mbed-os / targets / TARGET_Cypress / TARGET_PSOC6 / serial-flash / cy_serial_flash_qspi.h
@Dustin Crossman Dustin Crossman on 4 Jun 2021 10 KB Fix file modes.
 * \file cy_serial_flash_qspi.h
 * \brief
 * Provides APIs for interacting with an external flash connected to the SPI or
 * QSPI interface. Read is implemented as both blocking and non-blocking whereas
 * write, and erase are implemented as blocking functions.
 * \copyright
 * Copyright 2018-2021 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

 * \addtogroup group_board_libs Serial Flash
 * \ingroup group_lib
 * \{
 * \section section_resource_usage DMA Resource Usage
 * This library uses fixed DMA (Datawire or DW) resources and supports DMA only
 * for the following devices. DMA is not supported for other devices and the
 * functions \ref cy_serial_flash_qspi_read_async() and
 * \ref cy_serial_flash_qspi_abort_read() will return
 * \ref cy_serial_flash_qspi_set_dma_interrupt_priority() will simply return
 * doing nothing.
 * * CY8C6xx4, CY8C6xx5, CY8C6xx8, CY8C6xxA, CYB06xx5, CYB06xxA, CYS06xxA: <b>DW1, Channel 23</b>
 * * CY8C6xx6, CY8C6xx7, CYB06xx7: <b>DW1, Channel 15</b>

#pragma once

#include <stddef.h>
#include "cy_result.h"
#include "cy_pdl.h"
#include "cyhal.h"


#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {

/** The function or operation is not supported on the target or the memory */

/** Parameters passed to a function are invalid */

/** A previously initiated read operation is not yet complete */

/** A DMA error occurred during read transfer */

/** Read abort failed. QSPI block is busy. */

#ifdef DOXYGEN
/** Enables thread-safety for use with multi-threaded RTOS environment. */
#endif /* #ifdef DOXYGEN */

 * Callback pointer to use with \ref cy_serial_flash_qspi_read_async().
 * \param peration_status Status of the read operation
 * \param callback_arg Pointer to be passed back to the callback function
typedef void (* cy_serial_flash_qspi_read_complete_callback_t)(cy_rslt_t operation_status,
                                                               void* callback_arg);

 * \brief Initializes the serial flash memory. This function accepts up to 8
 * I/Os. Number of I/Os depend on the type of memory interface. Pass NC when an
 * I/O is unused.
 * Single SPI - (io0, io1) or (io2, io3) or (io4, io5) or (io6, io7)
 * Dual SPI   - (io0, io1) or (io2, io3) or (io4, io5) or (io6, io7)
 * Quad SPI   - (io0, io1, io2, io3) or (io4, io5, io6, io7)
 * Octal SPI  - All 8 I/Os are used.
 * \param mem_config Memory configuration to be used for initializing
 * \param io0 Data/IO pin 0 connected to the memory, Pass NC when unused.
 * \param io1 Data/IO pin 1 connected to the memory, Pass NC when unused.
 * \param io2 Data/IO pin 2 connected to the memory, Pass NC when unused.
 * \param io3 Data/IO pin 3 connected to the memory, Pass NC when unused.
 * \param io4 Data/IO pin 4 connected to the memory, Pass NC when unused.
 * \param io5 Data/IO pin 5 connected to the memory, Pass NC when unused.
 * \param io6 Data/IO pin 6 connected to the memory, Pass NC when unused.
 * \param io7 Data/IO pin 7 connected to the memory, Pass NC when unused.
 * \param sclk Clock pin connected to the memory
 * \param ssel Slave select pin connected to the memory
 * \param hz Clock frequency to be used with the memory.
 * \returns CY_RSLT_SUCCESS if the initialization was successful, an error code
 *          otherwise.
cy_rslt_t cy_serial_flash_qspi_init(
    const cy_stc_smif_mem_config_t* mem_config,
    cyhal_gpio_t io0,
    cyhal_gpio_t io1,
    cyhal_gpio_t io2,
    cyhal_gpio_t io3,
    cyhal_gpio_t io4,
    cyhal_gpio_t io5,
    cyhal_gpio_t io6,
    cyhal_gpio_t io7,
    cyhal_gpio_t sclk,
    cyhal_gpio_t ssel,
    uint32_t hz);

 * \brief De-initializes the serial flash memory.
 * Before calling this function, ensure that an ongoing asynchronous read
 * operation is either completed or successfully aborted.
 * Async read is started by calling \ref cy_serial_flash_qspi_read_async() and
 * aborted by calling \ref cy_serial_flash_qspi_abort_read().
void cy_serial_flash_qspi_deinit(void);

 * \brief Returns the size of the serial flash memory in bytes.
 * \returns Memory size in bytes.
size_t cy_serial_flash_qspi_get_size(void);

