name: Cy_Flash_ProgramRow
* This function writes an array of data to a single row of flash. Reports
* success or a reason for failure. Does not return until the Program operation
* is complete.
* Returns immediately and reports a \ref CY_FLASH_DRV_IPC_BUSY error in the case
* when another process is writing to flash. User firmware should not enter the
* Hibernate or Deep-sleep mode until flash Write is complete. The Flash operation
* is allowed in Sleep mode. During the Flash operation, the device should not be
* reset, including the XRES pin, a software reset, and watchdog reset sources.
* Also, low-voltage detect circuits should be configured to generate an interrupt
* instead of a reset. Otherwise, portions of flash may undergo unexpected
* changes.\n
* Before calling this function, the target flash region must be erased by
* the StartErase/EraseRow function.\n
* Data to be programmed must be located in the SRAM memory region.
* \note Before reading data from previously programmed/erased flash rows, the
* user must clear the flash cache with the Cy_SysLib_ClearFlashCacheAndBuffer()
* function.
* \param rowAddr Address of the flash row number.
* The Read-while-Write violation occurs when the flash read operation is
* initiated in the same flash sector where the flash write operation is
* performing. Refer to the device datasheet for the details.
* Address must match row start address.
* \param data The pointer to the data which has to be written to flash. The size
* of the data array must be equal to the flash row size. The flash row size for
* the selected device is defined by the \ref CY_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW macro. Refer to
* the device datasheet for the details.
* \return Returns the status of the Flash operation,
* see \ref cy_en_flashdrv_status_t.
cy_en_flashdrv_status_t Cy_Flash_ProgramRow(uint32_t rowAddr, const uint32_t* data)
    cy_en_flashdrv_status_t result = CY_FLASH_DRV_INVALID_INPUT_PARAMETERS;

    /* Checks whether the input parameters are valid */
    if ((Cy_Flash_BoundsCheck(rowAddr) != false) && (NULL != data))

        /* Prepares arguments to be passed to SROM API */
        flashContext.arg1   = CY_FLASH_DATA_LOC_SRAM;
        flashContext.arg2   = rowAddr;
        flashContext.arg3   = (uint32_t)data;

        if (cy_device->flashProgramDelay != 0U)
            result = Cy_Flash_SendCmd(CY_FLASH_BLOCKING_MODE, CY_FLASH_NO_DELAY);

    return (result);

* Function Name: Cy_Flash_WriteRow
* This function writes an array of data to a single row of flash. This is done
* in three steps - pre-program, erase and then program flash row with the input
* data. Reports success or a reason for failure. Does not return until the Write
* operation is complete.
* Returns immediately and reports a \ref CY_FLASH_DRV_IPC_BUSY error in the case
* when another process is writing to flash. User firmware should not enter the
* Hibernate or Deep-sleep mode until flash Write is complete. The Flash operation
* is allowed in Sleep mode. During the Flash operation, the
* device should not be reset, including the XRES pin, a software
* reset, and watchdog reset sources. Also, low-voltage detect
* circuits should be configured to generate an interrupt
* instead of a reset. Otherwise, portions of flash may undergo
* unexpected changes.
* \param rowAddr Address of the flash row number.
* The Read-while-Write violation occurs when the flash read operation is
* initiated in the same flash sector where the flash write operation is
* performing. Refer to the device datasheet for the details.
* Address must match row start address.
* \param data The pointer to the data which has to be written to flash. The size
* of the data array must be equal to the flash row size. The flash row size for
* the selected device is defined by the \ref CY_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW macro. Refer to
* the device datasheet for the details.
* \return Returns the status of the Flash operation,
* see \ref cy_en_flashdrv_status_t.
cy_en_flashdrv_status_t Cy_Flash_WriteRow(uint32_t rowAddr, const uint32_t* data)
    cy_en_flashdrv_status_t result = CY_FLASH_DRV_INVALID_INPUT_PARAMETERS;

    /* Checks whether the input parameters are valid */
    if ((Cy_Flash_BoundsCheck(rowAddr) != false) && (NULL != data))

        /* Prepares arguments to be passed to SROM API */
        flashContext.arg1   = 0UL;
        flashContext.arg2   = rowAddr;
        flashContext.arg3   = (uint32_t)data;

        if (cy_device->flashWriteDelay != 0U)
            result = Cy_Flash_SendCmd(CY_FLASH_BLOCKING_MODE, CY_FLASH_START_WRITE_DELAY);
            result = Cy_Flash_SendCmd(CY_FLASH_BLOCKING_MODE, CY_FLASH_NO_DELAY);

    return (result);

