mbed-os / targets / TARGET_Cypress / TARGET_PSOC6 / mtb-pdl-cat1 / drivers / source / cy_smif.c
@Dustin Crossman Dustin Crossman on 4 Jun 2021 87 KB Fix file modes.
* \file cy_smif.c
* \version 2.20
* \brief
*  This file provides the source code for the SMIF driver APIs.
* Note:
* \copyright
* Copyright 2016-2021 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

#include "cy_device.h"

#if defined (CY_IP_MXSMIF)

#include "cy_smif.h"

#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {

* Function Name: Cy_SMIF_Init
* This function initializes the SMIF block as a communication block. The user
* must ensure that the SMIF interrupt is disabled while this function
* is called. Enabling the interrupts can lead to triggering in the middle
* of the initialization operation, which can lead to erroneous initialization.
* As parameters, this function takes the SMIF register base address and a
* context structure along with the configuration needed for the SMIF block,
* stored in a config
* \param base
* Holds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
* \param config
* Passes a configuration structure that configures the SMIF block for operation.
* \param timeout
* A timeout in microseconds for blocking APIs in use.
* \param context
* Passes a configuration structure that contains the transfer parameters of the
* SMIF block.
* \note Make sure that the interrupts are initialized and disabled.
* \return
*     - \ref CY_SMIF_BAD_PARAM
*     - \ref CY_SMIF_SUCCESS
cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_Init(SMIF_Type *base, 
                                    cy_stc_smif_config_t const *config,
                                    uint32_t timeout,
                                    cy_stc_smif_context_t *context)
    cy_en_smif_status_t result = CY_SMIF_BAD_PARAM;

    if((NULL != base) && (NULL != config) && (NULL != context))
        /* Copy the base address of the SMIF and the SMIF Device block  
        * registers to the context. 
        context->timeout = timeout;

        /* Default initialization */
        context->preXIPDataRate = CY_SMIF_SDR;

        /* Configure the initial interrupt mask */
        /* Disable the TR_TX_REQ and TR_RX_REQ interrupts */
        Cy_SMIF_SetInterruptMask(base, Cy_SMIF_GetInterruptMask(base) 
                        & ~(SMIF_INTR_TR_TX_REQ_Msk | SMIF_INTR_TR_RX_REQ_Msk));

        /* Check config structure */
        /* Configure the SMIF interface */
        SMIF_CTL(base) = (uint32_t)(_VAL2FLD(SMIF_CTL_XIP_MODE, config->mode) |
                       _VAL2FLD(SMIF_CTL_CLOCK_IF_RX_SEL, config->rxClockSel) |
                       _VAL2FLD(SMIF_CTL_DESELECT_DELAY, config->deselectDelay) |
                       _VAL2FLD(SMIF_CTL_BLOCK, config->blockEvent) );

        result = CY_SMIF_SUCCESS;

    return result;

* Function Name: Cy_SMIF_DeInit
* This function de-initializes the SMIF block to default values.
* \param base
* Holds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
* \note The SMIF must be disabled before calling the function. Call
*  \ref Cy_SMIF_Disable
void Cy_SMIF_DeInit(SMIF_Type *base)
    uint32_t idx;

    /* Configure the SMIF interface to default values. 
    * The default value is 0. 
    SMIF_TX_DATA_FIFO_CTL(base) = 0U;
    SMIF_RX_DATA_FIFO_CTL(base) = 0U;
    SMIF_INTR_MASK(base) = 0U;

    for(idx = 0UL; idx < SMIF_DEVICE_NR; idx++)
        SMIF_DEVICE_IDX_CTL(base, idx) = 0U;

* Function Name: Cy_SMIF_SetMode
* Sets the mode of operation for the SMIF. The mode of operation can be the XIP
* mode where the slave devices are mapped as memories and are directly accessed
* from the PSoC register map. In the MMIO mode, the SMIF block acts as a simple
* SPI engine.
* \note Interrupt and triggers and not working in XIP mode, see TRM for details
* \param base
* Holds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
* \param mode
* The mode of the SMIF operation.
void Cy_SMIF_SetMode(SMIF_Type *base, cy_en_smif_mode_t mode)
    /*  Set the register SMIF.CTL.XIP_MODE = TRUE */
    if (CY_SMIF_NORMAL == mode)
        SMIF_CTL(base) &= ~ SMIF_CTL_XIP_MODE_Msk;
        uint32_t read_cmd_data_ctl;
        uint8_t idx;

        /* Context variable is not available in this API. To make the API backward compatible
         * we search if any of the device uses XIP and pick the data rate from that device.
         * Multiple devices supporting XIP mode is not supported with the version of driver.

        for(idx = 0UL; idx < SMIF_DEVICE_NR; idx++)
            read_cmd_data_ctl = SMIF_DEVICE_IDX_RD_DATA_CTL(base, idx);

            if (read_cmd_data_ctl & SMIF_DEVICE_RD_DATA_CTL_DDR_MODE_Msk)
                    uint32_t temp;
                    /* Select TX Clock mode SDR/DDR */
                    temp = SMIF_CTL(base);
                    temp &= ~(SMIF_CTL_CLOCK_IF_TX_SEL_Msk);
                    SMIF_CTL(base) =  temp | _VAL2FLD(SMIF_CTL_CLOCK_IF_TX_SEL, CY_SMIF_DDR);
        SMIF_CTL(base) |= SMIF_CTL_XIP_MODE_Msk;

* Function Name: Cy_SMIF_GetMode
* Reads the mode of operation for the SMIF. The mode of operation can be the
* XIP mode where the slave devices are mapped as memories and are directly
* accessed from the PSoC register map. In the MMIO mode, the SMIF block acts as
* a simple SPI engine.
* \param base
* Holds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
* \return The mode of SMIF operation (see \ref cy_en_smif_mode_t).
cy_en_smif_mode_t Cy_SMIF_GetMode(SMIF_Type const *base)
    cy_en_smif_mode_t result = CY_SMIF_NORMAL;

    /* Read the register SMIF.CTL.XIP_MODE */
    if (0U != (SMIF_CTL(base) & SMIF_CTL_XIP_MODE_Msk))
        result = CY_SMIF_MEMORY;

    return (result);

* Function Name: Cy_SMIF_SetDataSelect
* This function configures the data select option for a specific slave. The
* selection provides pre-set combinations for connecting the SMIF data lines to
* the GPIOs.
* \param base
* Holds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
* \param slaveSelect
* The slave device ID. This number is either CY_SMIF_SLAVE_SELECT_0 or
* (\ref cy_en_smif_slave_select_t). It defines the slave select line to be used
* during the transmission.
* \param dataSelect
* This parameter selects the data select option. \ref cy_en_smif_data_select_t
void Cy_SMIF_SetDataSelect(SMIF_Type *base, cy_en_smif_slave_select_t slaveSelect,
                            cy_en_smif_data_select_t dataSelect)
    SMIF_DEVICE_Type volatile *device;
    /* Connect the slave to its data lines */
    device = Cy_SMIF_GetDeviceBySlot(base, slaveSelect);

    if(NULL != device)
        SMIF_DEVICE_CTL(device) = _CLR_SET_FLD32U(SMIF_DEVICE_CTL(device), 

* Function Name: Cy_SMIF_TransmitCommand()
* This function transmits a command byte followed by a parameter which is
* typically an address field. The transfer is implemented using the TX FIFO.
* This function also asserts the slave select line.
* A command to a memory device generally starts with a command byte
* transmission. This function sets up the slave lines for the rest of the
* command structure. The \ref Cy_SMIF_TransmitCommand is called before \ref
* Cy_SMIF_TransmitData or \ref Cy_SMIF_ReceiveData is called. When enabled, the
* completeTxfr parameter in the function will de-assert the slave select line at 
* the end of the function execution.
* \note This function blocks until all the command and associated parameters
* have been transmitted over the SMIF block or timeout expire.
* \param base
* Holds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
* \param cmd
* The command byte to be transmitted.
* \param cmdTxfrWidth
* The width of command byte transfer \ref cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t.
* \param cmdParam
* This is the pointer to an array that has bytes to be transmitted
* after the command byte. Typically, this field has the address bytes
* associated with the memory command.
* \param paramSize
* The size of the cmdParam array.
* \param paramTxfrWidth
* The width of parameter transfer \ref cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t.
* \param slaveSelect
* Denotes the number of the slave device to which the transfer is made.
* (0, 1, 2 or 4 - the bit defines which slave to enable) Two-bit enable is
* possible only for the double quad SPI mode.
* \param completeTxfr
* Specifies if the slave select line must be de-asserted after transferring
* the last byte in the parameter array. Typically, this field is set to 0 when
* this function succeed through \ref Cy_SMIF_TransmitData or \ref
* Cy_SMIF_ReceiveData.
* \param context
* Passes a configuration structure that contains the transfer parameters of the
* SMIF block.
* \return A status of the command transmit.
*       - \ref CY_SMIF_SUCCESS
* \note Check \ref group_smif_usage_rules for any usage restriction 
cy_en_smif_status_t  Cy_SMIF_TransmitCommand(SMIF_Type *base,
                                uint8_t cmd,
                                cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t cmdTxfrWidth,
                                uint8_t const cmdParam[],
                                uint32_t paramSize,
                                cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t paramTxfrWidth,
                                cy_en_smif_slave_select_t  slaveSelect,
                                uint32_t completeTxfr,
                                cy_stc_smif_context_t const *context)
   return Cy_SMIF_TransmitCommand_Ext(base,
        /* The return variable */
        cy_en_smif_status_t result = CY_SMIF_SUCCESS;
        /* Check input values */
        CY_ASSERT_L1(CY_SMIF_CMD_PARAM_VALID(cmdParam, paramSize));
        CY_ASSERT_L1(CY_SMIF_WIDTH_NA_VALID(paramTxfrWidth, paramSize));

        uint8_t bufIndex = 0U;
        /* The common part of a command and parameter transfer */
        uint32_t const constCmdPart = (
            _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_FIFO_WR_SS, slaveSelect));
        uint32_t timeoutUnits = context->timeout;

