Update dependencies for ARM TF
ARM TF has been tested as part of its CI system with the following
dependencies updated:

- Linaro binaries:    17.04 --> 17.10
- mbed TLS library:   2.4.2 --> 2.6.0

The version of AEM, Cortex-A and Foundation models that ARM TF is
tested on has also been updated:

- v11.1 build 11.1:22 --> v11.2 build 11.2:33
- v8.9 build 0.8:8805 --> v9.0 build 0.8:9005

This patch updates the user guide documentation to reflect these
changes to the dependencies.

Additionally, links to Linaro resources have been updated.

Change-Id: I9ea5cb76e7443c9dbb0c9525069f450a02f59e58
Signed-off-by: David Cunado <david.cunado@arm.com>
1 parent 3c95ea0 commit fa05efb3d58654d0cec707ef1a025f5a24596588
@David Cunado David Cunado authored on 19 Dec 2017
Showing 1 changed file