mbed-os / targets / TARGET_Cypress / TARGET_PSOC6 / mtb-pdl-cat1 / drivers / source / cy_keyscan.c
@Dustin Crossman Dustin Crossman on 4 Jun 2021 43 KB Fix file modes.
* \file cy_keyscan.c
* \version 1.0
* \brief
* Provides an API declaration of the KEYSCAN driver
* \copyright
* Copyright 2020-2021, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* You may use this file only in accordance with the license, terms, conditions,
* disclaimers, and limitations in the end user license agreement accompanying
* the software package with which this file was provided.
#include "cy_device.h"
#if defined (CY_IP_MXKEYSCAN)
/* Include files                                                             */
#include "cy_keyscan.h"
#include <string.h>

/* Local pre-processor symbols/macros ('#define')                            */

/* Global variable definitions (declared in header file with 'extern')       */

/* Local type definitions ('typedef')                                        */

/* Local variable definitions ('static')                                     */

/* Local function prototypes ('static')                                      */
static cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_GetEventsFromHWFifo(MXKEYSCAN_Type *base, cy_stc_keyscan_context_t *context);
static cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_Fq_Flush(cy_stc_keyscan_context_t* context);
static cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_Fq_GetCurNumElements(cy_stc_keyscan_context_t* context, uint8_t *numElements);
static cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_Fq_PutIncludeOverflowSlot(cy_stc_keyscan_context_t* context, cy_stc_key_event *element);
static cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_Fq_GetCurElmPtr(cy_stc_keyscan_context_t* context, cy_stc_key_event **current_element);
static cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_Fq_RemoveCurElement(cy_stc_keyscan_context_t* context);
static cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_Fq_Put(cy_stc_keyscan_context_t* context, cy_stc_key_event *element);
static cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_Fq_MarkCurrentEventForRollBack (cy_stc_keyscan_context_t* context);
static cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_Fq_RollbackUptoMarkedEvents(cy_stc_keyscan_context_t* context);
static cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_PutEvent(cy_stc_keyscan_context_t* context, cy_stc_key_event *event);
static cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_GetEvent(cy_stc_keyscan_context_t* context, cy_stc_key_event *event);
static cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_Mia_FreezeClk(MXKEYSCAN_Type* base, cy_stc_keyscan_context_t *context);
static cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_Mia_UnfreezeClk(MXKEYSCAN_Type* base, cy_stc_keyscan_context_t *context);
static cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_HwResetOnce(MXKEYSCAN_Type* base, cy_stc_keyscan_context_t *context);
static cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_Init_Context( cy_stc_keyscan_context_t* context);

/* Function implementation - global ('extern') and local ('static')          */

 ** discards elements from keyscan FW circular queue.
 ** This Function Discards all elements in the queue, including any elements in the overflow slot.
 ** [in]  context     Pointer to the context.
static cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_Fq_Flush(cy_stc_keyscan_context_t* context)
    cy_en_ks_status_t status = CY_KEYSCAN_SUCCESS;
    /* Check if pointers are valid */
    if (NULL == context)
        status = CY_KEYSCAN_BAD_PARAM;
        context->readIndex = context->writeIndex = context->curNumElements = 0U;
    return status;

 ** Returns no of elements in the keyscan FW circular queue.
 ** This Function Discards all elements in the queue, including any elements in the overflow slot.
 ** [in]  context      Pointer to the context.
 ** [out] numElements  Pointer to the number of elements.
static cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_Fq_GetCurNumElements(cy_stc_keyscan_context_t* context, uint8_t *numElements)
    cy_en_ks_status_t status = CY_KEYSCAN_SUCCESS;
    /* Check if pointers are valid */
    if ((NULL == context) || (NULL == numElements))
        status = CY_KEYSCAN_BAD_PARAM;
        *numElements = context->curNumElements;
    return status;
 ** Puts an element into the queue as long as there is room for 1 element or more, i.e.
 **         this method will fill in the overflow slot if that is the
 **         last slot left. Should be used if (a) overflow slots are not needed (b)
 **         for queuing an overflow event
 ** [in]  context      Pointer to the context.
 ** [in]  element      pointer to the element to be placed in the queue
 ** [in]  length       length number of bytes in element. This number of bytes is copied into the
 **                           internal storage of the queue. This must be <= the maximum element size
 **                           specified when the queue was constructed, otherwise the results are undefined.
static cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_Fq_PutIncludeOverflowSlot(cy_stc_keyscan_context_t* context, cy_stc_key_event *element)
    cy_en_ks_status_t status = CY_KEYSCAN_SUCCESS;
    /* Check if pointers are valid */
    if ( (NULL == element) || (NULL == context))
        status = CY_KEYSCAN_BAD_PARAM;
        // Check if we have room including the overflow slot
        if (context->curNumElements < context->maxNumElements)
            // We can put it in. Use the local put function to add the element in
            status = Cy_Keyscan_Fq_Put(context, element);
            // We have an overflow condition. Inform the caller
            status = CY_KEYSCAN_QUEUE_OVERFLOW;
    return status;