        /* Send the command byte */
        SMIF_TX_CMD_FIFO_WR(base) = constCmdPart |
            _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_FIFO_WR_WIDTH, (uint32_t) cmdTxfrWidth) |
            _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_FIFO_WR_TXDATA, (uint32_t) cmd) |
                ((0UL == paramSize) ? completeTxfr : 0UL)) ;

        /* Send the command parameters (usually address) in the blocking mode */
        while ((bufIndex < paramSize) && (CY_SMIF_EXCEED_TIMEOUT != result))
            /* Check if there is at least one free entry in TX_CMD_FIFO */
            if  (Cy_SMIF_GetCmdFifoStatus(base) < CY_SMIF_TX_CMD_FIFO_STATUS_RANGE)
                SMIF_TX_CMD_FIFO_WR(base) = constCmdPart|
                            (uint32_t) cmdParam[bufIndex]) |
                            (uint32_t) paramTxfrWidth) |
                                ((((uint32_t)bufIndex + 1UL) < paramSize) ? 
                                0UL : completeTxfr));

            result = Cy_SMIF_TimeoutRun(&timeoutUnits);

        return (result);

* Function Name: Cy_SMIF_TransmitData
* This function is used to transmit data using the SMIF interface. This
* function uses the TX Data FIFO to implement the transmit functionality. The
* function sets up an interrupt to trigger the TX Data FIFO and uses that
* interrupt to fill the TX Data FIFO until all the data is transmitted. At the
* end of the transmission, the TxCompleteCb is executed.
* \note  This function is to be preceded by \ref Cy_SMIF_TransmitCommand where
* the slave select is selected. The slave is de-asserted at the end of a
* transmit. The function triggers the transfer and the transfer itself utilizes
* the interrupt for FIFO operations in the background. Thus, frequent
* interrupts will be executed after this function is triggered.
* Since this API is non-blocking and sets up the interrupt to act on the data
* FIFO, ensure there will be no another instance of the function called
* before the current instance has completed execution.
* \param base
* Holds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
* \param txBuffer
* The pointer to the data to be transferred. If this pointer is a NULL, then the
* function does not enable the interrupt. This use case is typically used when 
* the FIFO is handled outside the interrupt and is managed in either a 
* polling-based code or a DMA. The user would handle the FIFO management in a
* DMA or a polling-based code.
* \note If the user provides a NULL pointer in this function and does not handle
* the FIFO transaction, this could either stall or timeout the operation.
* The transfer statuses returned by \ref Cy_SMIF_GetTransferStatus are no longer 
* valid.
* \param size
* The size of txBuffer. Must be > 0 and not greater than 65536.
* \param transferWidth
* The width of transfer \ref cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t.
* \param TxCompleteCb
* The callback executed at the end of a transmission. NULL interpreted as no
* callback.
* \param context
* Passes a configuration structure that contains the transfer parameters of the
* SMIF block.
* \return A status of a transmission.
*       - \ref CY_SMIF_SUCCESS
*       - \ref CY_SMIF_CMD_FIFO_FULL
cy_en_smif_status_t  Cy_SMIF_TransmitData(SMIF_Type *base,
                            uint8_t const *txBuffer,
                            uint32_t size,
                            cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t transferWidth,
                            cy_smif_event_cb_t TxCompleteCb,
                            cy_stc_smif_context_t *context)

    return Cy_SMIF_TransmitData_Ext(base,
    /* The return variable */
    cy_en_smif_status_t result = CY_SMIF_CMD_FIFO_FULL;
    /* Check input values */

    /* Check if there are enough free entries in TX_CMD_FIFO */
    if  (Cy_SMIF_GetCmdFifoStatus(base) < CY_SMIF_TX_CMD_FIFO_STATUS_RANGE)
        /* Enter the transmitting mode */
        SMIF_TX_CMD_FIFO_WR(base) =
            _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_FIFO_WR_WIDTH, (uint32_t)transferWidth)    |
            _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_FIFO_WR_TX_COUNT, (size - 1UL));

        if (NULL != txBuffer)
            /* Move the parameters to the global variables */
            context->txBufferAddress = txBuffer;
            context->txBufferSize = size;
            context->txBufferCounter = size;
            context->txCompleteCb = TxCompleteCb;
            context->transferStatus = (uint32_t) CY_SMIF_SEND_BUSY;

            /* Enable the TR_TX_REQ interrupt */
                                     Cy_SMIF_GetInterruptMask(base) | 
        result = CY_SMIF_SUCCESS;

    return (result);

* Function Name: Cy_SMIF_TransmitDataBlocking
* This function implements the transmit data phase in the memory command. The
* data is transmitted using the Tx Data FIFO and the TX_COUNT command. This
* function blocks until completion. The function does not use the interrupts and
* will use CPU to monitor the FIFO status and move data accordingly. The
* function returns only on completion.
* \note  Since this API is blocking, ensure that other transfers finished and it
* will not be called during non-blocking transfer.
* \param base
* Holds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
* \param txBuffer
* The pointer to the data to be transferred. If this pointer is a NULL, then the
* function does not fill TX_FIFO. The user would handle the FIFO management in a
* DMA or a polling-based code.
* \note If the user provides a NULL pointer in this function and does not handle
* the FIFO transaction, this could either stall or timeout the operation.
* The transfer statuses returned by \ref Cy_SMIF_GetTransferStatus are no longer
* valid.
* \param size
* The size of txBuffer. Must be > 0 and not greater than 65536.
* \param transferWidth
* The width of transfer \ref cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t.
* \param context
* Passes a configuration structure that contains the transfer parameters of the
* SMIF block.
* \return A status of a transmission.
*       - \ref CY_SMIF_SUCCESS
*       - \ref CY_SMIF_CMD_FIFO_FULL
*       - \ref CY_SMIF_BAD_PARAM
cy_en_smif_status_t  Cy_SMIF_TransmitDataBlocking(SMIF_Type *base,
                            uint8_t const *txBuffer,
                            uint32_t size,
                            cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t transferWidth,
                            cy_stc_smif_context_t const *context)
     return Cy_SMIF_TransmitDataBlocking_Ext(base,
    /* The return variable */
    cy_en_smif_status_t result = CY_SMIF_BAD_PARAM;
    /* Check input values */

    if(size > 0U)
        result = CY_SMIF_CMD_FIFO_FULL;
        /* Check if there are enough free entries in TX_CMD_FIFO */
        if  (Cy_SMIF_GetCmdFifoStatus(base) < CY_SMIF_TX_CMD_FIFO_STATUS_RANGE)
            /* Enter the transmitting mode */
            SMIF_TX_CMD_FIFO_WR(base) =
                _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_FIFO_WR_WIDTH, (uint32_t)transferWidth)    |
                _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_FIFO_WR_TX_COUNT, (size - 1UL));

            result = CY_SMIF_SUCCESS;

            if (NULL != txBuffer)
                uint32_t timeoutUnits = context->timeout;
                cy_stc_smif_context_t contextLoc;

                /* initialize parameters for Cy_SMIF_PushTxFifo */
                contextLoc.txBufferAddress = txBuffer;
                contextLoc.txBufferCounter = size;
                contextLoc.txCompleteCb = NULL;
                contextLoc.transferStatus = (uint32_t) CY_SMIF_SEND_BUSY;

                while (((uint32_t) CY_SMIF_SEND_BUSY == contextLoc.transferStatus) &&
                        (CY_SMIF_EXCEED_TIMEOUT != result))
                    Cy_SMIF_PushTxFifo(base, &contextLoc);
                    result = Cy_SMIF_TimeoutRun(&timeoutUnits);

    return (result);