* Function Name: Cy_Flash_StartWrite
* Performs pre-program, erase and then starts programming the flash row with
* the input data. Returns immediately and reports a successful start
* or reason for failure. Reports a \ref CY_FLASH_DRV_IPC_BUSY error
* in the case when another process is writing to flash. User
* firmware should not enter the Hibernate or Deep-Sleep mode until
* flash Write is complete. The Flash operation is allowed in Sleep mode.
* During the flash operation, the device should not be reset, including the
* XRES pin, a software reset, and watchdog reset sources. Also, the low-voltage
* detect circuits should be configured to generate an interrupt instead of a reset.
* Otherwise, portions of flash may undergo unexpected changes.
* \note Before reading data from previously programmed/erased flash rows, the
* user must clear the flash cache with the Cy_SysLib_ClearFlashCacheAndBuffer()
* function.
* \param rowAddr Address of the flash row number.
* The Read-while-Write violation occurs when the flash read operation is
* initiated in the same flash sector where the flash write operation is
* performing. Refer to the device datasheet for the details.
* Address must match row start address.
* \param data The pointer to the data to be written to flash. The size
* of the data array must be equal to the flash row size. The flash row size for
* the selected device is defined by the \ref CY_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW macro. Refer to
* the device datasheet for the details.
* \return Returns the status of the Flash operation,
* see \ref cy_en_flashdrv_status_t.
cy_en_flashdrv_status_t Cy_Flash_StartWrite(uint32_t rowAddr, const uint32_t* data)
    cy_en_flashdrv_status_t result = CY_FLASH_DRV_INVALID_INPUT_PARAMETERS;

    /* Checks whether the input parameters are valid */
    if ((Cy_Flash_BoundsCheck(rowAddr) != false) && (NULL != data))
        result = Cy_Flash_StartEraseRow(rowAddr);

        if (CY_FLASH_DRV_OPERATION_STARTED == result)
            /* Polls whether the IPC is released and the Flash operation is performed */
                result = Cy_Flash_OperationStatus();
            while (result == CY_FLASH_DRV_OPCODE_BUSY);

            if (CY_FLASH_DRV_SUCCESS == result)
                result = Cy_Flash_StartProgram(rowAddr, data);

    return (result);

* Function Name: Cy_Flash_IsOperationComplete
* Reports a successful operation result, reason of failure or busy status
* \return Returns the status of the Flash operation (see \ref cy_en_flashdrv_status_t).
cy_en_flashdrv_status_t Cy_Flash_IsOperationComplete(void)
    return (Cy_Flash_OperationStatus());

* Function Name: Cy_Flash_StartProgram
* Starts writing an array of data to a single row of flash. Returns immediately
* and reports a successful start or reason for failure.
* Reports a \ref CY_FLASH_DRV_IPC_BUSY error if another process is writing
* to flash. The user firmware should not enter Hibernate or Deep-Sleep mode until flash
* Program is complete. The Flash operation is allowed in Sleep mode.
* During the Flash operation, the device should not be reset, including the
* XRES pin, a software reset, and watchdog reset sources. Also, the low-voltage
* detect circuits should be configured to generate an interrupt instead of a reset.
* Otherwise, portions of flash may undergo unexpected changes.\n
* Before calling this function, the target flash region must be erased by
* the StartEraseRow/EraseRow function.\n
* Data to be programmed must be located in the SRAM memory region.
* \note Before reading data from previously programmed/erased flash rows, the
* user must clear the flash cache with the Cy_SysLib_ClearFlashCacheAndBuffer()
* function.
* \param rowAddr The address of the flash row number.
* The Read-while-Write violation occurs when the Flash Write operation is
* performing. Refer to the device datasheet for the details.
* The address must match the row start address.
* \param data The pointer to the data to be written to flash. The size
* of the data array must be equal to the flash row size. The flash row size for
* the selected device is defined by the \ref CY_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW macro. Refer to
* the device datasheet for the details.
* \return Returns the status of the Flash operation,
* see \ref cy_en_flashdrv_status_t.
cy_en_flashdrv_status_t Cy_Flash_StartProgram(uint32_t rowAddr, const uint32_t* data)
    cy_en_flashdrv_status_t result = CY_FLASH_DRV_INVALID_INPUT_PARAMETERS;

    if ((Cy_Flash_BoundsCheck(rowAddr) != false) && (NULL != data))

        /* Prepares arguments to be passed to SROM API */
        flashContext.opcode = CY_FLASH_OPCODE_PROGRAM_ROW;

        if (SFLASH_SINGLE_CORE != 0U)
            flashContext.opcode |= CY_FLASH_BLOCKING_MODE;

        flashContext.arg1   = CY_FLASH_DATA_LOC_SRAM;
        flashContext.arg2   = rowAddr;
        flashContext.arg3   = (uint32_t)data;

        if (cy_device->flashProgramDelay != 0U)
            result = Cy_Flash_SendCmd(CY_FLASH_NON_BLOCKING_MODE, CY_FLASH_NO_DELAY);

    return (result);