 ** Returns pointer to the first element in the queue. If the queue is empty returns NULL.
 ** [in]  context      Pointer to the context.
 ** [out]  element     pointer to the next element in the queue if the queue is not empty
 **                           NULL if the queue is empty.
static cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_Fq_GetCurElmPtr(cy_stc_keyscan_context_t* context, cy_stc_key_event **current_element)
    cy_en_ks_status_t status = CY_KEYSCAN_SUCCESS;
    /* Check if pointers are valid */
    if ( (NULL == current_element) || (NULL == context))
        status = CY_KEYSCAN_BAD_PARAM;
        // Check if the queue has an element
        if (context->curNumElements)
            // Return pointer to the element
            *current_element = &(context->bufStart[context->readIndex]);
            // If we get here, the queue doesn't have any elements. Return NULL
            current_element = NULL;
            status = CY_KEYSCAN_EVENT_NONE;
    return status;
 ** Removes the current element from the queue. Does nothing if the queue is empty.
 ** [in]  context     Pointer to the context.
static cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_Fq_RemoveCurElement(cy_stc_keyscan_context_t* context)
    cy_en_ks_status_t status = CY_KEYSCAN_SUCCESS;
    /* Check if pointers are valid */
    if (NULL == context)
        status = CY_KEYSCAN_BAD_PARAM;
        // Check if the queue has any elements
        if (context->curNumElements)
            // Reduce the number of elements by 1

            // Advance the read index and read pointer

            // Check for wraparound
            if (context->readIndex >= context->maxNumElements)
                // We have wraparound. Move the read index to the top of the buffer
                context->readIndex = 0;
    return status;
 ** Puts an element into the queue.
 ** This Function Puts an element into the queue. Does not perform any bound checking.
 ** [in]  context      Pointer to the context.
 ** [in]  element      pointer to the element to be placed in the queue
 ** [in]  length       length number of bytes in element. This number of bytes is copied into the
 **                    internal storage of the queue. This must be <= the maximum element size
 **                    specified when the queue was constructed, otherwise the results are undefined.
static cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_Fq_Put(cy_stc_keyscan_context_t* context, cy_stc_key_event *element)
    cy_en_ks_status_t status = CY_KEYSCAN_SUCCESS;
    /* Check if pointers are valid */
    if ( (NULL == element) || (NULL == context))
        status = CY_KEYSCAN_BAD_PARAM;
        // Copy the element at the current write location
        memcpy( &context->bufStart[context->writeIndex], element, sizeof(cy_stc_key_event));

        // Update the number of elements in the queue

        // Next increment the write index

        // Now check for wraparound
        if (context->writeIndex >= context->maxNumElements)
            // We need to wraparound. Set the write index to zero
            context->writeIndex = 0;
    return status;

 ** Save the current FW fifo write index. This is useful for rolling
 **         back what we added in case we encounter a ghost/overflow condition.
 ** [in]  context     Pointer to the context.
static cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_Fq_MarkCurrentEventForRollBack (cy_stc_keyscan_context_t* context)
    cy_en_ks_status_t status = CY_KEYSCAN_SUCCESS;
    /* Check if pointers are valid */
    if ( (NULL == context))
        status = CY_KEYSCAN_BAD_PARAM;
        /// Save the current FW fifo write index. This is useful for rolling
        /// back what we added in case we encounter a ghost/overflow condition
        context->savedWriteIndexForRollBack = context->writeIndex;
        context->savedNumElements = context->curNumElements;
    return status;