* Function Name: Cy_SMIF_ReceiveData
* This function implements the receive data phase in the memory command. The
* data is received into the RX Data FIFO using the RX_COUNT command. This
* function sets up the interrupt to trigger on the RX Data FIFO level, and the 
* data is fetched from the RX Data FIFO to the rxBuffer as it gets filled. This 
* function does not block until completion. The completion will trigger the call
* back function.
* \note This function is to be preceded by \ref Cy_SMIF_TransmitCommand. The
* slave select is de-asserted at the end of the receive.
* The function triggers the transfer and the transfer itself utilizes the
* interrupt for FIFO operations in the background. Thus, frequent
* interrupts will be executed after this function is triggered.
* This API is non-blocking and sets up the interrupt to act on the data
* FIFO, ensure there will be no another instance of the function called
* before the current instance has completed execution.
* \param base
* Holds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
* \param rxBuffer
* The pointer to the variable where the receive data is stored. If this pointer
* is a NULL, then the function does not enable the interrupt. This use case is 
* typically used when the FIFO is handled outside the interrupt and is managed 
* in either a polling-based code or a DMA. The user would handle the FIFO 
* management in a DMA or a polling-based code.
* \note If the user provides a NULL pointer in this function and does not handle
* the FIFO transaction, this could either stall or timeout the operation.
* The transfer statuses returned by \ref Cy_SMIF_GetTransferStatus are no longer 
* valid.
* \param size
* The size of data to be received. Must be > 0 and not greater than 65536.
* \param transferWidth
* The width of transfer \ref cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t.
* \param RxCompleteCb
* The callback executed at the end of a reception. NULL interpreted as no
* callback.
* \param context
* Passes a configuration structure that contains the transfer parameters of the
* SMIF block.
* \return A status of a reception.
*       - \ref CY_SMIF_SUCCESS
*       - \ref CY_SMIF_CMD_FIFO_FULL
*       - \ref CY_SMIF_BAD_PARAM
* \note Check \ref group_smif_usage_rules for any usage restriction 
cy_en_smif_status_t  Cy_SMIF_ReceiveData(SMIF_Type *base,
                            uint8_t *rxBuffer,
                            uint32_t size,
                            cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t transferWidth,
                            cy_smif_event_cb_t RxCompleteCb,
                            cy_stc_smif_context_t *context)
    return Cy_SMIF_ReceiveData_Ext(base,
    /* The return variable */
    cy_en_smif_status_t result = CY_SMIF_BAD_PARAM;
    /* Check input values */

    if(size > 0U)
        result = CY_SMIF_CMD_FIFO_FULL;
        /* Check if there are enough free entries in TX_CMD_FIFO */
        if  (Cy_SMIF_GetCmdFifoStatus(base) < CY_SMIF_TX_CMD_FIFO_STATUS_RANGE)
            /* Enter the receiving mode */
            SMIF_TX_CMD_FIFO_WR(base) =
                _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_FIFO_WR_WIDTH, (uint32_t)transferWidth)    |
                _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_FIFO_WR_RX_COUNT, (size - 1UL));

            if (NULL != rxBuffer)
                /* Move the parameters to the global variables */
                context->rxBufferAddress = (uint8_t*)rxBuffer;
                context->rxBufferSize = size;
                context->rxBufferCounter = size;
                context->rxCompleteCb = RxCompleteCb;
                context->transferStatus =  (uint32_t) CY_SMIF_RX_BUSY;

                /* Enable the TR_RX_REQ interrupt */
                    Cy_SMIF_GetInterruptMask(base) | SMIF_INTR_TR_RX_REQ_Msk);
            result = CY_SMIF_SUCCESS;

    return (result);

* Function Name: Cy_SMIF_ReceiveDataBlocking
* This function implements the receive data phase in the memory command. The
* data is received into the RX Data FIFO using the RX_COUNT command. This
* function blocks until completion. The function does not use the interrupts and
* will use CPU to monitor the FIFO status and move data accordingly. The
* function returns only on completion.
* \note This function is to be preceded by \ref Cy_SMIF_TransmitCommand. The
* slave select is de-asserted at the end of the receive. Ensure there is
* no another transfers.
* \param base
* Holds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
* \param rxBuffer
* The pointer to the variable where the receive data is stored. If this pointer
* is a NULL, then the function does not enable the interrupt. This use case is
* typically used when the FIFO is handled outside the interrupt and is managed
* in either a polling-based code or a DMA. The user would handle the FIFO
* management in a DMA or a polling-based code.
* \note If the user provides a NULL pointer in this function and does not handle
* the FIFO transaction, this could either stall or timeout the operation.
* The transfer statuses returned by \ref Cy_SMIF_GetTransferStatus are no longer
* valid.
* \param size
* The size of data to be received. Must be > 0 and not greater than 65536.
* \param transferWidth
* The width of transfer \ref cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t.
* \param context
* Passes a configuration structure that contains the transfer parameters of the
* SMIF block.
* \return A status of a reception.
*       - \ref CY_SMIF_SUCCESS
*       - \ref CY_SMIF_CMD_FIFO_FULL
*       - \ref CY_SMIF_BAD_PARAM
* \note Check \ref group_smif_usage_rules for any usage restriction 
cy_en_smif_status_t  Cy_SMIF_ReceiveDataBlocking(SMIF_Type *base,
                            uint8_t *rxBuffer,
                            uint32_t size,
                            cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t transferWidth,
                            cy_stc_smif_context_t const *context)
     return Cy_SMIF_ReceiveDataBlocking_Ext(base,
    /* The return variable */
    cy_en_smif_status_t result = CY_SMIF_BAD_PARAM;
    /* Check input values */

    if(size > 0U)
        result = CY_SMIF_CMD_FIFO_FULL;
        /* Check if there are enough free entries in TX_CMD_FIFO */
        if  (Cy_SMIF_GetCmdFifoStatus(base) < CY_SMIF_TX_CMD_FIFO_STATUS_RANGE)
            /* Enter the receiving mode */
            SMIF_TX_CMD_FIFO_WR(base) =
                _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_FIFO_WR_WIDTH, (uint32_t)transferWidth)    |
                _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_FIFO_WR_RX_COUNT, (size - 1UL));
            result = CY_SMIF_SUCCESS;

            if (NULL != rxBuffer)
                uint32_t timeoutUnits = context->timeout;
                cy_stc_smif_context_t contextLoc;

                /* initialize parameters for Cy_SMIF_PushTxFifo */
                contextLoc.rxBufferAddress = (uint8_t*)rxBuffer;
                contextLoc.rxBufferCounter = size;
                contextLoc.rxCompleteCb = NULL;
                contextLoc.transferStatus = (uint32_t) CY_SMIF_RX_BUSY;

                while (((uint32_t) CY_SMIF_RX_BUSY == contextLoc.transferStatus) &&
                        (CY_SMIF_EXCEED_TIMEOUT != result))
                    Cy_SMIF_PopRxFifo(base, &contextLoc);
                    result = Cy_SMIF_TimeoutRun(&timeoutUnits);
    return (result);

* Function Name: Cy_SMIF_SendDummyCycles()
* This function sends dummy-clock cycles. The data lines are tri-stated during
* the dummy cycles.
* \note This function is to be preceded by \ref Cy_SMIF_TransmitCommand.
* \param base
* Holds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
* \param cycles
* The number of dummy cycles. Must be > 0 and not greater than 65536.
* \return A status of dummy cycles sending.
*       - \ref CY_SMIF_SUCCESS
*       - \ref CY_SMIF_CMD_FIFO_FULL
*       - \ref CY_SMIF_BAD_PARAM
cy_en_smif_status_t  Cy_SMIF_SendDummyCycles(SMIF_Type *base,
                                uint32_t cycles)
    return Cy_SMIF_SendDummyCycles_Ext(base,
    /* The return variable */
    cy_en_smif_status_t result = CY_SMIF_BAD_PARAM;
    if (cycles > 0U)
        result = CY_SMIF_CMD_FIFO_FULL;
        /* Check if there are enough free entries in TX_CMD_FIFO */
        if  (Cy_SMIF_GetCmdFifoStatus(base) < CY_SMIF_TX_CMD_FIFO_STATUS_RANGE)
            /* Send the dummy bytes */
            SMIF_TX_CMD_FIFO_WR(base) =
                _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_FIFO_WR_DUMMY, (cycles-1UL));

            result = CY_SMIF_SUCCESS;

    return (result);

* Function Name: Cy_SMIF_GetTransferStatus
* This function provides the status of the transfer. This function is used to
* poll for the status of the TransmitData or receiveData function. When this
* function is called to determine the status of ongoing
* \ref Cy_SMIF_ReceiveData() or \ref Cy_SMIF_TransmitData(), the returned status
* is only valid if the functions passed a non-NULL buffer to transmit or
* receive respectively. If the pointer passed to \ref Cy_SMIF_ReceiveData()
* or \ref Cy_SMIF_TransmitData() is a NULL, then the code/DMA outside this
* driver will take care of the transfer and the Cy_GetTxfrStatus() will return 
* an erroneous result.
* \param base
* Holds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
* \param context
* Passes a configuration structure that contains the transfer parameters of the
* SMIF block.
* \return Returns the transfer status. \ref cy_en_smif_txfr_status_t
uint32_t Cy_SMIF_GetTransferStatus(SMIF_Type const *base, cy_stc_smif_context_t const *context)
    (void)base; /* Suppress warning */
    return (context->transferStatus);