* Function Name: Cy_Flash_RowChecksum
* Returns a checksum value of the specified flash row.
* \note Now Cy_Flash_RowChecksum() requires the row <b>address</b> (rowAddr)
*       as a parameter. In previous versions of the driver, this function used
*       the row <b>number</b> (rowNum) for this parameter.
* \param rowAddr The address of the flash row.
* \param checksumPtr The pointer to the address where checksum is to be stored
* \return Returns the status of the Flash operation.
cy_en_flashdrv_status_t Cy_Flash_RowChecksum (uint32_t rowAddr, uint32_t* checksumPtr)
    cy_en_flashdrv_status_t result = CY_FLASH_DRV_INVALID_INPUT_PARAMETERS;
    uint32_t resTmp;
    uint32_t rowID;

    /* Checks whether the input parameters are valid */
    if ((Cy_Flash_BoundsCheck(rowAddr)) && (NULL != checksumPtr))
        rowID = Cy_Flash_GetRowNum(rowAddr);

        /* Prepares arguments to be passed to SROM API */
        flashContext.opcode = CY_FLASH_OPCODE_CHECKSUM |
                              ((rowID & CY_FLASH_ROW_ID_MASK) << CY_FLASH_OPCODE_CHECKSUM_ROW_SHIFT);

        /* Tries to acquire the IPC structure and pass the arguments to SROM API */
        if (Cy_IPC_Drv_SendMsgPtr(Cy_IPC_Drv_GetIpcBaseAddress(CY_IPC_CHAN_SYSCALL), CY_FLASH_IPC_NOTIFY_STRUCT0,
                                  (void*)&flashContext) == CY_IPC_DRV_SUCCESS)
            /* Polls whether IPC is released and the Flash operation is performed */
            while (Cy_IPC_Drv_IsLockAcquired(Cy_IPC_Drv_GetIpcBaseAddress(CY_IPC_CHAN_SYSCALL)) != false)
                /* Wait till IPC is released */

            resTmp = flashContext.opcode >> CY_FLASH_ERROR_SHIFT;

            if (resTmp == CY_FLASH_ERROR_NO_ERROR)
                result = CY_FLASH_DRV_SUCCESS;

                if (CY_IPC_V1)
                    *checksumPtr = flashContext.opcode & CY_FLASH_RESULT_MASK;
                    *checksumPtr = REG_IPC_STRUCT_DATA1(Cy_IPC_Drv_GetIpcBaseAddress(CY_IPC_CHAN_SYSCALL));
                result = Cy_Flash_ProcessOpcode(flashContext.opcode);

            /* The IPC structure is already locked by another process */
            result = CY_FLASH_DRV_IPC_BUSY;

    return (result);

* Function Name: Cy_Flash_CalculateHash
* Returns a hash value of the specified region of flash.
* \param data Start the data address.
* \param numberOfBytes The hash value is calculated for the number of bytes after the
* start data address (0 - 1 byte, 1- 2 bytes etc).
* \param hashPtr The pointer to the address where hash is to be stored
* \return Returns the status of the Flash operation.
cy_en_flashdrv_status_t Cy_Flash_CalculateHash (const uint32_t* data, uint32_t numberOfBytes,  uint32_t* hashPtr)
    cy_en_flashdrv_status_t result = CY_FLASH_DRV_INVALID_INPUT_PARAMETERS;
    volatile uint32_t resTmp;

    /* Checks whether the input parameters are valid */
    if ((data != NULL) && (0UL != numberOfBytes))
        /* Prepares arguments to be passed to SROM API */
        flashContext.opcode = CY_FLASH_OPCODE_HASH;
        flashContext.arg1 = (uint32_t)data;
        flashContext.arg2 = numberOfBytes;

        /* Tries to acquire the IPC structure and pass the arguments to SROM API */
        if (Cy_IPC_Drv_SendMsgPtr(Cy_IPC_Drv_GetIpcBaseAddress(CY_IPC_CHAN_SYSCALL), CY_FLASH_IPC_NOTIFY_STRUCT0,
                                  (void*)&flashContext) == CY_IPC_DRV_SUCCESS)
            /* Polls whether IPC is released and the Flash operation is performed */
            while (Cy_IPC_Drv_IsLockAcquired(Cy_IPC_Drv_GetIpcBaseAddress(CY_IPC_CHAN_SYSCALL)) != false)
                /* Wait till IPC is released */

            resTmp = flashContext.opcode;

            if ((resTmp >> CY_FLASH_ERROR_SHIFT) == CY_FLASH_ERROR_NO_ERROR)
                result = CY_FLASH_DRV_SUCCESS;
                *hashPtr = flashContext.opcode & CY_FLASH_RESULT_MASK;
                result = Cy_Flash_ProcessOpcode(flashContext.opcode);
            /* The IPC structure is already locked by another process */
            result = CY_FLASH_DRV_IPC_BUSY;

    return (result);

