FIP tool: Fix error message for missing FIP filename
Previously to this path, the FIP tool used to print the following,
misleading error message when called without any argument or with
'--help' option:

  ERROR: Too many arguments

This patch fixes this behavior by printing the following error
message instead:

  ERROR: Missing FIP filename

If called with '--help', no error message is printed and only the
help message is displayed.

Change-Id: Ib281b056f5cd3bc2f66d98be0b0cb2a0aed7c6a8
1 parent 89f7b48 commit 399aacd68f64a98fb9c01d2f63502b869b0e7f70
@Sandrine Bailleux Sandrine Bailleux authored on 19 Mar 2014
Dan Handley committed on 21 Mar 2014
Showing 1 changed file