* Function Name: Cy_SMIF_Enable
* Enables the operation of the SMIF block.
* \note This function only enables the SMIF IP. The interrupts associated with
* the SMIF will need to be separately enabled using the interrupt driver.
* \param base
* Holds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
* \param context
* Passes a configuration structure that contains the transfer parameters of the
* SMIF block.
void Cy_SMIF_Enable(SMIF_Type *base, cy_stc_smif_context_t *context)
    /* Global variables initialization */
    context->txBufferAddress = NULL;
    context->txBufferSize = 0U;
    context->txBufferCounter = 0U;
    context->rxBufferAddress = NULL;
    context->rxBufferSize = 0U;
    context->rxBufferCounter = 0U;
    context->transferStatus = (uint32_t)CY_SMIF_STARTED;



#if (CY_IP_MXSMIF_VERSION>=3) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)
* Function Name: Cy_SMIF_TransmitCommand_Ext()
* This function transmits a command byte followed by a parameter which is
* typically an address field. The transfer is implemented using the TX FIFO.
* This function also asserts the slave select line.
* A command to a memory device generally starts with a command byte
* transmission. This function sets up the slave lines for the rest of the
* command structure. The \ref Cy_SMIF_TransmitCommand_Ext is called before \ref
* Cy_SMIF_TransmitData_Ext or \ref Cy_SMIF_ReceiveData_Ext is called. When enabled, the
* completeTxfr parameter in the function will de-assert the slave select line at 
* the end of the function execution.
* \note This function blocks until all the command and associated parameters
* have been transmitted over the SMIF block or timeout expire.
* \param base
* Holds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
* \param cmd
* The command byte to be transmitted.
* \param isCommand2byte
* isCommand2byte
* \param cmdTxfrWidth
* The width of command byte transfer \ref cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t.
* \param cmdDataRate
* cmdDataRate
* \param cmdParam
* This is the pointer to an array that has bytes to be transmitted
* after the command byte. Typically, this field has the address bytes
* associated with the memory command.
* \param paramSize
* The size of the cmdParam array.
* \param paramTxfrWidth
* The width of parameter transfer \ref cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t.
* \param paramDataRate
* paramDataRate
* \param slaveSelect
* Denotes the number of the slave device to which the transfer is made.
* (0, 1, 2 or 4 - the bit defines which slave to enable) Two-bit enable is
* possible only for the Double Quad SPI mode.
* \param completeTxfr
* Specifies if the slave select line must be de-asserted after transferring
* the last byte in the parameter array. Typically, this field is set to 0 when
* this function succeed through \ref Cy_SMIF_TransmitData_Ext or \ref
* Cy_SMIF_ReceiveData_Ext.
* \param context
* Passes a configuration structure that contains the transfer parameters of the
* SMIF block.
* \return A status of the command transmit.
*       - \ref CY_SMIF_SUCCESS
* \note
* This API is available for CAT1B devices.
cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_TransmitCommand_Ext(SMIF_Type *base,
                                                 uint16_t cmd,
                                                 bool isCommand2byte,
                                                 cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t cmdTxfrWidth,
                                                 cy_en_smif_data_rate_t cmdDataRate,
                                                 uint8_t const cmdParam[],
                                                 uint32_t paramSize,
                                                 cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t paramTxfrWidth,
                                                 cy_en_smif_data_rate_t paramDataRate,
                                                 cy_en_smif_slave_select_t slaveSelect,
                                                 uint32_t completeTxfr,
                                                 cy_stc_smif_context_t const *context)
    cy_en_smif_status_t result = CY_SMIF_SUCCESS;
    uint32_t temp = 0;

    /* Check input values */
     CY_ASSERT_L1(CY_SMIF_CMD_PARAM_VALID(cmdParam, paramSize));
     CY_ASSERT_L1(CY_SMIF_WIDTH_NA_VALID(paramTxfrWidth, paramSize));

     uint8_t bufIndex = 0U;
     /* The common part of a command and parameter transfer */
     uint32_t const constCmdPart = (
         _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR_SS, slaveSelect));
     uint32_t timeoutUnits = context->timeout;
     /* Select TX Clock mode SDR/DDR for COMMAND */
     temp = SMIF_CTL(base);
     temp &= ~(SMIF_CTL_CLOCK_IF_TX_SEL_Msk);
     SMIF_CTL(base) =  temp | _VAL2FLD(SMIF_CTL_CLOCK_IF_TX_SEL, cmdDataRate);

    /* Prepare a cmd fifo data */
        if(isCommand2byte == true)
        if((cmdTxfrWidth == CY_SMIF_WIDTH_OCTAL) && (cmdDataRate == CY_SMIF_DDR))
             /* 2byte for each one command */
             SMIF_TX_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR(base) = constCmdPart |
                 _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR_WIDTH, (uint32_t) cmdTxfrWidth) |
                 _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR_DATA_RATE, (uint32_t) cmdDataRate) |
                 _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR_TXDATA_BYTE_1, (uint8_t)(cmd & 0x00FF)) |
                 _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR_TXDATA_BYTE_2, (uint8_t)((cmd >> 8) & 0x00FF)) |
                     ((0UL == paramSize) ? completeTxfr : 0UL)) ;
             /* 1byte for each one command. need to send two command to send a command of 2byte.*/
             SMIF_TX_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR(base) = constCmdPart |
                 _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR_WIDTH, (uint32_t) cmdTxfrWidth) |
                 _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR_DATA_RATE, (uint32_t) cmdDataRate) |
                 _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR_TXDATA_BYTE_1, (uint8_t)((cmd >> 8) & 0x00FF)) |
                 _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR_TXDATA_BYTE_2, 0) |
                     ((0UL == paramSize) ? completeTxfr : 0UL)) ;

             SMIF_TX_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR(base) = constCmdPart |
                 _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR_WIDTH, (uint32_t) cmdTxfrWidth) |
                 _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR_DATA_RATE, (uint32_t) cmdDataRate) |
                 _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR_TXDATA_BYTE_1, (uint8_t)(cmd & 0x00FF)) |
                 _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR_TXDATA_BYTE_2, 0) |
                     ((0UL == paramSize) ? completeTxfr : 0UL)) ;         
         /* Send the command byte */
         SMIF_TX_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR(base) = constCmdPart |
             _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR_WIDTH, (uint32_t) cmdTxfrWidth) |
             _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR_DATA_RATE, (uint32_t) cmdDataRate) |
             _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR_TXDATA_BYTE_1, (uint8_t) cmd) |
             _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR_TXDATA_BYTE_2, (uint8_t) 0) |
                 ((0UL == paramSize) ? completeTxfr : 0UL)) ;

        /* Select TX Clock mode SDR/DDR for ADDRESS */
        temp = SMIF_CTL(base);
        temp &= ~(SMIF_CTL_CLOCK_IF_TX_SEL_Msk);
        SMIF_CTL(base) =  temp | _VAL2FLD(SMIF_CTL_CLOCK_IF_TX_SEL, paramDataRate);

    if((paramTxfrWidth == CY_SMIF_WIDTH_OCTAL) && (paramDataRate == CY_SMIF_DDR))
            // 2 byte transmission for each one command.
            while ((bufIndex < paramSize) && (CY_SMIF_EXCEED_TIMEOUT != result))
                /* Check if there is at least one free entry in TX_CMD_FIFO */
                if    (Cy_SMIF_GetCmdFifoStatus(base) < CY_SMIF_TX_CMD_FIFO_STATUS_RANGE)
                                SMIF_TX_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR(base) = constCmdPart|
                    _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR_TXDATA_BYTE_1, (uint32_t) cmdParam[bufIndex+1]) |
                    _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR_TXDATA_BYTE_2, (uint32_t) cmdParam[bufIndex])|
                    _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR_WIDTH, (uint32_t) paramTxfrWidth) |
                    _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR_DATA_RATE, (uint32_t) paramDataRate) |
                            ((((uint32_t)bufIndex + 2UL) < paramSize) ?  0UL : completeTxfr));
                    bufIndex += 2;
                result = Cy_SMIF_TimeoutRun(&timeoutUnits);
        /* Send the command parameters (usually address) in the blocking mode */
        while ((bufIndex < paramSize) && (CY_SMIF_EXCEED_TIMEOUT != result))
            /* Check if there is at least one free entry in TX_CMD_FIFO */
            if  (Cy_SMIF_GetCmdFifoStatus(base) < CY_SMIF_TX_CMD_FIFO_STATUS_RANGE)
                SMIF_TX_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR(base) = constCmdPart|
                    _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR_TXDATA_BYTE_1, (uint32_t) cmdParam[bufIndex]) |
                    _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR_TXDATA_BYTE_2, 0)|
                    _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR_WIDTH, (uint32_t) paramTxfrWidth) |
                    _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR_DATA_RATE, (uint32_t) paramDataRate) |
                            ((((uint32_t)bufIndex + 1UL) < paramSize) ?  0UL : completeTxfr));

            result = Cy_SMIF_TimeoutRun(&timeoutUnits);

    /* Switch back to prefered XIP mode data rate */
    temp = SMIF_CTL(base);
    temp &= ~(SMIF_CTL_CLOCK_IF_TX_SEL_Msk);
    SMIF_CTL(base) =  temp | _VAL2FLD(SMIF_CTL_CLOCK_IF_TX_SEL, context->preXIPDataRate);

    return (result);

