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@Hugues Kamba Hugues Kamba on 1 Sep 2020 1 KB CMSIS: Restructure ported CMSIS_5

CMSIS component source structure recommendations

Date: 2020-08-19




ARM-software/CMSIS_5 has been ported to Mbed OS. However, it is split across multiple directories and it is not immediately obvious that it comes from that repository when imported with the importer script.


The current proposal is to create new directories within the existing cmsis/ directory:

  • CMSIS_5/: mirrors closely the structure used by ARM-software/CMSIS_5/ keeping only the directories and files needed by Mbed OS and renames some directories in order to work with Mbed OS build tools. See importer configuration file.
  • device: includes Mbed OS specific files to configure RTX.

This will result in the removal of the rtos/source/TARGET_CORTEX/ directory. Additionally, cmsis/TARGET_CORTEX_A/TOOLCHAIN_IAR/cmain.S to platform/source/TARGET_CORTEX_A/TOOLCHAIN_IAR/cmain.S so it can be accessible when building with the bare metal profile. Note that we already have the equivalent file for TARGET_CORTEX_M at platform/source/TARGET_CORTEX_M/TOOLCHAIN_IAR/cmain.S.

It will provide the following advantages:

  • Better maintenance of the CMSIS component
  • Easy creation of an independent CMake target that can be built as a library that can be optionally be linked against by end users
  • Easy source navigation that mirrors closely the upstream CMSIS_5 repository


A within the cmsis will contain a brief introduction of the component and will detail the Mbed specific files added.