 ** Rollback upto the marked events
 ** [in]  context     Pointer to the context.
static cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_Fq_RollbackUptoMarkedEvents(cy_stc_keyscan_context_t* context)
    cy_en_ks_status_t status = CY_KEYSCAN_SUCCESS;
    /* Check if pointers are valid */
    if (NULL == context)
        status = CY_KEYSCAN_BAD_PARAM;
        context->curNumElements = context->savedNumElements;
        // rollback upto the marked event
        context->writeIndex = context->savedWriteIndexForRollBack;
    return status;

 ** Put an event into the keyscan data fifo
 ** [in]  context   Pointer to the context.
 ** [in]  event     Pointer to the event.
static cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_PutEvent(cy_stc_keyscan_context_t* context, cy_stc_key_event *event)
    cy_en_ks_status_t status = CY_KEYSCAN_SUCCESS;
    uint8_t numElements;
    /* Check if pointers are valid */
    if ((NULL == event) || (NULL == context))
        status = CY_KEYSCAN_BAD_PARAM;
        status = Cy_Keyscan_Fq_GetCurNumElements( context, &numElements);
        if(status == CY_KEYSCAN_SUCCESS)
            // Check if the fifo has room
            if(numElements == KEYSCAN_FW_FIFO_SIZE - 1)
                // Overflow! Queue a rollover event; discard whatever was given to us
                event->keyCode = KEYSCAN_KEYCODE_ROLLOVER;
            // if not overflow the event is put into fifo
            status = Cy_Keyscan_Fq_PutIncludeOverflowSlot(context, event);
    return status;

 ** Get the next element in the FIFO
 ** [in]  context    Pointer to the context.
 ** [out]  event     Pointer to the event.
static cy_en_ks_status_t  Cy_Keyscan_GetEvent(cy_stc_keyscan_context_t* context, cy_stc_key_event *event)
    cy_en_ks_status_t status = CY_KEYSCAN_SUCCESS;
    cy_stc_key_event *current_event;
    uint8_t numElements;
    /* Check if pointers are valid */
    if ((NULL == event) || (NULL == context))
        status = CY_KEYSCAN_BAD_PARAM;
        status = Cy_Keyscan_Fq_GetCurNumElements( context, &numElements);
        if(status == CY_KEYSCAN_SUCCESS)
            // Check if fifo is empty
            if (numElements == 0)
                 event->keyCode = KEYSCAN_KEYCODE_NONE;
                 status = CY_KEYSCAN_EVENT_NONE;
                status = Cy_Keyscan_Fq_GetCurElmPtr(context, &current_event);
                if(status == CY_KEYSCAN_SUCCESS)
                event->keyCode = current_event->keyCode;
                event->upDownFlag = current_event->upDownFlag;
                event->scanCycleFlag = current_event->scanCycleFlag;

    return status;

 ** Freeze the MIA clock. Wait until the HW accepts the command, then
 ** generate an event indicating that the MIA clock is unfrozen for anyone 
 ** who desires to catch it
 ** [in]  context    Pointer to the context.
 ** [in]  base       Pointer to KeyScan instance register area
static cy_en_ks_status_t  Cy_Keyscan_Mia_FreezeClk(MXKEYSCAN_Type* base, cy_stc_keyscan_context_t *context)
    cy_en_ks_status_t status = CY_KEYSCAN_SUCCESS;
    /* Check if pointers are valid */
    if ((NULL == base) || (NULL == context))
        status = CY_KEYSCAN_BAD_PARAM;
        // Issue the freeze command to the HW