* Function Name: Cy_SMIF_TransmitData_Ext
* This function is used to transmit data using the SMIF interface. This
* function uses the TX Data FIFO to implement the transmit functionality. The
* function sets up an interrupt to trigger the TX Data FIFO and uses that
* interrupt to fill the TX Data FIFO until all the data is transmitted. At the
* end of the transmission, the TxCmpltCb is executed.
* \note  This function is to be preceded by \ref Cy_SMIF_TransmitCommand_Ext where
* the slave select is selected. The slave is de-asserted at the end of a
* transmit. The function triggers the transfer and the transfer itself utilizes
* the interrupt for FIFO operations in the background. Thus, frequent
* interrupts will be executed after this function is triggered.
* Since this API is non-blocking and sets up the interrupt to act on the data
* FIFO, ensure there will be no another instance of the function called
* before the current instance has completed execution.
* \param base
* Holds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
* \param txBuffer
* The pointer to the data to be transferred. If this pointer is a NULL, then the
* function does not enable the interrupt. This use case is typically used when 
* the FIFO is handled outside the interrupt and is managed in either a 
* polling-based code or a DMA. The user would handle the FIFO management in a
* DMA or a polling-based code.
* \note If the user provides a NULL pointer in this function and does not handle
* the FIFO transaction, this could either stall or timeout the operation.
* The transfer statuses returned by \ref Cy_SMIF_GetTransferStatus are no longer 
* valid.
* \param size
* The size of txBuffer. Must be > 0 and not greater than 65536.
* \param transferWidth
* The width of transfer \ref cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t.
* \param dataDataRate
* dataDataRate
* \param TxCmpltCb
* The callback executed at the end of a transmission. NULL interpreted as no
* callback.
* \param context
* Passes a configuration structure that contains the transfer parameters of the
* SMIF block.
* \return A status of a transmission.
*       - \ref CY_SMIF_SUCCESS
*       - \ref CY_SMIF_CMD_FIFO_FULL
* \note
* This API is available for CAT1B devices.
cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_TransmitData_Ext(SMIF_Type *base,
                                                uint8_t const *txBuffer,
                                                uint32_t size,
                                                cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t transferWidth,
                                                cy_en_smif_data_rate_t dataDataRate,
                                                cy_smif_event_cb_t TxCmpltCb,
                                                cy_stc_smif_context_t *context)
    /* The return variable */
    cy_en_smif_status_t result = CY_SMIF_CMD_FIFO_FULL;
    uint32_t trUnitNum;
    uint32_t temp;
    /* Check input values */

    /* Select TX Clock mode SDR/DDR */
    temp = SMIF_CTL(base);
    temp &= ~(SMIF_CTL_CLOCK_IF_TX_SEL_Msk);
    SMIF_CTL(base) =  temp | _VAL2FLD(SMIF_CTL_CLOCK_IF_TX_SEL, dataDataRate);

    /* If the mode is octal SPI with DDR data unit is a 2-byte */
    if((transferWidth == CY_SMIF_WIDTH_OCTAL) && (dataDataRate == CY_SMIF_DDR))
        if(size % 2 != 0)
            return CY_SMIF_BAD_PARAM;
        trUnitNum = size / 2;
        trUnitNum = size;

    /* Check if there are enough free entries in TX_CMD_FIFO */
    if  (Cy_SMIF_GetCmdFifoStatus(base) < CY_SMIF_TX_CMD_FIFO_STATUS_RANGE)
        /* Enter the transmitting mode */
        SMIF_TX_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR(base) =
            _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR_WIDTH, (uint32_t)transferWidth)    |
            _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR_DATA_RATE, (uint32_t) dataDataRate) |
            _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR_TX_COUNT, (trUnitNum - 1UL))|

        if (NULL != txBuffer)
            /* Move the parameters to the global variables */
            context->txBufferAddress = (uint8_t*)txBuffer;
            context->txBufferSize = size;
            context->txBufferCounter = size;
            context->txCompleteCb = TxCmpltCb;
            context->transferStatus = (uint32_t) CY_SMIF_SEND_BUSY;
            context->preCmdDataRate        = dataDataRate;
            context->preCmdWidth           = transferWidth;

            /* Enable the TR_TX_REQ interrupt */
                                     Cy_SMIF_GetInterruptMask(base) | 
        result = CY_SMIF_SUCCESS;

    /* Switch back to prefered XIP mode data rate */
    temp = SMIF_CTL(base);
    temp &= ~(SMIF_CTL_CLOCK_IF_TX_SEL_Msk);
    SMIF_CTL(base) =  temp | _VAL2FLD(SMIF_CTL_CLOCK_IF_TX_SEL, context->preXIPDataRate);

    return (result);

* Function Name: Cy_SMIF_TransmitDataBlocking_Ext
* This function implements the transmit data phase in the memory command. The
* data is transmitted using the Tx Data FIFO and the TX_COUNT command. This
* function blocks until completion. The function does not use the interrupts and
* will use CPU to monitor the FIFO status and move data accordingly. The
* function returns only on completion.
* \note  Since this API is blocking, ensure that other transfers finished and it
* will not be called during non-blocking transfer.
* \param base
* Holds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
* \param txBuffer
* The pointer to the data to be transferred. If this pointer is a NULL, then the
* function does not fill TX_FIFO. The user would handle the FIFO management in a
* DMA or a polling-based code.
* \note If the user provides a NULL pointer in this function and does not handle
* the FIFO transaction, this could either stall or timeout the operation.
* The transfer statuses returned by \ref Cy_SMIF_GetTransferStatus are no longer
* valid.
* \param size
* The size of txBuffer. Must be > 0 and not greater than 65536.
* \param transferWidth
* The width of transfer \ref cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t.
* \param dataDataRate
* dataDataRate
* \param context
* Passes a configuration structure that contains the transfer parameters of the
* SMIF block.
* \return A status of a transmission.
*       - \ref CY_SMIF_SUCCESS
*       - \ref CY_SMIF_CMD_FIFO_FULL
*       - \ref CY_SMIF_BAD_PARAM
* \note
* This API is available for CAT1B devices.
cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_TransmitDataBlocking_Ext(SMIF_Type *base,
                            uint8_t const *txBuffer,
                            uint32_t size,
                            cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t transferWidth,
                            cy_en_smif_data_rate_t  dataDataRate,
                            cy_stc_smif_context_t const *context)
    /* The return variable */
    cy_en_smif_status_t result = CY_SMIF_BAD_PARAM;
    uint32_t trUnitNum;
    uint32_t temp;
    /* Check input values */

    if(size > 0U)
        result = CY_SMIF_CMD_FIFO_FULL;
        /* Check if there are enough free entries in TX_CMD_FIFO */
        if  (Cy_SMIF_GetCmdFifoStatus(base) < CY_SMIF_TX_CMD_FIFO_STATUS_RANGE)
            /* If the mode is octal SPI with DDR or Hyperbus, data unit is a 2-byte */
            if((transferWidth == CY_SMIF_WIDTH_OCTAL) && (dataDataRate == CY_SMIF_DDR))
                if(size % 2 != 0)
                    return CY_SMIF_BAD_PARAM;
                trUnitNum = size / 2;
                trUnitNum = size;

            /* Select TX Clock mode SDR/DDR */
            temp = SMIF_CTL(base);
            temp &= ~(SMIF_CTL_CLOCK_IF_TX_SEL_Msk);
            SMIF_CTL(base) =  temp | _VAL2FLD(SMIF_CTL_CLOCK_IF_TX_SEL, dataDataRate);
            /* Enter the transmitting mode */
            SMIF_TX_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR(base) =
                _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR_DATA_RATE, (uint32_t) dataDataRate) |
                _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR_WIDTH, (uint32_t)transferWidth)    |
                _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR_TX_COUNT, (trUnitNum - 1U)) |

            result = CY_SMIF_SUCCESS;

            if (NULL != txBuffer)
                uint32_t timeoutUnits = context->timeout;
                cy_stc_smif_context_t contextLoc = *context;

                /* initialize parameters for Cy_SMIF_PushTxFifo */
                contextLoc.txBufferAddress = (uint8_t*)txBuffer;
                contextLoc.txBufferCounter = size;
                contextLoc.txCompleteCb = NULL;
                contextLoc.transferStatus = (uint32_t) CY_SMIF_SEND_BUSY;
                contextLoc.preCmdDataRate      = dataDataRate;
                contextLoc.preCmdWidth         = transferWidth;

                while (((uint32_t) CY_SMIF_SEND_BUSY == contextLoc.transferStatus) &&
                        (CY_SMIF_EXCEED_TIMEOUT != result))
                    Cy_SMIF_PushTxFifo(base, &contextLoc);
                    result = Cy_SMIF_TimeoutRun(&timeoutUnits);

    /* Switch back to prefered XIP mode data rate */
    temp = SMIF_CTL(base);
    temp &= ~(SMIF_CTL_CLOCK_IF_TX_SEL_Msk);
    SMIF_CTL(base) =  temp | _VAL2FLD(SMIF_CTL_CLOCK_IF_TX_SEL, context->preXIPDataRate);

    return (result);

