fvp: Reuse BL1 and BL2 memory through image overlaying
This patch re-organizes the memory layout on FVP as to give the
BL3-2 image as much memory as possible.

Considering these two facts:
 - not all images need to live in memory at the same time. Once
   in BL3-1, the memory used by BL1 and BL2 can be reclaimed.
 - when BL2 loads the BL3-1 and BL3-2 images, it only considers the
   PROGBITS sections of those 2 images. The memory occupied by the
   NOBITS sections will be touched only at execution of the BL3-x
Then it is possible to choose the different base addresses such that
the NOBITS sections of BL3-1 and BL3-2 overlay BL1 and BL2.

On FVP we choose to put:
 - BL1 and BL3-1 at the top of the Trusted RAM, with BL3-1 NOBITS
   sections overlaying BL1;
 - BL3-2 at the bottom of the Trusted RAM, with its NOBITS sections
   overlaying BL2;

This is illustrated by the following diagram:

0x0404_0000 ------------    ------------------
            |   BL1    | <= |  BL3-1 NOBITS  |
            ------------ <= ------------------
            |          | <= | BL3-1 PROGBITS |
            ------------    ------------------
            |   BL2    | <= |  BL3-2 NOBITS  |
            ------------ <= ------------------
            |          | <= | BL3-2 PROGBITS |
0x0400_0000 ------------    ------------------

New platform-specific constants have been introduced to easily check
at link time that BL3-1 and BL3-2 PROGBITS sections don't overwrite
BL1 and BL2. These are optional and the platform code is free to define
them or not. If not defined, the linker won't attempt to check
image overlaying.

Fixes ARM-software/tf-issues#117

Change-Id: I5981d1c3d66ee70eaac8bd052630c9ac6dd8b042
1 parent 6063379 commit a1b6db6c62aa500a0f2e3def3b97cda8a59c95e6
@Sandrine Bailleux Sandrine Bailleux authored on 16 Jun 2014
Showing 3 changed files