mbed-os / targets / TARGET_NUVOTON / TARGET_M2354 / device / StdDriver / inc / m2354_dac.h
@Chun-Chieh Li Chun-Chieh Li on 25 May 2021 9 KB M2354: Support TF-M
 * @file     dac.h
 * @version  V1.00
 * @brief    M2354 series DAC driver header file
 * @note
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Nuvoton Technology Corp. All rights reserved.
#ifndef __DAC_H__
#define __DAC_H__

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"

/** @addtogroup Standard_Driver Standard Driver

/** @addtogroup DAC_Driver DAC Driver

/** @addtogroup DAC_EXPORTED_CONSTANTS DAC Exported Constants

/*  DAC_CTL Constant Definitions                                                                            */
#define DAC_CTL_LALIGN_RIGHT_ALIGN   (0UL<<DAC_CTL_LALIGN_Pos)   /*!< Right alignment. */
#define DAC_CTL_LALIGN_LEFT_ALIGN    (1UL<<DAC_CTL_LALIGN_Pos)   /*!< Left alignment */

#define DAC_WRITE_DAT_TRIGGER      (0UL)    /*!< Write DAC_DAT trigger */
#define DAC_SOFTWARE_TRIGGER       (0UL|DAC_CTL_TRGEN_Msk)    /*!< Software trigger */
#define DAC_LOW_LEVEL_TRIGGER      ((0UL<<DAC_CTL_ETRGSEL_Pos)|(1UL<<DAC_CTL_TRGSEL_Pos)|DAC_CTL_TRGEN_Msk)   /*!< STDAC pin low level trigger */
#define DAC_HIGH_LEVEL_TRIGGER     ((1UL<<DAC_CTL_ETRGSEL_Pos)|(1UL<<DAC_CTL_TRGSEL_Pos)|DAC_CTL_TRGEN_Msk)   /*!< STDAC pin high level trigger */
#define DAC_FALLING_EDGE_TRIGGER   ((2UL<<DAC_CTL_ETRGSEL_Pos)|(1UL<<DAC_CTL_TRGSEL_Pos)|DAC_CTL_TRGEN_Msk)   /*!< STDAC pin falling edge trigger */
#define DAC_RISING_EDGE_TRIGGER    ((3UL<<DAC_CTL_ETRGSEL_Pos)|(1UL<<DAC_CTL_TRGSEL_Pos)|DAC_CTL_TRGEN_Msk)   /*!< STDAC pin rising edge trigger */
#define DAC_TIMER0_TRIGGER         ((2UL<<DAC_CTL_TRGSEL_Pos)|DAC_CTL_TRGEN_Msk)   /*!< Timer 0 trigger */
#define DAC_TIMER1_TRIGGER         ((3UL<<DAC_CTL_TRGSEL_Pos)|DAC_CTL_TRGEN_Msk)   /*!< Timer 1 trigger */
#define DAC_TIMER2_TRIGGER         ((4UL<<DAC_CTL_TRGSEL_Pos)|DAC_CTL_TRGEN_Msk)   /*!< Timer 2 trigger */
#define DAC_TIMER3_TRIGGER         ((5UL<<DAC_CTL_TRGSEL_Pos)|DAC_CTL_TRGEN_Msk)   /*!< Timer 3 trigger */
#define DAC_EPWM0_TRIGGER          ((6UL<<DAC_CTL_TRGSEL_Pos)|DAC_CTL_TRGEN_Msk)   /*!< EPWM0 trigger */
#define DAC_EPWM1_TRIGGER          ((7UL<<DAC_CTL_TRGSEL_Pos)|DAC_CTL_TRGEN_Msk)   /*!< EPWM1 trigger */

#define DAC_TRIGGER_MODE_DISABLE   (0UL<<DAC_CTL_TRGEN_Pos)   /*!< Trigger mode disable */
#define DAC_TRIGGER_MODE_ENABLE    (1UL<<DAC_CTL_TRGEN_Pos)   /*!< Trigger mode enable */