        // Wait till mia_clk_freezed bit in MIA_STATUS register to go high

        // Notify application that clock is frozen. This allows workarounds for clock freeze related MIA
        // bugs, specifically key event loss when clock is frozen/unfrozen without reading the key event fifo
        // Poll the event fifo only if the freeze didn't come from us   
        if (!context->keyscan_pollingKeyscanHw)
            // Retrieve any pending events from the HW fifo
            status = Cy_Keyscan_GetEventsFromHWFifo(base, context);
    return status;
 ** Unfreeze the MIA clock. Wait until the HW accepts the command, then
 ** generate an event indicating that the MIA clock is unfrozen for anyone 
 ** who desires to catch it
 ** [in]  context    Pointer to the context.
 ** [in]  base       Pointer to KeyScan instance register area
static cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_Mia_UnfreezeClk(MXKEYSCAN_Type* base, cy_stc_keyscan_context_t *context)
    cy_en_ks_status_t status = CY_KEYSCAN_SUCCESS;
    /* Check if pointers are valid */
    if ((NULL == base) || (NULL == context))
        status = CY_KEYSCAN_BAD_PARAM;
        // Unfreeze the clock

        // Wait until it is unfrozen
    return status;

 ** Reset the keyscan HW once.
 ** [in]  context    Pointer to the context.
 ** [in]  base       Pointer to KeyScan instance register area
static cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_HwResetOnce(MXKEYSCAN_Type* base, cy_stc_keyscan_context_t *context)
    cy_en_ks_status_t status = CY_KEYSCAN_SUCCESS;
    /* Check if pointers are valid */
    if ((NULL == base) || (NULL == context))
        status = CY_KEYSCAN_BAD_PARAM;
        // Freeze the MIA clock
        status = Cy_Keyscan_Mia_FreezeClk(base, context);

        if(status == CY_KEYSCAN_SUCCESS)
            // Set the "clear reported keys" bit. This is necessary or the HW reset will not be accepted

            // Set the reset bit

            // Unfreeze the MIA clock. This will clear the reset bit
            status = Cy_Keyscan_Mia_UnfreezeClk(base, context);

            // Delay to ensure that the reset takes effect
            // SOme more information on why 2550 delay to be gathered.
    return status;

 ** Flush Hardware FIFO
 ** [in]  context    Pointer to the context.
 ** [in]  base       Pointer to KeyScan instance register area
cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_FlushHwEvents(MXKEYSCAN_Type *base, cy_stc_keyscan_context_t *context)
    cy_en_ks_status_t status = CY_KEYSCAN_SUCCESS;
    /* Check if pointers are valid */
    if ((NULL == base) || (NULL == context))
        status = CY_KEYSCAN_BAD_PARAM;
        // Freeze the MIA clock
        status = Cy_Keyscan_Mia_FreezeClk(base, context);
        if(status == CY_KEYSCAN_SUCCESS)
            // Unfreeze the MIA clock.
            status = Cy_Keyscan_Mia_UnfreezeClk(base, context);
            // Flush the Fw fifo
            Cy_Keyscan_Fq_Flush (context);

            // no keys currently pressed
            context->keysPressedCount = 0U;
    return status;

 ** Initialization of the keyscan FW circular queue.
 ** This Function initialises circular queue to maintain the key codes for each key event generated.
 ** [in]  context     Pointer to the context.
static cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_Init_Context( cy_stc_keyscan_context_t* context)
    cy_en_ks_status_t status = CY_KEYSCAN_SUCCESS;
    /* Check if pointers are valid */
    if (NULL == context)
        status = CY_KEYSCAN_BAD_PARAM;
        /* Save element size, max elements, and buffer */
        context->elementSize = sizeof(cy_stc_key_event);
        context->maxNumElements = KEYSCAN_FW_FIFO_SIZE;
        context->readIndex = context->writeIndex = context->curNumElements = 0;
    return status;

 ** Registers for callback 
 ** [in]  cbEvents    Pointer to the callback function.
 ** [in]  context     Pointer to the context.
cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_Register_Callback(cy_cb_keyscan_handle_events_t cbEvents, cy_stc_keyscan_context_t* context)
    cy_en_ks_status_t status = CY_KEYSCAN_SUCCESS;
    /* Check if pointers are valid */
    if ((NULL == context) || (NULL == cbEvents))
        status = CY_KEYSCAN_BAD_PARAM;
        /* Save callback function in context */
        context->cbEvents = cbEvents;
    return status;