* Function Name: Cy_SMIF_ReceiveData_Ext
* This function implements the receive data phase in the memory command. The
* data is received into the RX Data FIFO using the RX_COUNT command. This
* function sets up the interrupt to trigger on the RX Data FIFO level, and the 
* data is fetched from the RX Data FIFO to the rxBuffer as it gets filled. This 
* function does not block until completion. The completion will trigger the call
* back function.
* \note This function is to be preceded by \ref Cy_SMIF_TransmitCommand. The
* slave select is de-asserted at the end of the receive.
* The function triggers the transfer and the transfer itself utilizes the
* interrupt for FIFO operations in the background. Thus, frequent
* interrupts will be executed after this function is triggered.
* This API is non-blocking and sets up the interrupt to act on the data
* FIFO, ensure there will be no another instance of the function called
* before the current instance has completed execution.
* \param base
* Holds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
* \param rxBuffer
* The pointer to the variable where the receive data is stored. If this pointer
* is a NULL, then the function does not enable the interrupt. This use case is 
* typically used when the FIFO is handled outside the interrupt and is managed 
* in either a polling-based code or a DMA. The user would handle the FIFO 
* management in a DMA or a polling-based code.
* \note If the user provides a NULL pointer in this function and does not handle
* the FIFO transaction, this could either stall or timeout the operation.
* The transfer statuses returned by \ref Cy_SMIF_GetTransferStatus are no longer 
* valid.
* \param size
* The size of data to be received. Must be > 0 and not greater than 65536.
* \param transferWidth
* The width of transfer \ref cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t.
* \param dataRate
* dataRate
* \param RxCmpltCb
* The callback executed at the end of a reception. NULL interpreted as no
* callback.
* \param context
* Passes a configuration structure that contains the transfer parameters of the
* SMIF block.
* \return A status of a reception.
*       - \ref CY_SMIF_SUCCESS
*       - \ref CY_SMIF_CMD_FIFO_FULL
*       - \ref CY_SMIF_BAD_PARAM
* \note Check \ref group_smif_usage_rules for any usage restriction 
* \note
* This API is available for CAT1B devices.
cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_ReceiveData_Ext(SMIF_Type *base,
                                                uint8_t *rxBuffer,
                                                uint32_t size,
                                                cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t transferWidth,
                                                cy_en_smif_data_rate_t dataRate,
                                                cy_smif_event_cb_t RxCmpltCb,
                                                cy_stc_smif_context_t *context)
    /* The return variable */
    cy_en_smif_status_t result = CY_SMIF_BAD_PARAM;
    uint32_t rxUnitNum;
    uint32_t temp;

    /* Check input values */

    if(size > 0U)
        result = CY_SMIF_CMD_FIFO_FULL;
        /* Check if there are enough free entries in TX_CMD_FIFO */
        if  (Cy_SMIF_GetCmdFifoStatus(base) < CY_SMIF_TX_CMD_FIFO_STATUS_RANGE)
            /* If the mode is octal SPI with DDR or Hyperbus, data unit is a 2-byte */
            if((transferWidth == CY_SMIF_WIDTH_OCTAL) && (dataRate == CY_SMIF_DDR))
                if(size % 2 != 0)
                    return CY_SMIF_BAD_PARAM;
                rxUnitNum = size / 2;
                rxUnitNum = size;

            /* Select TX Clock mode SDR/DDR */
            temp = SMIF_CTL(base);
            temp &= ~(SMIF_CTL_CLOCK_IF_TX_SEL_Msk);
            SMIF_CTL(base) =  temp | _VAL2FLD(SMIF_CTL_CLOCK_IF_TX_SEL, dataRate);

            /* Enter the receiving mode */
            SMIF_TX_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR(base) =
                _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR_WIDTH, (uint32_t)transferWidth)    |
                _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR_DATA_RATE, (uint32_t) dataRate) |
                _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR_RX_COUNT, (rxUnitNum - 1UL)) |

            if (NULL != rxBuffer)
                /* Move the parameters to the global variables */
                context->rxBufferAddress = (uint8_t*)rxBuffer;
                context->rxBufferSize = size;
                context->rxBufferCounter = size;
                context->rxCompleteCb = RxCmpltCb;
                context->transferStatus =  (uint32_t) CY_SMIF_REC_BUSY;

                /* Enable the TR_RX_REQ interrupt */
                    Cy_SMIF_GetInterruptMask(base) | SMIF_INTR_TR_RX_REQ_Msk);
            result = CY_SMIF_SUCCESS;

    return (result);

* Function Name: Cy_SMIF_ReceiveDataBlocking_Ext
* This function implements the receive data phase in the memory command. The
* data is received into the RX Data FIFO using the RX_COUNT command. This
* function blocks until completion. The function does not use the interrupts and
* will use CPU to monitor the FIFO status and move data accordingly. The
* function returns only on completion.
* \note This function is to be preceded by \ref Cy_SMIF_TransmitCommand. The
* slave select is de-asserted at the end of the receive. Ensure there is
* no another transfers.
* \param base
* Holds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
* \param rxBuffer
* The pointer to the variable where the receive data is stored. If this pointer
* is a NULL, then the function does not enable the interrupt. This use case is
* typically used when the FIFO is handled outside the interrupt and is managed
* in either a polling-based code or a DMA. The user would handle the FIFO
* management in a DMA or a polling-based code.
* \note If the user provides a NULL pointer in this function and does not handle
* the FIFO transaction, this could either stall or timeout the operation.
* The transfer statuses returned by \ref Cy_SMIF_GetTransferStatus are no longer
* valid.
* \param size
* The size of data to be received. Must be > 0 and not greater than 65536.
* \param transferWidth
* The width of transfer \ref cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t.
* \param dataRate
* dataRate
* \param context
* Passes a configuration structure that contains the transfer parameters of the
* SMIF block.
* \return A status of a reception.
*       - \ref CY_SMIF_SUCCESS
*       - \ref CY_SMIF_CMD_FIFO_FULL
*       - \ref CY_SMIF_BAD_PARAM
* \note Check \ref group_smif_usage_rules for any usage restriction 
* \note
* This API is available for CAT1B devices.
cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_ReceiveDataBlocking_Ext(SMIF_Type *base,
                            uint8_t *rxBuffer,
                            uint32_t size,
                            cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t transferWidth,
                            cy_en_smif_data_rate_t dataRate,
                            cy_stc_smif_context_t const *context)
    /* The return variable */
    cy_en_smif_status_t result = CY_SMIF_BAD_PARAM;
    uint32_t rxUnitNum;
    uint32_t temp;

    /* Check input values */

    if(size > 0U)
        result = CY_SMIF_CMD_FIFO_FULL;
        /* Check if there are enough free entries in TX_CMD_FIFO */
        if  (Cy_SMIF_GetCmdFifoStatus(base) < CY_SMIF_TX_CMD_FIFO_STATUS_RANGE)
              /* If the mode is octal SPI with DDR or Hyperbus, data unit is a 2-byte */
            if((transferWidth == CY_SMIF_WIDTH_OCTAL) && (dataRate == CY_SMIF_DDR))
                if(size % 2 != 0)
                    return CY_SMIF_BAD_PARAM;
                rxUnitNum = size / 2;
                rxUnitNum = size;

            /* Select TX Clock mode SDR/DDR */
            temp = SMIF_CTL(base);
            temp &= ~(SMIF_CTL_CLOCK_IF_TX_SEL_Msk);
            SMIF_CTL(base) =  temp | _VAL2FLD(SMIF_CTL_CLOCK_IF_TX_SEL, dataRate);

            /* Enter the receiving mode */
            SMIF_TX_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR(base) =
                _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR_WIDTH, (uint32_t)transferWidth)    |
                _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR_RX_COUNT, (rxUnitNum - 1UL)) |
                _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR_DATA_RATE, (uint32_t) dataRate) |
            result = CY_SMIF_SUCCESS;

            if (NULL != rxBuffer)
                uint32_t timeoutUnits = context->timeout;
                cy_stc_smif_context_t contextLoc;

                /* initialize parameters for Cy_SMIF_PushTxFifo */
                contextLoc.rxBufferAddress = (uint8_t*)rxBuffer;
                contextLoc.rxBufferCounter = size;
                contextLoc.rxCompleteCb = NULL;
                contextLoc.transferStatus = (uint32_t) CY_SMIF_REC_BUSY;

                while (((uint32_t) CY_SMIF_REC_BUSY == contextLoc.transferStatus) &&
                        (CY_SMIF_EXCEED_TIMEOUT != result))
                    Cy_SMIF_PopRxFifo(base, &contextLoc);
                    result = Cy_SMIF_TimeoutRun(&timeoutUnits);

    /* Switch back to prefered XIP mode data rate */
    temp = SMIF_CTL(base);
    temp &= ~(SMIF_CTL_CLOCK_IF_TX_SEL_Msk);
    SMIF_CTL(base) =  temp | _VAL2FLD(SMIF_CTL_CLOCK_IF_TX_SEL, context->preXIPDataRate);

    return (result);