/**@}*/ /* end of group DAC_EXPORTED_CONSTANTS */

/** @addtogroup DAC_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS DAC Exported Functions
/*  DAC Macro Definitions                                                                                  */

  * @brief Start the D/A conversion.
  * @param[in] dac The pointer of the specified DAC module.
  * @return None
  * @details User writes SWTRG bit (DAC_SWTRG[0]) to generate one shot pulse and it is cleared to 0 by hardware automatically.
#define DAC_START_CONV(dac) ((dac)->SWTRG = DAC_SWTRG_SWTRG_Msk)

  * @brief Enable DAC data left-aligned.
  * @param[in] dac The pointer of the specified DAC module.
  * @return None
  * @details User has to load data into DAC_DAT[15:4] bits. DAC_DAT[31:16] and DAC_DAT[3:0] are ignored in DAC conversion.
#define DAC_ENABLE_LEFT_ALIGN(dac) ((dac)->CTL |= DAC_CTL_LALIGN_Msk)

  * @brief Enable DAC data right-aligned.
  * @param[in] dac The pointer of the specified DAC module.
  * @return None
  * @details User has to load data into DAC_DAT[11:0] bits, DAC_DAT[31:12] are ignored in DAC conversion.
#define DAC_ENABLE_RIGHT_ALIGN(dac) ((dac)->CTL &= ~DAC_CTL_LALIGN_Msk)

  * @brief Enable output voltage buffer.
  * @param[in] dac The pointer of the specified DAC module.
  * @return None
  * @details The DAC integrates a voltage output buffer that can be used to reduce output impedance and
  *         drive external loads directly without having to add an external operational amplifier.

  * @brief Disable output voltage buffer.
  * @param[in] dac The pointer of the specified DAC module.
  * @return None
  * @details This macro is used to disable output voltage buffer.

  * @brief Enable the interrupt.
  * @param[in] dac The pointer of the specified DAC module.
  * @param[in] u32Ch Not used in M2355 Series DAC.
  * @return None
  * @details This macro is used to enable DAC interrupt.
#define DAC_ENABLE_INT(dac, u32Ch) ((dac)->CTL |= DAC_CTL_DACIEN_Msk)

  * @brief Disable the interrupt.
  * @param[in] dac The pointer of the specified DAC module.
  * @param[in] u32Ch Not used in M2355 Series DAC.
  * @return None
  * @details This macro is used to disable DAC interrupt.
#define DAC_DISABLE_INT(dac, u32Ch) ((dac)->CTL &= ~DAC_CTL_DACIEN_Msk)

  * @brief Enable DMA under-run interrupt.
  * @param[in] dac The pointer of the specified DAC module.
  * @return None
  * @details This macro is used to enable DMA under-run interrupt.

  * @brief Disable DMA under-run interrupt.
  * @param[in] dac The pointer of the specified DAC module.
  * @return None
  * @details This macro is used to disable DMA under-run interrupt.

  * @brief Enable PDMA mode.
  * @param[in] dac The pointer of the specified DAC module.
  * @return None
  * @details DAC DMA request is generated when a hardware trigger event occurs while DMAEN (DAC_CTL[2]) is set.
#define DAC_ENABLE_PDMA(dac) ((dac)->CTL |= DAC_CTL_DMAEN_Msk)

  * @brief Disable PDMA mode.
  * @param[in] dac The pointer of the specified DAC module.
  * @return None
  * @details This macro is used to disable DMA mode.
#define DAC_DISABLE_PDMA(dac) ((dac)->CTL &= ~DAC_CTL_DMAEN_Msk)