 ** Register Context with the driver
 ** This Function registers for the event callback and firmware queue buffer.
 ** The Application must configure corresponding keyscan pins 
 **      according to requirements and settings of keyscan instance.
 ** [in] base       Pointer to KeyScan instance register area
 ** [in] config     KeyScan module configuration. See #cy_stc_ks_config_t.
 ** [out] context    Pointer to the context.
cy_en_ks_status_t  Cy_Keyscan_Init(MXKEYSCAN_Type* base, cy_stc_ks_config_t* config, cy_stc_keyscan_context_t *context )
    cy_en_ks_status_t status = CY_KEYSCAN_SUCCESS;
    /* Check if pointers are valid */
    if ( (NULL == base) || (NULL == context) || (NULL == config))
        status = CY_KEYSCAN_BAD_PARAM;
        // Reset the keyscan HW to ensure we start from a known state
        status = Cy_Keyscan_Reset(base, context);
        if(status == CY_KEYSCAN_SUCCESS)

            context->keyscan_pollingKeyscanHw  = false;
            context->keysPressedCount = 0U;
            KEYSCAN_DEBOUNCE(base) =  (_VAL2FLD(MXKEYSCAN_DEBOUNCE_MD_DEBOUNCE, config->macroDownDebCnt) | \
                                       _VAL2FLD(MXKEYSCAN_DEBOUNCE_MU_DEBOUNCE, config->macroUpDebCnt)   | \
                                       _VAL2FLD(MXKEYSCAN_DEBOUNCE_U_DEBOUNCE,  config->microDebCnt));
            // Configure the control register except for the enable bit
            KEYSCAN_CTL(base) =       (_VAL2FLD(MXKEYSCAN_KEYSCAN_CTL_GHOST_EN,     config->ghostEnable)                       | \
                                       _VAL2FLD(MXKEYSCAN_KEYSCAN_CTL_KS_INT_EN,    config->hostWakeupEnable)                  | \
                                       _VAL2FLD(MXKEYSCAN_KEYSCAN_CTL_RC_EXT,       MXKEYSCAN_KEYSCAN_CTL_RC_EXT_DEFAULT)      | \
                                       _VAL2FLD(MXKEYSCAN_KEYSCAN_CTL_RCTC_ROW,     config->noofRows)                          | \
                                       _VAL2FLD(MXKEYSCAN_KEYSCAN_CTL_RCTC_COLUMN,  config->noofColumns)                       | \
            // Configure the control register and enable the KS HW
    return status;

 **  Reset Keyscan.
 **  base     [in]        Pointer to KEYSCAN instance register area.
cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_Reset(MXKEYSCAN_Type* base, cy_stc_keyscan_context_t *context)
    cy_en_ks_status_t status = CY_KEYSCAN_SUCCESS;
    /* Check if pointers are valid */
    if ( (NULL == base) || (NULL == context))
        status = CY_KEYSCAN_BAD_PARAM;
        uint32_t savedKeyscanCtrl;

        // Save the current value of the control register
        savedKeyscanCtrl = KEYSCAN_CTL(base);

        // Flag that we are polling the keyscan HW.
        // Avoids potentially infinite recursion
        context->keyscan_pollingKeyscanHw = true;

        // Disable keyscan HW

        // Delay to ensure that the HW is actually disabled

        // Reset the HW multiple times to ensure that any partial counts are cleared
        status = Cy_Keyscan_HwResetOnce(base, context);
        status = Cy_Keyscan_HwResetOnce(base, context);
        if(status == CY_KEYSCAN_SUCCESS)
            // Clear FW event queue after a HW reset. Doesn't seem to be any reason
            // to keep events around in the FW queue
            status = Cy_Keyscan_Fq_Flush(context);

            // no keys currently pressed
            context->keysPressedCount = 0U;

            // Clear the polling flag
            context->keyscan_pollingKeyscanHw = false;

        // Restore the control register and enable scans if they were enabled before this function was called
        KEYSCAN_CTL(base) = savedKeyscanCtrl;
    return status;

