Ignore C library files when checking coding style
The C library source files embedded into the Trusted Firmware
tree are not required to comply to the Linux Coding Style.
Unfortunately, 'make checkpatch' does take them into account.

This patch modifies the Makefile so that the C library source
and header files are now ignored by 'make checkpatch'.

It also instructs the checkpatch.pl script to not treat the
presence of a 'Change-Id' line in the commit message as an error.

Change-Id: I38196202efe518bae3a57c2affe2ed7758c9f69c
1 parent 0412c66 commit 95d5353c332d2c9e425a1efc6c28555456d843e9
@Sandrine Bailleux Sandrine Bailleux authored on 26 Feb 2015
Showing 1 changed file