  * @brief Write data for conversion.
  * @param[in] dac The pointer of the specified DAC module.
  * @param[in] u32Ch Not used in M2355 Series DAC.
  * @param[in] u32Data Decides the data for conversion, valid range are between 0~0xFFF.
  * @return None
  * @details 12 bit left alignment: user has to load data into DAC_DAT[15:4] bits.
  *         12 bit right alignment: user has to load data into DAC_DAT[11:0] bits.
#define DAC_WRITE_DATA(dac, u32Ch, u32Data) ((dac)->DAT = (u32Data))

  * @brief Read DAC 12-bit holding data.
  * @param[in] dac The pointer of the specified DAC module.
  * @param[in] u32Ch Not used in M2355 Series DAC.
  * @return Return DAC 12-bit holding data.
  * @details This macro is used to read DAC_DAT register.
#define DAC_READ_DATA(dac, u32Ch) ((dac)->DAT)

  * @brief Get the busy state of DAC.
  * @param[in] dac The pointer of the specified DAC module.
  * @param[in] u32Ch Not used in M2355 Series DAC.
  * @retval 0 Idle state.
  * @retval 1 Busy state.
  * @details This macro is used to read BUSY bit (DAC_STATUS[8]) to get busy state.
#define DAC_IS_BUSY(dac, u32Ch) (((dac)->STATUS & DAC_STATUS_BUSY_Msk) >> DAC_STATUS_BUSY_Pos)

  * @brief Get the interrupt flag.
  * @param[in] dac The pointer of the specified DAC module.
  * @param[in] u32Ch Not used in M2355 Series DAC.
  * @retval 0 DAC is in conversion state.
  * @retval 1 DAC conversion finish.
  * @details This macro is used to read FINISH bit (DAC_STATUS[0]) to get DAC conversion complete finish flag.
#define DAC_GET_INT_FLAG(dac, u32Ch) ((dac)->STATUS & DAC_STATUS_FINISH_Msk)

  * @brief Get the DMA under-run flag.
  * @param[in] dac The pointer of the specified DAC module.
  * @retval 0 No DMA under-run error condition occurred.
  * @retval 1 DMA under-run error condition occurred.
  * @details This macro is used to read DMAUDR bit (DAC_STATUS[1]) to get DMA under-run state.

  * @brief This macro clear the interrupt status bit.
  * @param[in] dac The pointer of the specified DAC module.
  * @param[in] u32Ch Not used in M2355 Series DAC.
  * @return None
  * @details User writes FINISH bit (DAC_STATUS[0]) to clear DAC conversion complete finish flag.
#define DAC_CLR_INT_FLAG(dac, u32Ch) ((dac)->STATUS = DAC_STATUS_FINISH_Msk)

  * @brief This macro clear the  DMA under-run flag.
  * @param[in] dac The pointer of the specified DAC module.
  * @return None
  * @details User writes DMAUDR bit (DAC_STATUS[1]) to clear DMA under-run flag.

  * @brief Enable DAC group mode
  * @param[in] dac The pointer of the specified DAC module.
  * @return None
  * @note Only DAC0 has this control bit.
  * \hideinitializer
#define DAC_ENABLE_GROUP_MODE(dac) ((dac)->CTL |= DAC_CTL_GRPEN_Msk)

  * @brief Disable DAC group mode
  * @param[in] dac The pointer of the specified DAC module.
  * @return None
  * @note Only DAC0 has this control bit.
  * \hideinitializer
#define DAC_DISABLE_GROUP_MODE(dac) ((dac)->CTL &= ~DAC_CTL_GRPEN_Msk)

void DAC_Open(DAC_T *dac, uint32_t u32Ch, uint32_t u32TrgSrc);
void DAC_Close(DAC_T *dac, uint32_t u32Ch);
uint32_t DAC_SetDelayTime(DAC_T *dac, uint32_t u32Delay);

/**@}*/ /* end of group DAC_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS */

/**@}*/ /* end of group DAC_Driver */

/**@}*/ /* end of group Standard_Driver */

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* __DAC_H__ */

/*** (C) COPYRIGHT 2017-2020 Nuvoton Technology Corp. ***/