* Function Name: Cy_Flash_GetRowNum
* Returns flash region ID and row number of the Flash address.
* \param flashAddr Address to be checked
* \return
*   The valid return value is encoded as follows
*   <table>
*   <tr><th>Field            <th>Value
*   <tr><td>Flash row number <td>[15:0]  bits
*   <tr><td>Flash region ID  <td>[31:16] bits
*   </table>
static uint32_t Cy_Flash_GetRowNum(uint32_t flashAddr)
    uint32_t result;

    if ((flashAddr >= CY_EM_EEPROM_BASE) && (flashAddr < (CY_EM_EEPROM_BASE + CY_EM_EEPROM_SIZE)))
                 ((flashAddr - CY_EM_EEPROM_BASE) / CY_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW);
    if ((flashAddr >= SFLASH_BASE) && (flashAddr < (SFLASH_BASE + SFLASH_SECTION_SIZE)))
                 ((flashAddr - SFLASH_BASE) / CY_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW);
                 ((flashAddr - CY_FLASH_BASE) / CY_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW);

    return (result);

* Function Name: Cy_Flash_BoundsCheck
* The function checks the following conditions:
*  - if Flash address is equal to start address of the row
* \param flashAddr Address to be checked
* \return false - out of bound, true - in flash bounds
static bool Cy_Flash_BoundsCheck(uint32_t flashAddr)
    return ((flashAddr % CY_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW) == 0UL);

* Function Name: Cy_Flash_ProcessOpcode
* Converts System Call returns to the Flash driver return defines.
* \param opcode The value returned by the System Call.
* \return Flash driver return.
static cy_en_flashdrv_status_t Cy_Flash_ProcessOpcode(uint32_t opcode)
    cy_en_flashdrv_status_t result;

    switch (opcode)
        case 0UL:
            result = CY_FLASH_DRV_SUCCESS;
            result = CY_FLASH_DRV_SUCCESS;
            result = CY_FLASH_DRV_INV_PROT;
            result = CY_FLASH_DRV_INVALID_FM_PL;
            result = CY_FLASH_DRV_INVALID_FLASH_ADDR;
            result = CY_FLASH_DRV_ROW_PROTECTED;
            result = CY_FLASH_DRV_PROGRESS_NO_ERROR;
            result = CY_FLASH_DRV_OPERATION_STARTED;
        case CY_FLASH_IS_BUSY :
            result = CY_FLASH_DRV_OPCODE_BUSY;
        case CY_FLASH_IS_IPC_BUSY :
            result = CY_FLASH_DRV_IPC_BUSY;
            result = CY_FLASH_DRV_ERR_UNC;

    return (result);

* Function Name: Cy_Flash_OperationStatus
* Checks the status of the Flash Operation, and returns it.
* \return Returns the status of the Flash operation
* (see \ref cy_en_flashdrv_status_t).
static cy_en_flashdrv_status_t Cy_Flash_OperationStatus(void)
    cy_en_flashdrv_status_t result = CY_FLASH_DRV_OPCODE_BUSY;

    /* Checks if the IPC structure is not locked */
    if (Cy_IPC_Drv_IsLockAcquired(Cy_IPC_Drv_GetIpcBaseAddress(CY_IPC_CHAN_SYSCALL)) == false)
        /* The result of SROM API calling is returned to the driver context */
        result = Cy_Flash_ProcessOpcode(flashContext.opcode);

        /* Clear pre-fetch cache after flash operation */
        #if CY_CPU_CORTEX_M4 && defined (CY_DEVICE_SECURE)
            while (CY_PRA_REG32_GET(CY_PRA_INDX_FLASHC_FLASH_CMD) != 0U)
            while (FLASHC_FLASH_CMD != 0U)
        #endif /* CY_CPU_CORTEX_M4 && defined (CY_DEVICE_SECURE) */

    return (result);

* Function Name: Cy_Flash_GetExternalStatus
* This function handles the case where a module such as security image captures
* a system call from this driver and reports its own status or error code,
* for example protection violation. In that case, a function from this
* driver returns an unknown error (see \ref cy_en_flashdrv_status_t). After receipt
* of an unknown error, the user may call this function to get the status
* of the capturing module.
* The user is responsible for parsing the content of the returned value
* and casting it to the appropriate enumeration.
* \return
* The error code that was stored in the opcode variable.
uint32_t Cy_Flash_GetExternalStatus(void)
    return (flashContext.opcode);

CY_MISRA_BLOCK_END('MISRA C-2012 Rule 11.3');
#endif /* CY_IP_M4CPUSS */

/* [] END OF FILE */