 * \brief Returns the size of the erase sector to which the given address
 * belongs. Address is used only for a memory with hybrid sector size.
 * \param addr Address that belongs to the sector for which size is returned.
 * \returns Erase sector size in bytes.
size_t cy_serial_flash_qspi_get_erase_size(uint32_t addr);

 * \brief Returns the page size for programming of the sector to which the given
 * address belongs. Address is used only for a memory with hybrid sector size.
 * \param addr Address that belongs to the sector for which size is returned.
 * \returns Page size in bytes.
size_t cy_serial_flash_qspi_get_prog_size(uint32_t addr);

 * \brief Utility function to calculate the starting address of an erase sector
 * to which the given address belongs.
 * \param addr Address in the sector for which the starting address is returned.
 * \returns Starting address of the sector
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t cy_serial_flash_get_sector_start_address(uint32_t addr)
    return (addr & ~(cy_serial_flash_qspi_get_erase_size(addr) - 1));

 * \brief Reads data from the serial flash memory. This is a blocking
 * function. Returns error if (addr + length) exceeds the flash size.
 * \param addr Starting address to read from
 * \param length Number of data bytes to read
 * \param buf Pointer to the buffer to store the data read from the memory
 * \returns CY_RSLT_SUCCESS if the read was successful, an error code otherwise.
cy_rslt_t cy_serial_flash_qspi_read(uint32_t addr, size_t length, uint8_t* buf);

 * \brief Reads data from the serial flash memory. This is a non-blocking
 * function. Returns error if (addr + length) exceeds the flash size.
 * Uses fixed DMA (DW) instance and channel for transferring the data from
 * QSPI RX FIFO to the user-provided buffer.
 * \param addr Starting address to read from
 * \param length Number of data bytes to read
 * \param buf Pointer to the buffer to store the data read from the memory
 * \param callback Pointer to the callback function to be called after the read
 *        operation is complete. Callback is invoked from the DMA ISR.
 * \param callback_arg Pointer to the argument to be passed to the callback
 *        function
 * \returns CY_RSLT_SUCCESS if the read was successful, an error code otherwise.
cy_rslt_t cy_serial_flash_qspi_read_async(uint32_t addr, size_t length, uint8_t* buf,
                                          cy_serial_flash_qspi_read_complete_callback_t callback,
                                          void* callback_arg);

 * \brief Aborts an ongoing asynchronous read initiated by calling
 * \ref cy_serial_flash_qspi_read_async().
 * \returns CY_RSLT_SUCCESS if the abort was successful, an error code
 *          if the QSPI block is still busy after a timeout.
cy_rslt_t cy_serial_flash_qspi_abort_read(void);

 * \brief Writes the data to the serial flash memory. The program area
 * must have been erased prior to calling this API using
 * \ref cy_serial_flash_qspi_erase() This is a blocking function. Returns error if
 * (addr + length) exceeds the flash size.
 * \param addr Starting address to write to
 * \param length Number of bytes to write
 * \param buf Pointer to the buffer storing the data to be written
 * \returns CY_RSLT_SUCCESS if the write was successful, an error code
 *          otherwise.
cy_rslt_t cy_serial_flash_qspi_write(uint32_t addr, size_t length, const uint8_t* buf);

 * \brief Erases the serial flash memory, uses chip erase command when
 * addr = 0 and length = flash_size otherwise uses sector erase command. This is
 * a blocking function. Returns error if addr or (addr + length) is not aligned
 * to the sector size or if (addr + length) exceeds the flash size.
 * For memories with hybrid sectors, returns error if the end address
 * (=addr + length) is not aligned to the size of the sector in which the end
 * address is located.
 * Call \ref cy_serial_flash_qspi_get_size() to get the flash size and
 * call \ref cy_serial_flash_qspi_get_erase_size() to get the size of an erase
 * sector.
 * \param addr Starting address to begin erasing
 * \param length Number of bytes to erase
 * \returns CY_RSLT_SUCCESS if the erase was successful, an error code
 *          otherwise.
cy_rslt_t cy_serial_flash_qspi_erase(uint32_t addr, size_t length);

 * \brief Enables Execute-in-Place (memory mapped) mode on the MCU. This
 * function does not send any command to the serial flash. This may not be
 * supported on all the targets in which case
 * \param enable true: XIP mode is set, false: normal mode is set
 * \returns CY_RSLT_SUCCESS if the operation was successful.
 *          CY_RSLT_SERIAL_FLASH_ERR_UNSUPPORTED if the target does not
 *          support XIP.
cy_rslt_t cy_serial_flash_qspi_enable_xip(bool enable);

 * \brief Changes QSPI interrupt priority
 * \param priority interrupt priority to be set
void cy_serial_flash_qspi_set_interrupt_priority(uint8_t priority);

 * \brief Changes the DMA interrupt priority
 * \param priority interrupt priority to be set
void cy_serial_flash_qspi_set_dma_interrupt_priority(uint8_t priority);

#if defined(__cplusplus)

#endif // CY_IP_MXSMIF

/** \} group_board_libs */