* Function Name: Cy_SMIF_SendDummyCycles_Ext()
* This function sends dummy-clock cycles. The data lines are tri-stated during
* the dummy cycles.
* \note This function is to be preceded by \ref Cy_SMIF_TransmitCommand.
* \param base
* Holds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
* \param transferWidth
* \param dataRate
* \param cycles
* The number of dummy cycles. Must be > 0 and not greater than 65536.
* \return A status of dummy cycles sending.
*       - \ref CY_SMIF_SUCCESS
*       - \ref CY_SMIF_CMD_FIFO_FULL
*       - \ref CY_SMIF_BAD_PARAM
* \note
* This API is available for CAT1B devices.
cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_SendDummyCycles_Ext(SMIF_Type *base,
                                                cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t transferWidth,
                                                cy_en_smif_data_rate_t dataRate,
                                                uint32_t cycles)
    /* The return variable */
    cy_en_smif_status_t result = CY_SMIF_BAD_PARAM;
    uint32_t temp = 0;
    if (cycles > 0U)
        result = CY_SMIF_CMD_FIFO_FULL;
        /* Select TX Clock mode SDR/DDR */
        temp = SMIF_CTL(base);
        temp &= ~(SMIF_CTL_CLOCK_IF_TX_SEL_Msk);
        SMIF_CTL(base) =  temp | _VAL2FLD(SMIF_CTL_CLOCK_IF_TX_SEL, dataRate);
        /* Check if there are enough free entries in TX_CMD_FIFO */
        if  (Cy_SMIF_GetCmdFifoStatus(base) < CY_SMIF_TX_CMD_FIFO_STATUS_RANGE)
            /* Send the dummy bytes */
            SMIF_TX_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR(base) =
                _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR_DUMMY, (cycles-1UL)) |
                _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR_WIDTH, (uint32_t)transferWidth)    |
                _VAL2FLD(CY_SMIF_CMD_MMIO_FIFO_WR_DATA_RATE, (uint32_t) dataRate) |

            result = CY_SMIF_SUCCESS;

    return (result);

* Function Name: Cy_SMIF_Encrypt()
* Uses the Encryption engine to create an encrypted result when the input, key
* and data arrays are provided. The AES-128 encryption of the address with the
* key, fetching the result and XOR with the data array are all done in the
* function. The operational scheme is the following:
*                   data = XOR(AES128(address, key), data)
* Decryption is done using the input data-array identically to the encryption.
* In the XIP mode, encryption and decryption are done without calling this
* function. The operational scheme in the XIP mode is the same. The address
* parameter in the XIP mode equals the actual address in the PSoC memory map.
* The SMIF encryption engine is designed for code storage.
* For data storage, the encryption key can be changed.
* For sensitive data, the Crypto block is used.
* \note The API does not have access to the encryption key. The key must be
* placed in the register before calling this API. The crypto routine
* that can access the key storage area is recommended. This crypto routine is
* typically a protection context 0 function.
* \note This is a blocking API. The API waits for encryption completion. Will
* exit if a timeout is set (not equal to 0) and expired.
* \param base
* Holds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
* \param address
* The address that gets encrypted is a masked 16-byte block address. The 32-bit
* address with the last 4 bits masked is placed as the last 4 bytes in the
* 128-bit input. The rest of the higher bit for the 128 bits are padded zeros.
* PA[127:0]:
* PA[3:0] = 0
* PA[7:4] = ADDR[7:4].
* PA[15:8] = ADDR[15:8].
* PA[23:16] = ADDR[23:16].
* PA[31:24] = ADDR[31:24].
* The other twelve of the sixteen plain text address bytes of PA[127:0] are "0":
* PA[127:32] = "0".
* \param data
* This is the location where the input data-array is passed while the function
* is called. This array gets populated with the result after encryption is
* completed.
* \param size
* Provides a size of the array.
* \param context
* Passes a configuration structure that contains the transfer parameters of the
* SMIF block.
* \return A status of the command transmit.
*       - \ref CY_SMIF_SUCCESS
*       - \ref CY_SMIF_BAD_PARAM
* \funcusage 
* \snippet smif/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SMIF_Encrypt
cy_en_smif_status_t  Cy_SMIF_Encrypt(SMIF_Type *base,
                                        uint32_t address,
                                        uint8_t data[],
                                        uint32_t size,
                                        cy_stc_smif_context_t const *context)
    uint32_t bufIndex;
    cy_en_smif_status_t status = CY_SMIF_BAD_PARAM;
    uint32_t timeoutUnits = context->timeout;
    CY_ASSERT_L2(size > 0U);

    if((NULL != data) && ((address & (~CY_SMIF_CRYPTO_ADDR_MASK)) == 0UL) )
        status = CY_SMIF_SUCCESS;
        /* Fill the output array */
        for(bufIndex = 0U; bufIndex < (size / CY_SMIF_AES128_BYTES); bufIndex++)
            uint32_t dataIndex = bufIndex * CY_SMIF_AES128_BYTES;
            uint8_t  cryptoOut[CY_SMIF_AES128_BYTES];
            uint32_t  outIndex;

            /* Fill the input field */
            SMIF_CRYPTO_INPUT0(base) = (uint32_t) (address +
                ((bufIndex * CY_SMIF_AES128_BYTES) & CY_SMIF_CRYPTO_ADDR_MASK));

            /* Start the encryption */
            SMIF_CRYPTO_CMD(base) &= ~SMIF_CRYPTO_CMD_START_Msk;
            SMIF_CRYPTO_CMD(base) = (uint32_t)(_VAL2FLD(SMIF_CRYPTO_CMD_START, 

                                                    SMIF_CRYPTO_CMD(base))) &&
                                                    (CY_SMIF_EXCEED_TIMEOUT != status))
                /* Wait until the encryption is completed and check the 
                * timeout 
                status = Cy_SMIF_TimeoutRun(&timeoutUnits);

            if (CY_SMIF_EXCEED_TIMEOUT == status)

                                &cryptoOut[CY_SMIF_CRYPTO_FIRST_WORD] , true);
                                &cryptoOut[CY_SMIF_CRYPTO_SECOND_WORD], true);
                                &cryptoOut[CY_SMIF_CRYPTO_THIRD_WORD] , true);
                                &cryptoOut[CY_SMIF_CRYPTO_FOURTH_WORD], true);

            for(outIndex = 0U; outIndex < CY_SMIF_AES128_BYTES; outIndex++)
                data[dataIndex + outIndex] ^= cryptoOut[outIndex];
    return (status);

* Function Name: Cy_SMIF_CacheEnable
* This function is used to enable the fast cache, the slow cache or both.
* \param base
* Holds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
* \param cacheType
* Holds the type of the cache to be modified. \ref cy_en_smif_cache_t
* \return A status of function completion.
*       - \ref CY_SMIF_SUCCESS
*       - \ref CY_SMIF_BAD_PARAM
cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_CacheEnable(SMIF_Type *base, 
                                        cy_en_smif_cache_t cacheType)
    cy_en_smif_status_t status = CY_SMIF_SUCCESS;
    switch (cacheType)
        case CY_SMIF_CACHE_SLOW:
        case CY_SMIF_CACHE_FAST:
        case CY_SMIF_CACHE_BOTH:
            /* A user error */
            status = CY_SMIF_BAD_PARAM;
    return (status);

* Function Name: Cy_SMIF_CacheDisable
* This function is used to disable the fast cache, the slow cache or both
* \param base
* Holds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
* \param cacheType
* Holds the type of the cache to be modified. \ref cy_en_smif_cache_t
* \return A status of function completion.
*       - \ref CY_SMIF_SUCCESS
*       - \ref CY_SMIF_BAD_PARAM
cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_CacheDisable(SMIF_Type *base, 
                                            cy_en_smif_cache_t cacheType)
    cy_en_smif_status_t status = CY_SMIF_SUCCESS;
    switch (cacheType)
        case CY_SMIF_CACHE_SLOW:
            SMIF_SLOW_CA_CTL(base) &= ~SMIF_SLOW_CA_CTL_ENABLED_Msk;
        case CY_SMIF_CACHE_FAST:
            SMIF_FAST_CA_CTL(base) &= ~SMIF_FAST_CA_CTL_ENABLED_Msk;
        case CY_SMIF_CACHE_BOTH:
            SMIF_SLOW_CA_CTL(base) &= ~SMIF_SLOW_CA_CTL_ENABLED_Msk;
            SMIF_FAST_CA_CTL(base) &= ~SMIF_FAST_CA_CTL_ENABLED_Msk;
            /* User error */
            status = CY_SMIF_BAD_PARAM;
    return (status);

* Function Name: Cy_SMIF_CachePrefetchingEnable
* This function is used to enable pre-fetching for the fast cache, the slow
* cache or both.
* \param base
* Holds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
* \param cacheType
* Holds the type of the cache to be modified. \ref cy_en_smif_cache_t
* \return A status of function completion.
*       - \ref CY_SMIF_SUCCESS
*       - \ref CY_SMIF_BAD_PARAM
cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_CachePrefetchingEnable(SMIF_Type *base,
                                                    cy_en_smif_cache_t cacheType)
    cy_en_smif_status_t status = CY_SMIF_SUCCESS;
    switch (cacheType)
        case CY_SMIF_CACHE_SLOW:
            SMIF_SLOW_CA_CTL(base) |= SMIF_SLOW_CA_CTL_PREF_EN_Msk;
        case CY_SMIF_CACHE_FAST:
            SMIF_FAST_CA_CTL(base) |= SMIF_FAST_CA_CTL_PREF_EN_Msk;
        case CY_SMIF_CACHE_BOTH:
            SMIF_SLOW_CA_CTL(base) |= SMIF_SLOW_CA_CTL_PREF_EN_Msk;
            SMIF_FAST_CA_CTL(base) |= SMIF_FAST_CA_CTL_PREF_EN_Msk;
            /* A user error */
            status = CY_SMIF_BAD_PARAM;
    return (status);