 **  Enable Keyscan.
 **  base    [in]  Pointer to KeyScan instance register area.
 **  context [in]  Pointer to the context.
cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_Enable(MXKEYSCAN_Type* base, cy_stc_keyscan_context_t *context)
    cy_en_ks_status_t status = CY_KEYSCAN_SUCCESS;
    /* Check if pointers are valid */
    if ( (NULL == base) || (NULL == context))
        status = CY_KEYSCAN_BAD_PARAM;
    return status;

 **  Disable keyscan
 **  base    [in]  Pointer to KeyScan instance register area.
 **  context [in]  Pointer to the context.
cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_Disable(MXKEYSCAN_Type* base, cy_stc_keyscan_context_t *context)
    cy_en_ks_status_t status = CY_KEYSCAN_SUCCESS;
    /* Check if pointers are valid */
    if ( (NULL == base) || (NULL == context))
        status = CY_KEYSCAN_BAD_PARAM;
        Cy_Keyscan_Reset(base, context);
        // Disable keyscan HW
    return status;

 **  Events pending
 **  base          [in]  Pointer to KeyScan instance register area.
 **  context       [in]  Pointer to the context.
 **  eventsPending [out]  Pointer to the eventsPending.
cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_EventsPending(MXKEYSCAN_Type* base, cy_stc_keyscan_context_t *context, bool *eventsPending)
    cy_en_ks_status_t status = CY_KEYSCAN_SUCCESS;
    uint8_t numElements;
    /* Check if pointers are valid */
    if ((NULL == base) || (NULL == context) || (NULL == eventsPending))
        status = CY_KEYSCAN_BAD_PARAM;
        // Return whether any events are in the FW fifo or not
        status = Cy_Keyscan_Fq_GetCurNumElements( context, &numElements);
        if(numElements == 0)
            *eventsPending = false;
            *eventsPending = true;
    return status;

 **  Get Next event from FW Queue
 **  base          [in]  Pointer to KeyScan instance register area.
 **  context       [in]  Pointer to the context.
 **  event         [out] Pointer to the next event.
cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_GetNextEvent(MXKEYSCAN_Type* base, cy_stc_key_event *event, cy_stc_keyscan_context_t *context)
    cy_en_ks_status_t status = CY_KEYSCAN_SUCCESS;
    /* Check if pointers are valid */
    if ((NULL == base) || (NULL == context) || (NULL == event))
        status = CY_KEYSCAN_BAD_PARAM;
        // Get the next event from the FW FIFO and return it.
        // The get function returns CY_KEYSCAN_EVENT_NONE if the FW fifo is empty
        status = Cy_Keyscan_GetEvent(context, event);
    return status;

 **  Setup interrupt source to be accepted.
 **  base    [in]  Pointer to KeyScan instance register area.
 **  mask    [in]  The mask with the OR of the interrupt source to be accepted.
 **                       See \ group_keyscan_intr_mask_macro for the set of constants.
cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_SetInterruptMask(MXKEYSCAN_Type* base, uint32_t mask)
    cy_en_ks_status_t status = CY_KEYSCAN_SUCCESS;
    /* Check if pointers are valid */
    if (NULL == base)
        status = CY_KEYSCAN_BAD_PARAM;
        KEYSCAN_INTR_MASK(base)  = mask;
    return status;

 **  Return interupt mask setting.
 **  base [in]  Pointer to KeyScan instance register area.
 **  mask  [out] The mask with the OR of the interrupt source which is masked.
 **                       See \ group_keyscan_intr_mask_macro for the set of constants.
cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_GetInterruptMask(MXKEYSCAN_Type* base, uint32_t *mask)
    cy_en_ks_status_t status = CY_KEYSCAN_SUCCESS;
    /* Check if pointers are valid */
    if ( (NULL == base) || (NULL == mask))
        status = CY_KEYSCAN_BAD_PARAM;
        *mask = KEYSCAN_INTR_MASK(base);
    return status;

