Juno: clear DMA-330 SMMU security state
By default the SMMU for the DMA-330 is configured to mark some stream IDs
as always belonging to the Secure world. As a result, if EL1 software turns
the SMMU on, certain Non-Secure accesses get rewritten as Secure, making
them bypass translation and access Secure physical addresses directly.

Since the current Juno board firmware configures the DMA-330 hardware as
Non-Secure, rewrite the SMMU's default SSD table as well to prevent any
unexpected behaviour in EL1.

Change-Id: Iaa81d883eecf28d80eb182b9ce475684bf9c718c
1 parent 68fc817 commit 75f8261ca66cdb2681d14ba7dc074ccecf74199b
@Robin Murphy Robin Murphy authored on 9 Jan 2015
Showing 2 changed files