* Function Name: Cy_SMIF_CachePrefetchingDisable
* This function is used to disable pre-fetching for the fast cache, the slow
* cache or both
* \param base
* Holds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
* \param cacheType
* Holds the type of the cache to be modified. \ref cy_en_smif_cache_t
* \return A status of function completion.
*       - \ref CY_SMIF_SUCCESS
*       - \ref CY_SMIF_BAD_PARAM
cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_CachePrefetchingDisable(SMIF_Type *base,  
                                                    cy_en_smif_cache_t cacheType)
    cy_en_smif_status_t status = CY_SMIF_SUCCESS;
    switch (cacheType)
        case CY_SMIF_CACHE_SLOW:
            SMIF_SLOW_CA_CTL(base) &= ~SMIF_SLOW_CA_CTL_PREF_EN_Msk;
        case CY_SMIF_CACHE_FAST:
            SMIF_FAST_CA_CTL(base) &= ~SMIF_FAST_CA_CTL_PREF_EN_Msk;
        case CY_SMIF_CACHE_BOTH:
            SMIF_SLOW_CA_CTL(base) &= ~SMIF_SLOW_CA_CTL_PREF_EN_Msk;
            SMIF_FAST_CA_CTL(base) &= ~SMIF_FAST_CA_CTL_PREF_EN_Msk;
            /* A user error */
            status = CY_SMIF_BAD_PARAM;
    return (status);

* Function Name: Cy_SMIF_CacheInvalidate
* This function is used to invalidate/clear the fast cache, the slow cache or
* both
* \param base
* Holds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
* \param cacheType
* Holds the type of the cache to be modified. \ref cy_en_smif_cache_t
* \return A status of function completion.
*       - \ref CY_SMIF_SUCCESS
*       - \ref CY_SMIF_BAD_PARAM
cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_CacheInvalidate(SMIF_Type *base, 
                                            cy_en_smif_cache_t cacheType)
    cy_en_smif_status_t status = CY_SMIF_SUCCESS;
    switch (cacheType)
        case CY_SMIF_CACHE_SLOW:
            SMIF_SLOW_CA_CMD(base) |= SMIF_SLOW_CA_CMD_INV_Msk;
        case CY_SMIF_CACHE_FAST:
            SMIF_FAST_CA_CMD(base) |= SMIF_FAST_CA_CMD_INV_Msk;
        case CY_SMIF_CACHE_BOTH:
            SMIF_SLOW_CA_CMD(base) |= SMIF_SLOW_CA_CMD_INV_Msk;
            SMIF_FAST_CA_CMD(base) |= SMIF_FAST_CA_CMD_INV_Msk;
            /* A user error */
            status = CY_SMIF_BAD_PARAM;
    return (status);

* Function Name: Cy_SMIF_DeepSleepCallback
* This function handles the transition of the SMIF into and out of Deep
* Sleep mode. It prevents the device from entering DeepSleep if SMIF is actively
* communicating, or there is any data in the TX or RX FIFOs, or SMIF is in
* memory mode.
* This function should be called while execution of \ref Cy_SysPm_CpuEnterDeepSleep
* therefore must be registered as a callback before the call. To register it
* call \ref Cy_SysPm_RegisterCallback and specify \ref CY_SYSPM_DEEPSLEEP
* as the callback type.
* \note
* This API is template and user should add code for external memory enter/exit
* low power mode.
* \param callbackParams
* The pointer to the structure with SMIF SysPm callback parameters (pointer to
* SMIF registers, context and call mode \ref cy_stc_syspm_callback_params_t).
* \param mode
* Callback mode, see \ref cy_en_syspm_callback_mode_t
* \return
* \ref cy_en_syspm_status_t
* Example setup of SysPM deep sleep and hibernate mode
* \snippet smif/snippet/main.c SMIF SysPM Callback
cy_en_syspm_status_t Cy_SMIF_DeepSleepCallback(cy_stc_syspm_callback_params_t *callbackParams, cy_en_syspm_callback_mode_t mode)
    cy_en_syspm_status_t retStatus = CY_SYSPM_SUCCESS;
    CY_ASSERT_L1(NULL != callbackParams);

    SMIF_Type *locBase = (SMIF_Type *) callbackParams->base;
    cy_stc_smif_context_t *locContext = (cy_stc_smif_context_t *) callbackParams->context;

        case CY_SYSPM_CHECK_READY:
            /* Check if API is not busy executing transfer operation */
            /* If SPI bus is not busy, all data elements are transferred on
                * the bus from the TX FIFO and shifter and the RX FIFIOs is
                * empty - the SPI is ready enter Deep Sleep.
            bool checkFail = (CY_SMIF_RX_BUSY == (cy_en_smif_txfr_status_t)
                                    Cy_SMIF_GetTransferStatus(locBase, locContext));
            checkFail = (Cy_SMIF_BusyCheck(locBase)) || checkFail;
            checkFail = (Cy_SMIF_GetMode(locBase) == CY_SMIF_MEMORY) || checkFail;

            if (checkFail)
                retStatus = CY_SYSPM_FAIL;
                retStatus = CY_SYSPM_SUCCESS;
            /* Add check memory that memory not in progress */

        case CY_SYSPM_CHECK_FAIL:
            /* Other driver is not ready for Deep Sleep. Restore Active mode
            * configuration.
            Cy_SMIF_Enable(locBase, locContext);


            /* This code executes inside critical section and enabling active
            * interrupt source makes interrupt pending in the NVIC. However
            * interrupt processing is delayed until code exists critical
            * section. The pending interrupt force WFI instruction does
            * nothing and device remains in the active mode.

            /* Put external memory in low power mode */

            /* Put external memory in active mode */
            Cy_SMIF_Enable(locBase, locContext);

            retStatus = CY_SYSPM_FAIL;

    return (retStatus);

* Function Name: Cy_SMIF_HibernateCallback
* This function handles the transition of the SMIF into Hibernate mode.
* It prevents the device from entering Hibernate if the SMIF
* is actively communicating, or there is any data in the TX or RX FIFO, or SMIF
* is in memory mode.
* This function should be called during execution of \ref Cy_SysPm_SystemEnterHibernate
* therefore it must be registered as a callback before the call. To register it
* call \ref Cy_SysPm_RegisterCallback and specify \ref CY_SYSPM_HIBERNATE
* as the callback type.
* \note
* This API is template and user should add code for external memory enter/exit
* low power mode.
* \param callbackParams
* The pointer to the structure with SMIF SysPm callback parameters (pointer to
* SMIF registers, context and call mode \ref cy_stc_syspm_callback_params_t).
* \param mode
* Callback mode, see \ref cy_en_syspm_callback_mode_t
* \return
* \ref cy_en_syspm_status_t
* Example setup of SysPM deep sleep and hibernate mode
* \snippet smif/snippet/main.c SMIF SysPM Callback
cy_en_syspm_status_t Cy_SMIF_HibernateCallback(cy_stc_syspm_callback_params_t *callbackParams, cy_en_syspm_callback_mode_t mode)
    cy_en_syspm_status_t retStatus = CY_SYSPM_SUCCESS;

    CY_ASSERT_L1(NULL != callbackParams);
    SMIF_Type *locBase = (SMIF_Type *) callbackParams->base;
    cy_stc_smif_context_t *locContext = (cy_stc_smif_context_t *) callbackParams->context;

        case CY_SYSPM_CHECK_READY:
            /* Check if API is not busy executing transfer operation 
            * If SPI bus is not busy, all data elements are transferred on
            * the bus from the TX FIFO and shifter and the RX FIFIOs is
            * empty - the SPI is ready enter Deep Sleep.
            bool checkFail = (CY_SMIF_RX_BUSY == (cy_en_smif_txfr_status_t)
                                Cy_SMIF_GetTransferStatus(locBase, locContext));
            checkFail = (Cy_SMIF_BusyCheck(locBase)) || checkFail;
            checkFail = (Cy_SMIF_GetMode(locBase) == CY_SMIF_MEMORY) || checkFail;

            if (checkFail)
                retStatus = CY_SYSPM_FAIL;

                retStatus = CY_SYSPM_SUCCESS;
            /* Add check memory that memory not in progress */

        case CY_SYSPM_CHECK_FAIL:
            /* Other driver is not ready for Deep Sleep. Restore Active mode
            * configuration.
            Cy_SMIF_Enable(locBase, locContext);


            /* Put external memory in low power mode */

            Cy_SMIF_Enable(locBase, locContext);
            /* Put external memory in active mode */


            retStatus = CY_SYSPM_FAIL;

    return (retStatus);

#if defined(__cplusplus)

#endif /* CY_IP_MXSMIF */

/* [] END OF FILE */