 **  Return interupt masked status.
 **  base    [in]  Pointer to KeyScan instance register area.
 **  status  [out] The mask with the OR of the interrupt source which occurs.
 **                       See \ group_keyscan_intr_mask_macro for the set of constants.
cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_GetInterruptMaskedStatus(MXKEYSCAN_Type* base, uint32_t *status)
    cy_en_ks_status_t return_status = CY_KEYSCAN_SUCCESS;
    /* Check if pointers are valid */
    if ( (NULL == base) || (NULL == status))
        return_status = CY_KEYSCAN_BAD_PARAM;
        *status = KEYSCAN_INTR_MASKED(base);
    return return_status;

 **  Return interupt raw status.
 **  base    [in]  Pointer to Keyscan instance register area.
 **  status  [out] The mask with the OR of the interrupt source which occurs.
 **                       See \ group_keyscan_intr_mask_macro for the set of constants.
cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_GetInterruptStatus(MXKEYSCAN_Type* base, uint32_t *status)
    cy_en_ks_status_t return_status = CY_KEYSCAN_SUCCESS;
    /* Check if pointers are valid */
    if ( (NULL == base) || (NULL == status))
        return_status = CY_KEYSCAN_BAD_PARAM;
        *status = KEYSCAN_INTR(base) ;
    return return_status;

 **  Clear interupt status.
 **  base    [in]  Pointer to Keyscan instance register area.
 **  mask    [in]  The mask with the OR of the interrupt source to be cleared.
 **                       See \ group_keyscan_intr_mask_macro for the set of constants.
cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_ClearInterrupt(MXKEYSCAN_Type* base, uint32_t mask)
    cy_en_ks_status_t status = CY_KEYSCAN_SUCCESS;
    /* Check if pointers are valid */
    if (NULL == base)
        status = CY_KEYSCAN_BAD_PARAM;
        KEYSCAN_INTR(base) = mask;
    return status;

 **  Handler for keyscan interrupts.
 ** Applications have to call this function from keyscan interrupt handler.
 **  base    [in]  Pointer to Keyscan instance register area.
 **  context [in]  Pointer to the context.
cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_Interrupt_Handler(MXKEYSCAN_Type *base, cy_stc_keyscan_context_t *context)
    cy_en_ks_status_t status = CY_KEYSCAN_SUCCESS;
    /* Check if pointers are valid */
    if ( (NULL == base) || (NULL == context))
        status = CY_KEYSCAN_BAD_PARAM;
        /* internally calls Cy_Keyscan_getEventsFromHWFifo to read from the fifo. */
        Cy_Keyscan_Mia_FreezeClk(base, context);
        /* Unfreeze the clock once read from fifo is complete */
        Cy_Keyscan_Mia_UnfreezeClk(base, context);
        /* notify application to read from the sw fifo.
           Application has to call Cy_Keyscan_getNextEvent() in a loop till the 
           the return value is CY_KEYSCAN_EVENT_NONE */
    return status;
 **  HReads from Hardware fifo.
 ** called when Applications call keyscan interrupt handler.
 **  base    [in]  Pointer to Keyscan instance register area.
 **  context [in]  Pointer to the context.
static cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_GetEventsFromHWFifo(MXKEYSCAN_Type *base, cy_stc_keyscan_context_t *context)
    cy_en_ks_status_t status = CY_KEYSCAN_SUCCESS;
    /* Check if pointers are valid */
    if ( (NULL == base) || (NULL == context))
        status = CY_KEYSCAN_BAD_PARAM;
        bool ghostDetected;
        uint8_t keyCode;
        uint8_t numEvents;
        uint32_t scanCycleOfLastEvent = 0;
        bool firstEvent;
        cy_stc_key_event event;

        // No ghost events detected to begin with
        ghostDetected = false;

        // Processing for first event is slightly different from subsequent
        // events. Set the first event flag on
        firstEvent = true;


        // Get the number of events present in the event FIFO

        // Now read and copy the events into the FW fifo.
        while (numEvents--)
            // Read another event from the HW FIFO

            // HW can spit out 0xff events that don't mean anything. This happens
            // after a reset when the FW and HW get out of sync. The simplest way to deal
            // with them is to treat them like a ghost since we have no idea what the actual HW state
            // is. The caller should then generate a reset.

            // Did we see a ghost?
            if (keyCode  == KEYSCAN_KEYCODE_GHOST)
                // Yes. Set the ghost detected flag
                ghostDetected = true;

            // If we detect a ghost we discard all events, even those belonging
            // to subsequent scan cycles.
            if (!ghostDetected)
                // So we don't have a ghost

                // Check if this event belongs to a different scan cycle than the previous event
                if (!firstEvent &&
                    (_FLD2VAL(MXKEYSCAN_KEYFIFO_TRACK_SCAN_CYCLE, KEYSCAN_KEYFIFO(base)) ^ scanCycleOfLastEvent))
                    // It does. Add an end of scan cycle event to the FW fifo
                    event.keyCode = KEYSCAN_KEYCODE_END_OF_SCAN_CYCLE;
                    Cy_Keyscan_PutEvent(context, &event);

                    // Save the current fifo index for rollback to the last scan cycle

                // Subsequent events are not first events
                firstEvent = false;

                // Save the scan cycle of the new event for later use
                scanCycleOfLastEvent = (_FLD2VAL(MXKEYSCAN_KEYFIFO_TRACK_SCAN_CYCLE, KEYSCAN_KEYFIFO(base)));

                // Add new event to the FW fifo
                event.keyCode       = keyCode;
                event.upDownFlag    = _FLD2VAL(MXKEYSCAN_KEYFIFO_KEY_UP_DOWN, KEYSCAN_KEYFIFO(base));
                event.scanCycleFlag = _FLD2VAL(MXKEYSCAN_KEYFIFO_TRACK_SCAN_CYCLE, KEYSCAN_KEYFIFO(base));

                // keep track of the number of unmatched key down events by
                // incrementing every time get key down event, and decrementing
                // every time get a key up event
                if (event.upDownFlag)
                    // since should never get a key up event without a key
                    // down  event, don't decrement if already 0
                    if (context->keysPressedCount > 0)
                        context->keysPressedCount--; // detected key up event
                    context->keysPressedCount++; // detected key down event

                Cy_Keyscan_PutEvent(context, &event);

        // Note that we are ignoring the case where the FW scans the HW just
        // as its in the middle of detecting an overflow condition. If
        // an overflow is detected, we really don't know what is the current
        // state of the matrix. It probably doesn't matter that we don't catch
        // all the keys. Current plan is to reset the HW in case of an overflow
        // to allow it to accurately capture the current state of the keyboard
        // This seems adequate at this time.

        // Check if an overflow or ghost condition has been detected
            // Rollback the FW fifo to the last save point

            // Now place a rollover event into the FW fifo
            event.keyCode = KEYSCAN_KEYCODE_ROLLOVER;
            Cy_Keyscan_PutEvent(context, &event);

                // Enable the HW reset bit. After the reset the HW will capture
                // the current state of the system
            // clear the pressed key count.
            context->keysPressedCount = 0;
            // If we queued any events, add an end of scan cycle marker to the end
            // We can use the first event flag; it will be cleared if we
            // added any events
            if (!firstEvent)
                // Now place a rollover event into the FW fifo
                event.keyCode = KEYSCAN_KEYCODE_END_OF_SCAN_CYCLE;
                Cy_Keyscan_PutEvent(context, &event);

        // Set the "clear reported keys" bit. This will clear the HW when the MIA clock is unfrozen
    return status;

 **  Enables Ghost detection
 **  base    [in]  Pointer to Keyscan instance register area.
cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_EnableGhostDetection(MXKEYSCAN_Type *base)
    cy_en_ks_status_t status = CY_KEYSCAN_SUCCESS;
    /* Check if pointers are valid */
    if (NULL == base)
        status = CY_KEYSCAN_BAD_PARAM;
        // enable ghost detection
    return status;

 **  Disables Ghost detection
 **  base    [in]  Pointer to Keyscan instance register area.
cy_en_ks_status_t Cy_Keyscan_DisableGhostDetection(MXKEYSCAN_Type *base)
    cy_en_ks_status_t status = CY_KEYSCAN_SUCCESS;
    /* Check if pointers are valid */
    if (NULL == base)
        status = CY_KEYSCAN_BAD_PARAM;
        // disable ghost detection
    return status;

#endif /* CY_IP_MXKEYSCAN */
/* EOF (not truncated)                                                       */